The secret base of Division Intelligence Unit Two was established underground.
The crisp sounds of typewriters echoed in the air as streams of cigarette smoke curled from the passage of workers from Unit Two, the vast office bustling and lively, everyone hunched over their desks concentrating on the work in hand.
A few figures in black stand-up-collared suits were led by soldiers of Unit Two through the office area into the corridors behind, stopping outside the door of Acting Commander Morster.
The soldier knocked, reported, pushed the door open, and stepped aside to let the visitors through.
The figures behind him filed in, stepping into Morster's office.
With a "click," the door closed.
Morster sat in his seat without rising to greet the visitors, merely gesturing toward chairs opposite his desk, he said:
"We both know each other well, so let's skip the pleasantries. Please sit. Is there something that requires your personal presence here?"
There were three visitors.
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