Cucumber Slice let out a low exclamation at this unexpected transition animation.
Noland Lee dissolved the floating blue sphere, leaving only the red one, which he then pushed in front of Cucumber Slice.
"Come on, eat it."
With a snap of Noland's fingers, the red sphere turned into a large, appetizing apple.
"Eating this has some use?" Cucumber Slice asked skeptically, grasping the large apple and biting into it.
Noland explained offhandedly.
"This thing is a small program designed to clear viruses. By eating it, you're essentially loading an antivirus program onto your game character."
Cucumber Slice bit into the apple several times, finishing it off.
He was about to say something when he noticed that black smoke had started emanating from his body.
After a short while, as the black smoke stopped, striped lines of light began to flash around his field of vision.
Under his gaze, the game interface buttons that had disappeared reappeared.
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