"What is with her?" thought Fan Cai as his quizzical gaze fell on his mothers who looked like she was about to punch someone.
His gaze kept alternating between his mother and Meng Jiayi, finding the whole thing incredulous.
Not once has he ever seen her look so visibly agitated and some part of him found it refreshing.
At least he wasn't the only emotional one in the family.
He was so absorbed by his mother's current look that he quickly forgot the request he had made earlier to the Yu clan elder, but there were a few people in the office who had not, and one of them made that point known.
"So Miss Fan Ha do you still wish to continue with the amendment of the contract or does it stay in Its original form and terms which would mean its dissolution since the terms have been completed?" politely asked the envoy of the Silver Rose Vermilion Pavilion,Li Tian.
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