To start the game, you need to first create a character sheet. This can be done by completing the following blank character sheet. (*) Is a place for rolling a 20-sided dice to decide.
Name: "Social Status" Lv. (NPC/Player)
Race: (Different races have different benefits- note, Bi-racial individuals will need to be discussed over which benefits are given with your DM. If they like overpowered, you're good. If not, please do get their consent.)
Age: (Children get a reduction based on their species childhood periods. A Child equivalent of a human 5yr old and below gets a -5 to wisdom. 6–12-year-old equivalents receive a -2 to wisdom. 13–17-year-olds receive a -1 to wisdom. Any target of an adult age to midlife (40yrs old) takes no penalties. Those above this period of life into later life gain a +2 Wisdom bonus.)
Faction: (Please note you get Charisma bonuses, loot bonuses, or skill bonuses depending on the faction.)
Class: (This is the core gameplay of your character. Multiclassing is allowed, but you choose with points which class you want. If you also want to level your class these same points are needed. Some skills have caps on their level till the corresponding class is leveled high enough. Every 5 player levels you gain a class point. These can also be earned as a reward from your DM if he so wishes. Note some classes have prerequisites from stats, races, faction, ect...)
Coins: (G-0)(S-0)(C-0)- (The currency for this world, every 10 copper is 1 Silver every 10 Silver is 1 Gold. There are other currencies when needed. Such as small copper, which every 100 equal 1 copper. Also, every 10 Gold is equal to 1 platinum coin.) Give 10 Copper Commoner, 50 Copper for Nobles.
Following this layout roll for your stats. Whether you want to roll all at once and choose which numbers go where, or you want to roll each number one at a time is completely up to you. Just make sure everyone follows the choice, so everyone has an equal chance. Note each energy pool make up is written on the stat page. Also, for the REG, each digit rolled grants 5% regeneration for that stat.
Hp: Sp:
REG: Every 4 Turns (HP: 5 x D6)(Sp:5 x D6 )(Stamina:5 x D6 )
-D6 is permanent for these stats.
Str:* Agi:*
Dex:* Vit:*
End:* Con:*
Sta:* Int:*
Wis:* Ing:*
Per:* Ins:*
Cha:* Luc:*
I'll also have a chart for this on Wattpad soon. Since Webnovel doesn't allow the addition of screenshots and other image media.
Perks: Special Modifiers given, your first perks given are those from your race, then your class. The final free perk given at the beginning includes a free basic perk chosen from the basic pool of perks. Optionally also gain them at certain levels if your DM wishes. Such as every 5. Certain perks can also be given by DM for completion of certain campaigns.
Skills: Choose one common Starting skill always. Skills can be forgotten if they're not used in 3 concurrent campaigns. Note all skills are based on the difficulty of what you wish to do compared to your current abilities. The DM must decide these as he is the pacemaker of a campaign.
Knowledge: Gained from NPC's, certain Loot Tables, or DM rewards. Knowledge is basically blueprint, Quality increasing perks for crafting, and the ability to check for secret faults in Looted drops. Note gear obtained from combat has higher chances of having faults.
Talent: (*) Points- You roll to decide starting points. Afterwards these points are only gained from Completing Personal Quests. These quests are only for a particular player to complete and not the majority. This can also be used to spice up games if the DM wishes.
Affinity: (*) Points- You roll to decide starting points. Afterwards these points are only given out for completing specific campaigns relating to your character. DM will judge how related your character is to the plot of a campaign.
Gear: Various Items with various effects that you can gain in your game. Carrying capacity slots equal to the total of Str + Wis. Note you may hold up to 20 of the same items for stackable items.
Vault: Same as gear but without the limited capacity slots. Warning you can only use items in your gear slot. Those in your vault must be withdrawn first to be used.
Background: Brief story on where your character came from and their goals for life. You don't gain extra perks from this, but it can be used to explain your free basic skill for better immersion.
Survival checks for harvesting monsters. This will work off Dex/Luc. Luck increases the tier of the drop table while Dex bases how much you can harvest for each table. Harvesting skill increases the bonus of the Dex in this check.
Random encounters check for people who take a certain amount of time with harvesting different materials. This means larger corpses need longer to harvest and the harder it will be to gain certain items. These encounters will be from trading requests of NPCs to bandits trying to steal your kills. You could even encounter a wild pack of animals.
Not every shop will buy any item a person wishes to sell. Just as if they were real people they will consider if the deal is truly worth it or not. And most importantly whether they can truly use it or sell it. Basically, if you try to sell a sword to a boutique it won't work.
Once a character has experienced death there are a number of ways to revive them, but if these run out, they can only be used as temporary summons from then on. The first included is the three times free revival tool. This is used at the end of a campaign. So, the same character can't attempt the same campaign three times.
Each monster has a set type of drops that are level/variant specific. It is possible to memorize this or pay for this information through the Dungeon master observed by the most trustworthy person in the group. A game's only fun as long as people don't constantly break it. Think about others when you make your choices as both DM and the Player.
Go review the combat system. This will help you understand the limits of your character better for situations that may arise.