Skies above Green pine county
"Ellie watch over him and don't eat him or fool around. I can't worry about finishing the evaluations on time and still keep an eye out for your games," said Yang Qing as he released a heavy pressure on Ellie.
Ellie screeched as she lowered her head submissively. Only when Yang Qing was satisfied he had got his point across did he remove his pressure.
He left the blood-fiend cultivator on Ellie's back in the sky as he gently leaped downward with Zou Yi and Zou Liqin in tow.
It had taken them almost half an hour before they finally made it inside Green Pine County. It was quite some distance away from Purple city as it was a border county just like the Yellow plains county. Except Green Pine County shared a border with Blue deer kingdom, a rank 4 kingdom.
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