"Tsk, not even the crust was spared.." Yang Qing mournfully said as he stared at the sparkling clean empty plate before him.
"Can't you be more ladylike?" grumbled Yang Qing.
"When with rogues be like the rogues lest they take advantage of you, isn't that what you always said, oh wise one.." Mao Yunru smugly said as she enunciated the last words of her sentence.
"Fine, I give up.." Yang Qing begrudgingly said as he picked up his cup of tea warily, afraid that Mao Yunru would pull her earlier stunt.
It was only when he saw her relaxed expression did he dare drink his tea.
A few seconds passed by before the rest of their orders were brought by.
"You even ordered chrysanthemum cake? what is the special occasion?" Mao Yunru asked when she saw the spread of dishes before her.
Over half were her favorites, especially the chrysanthemum cake. She couldn't help but eye Yang Qing suspiciously as her heart slowly started racing.
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