Anyway, as long as he was the final victor, he could hide in the Sub-Dimensional Plane forever and never come out, and the wizards within the Natural World couldn't do anything to him.
Uh… for safety's sake, Noland still needed to prepare for all eventualities.
After repeatedly inquiring from Professor Lamp, he found a rather familiar name on the list of the exploration team.
Severas Nabi, the Transcendent Wizard behind the Night Spirit Cult, was the leader of one of the exploration teams.
When Noland had previously encountered Nabi, the latter had just been feasting on the Essence of the Bloodbinder's Corpse.
The two of them conducted a trade and established a rather special soul contract.
In this contract, Noland promised to leave a small portion of the Corpse Essence for Nabi, and as for what compensation Nabi was to pay, Noland had not yet decided.
Now, Noland still had that soul contract book in his pocket.
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