Clint "Windhawk" had a magic avatar, whose character level was Level 95, and possessed the strength of a Saint Level Combat Wizard.
Based on this assumption, Benji's magic avatar should be of this caliber.
These were Noland Lee's thoughts.
But as it turned out, Noland Lee's speculation was a little off.
That Benji seemed to be a bit weaker than he had anticipated.
The lightning that appeared at the seabed originated from a roundish Electric Ball.
They burst forth from the sandy rocks beneath the seabed, shooting upwards at an extremely high speed.
As soon as the Lightning Energy made contact with the Sea Water, it inevitably experienced severe energy dissipation.
Countless forked lighting bolts scattered from the Electric Balls, crackling as they struck the surrounding seawater.
The higher the Electric Balls ascended, the more densely packed the lightning bolts they scattered became, and the more violently the spheres trembled.
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