Yang Qing flooded with countless insights walked over to where Ma Yuan and his daughter.
"Yang Qing.." said Ma Yuan with pleasant excitement in his tone when he caught Yang Qing out of the corner of his eyes as he was moving the royal crown maple sapling.
"Senior Yang Qing.." Ma Ling said as she clumsily tried to cup her fists in greeting.
"You seem to be doing better.." Yang Qing said as his gaze fell on Ma Ling.
"It's thanks to senior Tan Jue..."
Despite her clear nervousness, when she mentioned Tan Jue, her excitement and respect shone through.
Though Ma Yuan didn't say anything, Yang Qing could tell he felt the same way too.
He wasn't sure if she had regained some of her memories yet and he wasn't about to ask but Yang Qing could tell she seemed to be growing more and more comfortable around Ma Yuan than she did the last time she was here.
Sorry for the late chapter, an emergency cropped up at home that I couldn't escape, also, having finished laying all the groundwork needed, I have been penning out the trajectory of the stories to increase the pace of the story which is why there have been more breaks than usual as i needed to redo my early chapters too as i create the route ahead.
I realized i had an issue with my pacing which is what i have been working on rectifying