The moment Song Ba finished the statement it was like a thunderclap had exploded in the courtroom. First came the thunderous explosion then came the defeating silence that was accompanied by the heaviness in the eye.
Chen Gutian's eyes were as wide as they could be, overflowing with shock and disbelief. Chen Zian wasn't that far behind as his eyes flashed with bewilderment as he alternated his gaze between Song Ba and Chen Zholan.
He had been hoping Song Ba was lying to try so he could get whatever deal the Order would give him after this, but when he saw Chen Zholan's reaction, whatever hopes he had were quickly shattered. Shock, anger, and confusion flashed in his eyes as his eyes fell on Chen Zholan.
This case should be wrapped tomorrow and I feel it's been forever since I've said this, but I thank you all for your support. Thank you for helping me realize my dream of telling stories and throwing you all into the worlds I imagine, and I can only hope my skills continue to grow because I have a lot of stories to share, and not just about our mischievous lazy judge here.
Once more, Thank you All!!!!!!
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