"The relationship between Bai Chen and the Gold Earth Bank seems to run deep… or is it just with one of its members?" Yang Qing mused.
Earlier, when he posed as the owner of the Green Pavilion, and visited the Gold Earth Bank to withdraw funds held under the pavilion's name, It was one of the staff members there who had suggested Bai Chen's escort agency for his travels.
Now, from the recording and the accounts shared by Liu Ying and Duan Ting, it was becoming clearer that Bai Chen's relationship with the bank ran slightly deeper than Yang Qing thought. If Bai Chen had seriously considered requesting their help in searching for Jiang Hao, then he must have been confident they would agree.
Few things could inspire such confidence: either he was certain he could afford their assistance, or he had a relationship deep enough that they wouldn't deny him. Yang Qing was more inclined to believe the latter.
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