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61.53% Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals / Chapter 8: The Girl In The Woods

Chapitre 8: The Girl In The Woods

As soon as the transformation took place, the wild coyote became a human girl. Who immediately scurried to hide behind Laura, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment at the idea of Kai catching a glimpse of her naked. Thankfully, Kai sensed her discomfort and respectfully looked away.

As she observed their reactions, Laura came to a sudden realization that their connection wasn't as deep and personal as she had once thought. But there was no time to dwell on it. Right now, her new packmate needed some clothes, and that was the most important thing to take care of.

Laura glanced over at the enigmatic young man, but held back from asking what she wanted, feeling uncertain about how to address him. But before she could even muster the courage, Kai seemed to sense her hesitation and intervened, "It's Kai, my name." he said in a swift, smooth voice.

"Kai, I'm just guessing here, but You're probably fast, right?" She asks him as he's trying to avert his gaze from Malia.

Kai's eyes flickered over to Laura for a second and casually replied, "I am."

"Great, here take my car keys. It's a black Range Rover, parked down by the dirt road leading up here. Bring back the bag in the backseat," Laura said, throwing him the keys.

As Kai reached out to grab the keys, Laura pivoted toward the girl she was shielding from view. With a gentle touch, she stroked the girl's face, brushing away a speck of dirt from her cheek, and spoke in a soothing voice. "Hey there, what's your name?"

The girl gazed at her for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts before finally whispering, "M-my name is Malia," in response. Laura couldn't help but notice that Malia didn't offer her last name, just like the person she was with. Laura's curiosity was piqued, but she knew she had to stay focused. "Nice to meet you, Malia," Laura managed to say before Kai disappeared in a blur, leaving the two of them alone.

"Wow, he's actually pretty darn fast," Laura remarked, still trying to process Kai's sudden vanishing act. "Where did you meet that guy anyway?" she asked, her gaze fixed on the spot where Kai had disappeared. Malia hesitated for a moment before answering, seemingly caught off guard by Laura's question. "In the woods," she said quietly, almost as if she didn't want to say it out loud. "He was just... there," she added, her voice trailing off uncertainly. Laura couldn't help but feel that there was more to the story, but she didn't want to push too hard. "Interesting," she said instead, trying to keep things casual. "Well, he seems like an... interesting character, to say the least."

"It does help that he's good-looking, don't you think? Especially those eyes, they literally pull you in," Laura commented with a playful grin, hoping to lighten the mood. But as she looked over at Malia, she realized that the other girl had turned beet-red and seemed unable to respond. "Oh, sorry," Laura quickly backtracked, sensing that she had made Malia uncomfortable. "I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." Sensing that it was time for a change of subject, Laura took a deep breath and asked, "How long were you a coyote for?"

Laura listened intently to Malia's response, her heart going out to the other girl. "Years," Malia replied, her eyes conveying a sense of deep sadness. Laura's eyes widened in surprise at Malia's answer. "Years?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. She couldn't imagine what it must have been like for Malia, trapped in her coyote form for so long. "I'm so sorry," Laura said softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Malia's shoulder. "That must have been really hard for you." Malia nodded, a sad expression on her face. She didn't know why she felt compelled to share this with Laura, but something about the other girl made her feel safe. "It was," she admitted quietly. "But I... I found a way back. And I also found Kai."

Laura's expression grew serious as she processed what Malia had said, "There might be a problem," Laura started to say, but before she could continue, Kai suddenly reappeared, a large pink sports bag in his hand. He tossed it to Laura without a word, and she caught it deftly.

"Thanks. Do you mind?" Laura asked politely, gesturing for Kai to turn around. Without a word, Kai spun on his heel and faced off into the distance, his back to the two girls. He could hear the sound of Laura unzipping the sports bag and rummaging through its contents.

"I am a bit taller than you, but these should at least cover you, besides anything is better than nothing," Laura said as she handed Malia a set of clothes from inside the bag. Malia looked down at the clothes and felt a surge of gratitude towards Laura. She couldn't believe how kind and generous the other girl was being towards her. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. Laura smiled warmly at her before quickly changing the subject.

"So Kai, what brings you to Beacon Hills?" Laura asked, her curiosity piqued. "You don't strike me as a tourist wanting to see what little it has to offer." She had always been good at reading people, and something about Kai's demeanor told her that he wasn't here just for sightseeing. Kai hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering over to Malia before settling back on Laura.

"I'm just passing through," Kai replied, his voice as cool as the breeze tonight. Laura could tell he didn't want to talk about it, but that only made her more curious. She was determined to find out his true intentions and, more importantly, his character. "Well, you seem like a man of mystery," she said with a playful smile, trying to lighten the mood. "But I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of each other in the future." Kai just gave her a small nod in response, his eyes fixed on the ground. Laura could tell there was something he was hiding, something he didn't want anyone to know. She made a mental note to keep an eye on him.

"I'm done," Malia declared, her voice ringing out loud and clear. She wanted Kai to notice her now, and he did. As he turned his head, he saw Malia standing before him, fully dressed. Laura had been right - the clothes were too big for her petite frame. Malia was a head shorter and much leaner than the tall, athletic Laura, and the baggy clothes only emphasized that fact. Kai couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. "How do I look?" Malia asked, feeling a bit nervous but trying to play it cool. She spun around in a circle, hoping to show off the borrowed outfit. "Pretty," Kai replied, his tone mostly flat but said with a genuine smile. Malia felt her heart flutter at his words, and she couldn't help but smile. "Thanks," she said, trying to sound nonchalant. There was something about Kai that made her feel both nervous and excited at the same time. She wondered if he felt the same way about her.

Laura rolled her eyes at their exchange, but Malia could sense that her friend was more concerned than annoyed. "Kai, how old are you?" Laura asked, her tone serious. Malia leaned forward, curious to hear the answer. Kai hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether or not to share the information. Finally, he spoke. "Older than I look," he said cryptically. Malia could tell that he wasn't going to give them a straight answer, but this was important so she pressed.

"How old are you?" Laura repeated, fixing her gaze on Kai's eyes. "I'm... twenty?" Kai replied, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. It was as if he was struggling to remember his own age. Laura noticed the confusion etched on his face and pressed him further. "You don't sound certain. Why?" she asked, concern in her voice.

Kai hesitated before answering. "I've...had some memory loss," he said finally, his voice low. "I don't remember everything from my past, including my exact age." Malia and Laura exchanged a worried glance. They knew that memory loss was no small matter, especially if it was affecting someone as young as Kai.

Laura sensed that Kai was unable to give a straightforward response, so she turned to Malia with a serious tone. "And you, Malia? How old are you?" Malia hesitated, her mind racing with thoughts of whether or not to lie about her age. But in the end, she found herself blurting out the truth. "I'm fifteen," she murmured, her gaze dropping to the ground.

Malia's heart sank as she spoke the truth about her age. She felt like a child in front of Kai, and she didn't want that. She wanted to impress him, to seem mature, but now all that had crumbled away. She could sense his gaze on her, but she didn't dare look up to see his reaction. If only she could turn back time and change her words, but it was too late now.

"First and foremost, you two can't be alone out here anymore," Laura said, giving Malia a serious look when she saw the young girl about to protest. Malia bit her lip and nodded, knowing that Laura was right. "It could bring some bad news," Laura continued. "It wouldn't look good for a guy in his twenties to be alone in the woods with a fifteen-year-old girl." Kai's expression was unreadable, but Malia couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. She didn't want anyone to think that there was something weird going on between them, even if there wasn't.

Laura waited with bated breath as she watched her words settle into their minds. With a deep breath, she pressed on, "But that's not all," Laura said, her voice growing serious. "I brought this up because I'm worried about Malia's safety. You see, most werewolves and werecoyotes are turned by an alpha and taken care of by that same alpha. But I believe that Malia was born a werecoyote, which is why she can shift into a full coyote. However, something is off - she's been stuck in this form for a while now, and..." Laura paused, steeling herself for what came next. "I'm worried that she might have picked up some strange habits and might not be able to control her more animalistic urges."

Kai arched an eyebrow at Laura's suspicions, but kept quiet, waiting to see how this conversation would play out. Malia, on the other hand, wasn't so reserved.

"I don't have any animalistic urges!" she protested, her voice growing louder and more defensive with each passing word. She glared at Laura, unwilling to believe that she could even suggest such a thing.

Laura met Malia's glare head-on, not backing down. "You may not be aware of it, but those urges are there," she said, her tone even and measured. "It's just that, with me as your alpha, they're naturally suppressed."

Malia scoffed at the suggestion, folding her arms across her chest. "I don't believe you," she retorted, her voice laced with skepticism. "And besides, I'm perfectly fine the way I am. I don't need you to tell me how to live my life."

But Laura wasn't deterred. "Think about it, Malia," she persisted, her voice soft but insistent. "After years of living as a wild coyote, you suddenly started acting like a normal teenage girl. Doesn't that strike you as odd?"

Malia was left speechless, unsure of how to respond to Laura. As she looked at her, she felt a strange sensation, one that was different from the one she felt when she looked at Kai. Despite her skepticism, Malia still felt like she could trust Laura.

But when Laura mentioned the possibility that Malia was born a werecoyote, a sudden dread crept over her. She couldn't help but ask the question that had been weighing on her mind.

"You said most werewolves or werecoyotes are turned by an alpha, but you think I was born like this. Does that mean my family...?" Malia trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to know the answer.

Laura took a deep breath before responding to Malia's question. "I'm not certain, but If I had to guess, yes. I believe that your parents, one or maybe even both of them, were werecoyotes," Laura's words causing Malia to tremble.

Malia's mind was reeling from Laura's startling revelation. She wasn't sure if she was ready to face the truth about her parents yet. Desperate to change the subject, she quickly asked about the strange incidents that had occured earlier. "Is the reason I keep blurting out the truth to you because you're my alpha?" she asked, suspicion lacing her words. She couldn't help but wonder if Laura had been manipulating her all along.

Laura felt a pang of guilt and awkwardness wash over her as Malia caught onto her secret. Judging by Malia's expression, she wasn't too thrilled about the implications. Laura hesitated before reluctantly nodding her head in confirmation.

Malia's heart raced with panic. "Undo it!" she cried out, her voice shaking with fear. "Whatever you did to me, I don't want you messing with my mind. Just undo it!" The idea of someone manipulating her thoughts was too much to bear.

Laura gazed at Malia with sympathy before approaching her and embracing her in a tight hug. She whispered into her ear, "I'm sorry, but I can't undo it. When you accepted me as your alpha, a link was created between us. It allows me to sense your true feelings and intentions. But don't worry, I will never try to force you to open up to me. Using our link to get that information without your consent or knowledge was a terrible thing to do, and I apologize."

Malia began to feel a bit better as Laura held her. A small part of her could understand Laura's reasoning, especially now that she could sense the truth through the link connecting them. Despite her initial fear and anger, Malia couldn't help but feel grateful that Laura was being honest with her.

Malia muttered, feeling a bit embarrassed by the prolonged embrace. "It's fine... Just don't do it again," she said, pulling away from Laura. Though she appreciated Laura's apology, she couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy about the whole situation.

Kai stood off to the side with a pensive expression, his eyes shifting from Laura and Malia as they separated from each other. "Can you make her act on her wild urges?" he asked, his voice low and thoughtful.

Laura opened her mouth to question Kai's reasoning, but he cut her off with an authoritative tone that she didn't appreciate. "Do it," he commanded, and she reluctantly complied, reeling in her aura from Malia. In an instant, Malia's demeanor changed completely. Her eyes glowed with an intense blue hue, and she emitted low, ominous growls from her mouth as she locked onto Kai. Laura couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Kai studied Malia for a moment, analyzing her new demeanor before suddenly appearing behind her and forcefully placing his hand on the back of her neck, bringing her head down to hide her animalistic expression. He whispered into her ear in a low, yet authoritive tone. "Calm down," he urged, his voice the same as when he commanded Laura to release Malia's wild urges. Laura's eyes went wide, and her mouth fell open in surprise as Malia's growls subsided, and she slowly returned to her human form. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Kai was able to control Malia with just a few words, and the way he did it was both terrifying and fascinating at the same time.

"You're an Alpha!" Laura exclaimed, her instincts taking over as she instinctively brandished her claws, and her eyes began to glow with a bright crimson light. She felt a rush of excitement and fear as she realized the true extent of Kai's power.

"I'm not, so you can put those away," Kai said, glancing at Laura's claws. "It appears she won't have any problems controlling herself with me either," he added, a slight hint of relief in his voice.

Laura lowered her hands, the glow in her eyes fading away. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Kai wasn't impressed by her display of power.

Laura then asked the question she had been wondering about since she first met Kai. "What are you?" but she knew she wasn't going to get an answer. From the little she knew of Kai, one thing was certain: the man kept his secrets close to his chest.

Laura refused to let an awkward silence form and decided to steer the conversation back to her earlier point. "What about being the one in charge of her training?" she asked Kai, determined to keep the discussion going.

"No," he said firmly, his expression unchanging. "While I may have the power to subdue her, teaching her self-control and other important matters is not my area of expertise. And besides, I think it would be more beneficial for her to have a pack around her." Despite his stoic demeanor, Laura sensed a genuine tone of sympathy and concern in his voice.

Laura's eyes lit up with excitement, but just as quickly as her joy had appeared, it faded away. Malia had suddenly appeared between them, her expression grave and serious.

"I'm staying with Kai," Malia declared with unwavering determination, her gaze fixed on Laura.

"Sweetheart, I'm not asking you to leave Kai forever," Laura replied, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "As your alpha, it's my responsibility to help you harness your powers. And the pack must always stick together, no matter what."

Malia's voice shook with emotion as she pleaded her case. "Kai's the only one who's ever truly been there for me, who's accepted me for who I am. I can't bear to leave him, and he can't bear to be alone," she explained, her eyes welling up with tears.

Laura was taken aback by Malia's sudden outpouring of emotion, and her eyes darted to where Kai stood nearby, watching Malia with affection. A sad smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he spoke up.

"Malia, you should go with her," he started, and could immediately see the betrayal in Malia's expression as she looked back at him. Tears streamed down her face as she looked up at Kai, feeling the weight of his words crushing down on her. "You're going to leave me," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Seeing the pain etched on Malia's face triggered a memory in Kai, one that he'd somehow forgotten, yet somehow still felt very familiar.


Kai was suddenly transported to a private office, where various objects were being hurled through the air and smashing into pieces. Then, in the midst of the chaos, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure: the red-haired woman from his previous visions. She was the one causing the destruction, her anguished screams piercing the air. "Why did you leave me?" she cried out in agony.

The memory was overwhelming, and Kai found himself struggling to make sense of it all. What did it mean? Who was this woman, and why did her pain feel so familiar?


"Kai! Kai! What's wrong?" Malia cried out, her voice filled with concern as she shook him. He snapped back to reality, feeling as though a heavy weight had settled in his heart.

"I'm fine," Kai insisted, but his voice was hoarse, and his throat felt tight. He could see the concern on Malia's face, and it made him feel even worse.

"You're crying," Malia said softly, reaching out to wipe away his tears. But Kai instinctively pulled away and wiped them away himself, feeling ashamed of his vulnerability.

"I'm sorry," Kai said, his voice still choked with emotion. He struggled to find the right words to explain his behavior, but eventually decided to ignore it altogether and address Malia's concern. "I'm not leaving you," Kai assured Malia, his voice firm and commanding. "But Laura is right. You need to ease yourself back into society, and staying by my side won't help with that."

He hoped he sounded convincing, even though the thought of Malia leaving him made his heart ache. But he knew it was for the best, and that he needed to be strong for her sake.

"But if I go with her, what will happen to you?" Malia asked, her voice laced with worry. "Will you come with us? Can he?" She directed the latter half of her question to Laura, who met her gaze with a skeptical look.

"That's..." Laura began, trying to imagine the three of them sharing her one room at the motel. But she was genuinely surprised by Kai's intervention.

"I actually found a place nearby to stay," Kai said, as he explained how he came across a burnt-down house while searching for Laura's car. "It's near where your car was parked. It's in pretty bad shape, but should be more than enough for someone like me."

Malia looked at Kai with a mix of surprise and amusement. "You're going to stay at a burnt-down house?" she asked incredulously.

"That's my old childhood home," Laura suddenly revealed, surprising both Malia and Kai, who looked over at her, eager to hear more.

"It's been abandoned for years," she continued. "It should be fine," Laura said, trying to shake off her dizziness. "No one lives or comes around these parts, and most of the townspeople believe the house to be haunted, so I doubt anyone will bother you."

As she was telling them this, Laura suddenly felt lightheaded and was forced to lean on Malia, who caught her before she fell. "Are you okay?" Malia asked, concerned.

Laura nodded, trying to compose herself. "I'm fine," she said, though her voice was weak. "I think we should talk more about your future together tomorrow," she said looking exhausted.

"Would you mind helping me to my car?" she asked Malia but Kai quickly stepped forward.

"Here, let me help you," Kai said, reaching out to take Laura in his arms. He effortlessly lifted her up in a princess carry, holding her securely against his chest.

"I don't need you to carry me," Laura protested weakly, but Kai just gave her a reassuring nod before turning to signal to Malia to follow him. Without another word, he broke into a run, heading in the direction of Laura's car.

A short while later, the trio arrived at a small clearing where a large burned-down two-story home stood. As they approached, Laura went stiff and rigid, memories flooding back to her. This was her old home, the place where she had grown up and made so many cherished memories. But it was also the place where everything had ended, where her family had perished in the fire that had destroyed the house.

"I can walk from here, thanks," Laura said, her voice firm as she meant for Kai to put her down. He gently lowered her to her feet, and she took a moment to steady herself.

She'd parked fairly close to the house, but Laura intentionally went around it, not wanting to be reminded of the memories associated with that place. She couldn't bear to think of the past, not when there was still so much to uncover about the truth of what had happened.

Malia felt a pang of sadness as she approached Kai, knowing that their time together was coming to an end. As she stood in front of him, she looked up into his eyes and felt a lump form in her throat.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked, her voice a bit forced.

"Don't worry, I'll be here," Kai said with a slight smirk, trying to keep her from crying again. Malia couldn't help but smile, grateful for his attempt at lifting her spirits.

"You promise?" Malia asked, her voice filled with hope. She couldn't help but wish that Kai would stay here indefinitely, even if they wouldn't live together. If he lived in the preserve, she could always come to visit him. And once she got control over her new abilities, like Laura said, she could even go with him.

"I promise, when you two come tomorrow I'll be here, don't worry," Kai said with a bit of a cheeky grin, knowing full well that Laura could hear him. "And try to get used to this whole thing. I know it won't be easy, but I'm sure your Alpha will help you along the way."

Malia couldn't help but chuckle at Kai's playful tone, feeling a little more at ease. "Thanks, Kai," she said, grateful for his words of encouragement.

"The pack always sticks together," Laura said with a small smile as she began to walk towards where she had parked her car. Malia nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of comfort in the phrase. Malia looked over at the retreating figure of Laura, feeling a sense of gratitude towards her Alpha. Turning to Kai, she gave him a warm smile before giving him a tight hug, feeling him stiffen a little before relaxing into it.

As she pulled away, she walked towards Laura, catching up to her with quick strides. Looking back at Kai, she called out, "Until tomorrow!"

"Until tomorrow." Kai repeated Malia's words under his breath, feeling a sense of sadness wash over him as he watched her and Laura disappear into the distance.

NoirPato NoirPato

Please Read Me!

To be honest this chapter was originally finished a couple of days ago, but I wasn't satisfied with it so I reworked it, several times. Hopefully you like it.

Of course the biggest change would be this Link between Alpha's and Betas, which is something I sorta pulled out of nowhere to explain why Malia acts likes a normal teenage girl instead of a feral child.

Like Always If You Have Any Questions or Suggestions Please Let Me Know.

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