A silence bore down on the courtroom, its growing presence, stifling. Owner Song Ba seemed a little out of it, his mind, seemingly elsewhere, leaving only his soulless and nerve-wrecked body behind which was of no use to Chen Gutian who seemed to be using whatever willpower and self-control he had left to not attack Song Ba, but that self-restraint seemed to be eroding the longer Song Ba without answering his question.
Chen Zian at the side though looked to be holding himself back better than Chen Gutian did, lacked the characteristics bearing of calm that he had earlier. Right now, he was nothing more than a volcano about to explode.
He was just as angry as Chen Gutian at the whole thing, albeit for different reasons from him. While Chen Gutian was maddened at the loss of his child and being duped by his son's killer which added salt to injury, Chen Zian's anger at the whole thing was at the loss of what potentially Chen Xue could have been.
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