Yang Qing and the rest were astounded by the Yellow lotus sect's plan especially the outward ruse with Zhao Qi and the Mountain spring pavilion. Though the shock was mild as both Yang Qing and Yi Jie had felt something off with the Yellow lotus sect from the start.
Mao Yunru at the side had her eyes filled with a cluster of stars as she carefully stored away the excess white jade talisman like some precious treasure as she silently muttered under her breathe,
"You, I'll watch you after supper, then you, will be before bed, you will be in the morning before I get to work, as for you...."
She went on designating set timelines for each of the white jade talismans.
Yang Qing shook his head as he wondered if she planned to live in the Order as she wouldn't be allowed to step out of the building with any of the talismans with the recorded proceedings. It was a severe and punishable offense by the Order, one that they did not take lightly.
you can check out the glossary on the sect and treasure rankings.
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