It didn't take long for Yang Qing to reach the simplistic and quaint courtyard that housed the highest officials within his occupation, the courtyard of the Judicial Review Committee.
Present were Long Enlai, who was trimming yet another miniaturized bonsai tree, and playing go were Jiang Heng and Jia Bohai.
Yang Qing couldn't help but admire the carefreeness of the trio. They never seemed to be working. They were all just sitting around, enjoying their hobbies in a tranquil environment.
Yang Qing entertained the thought of joining them after he reached the late stages of the domain realm, which he guessed could be one of the requirements, as for the other requirements, he had no idea, as it was still too early for him to entertain such thoughts.
"Greetings seniors.." he said as he cupped his fists in greeting.
The trio looked up at him with the gazes of a grandfather looking at their grandchild.
"How is Ma Yuan doing?" asked Long Enlai.
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