Only the Tomb King's transportation of bone material to outer space could be aborted due to the intervention of the Pure Light Court.
If Noland Lee were in a hurry and didn't want to waste time here, he could go and stop the Pure Light Court from interfering with the actions of the Blood Sun Divine Seal Descendants.
Moreover, Noland Lee suddenly realized that the appearance of the Pure Light Court wasn't entirely a bad thing.
The Assassin Angel had told him that the "Gray Wilderness," this Pollution Zone, also covered a large area.
If the ritual array couldn't be destroyed quickly after the Pollution Zone opened, it would eventually encompass everything within a three-hundred-kilometer radius around Union City.
Noland Lee had intended to wait until all the bone material had entered outer space and the Corpse Essence of the Gatherer had been destroyed before he went to destroy the ritual array protected by the Blood Sun Seal Descendants.
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