"The case concerning the Ice Emerald sect and Ma Yuan aside we have completed all investigation in two cases, you can decide which to start with.."Yu Gen said as he passed two other jade talismans to Yang Qing.
Yang Qing smiled in gratitude because he knew it was Yu Gen's way of deflecting his attention from the tough decision that was waiting for him.
"How long will it take to have everything?" Yang Qing asked before taking the two talismans.
"Shouldn't be more than three days to confirm everything, after that it will be up to you on how to proceed.." Yu Gen answered with a sigh.
"Three days ..." Yang Qing said as he looked at the ceiling of the garden herb restaurant with a lost look.
"I'm sorry Dai Chen, Zhang Qingge...I will have to shamelessly ask you bare this infamy with me.." he thought to himself.
A minute later he shook his head free of those ominous thoughts and went through the two talismans.
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