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9.48% Convict to King / Chapter 13: Music

Chapitre 13: Music

The scent of gun oil and metal hung heavy in the air as Arell and his friends stepped into the gun store near Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta. The familiar sight of rows upon rows of firearms and accessories greeted them, along with the low hum of conversation from other customers perusing the aisles.


Arell's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as he followed Geoffrey, Malik, Devon, and Kenny deeper into the store. He couldn't shake the memories of yesterday's encounter with the masked assailants, nor the revelation from this morning when Kenny informed him about the YSL and YSN rivalry in Atlanta.


The low hum of conversation filled the air as they made their way toward the counter, where an older American man with a grizzled beard stood behind the register.


The clerk's demeanor was gruff, his voice booming as he engaged in a conversation with another customer.


Geoffrey stepped forward, initiating a conversation with the clerk about their needs. Arell observed the exchange, noting the subtle undertones of racism in the clerk's remarks.


"You boys lookin' to protect yourselves, huh?" the clerk said, his tone laced with a hint of condescension. "Well, you've come to the right place. Ain't nothin' like a good ol' piece to make a man feel safe."


Arell exchanged a glance with Malik, his unease growing with each passing moment. The clerk's comments felt more like thinly veiled insults than helpful advice.


As Geoffrey continued to discuss their purchase, the clerk couldn't resist making a few more pointed remarks.


"If you boys had one of these," he said looking at the three black friends, gesturing toward a particularly large firearm, "maybe you could've shot your father's legs off before he left your life."


Arell's jaw clenched at the clerk's callous words, a surge of discomfort rising within him. He exchanged a tense glance with his friends, their shared awkwardness evident in their expressions. But amidst the discomfort, there was also a silent understanding between them.


Despite the clerk's distasteful remarks, Geoffrey remained composed, finalizing their purchase with a curt nod. As they made their way out of the store, Arell couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort that lingered in the air.


As they walked back to the car, Arell's thoughts were consumed by the encounter with the clerk. The casual racism and insensitivity had left a bitter taste in his mouth, serving as a stark reminder of the prejudices that still existed in the world around them.


With their budget of 10k, Arell and his friends had more flexibility in their firearm selection. As they stepped out of the gun store, they carried a sturdy case containing their purchases. The weight of the case was a comforting reminder of the protection they now had at their disposal.


In addition to handguns, they had decided to invest in a rifle to further enhance their defensive capabilities. Making their way back to their vehicle, a sleek Subaru Forester parked nearby, they popped open the trunk and carefully placed the case inside.


With a shared sense of anticipation, they gathered around the trunk, eager to inspect their new acquisitions. Arell unzipped the case, revealing an array of firearms nestled within foam padding.


Inside, nestled among layers of foam padding, were several handguns and rifles, each carefully chosen to meet their needs and preferences.


Geoffrey pointed out three Glock 19 Gen 4's, a compact yet reliable handgun known for its ease of use and good capacity. Next to it was the Smith & Wesson M&P9 M2.0, another excellent choice for its durability and accuracy.


Arell's attention was drawn to the rifle, a Smith & Wesson M&P15 Sport II, an affordable yet reliable AR-15 platform rifle. Its versatility made it suitable for a variety of purposes, from home defense to recreational shooting.


Beside the rifle lay the Ruger PC Carbine, a versatile carbine rifle chambered in 9mm. Arell admired its ease of handling and compatibility with Glock magazines, making it an ideal choice for their needs.


Rounding out their selection was a Mossberg 500 pump-action shotgun, chosen for its reliability and effectiveness in close-quarters situations.


As they reviewed their purchases, Arell couldn't help but feel satisfied. Closing the case, they loaded it into the trunk of the Subaru Forester before piling into the vehicle. Arell took the driver's seat, with Geoffrey in the passenger seat and the others in the back.


As they drove away from the gun store, the conversation turned to their new arsenal of weapons. They discussed the capabilities of each firearm, debating which would be most effective in different scenarios.


"We've got a whole lot of firepower now," Malik remarked, a sense of satisfaction evident in his voice.


"Yeah, but let's hope we never have to use them," Devon added, his tone solemn.


As the conversation flowed, Kenny's voice broke through the discussion about their newly acquired firepower. "You know, it's crazy to think about what happened with Aisha and you," he began, his tone contemplative.


Arell glanced at Kenny through the rearview mirror, waiting for him to continue.


Kenny paused for a moment before adding, "We all need to be more careful, though. Can't be taking any chances out here."


Arell nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of Kenny's words. Safety was paramount in their line of work, especially after recent events.


Then, Kenny shifted the topic, his voice taking on a hint of curiosity. "About you and Aisha, ya'll dating now or something?"


Arell felt a slight flush rise to his cheeks at the question. He exchanged a quick glance with Geoffrey, who raised an eyebrow in amusement from the passenger seat.


"Nah, nothing like that," Arell replied, keeping his tone casual. "Just friends, you know how it is."


As Kenny's teasing continued, Arell couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and amusement. He chuckled lightly, trying to brush off Kenny's playful jabs.


"Yeah, yeah, just friends," Arell reiterated, hoping to put an end to the topic.


But Kenny persisted, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Come on, man, don't tell me you're not into her."


Despite Arell's attempts to deflect Kenny's teasing, his friend continued to playfully prod him about his feelings for Aisha. Arell laughed along, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at the banter.


As they drove on, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, and soon they found themselves immersed in discussions about upcoming plans and shared memories. The tension from their encounter at the gun store began to dissipate, replaced by the camaraderie that had always defined their friendship.



(Scene Break)


Before they knew it, they were pulling up to their apartment building. Arell parked the car, and they unloaded their newly acquired firearms, carefully carrying them inside.


As they entered their apartment building, Arell and his friends were greeted by the familiar surroundings of their shared living space. With their newly acquired firearms safely stowed away, they made their way upstairs to their apartment.


Geoffrey took the lead, urging the others on with a sense of excitement. "Alright, you boys come on and check out Arell's new songs we made," he announced, a grin spreading across his face.


The mention of Arell's music piqued everyone's interest, and they eagerly followed Geoffrey into the studio. The room was filled with equipment, from keyboards and microphones to mixing boards and computers.


As Arell settled behind the keyboard in the studio, he pulled up his song files and hit play on "Granny Crib." The familiar beat filled the room, pulsating with energy as Arell's friends listened intently.


As the song progressed, Arell couldn't help but notice his friends getting more and more into it. They bobbed their heads to the rhythm, their expressions lighting up with excitement.


"Yo, Arell, this is sick!" Malik exclaimed, leaning forward in his seat. "You really made this?"


Arell grinned, feeling a sense of pride wash over him. "Yeah, man," he replied, nodding along to the beat.


Malik shook his shoulders, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Bro, this is fire!" he shouted over the music. "You really outdid yourself with this one."


Arell laughed, feeling a surge of adrenaline as he watched his friends vibe to the music. It was moments like these that made all the hard work worth it.


As the song came to an end, Arell's friends erupted into applause, their cheers filling the studio with a sense of excitement and camaraderie. Arell couldn't help but feel grateful for their support and encouragement.


"Thanks, guys," he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'm glad you liked it."


As the applause subsided, Geoffrey leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin plastered across his face. "See, Arell? I told you you had it in you," he said, his voice filled with pride. "This song's got all the elements of a hit: catchy beat, relatable lyrics, and a raw energy that pulls you in."


Arell couldn't help but beam. The positive feedback from his friends was the fuel that kept him going. He glanced down at the list of songs on the screen, his gaze lingering on "Loyalty Ties." This was the song he poured his heart and soul into the night before, the one that captured the essence of their bond.


"Alright guys," he announced, his voice brimming with nervous excitement, "let's see what you think of 'Loyalty Ties.'" He tapped the play button, and the opening chords filled the room, a melancholic melody weaving through the speakers.


As the song progressed, Arell poured his emotions into his voice, rapping about the struggles of chasing fame, the emptiness of success, and the unwavering loyalty that held them together. The verses flowed seamlessly, each one a testament to their bond. He touched on moments of doubt and setbacks, but always emphasized how they emerged stronger, their loyalty a shield against adversity.


His friends listened intently, their faces etched with a mixture of emotions. There were nods of agreement, flashes of recognition, and even a few glistening eyes when the lyrics delved into the darker aspects of their journey. By the time the final chorus boomed through the studio, the room was filled with a palpable sense of unity.


As the last note faded away, a stunned silence descended upon the group. Then, Kenny broke the spell, leaping to his feet with a thunderous applause.


"Damn, Arell!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "That song… it hit hard, man. You put everything we've been through into words."


Devon chimed in, his voice thick with emotion. "Yeah, that loyalty part… that resonated deep, bro."


Malik ever the jokester, nudged Arell with his elbow. "Alright, alright, enough with the waterworks, man. This calls for a celebration!" He leaned onto the desk, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he blasted the song on repeat.


The room erupted in cheers, the music transforming into a soundtrack for their newfound camaraderie. They danced, they sang along, and they reveled in the shared experience of creating something truly special.


Amidst the celebration, Arell couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Geoffrey's guidance and his friends' unwavering support. Together, they were more than just a group of ex-cons; they were a family, bound by loyalty and a shared passion for music.


With the success of "Loyalty Ties" fresh in their minds, Arell turned his attention towards the final song on the list: "Blue Balenciagas."


"Alright guys, last one," Arell announced, his voice buzzing with anticipation,


He hit play, and the studio was instantly flooded with a melodic flow. The catchy hook reverberated through the room, its energy contagious.


Arell couldn't help but feed off the enthusiasm of his friends as they vibed to the music. His delivery smooth and confident. His friends were captivated, their cheers and encouragement adding to the electric atmosphere.


Geoffrey, ever the supportive mentor, nodded along to the beat, his camera capturing every moment of the impromptu listening session. He knew they were witnessing something special, a raw talent honed through dedication and hard work.


As the final chords of "Blue Balenciagas" faded away, Arell's friends erupted into applause once again, their excitement palpable. Arell basked in the moment, grateful for the opportunity to share his music with those closest to him.


With the recording session complete and their spirits soaring, Arell and his friends exchanged triumphant smiles. As Arell and his friends vibed out to the songs in the studio, the energy was electric. They danced, they sang along, and they celebrated the success of their music. After a while, the rest of the group left, leaving Arell and Geoffrey alone in the studio.


(Scene Break)


Geoffrey wasted no time in getting down to business, communicating with the blogs he had paid to promote "Loyalty Ties." With a sense of excitement, he informed them that the song would be uploaded to all platforms in just 10 minutes.


Meanwhile, Arell couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation as he watched Geoffrey work his magic.


Geoffrey then turned to Arell with a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Are you ready for this, Arell?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.


Arell nodded, feeling a surge of nerves and excitement coursing through him. This was the moment they had been working towards, the culmination of their hard work and dedication.


"Yeah, let's do it," Arell replied, his voice steady despite the butterflies in his stomach.


Geoffrey wasted no time, his fingers flying across the keyboard as he prepared to upload "Loyalty Ties" to all platforms. Arell watched with bated breath as the progress bar slowly filled, each second feeling like an eternity.


Finally, with a click of the mouse, Geoffrey hit the upload button. The room seemed to hold its breath as they waited for the confirmation message to appear on the screen.


And then, there it was—the message they had been waiting for. "Upload successful."


A collective cheer erupted from Arell and Geoffrey, their excitement overflowing. They exchanged high-fives and hugs, their hearts pounding with a mixture of relief and exhilaration.


As they basked in the glow of their success, Arell couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over him. This was just the beginning of their journey, but already, they had achieved so much


Geoffrey, ever the strategist, wasted no time in taking the next steps to promote "Loyalty Ties." With a few swift clicks he shared the news on all of Arell's social media pages.


Arell's heart skipped a beat as he reached for his own phone, opening up his social media apps. Sure enough, there it was—the announcement that "Loyalty Ties" was now available for streaming on all platforms.


A surge of excitement coursed through Arell as he couldn't believe that their music was finally out in the world for everyone to hear.


But Geoffrey wasn't done yet. With a mischievous grin, he turned to Arell and said, "Oh, and I also uploaded a sneak peek of the 'Blue Balenciagas' video that I just recorded. Gotta keep the hype going, right?"


Arell's eyes widened in surprise, but he couldn't help but laugh at Geoffrey's enthusiasm.


As they sat there in the studio, Arell couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over him. He was grateful for Geoffrey's unwavering support and guidance, grateful for his friends who had believed in him from the very beginning, and grateful for the opportunity to share his music with the world.


With "Loyalty Ties" now out in the world and "Blue Balenciagas" on the horizon, Arell knew that this was just the beginning of their journey. And he couldn't wait to see where it would take them next.


Suddenly a chime filled the air, one Arell had grown very much accustomed to hearing.


[Congratulations Host on beginning your journey]

[System Rewards will now be distributed]

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