"What's that smell?"
The newcomer was a young man with long flowing black hair, smooth jade skin and slender build, and a handsome face which was immediately ruined by the turn of a crazed look that immediately appeared on his face when a bit of steam wafted his way.
Who could the young man be other than Feng Xin?
Yang Qing had a disgruntled look when he saw him appear. He thought he'd get to enjoy the meal by himself but all that went out the window the moment Feng Xin appeared and with the crazed greedy look he had on, the 50 kg sac could very well end up being eaten in one sitting.
"Yang Qing, is this the rice from Green Fog Swamp Sect? " Feng Xin excitedly asked as he took a huge sniff of the tantalizing scent mixed in the steam coming out from the red earthen clay pot.
"It is. What are you doing here? Don't you have cases to investigate?"
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