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14.28% Cult of the Blood Moon / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Final Day
Cult of the Blood Moon Cult of the Blood Moon original

Cult of the Blood Moon

Auteur: Ken_Harvick

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1: Final Day

Chapter 1: Final Day

Note: alright my doods! Here is the first chapter of blood moon! So I wanna explain a couple things involving the series and overall lore. Don Orbit who greatly assisted on this story's plot line and he gave me a link to read the Light Novel which has A LOT more information on the series then the anime or manga has ever shown so anyone who hasn't read the novel may be hit with knowledge you previously haven't known.

Another thing is plot, the story will run on an original plot line designed by me and Don until maybe in the middle of the first season or the start of the second. I'm still deciding so if any of you doods have ocs or story ideas you want added plz don't hesitate.

Oh and another thing. Items, if you doods have ideas for items of any rarity plz share because I'm literally running out of ideas to give to the blood moon guild.

This story was made in google docs for spelling and grammar errors and being beta read by my boy @ZergPsycho so please be kind.


In a shadowed forest where trees expanded as far as the eye could see with no leaves stuck to the tree as if the forest was inside an endless winter despite there being no snow anywhere.

This was the Forest of Death which was one of many explorable areas within the Helheim Realm though it was meant for mid tier players due to monsters known to be around lv60 so most mid to low level players tend to stay around the weaker areas.

This is a game known as Yggdrasil which is a DMMORPG, 'Dive Massively Multiplayer Roleplaying Game' what made hundreds of thousands buy this game was because of its unique marketing campaign 'Player Customization' which allowed all of its players a heavy degree of freedom to allow them to customize there avatars, weapons, armor to even the very environment in captured dungeons.

Yggdrasil was so popular that anyone who spoke about DMMORPG always thought about the Yggdrasil Game and it's often sought out by anyone who desires a sense of freedom from their day to day dull lives.

Four Players are seen running which all held humanoid forms but there was no indication due to the variety style of steel armor covering their bodies "Hurry! It's going to catch up!" The lead warrior which held a very broad and muscular shouted as he turned his head to face one of the beasts of the Helheim realm.

The beast held the form of a T-Rex though a bit lighter with a patch of fur on its back, this was an Anajroth and it was a lv 75 Monster "ROOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!!" The beast roared its terrible roar as it stopped momentarily to roar into the air before charging the group of knights again.

"What do we do Vetacator?! We are only lv 50! We can't take on an Anajroth!" One of the nameless players shouted to the group leader named 'Vetacator' who only tsked as the only reason why they were even in Helheim instead of the safer Midgard was because they heard rumored of an abandoned 'Divine Item' was said to be lurking around the Forest of Death only to have met across several squads of armored skeletons then the Anajroth appeared out of seemingly nowhere.

"Uhh Boss?" The second nameless knight spoke as he looked behind him to find the massive bi pedal raptor to have disappeared "the Anajroth is gone..." "what?!" Vetacator shouted as he stopped with the rest to look around "just how is that possible? Anajroths are notorious hunters" it was a mystery to them especially since the T-Rex Monster never gave up on prey.

"It doesn't matter boss, now we can look for that divine item without-" the third nameless knight started to speak only for a loud bang was heard, it was so loud like it was close by to the group however they didn't need to wonder as the third nameless knights head exploded in virtual blood and the rest of his body dissipated into data "FUKI!!!" The last knight shouted in fear as he watched his friend die in front of them only for the bang to be heard again and the last knight was the next to have his head explode then his body disappeared.

"What!? What Happened!?" Vetacator shouted as he looked around trying to find the player killer who would target them but he saw the second knight get his head exploded "AHHHH SCREW THIS! I'M NOT LOSING ANYMORE LEVELS!" The second knight said turning around to start running "COWARD!" Vetacator shouted at his comrade only for him to gasp as the Anajroth reappeared again "ROOOOAAAARRRR" the Anajroth roared then chomped down the second knight devouring and killing him.

"W-What?..." the head warrior stepped back several steps as he watched the T-Rex stare back while licking its lips, Vetacator turned his head to his back to find a warrior in the distance on top of a large height tree who has a black cloak around his body and a hoodie covering his head so no defining features, the only thing that this unknown warrior was shown to be holding a green stock sniper with a variable scope, it was the L96A1 which was a custom item skin to replicate the American Bolt Action and only one man in the entire Yggdrasil Game held that weapon.

"Yggdrasil Blood Mage...Jaune Arc" Vetacator exclaimed in pure fear as he is facing indirectly with the games player who claimed the national 47 Place in the high tier players in all of Japan, the cloaked player raised his rifle again to pull the trigger to which the bullet hits the head knight killing him instantly.

The Anajroth disappeared in a purple mist revealing it was a summon familiar to the Lv100 Mage on the tree.

At the tree where the man put his sniper underneath his cloak which disappeared from sight, he sighed to himself as a right arm came out of the cloak to pull down the hoodie revealing a mop of blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes with a youthful face as young as a twenty year old.

Jaune remained passive due to the Yggdrasil game incapable of registering facial movements but the blonde player would've been seen frowning due to one simple fact...Yggdrasil was being shut down today because of that fact Jaune is frowning ever since logging onto the game.

Jaune was born into the country known as Japan after he was attacked on remnant by his former bully named Cardin Winchester, due to the surprise attack by the man had incapacitated the blonde knight before his growing despair attracted a horde of Ursas to which ended the job Cardin finished while the coward ran at the first sight of danger.

Now having been reborn into Japan under a new name, Jaunes reborn name is 'Takashi Hito' while often asking to be referred to the blonde man's original name but most often called jaune 'Mr.Hito' due to the knights profession of being a floor manager to the countries leading tech giant.

Despite 'Mr.Hito' often coming home very late every day always seemed to have enough energy to get on Yggdrasil despite constantly thinking about 'no one's gonna miss you if you take a day off' but jaune never did almost forcing himself to continue in some hidden meaning for his actions.

The game Yggdrasil was meant to have shut down 5 Years Ago but the company that made Yggdrasil did a last ditch effort and placed out a new update that generated new and returning players that kept the game going and the constant revenue when buying cash items however the new update 'Yggdrasil: Crashing Dawn' aka a DLC which included a quest line for only the toughest of players can manage to complete and tons of new items but it had lost its shine and the flow of money put into it finally dried so with no options, the game was forced to shut down.

Jaune was sad to have seen the 17 Years of Hard work put into his character, guild and his items are going up in smoke with no steady way of showing his place in the game.

Jaune sighed once more as he looked over to the forest of death which was a forest connected and owned by the Cult of the Blood Moon which was a guild jaune had led for the past 10 Consecutive Years and no one outside of the event known as the Thousand Man March had gotten past the forest and into Nidafjoll.

Nidafjoll was the guild base name aka the original dungeon that jaune and his crew had acquired through the use of jaune first world item which made getting the base easier than most.

"I knew you'd be here Mr.Hito, you are always the first to greet the intruders outside of the guild" a feminine voice said to the cloaked figure, Jaune turned his head to see a woman wearing an equally feminine armor including a battle skirt while having a long double edged sword on her hip, she had long blonde hair tied into a ponytail and had dull blue eyes.

"It has the best view of watching all my hopes and dreams crumble into the uncaring void" the blonde man commented dryly while he looked around the leafless trees as a pop up emoji showing a depressed face appeared next to jaune.

The woman had an emoji pop up next to her showing a sad face as to express her sadness with him "I know what you mean Mr.Hito, but it's not the end. Nothing ever lasts in this world" She exclaimed jumping on the trees moving towards the leader of blood moon however his silence says that her advice wasn't working.

"Sooooo!~ I heard Yggdrasil 2 is coming out! And it will be more expansive than the original plus I heard their customization will be even greater" She exclaimed cheerfully.

That sounded extremely appealing to the guild master and it expanded the original work? Well there is only so much one can do for the original before a sequel would eventually be made so at least when the game shuts down the blonde man would be looking forward to the next big game to play after work "thank you Ms.Fujimaru, you helped lessen my depression." Jaune exclaimed turning his head to face Fujimaru who on her screen name said 'SevenEightNine' a play on words and a joke name to which the woman wore proudly.

"It's alright Mr.Hito, you were there and took me in especially when you have reason to not allow humans in your guild" She exclaimed as a happy face emoji popped up next to her, Jaune also did a pop up emoji.

Jaune Arc held only one rule when joining the Cult of the Blood Moon and that was to have a stable job but otherwise the members who were already in didn't care about race but focused on a single ideal. Unlike a lot of guilds that discriminated against Heteromorphs on which the blonde man was, or vice versa being the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown having discriminated against Non Heteromorphs but Cult of the Blood Moon doesn't show discrimination against any, Either fight and die like a warrior or run and live like a coward. That is the Guilds Golden Method.

"We show no discrimination, we only see your value as a warrior and nothing else matters beyond that." Jaune exclaimed truthfully before he turned and jumped down from the tree landing on the hard soil from below then started walking away as his cloak flapped gently in the virtual wind.

Seven landed behind jaune from the trees while starting to follow him "I still feel grateful to have been a productive member of the guild for these past few years" Fujimaru joined Yggdrasil 3 years ago and with the help of the guild, she managed to obtain lv 60 and powerful stats in the fighter class which is one of many reasons to have been grateful to the many members of the guild to have shown her such kindness.

"You're a member of the guild and everyone is treated as nothing less than a friend, maybe even family" Jaune said truly as he saw all of the members as little siblings to which he worked to be there for them all "yeah but boss...I need to leave for good. I have to sleep early for my waitress job. So I wanted to give you something" The Blonde Woman exclaimed as she stopped for a moment to which jaune also did to turn around "I wanted to give you Excalibur, you and strawberry pop tart worked tirelessly to help me gather the data crystals needed to forge it and I feel I should leave it with you" She exclaimed grabbing her divine crafted sword 'Excalibur' then extended it to the guild leader.

Jaune would've looked surprised as The Knight Woman was the last member to have given him her weapon as a sign of respect and honor, he was told he could sell them or use them or whatever but in grief, jaune merely held the weapons in a separate section of Nidafjoll only gained access to those who wore the ring of blood moon "are you sure dear?" The Blonde Man asked to be sure "yeah boss, by right. It's yours now. Do what you want with it since it's only a piece of mind" Seven Exclaimed with a happy smile emoji popped next to her.

Jaune extended his hand to grab the sword's sheath in his hand with sadness filling his heart even more as he felt like he's losing the many bonds that were formed from the thirty members that comprised Blood Moon.

Slowly jaune took the sword underneath his black cloak clipping it to his belt although internally regretting such actions but chose to suppress it as to not display any depressive behavior "thank you, I'll make sure it's displayed as to express your place in the guild." The Blonde Man said with a smile emoji popping up next to him.

Seven gave a smile emoji as well before her body disappeared into data showing that she had logged out leaving the Guild Leader alone in the forest of death 'so, all alone now...with everyone gone returning to their normal lives." Jaune thinks to himself as he turns around to start walking away through the forest that connects to the Nidafjoll Base.

The Blonde Man's body disappeared in a blue glow indicating he had teleported away.

-Location: Nidafjoll, Hall of Recognition-

Jaune Arc reappeared inside what looked like an expanded hallway showing enlarged statues depicting all thirty members of the Cult of the Blood Moon however jaune walked past 3 of them in order left to right before settling on the right of the forth statue.

Strawberry Pop Tart was Winged Human wearing golden armor which was the original divine armor Poptart crafted himself and wielding a golden spear. Poptart was one of the few to have a natural flight ability connected to his near Non Existent Racial Skills

I DROP ACID was a Centaur Demi Human wielded a large cleaver axe so big that it was almost larger than his horse body, Acid was often depicted to have been one of the fastest members even when carrying such a large weapon.

Kyle Ate My KFC was a skeletal mage who was one of the top 20 Destruction Mages in all of Yggdrasil which he was able to claim the 'World Disaster' Job Class and wielded a divine class staff that contained a single Super Tier Spell despite having a cooldown, it was a powerful magic casters weapon.

Lastly was SevenEightNine who wore a set of platinum knight armor which was a divine class set, jaune stared at her face with more regret filling his heart before he pulled Excalibur out from underneath his cloak to lay the sword down at her statues feet.

Opening the menu jaune had did with his right hand and equipping the golden sheath to the statue, the sword disappeared with the sheath appearing to her left hip and the sword in her right hand expended in front of her like she's leading 'I still remember the time I met her, being bullied by several heteromorphs until I arrived to show them who's boss' Jaune thinks to himself as he continued to stare at Fujimaru's Statue almost losing track of time 'I guess I better get to the throne room, only have an hour left before the servers shut down'

jaune turned to his right to start walking towards the end of the hall aka the start since that's the only location in the hall of recognition that allowed the teleportation despite the ring of blood moon negating the built in cancel teleportation within the entire dungeon.

On all 16 Floors including two separate sections only accessible via ring which those two sections were the hall of recognition and the hall of treasures.

The Blonde Mans body disappeared in a flash of blue once more indicating he has teleported once more

-Location: Nidafjoll, Sixteenth Floor-

The Blonde Cloaked Figure appeared at the end of the hall on the final floor of the Nidafjoll Dungeon was the Hall of Jaune Arc also known as the great hall of the throne room aka the final step between any known intruder and a great battle between two of the strongest fighters that would shake the foundation of the guild hall but alas for the years that Blood Moon was standing none has even managed to get passed the fourth floor with the countless monsters, traps and the Lv100 Guardian that stood in the way. Jaune complimented anyone who managed to even reach that far despite falling short.

The Blonde Leader reached the grand stone stairs with a closed golden gate separating jaune and the throne room 'the final stop, where the start of Blood Moon was and to see the end of the game from this very spot would be fitting' He thinks to himself as he stepped forward on the stairs to which he reached the golden doors for them to open on their own recognizing there master instantly.

The Golden Doors Opened Revealing a row of 36 Female Knights all wearing platinum armor and carried legendary spears, 18 Knights Faced Against Each Other motion and expressionless which should be expected for NPC Crafts.

Jaune Smiled at the sight as he remembered the entire guild got on early on the blonde man's birthday and did a gag joke but putting together 36 Lv25 Knights in his throne room, as a joke. Each NPC carried a very distinct and crafted Backstory to make a single one look like they had a life before claiming their position as a royal guard.

Despite how utterly useless these Knights were due to the levels they had so they would only be useful to hold the intruder back so jaune could speed equip his battle armor but the blonde leader didn't have the heart to get rid of the obvious hard work his guild did for his 39th Birthday plus it added a royal feel when entering the guild hall.

"Thank you for your support my loyal knights, even if the end comes. I'm glad to see all of you stood by my side to the very end" Jaune said to the NPCs and with no response as to be expected from data created characters, the guild master walked towards the end of the throne where a chair was located, a chair made from Bloodstone which was solidified blood and used as bricks. A perfect chair to be used by a vampire like jaune.

Beside the chair was a well dressed gentleman who held the air of a Butler though not just any Butler but the best servant, he had deep jet black hair and powerful looking red eyes.

'Sebastian Michaelis, the perfect Butler created by my comrades. It's too bad that you were wasted standing beside my blood throne for all these years. You had never seen a single ounce of combat since your creation' Jaune thinks about the Butler before blue eyes landed on the other side of the chair which held a floating platinum staff.

The staff held a slim but sturdy shaft with the bottom being a sharp pike meant to be used for stabbing if melee though the true power the staff possessed lied within its multiple divine crafted gems on top.

Eight gems were located just below the top with two on all sides while the ninth gem was a multiple colored stone trapped within three silverish spires, each one of these gems carried powerful Magic's within.

The Sealing Crystal on top that mimicked the colors of the Rainbow

Ruby Red

Sapphire Blue

Emerald Green

Morganite Pink

Topaz Yellow

Citrine Orange

Amethyst Purple

Diamond White

It took the guild 3 Years to claim the data crystals and materials needed to forge the powerful tool and while others made their guild weapons to look special, this guild weapon, the Staff of the Blood Moon, was built to symbolize the skillset of the guild master which was a mage.

Jaune walked towards the chair then sat on it and looked at all the NPCs in his throne room reminiscing of all the memories he had with his guild, the blonde man looked to the side where his staff stood motionlessly so he extended his right hand towards it which flew right into it almost feeling the power radiating from it 'Took a long time but it was worth it..' The Guild Leader exclaimed in his thoughts before he looked at Sebastian at his left side.

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to see Sebastian's Character Page..' Jaune opened Sebastian's NPC Menu to see the reader only section and his 20,000 Word Background!!

Jaune groaned as he reached his face with his left hand as to rub out the annoyance and unbelievable work in front of him 'Flip Framework...you magnificently talented bastard...'

Flip was one of the seven who originally assisted jaune in obtaining Nidafjoll and created blood moon, he was a Human With the Priest Class that granted unbelievable and powerful buffs to allies and had powerful undead healing spells, he was a healer and a good one.

Flip was also a Freelancer Script Writer who traveled all across Japan working for numerous Known and lesser known game and movie companies but Flip somehow found his job leading to Yggdrasil who accepted large payments to write scripts for the NPCs as such the Priest was often seen on Yggdrasil every day since its release but he left two months ago as he was moving to America since he was hired to script one of the greatest avenger movies.

Jaune merely smiled underneath his hand as he saw Flips handiwork first hand especially since the healer single handedly wrote every NPC Backstory in Blood Moon especially being paid for by everyone including Ingame and real world money, Yggdrasil divine and cash items.

The Vampire Made his way down the backstory fast as he didn't like spending the remaining time reading his old friends work especially since it's a 20K Story then reaching the bottom had allowed jaune to close the menu.


Jaune smiled as he washed his eyes over the sight of his throne room once more as if trying to burn the memory of this place again, and mentally trying to remember this very sight as to rebuild it in Yggdrasil 2 "Heh...Well, it's been one hell of a ride." The Man said primarily to himself and feeling a well of pride in his heart as a leader of the fourth top guild should be.











Jaune reopened his eyes again hoping to have been forcibly logged out from the game and should be seeing the plain white walls of the man's small apartment then the blonde man would get up from his gaming system to go to bed however what jaune is seeing now was still the throne room.

'What? Did the company halt the server shut down? Or did some emergency happen that forced them to hold back...what the hell?' The Vampire exclaimed in his thoughts worried as he needed to log out because he had an early morning.

"Lord Jaune? Is something the matter?" A voice exclaimed next to jaune prompting the blonde knight to swiftly turn around to see the voice came from Sebastian who stared with worry in his eyes "if you told me your worries maybe I could assist" he asked.

Jaune's Mind Abruptly stopped to have witnessed the NPC Sebastian spoke for the first time "....What. The. Fuck!?!?"

next chapter
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