With its role completed, the torchbug was dismissed but not before it sought guidance on its earlier request. With reluctance, Mei Xiling nodded to which the torchbug buzzed around her with excitement before flying over to the ceramic jar containing yin jade spirit liquid. As a fellow lover of food, Yang Qing couldn't help but nod in approval at the torch bug's firmness in its endeavor.
One must never forget what it is they labor so hard for. It is what makes the whole thing seem worthwhile and to him, food was one of those things that stirred him on in his endeavors, well that and petty vengeance, though food still held an edge over petty vengeance.
Pushing his motivations for working aside, Yang Qing brought his attention back to the case, inwardly feeling glad to have gotten Mei Xiling's help with the case. The way she handled it was just stellar, leaving no room for doubt. Yang Qing couldn't have done it any better himself.
Sorry for the inconsistent updates, where I live has been hit by floods for the past month, luckily in the town where I am it isn't as severe but it still affected the powerlines, so we've been experiencing blackouts of late hence the missing updates.
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