With a splash, Yorksim plunged into the sea.
Roaring, cursing, swearing, denouncing, and reproaching—the ship was a cacophony of sounds.
No matter the ship's size or weight, none were spared from being sucked into the whirlpool.
Within less than three minutes, apart from a dark green sphere of light, not a single vessel or human could be seen on the surface of the sea.
Afterward, the whirlpool dissipated, the sea calmed, and silence enveloped the area.
The "culprit" behind these calamities, a dark cloud that had drifted from the north, had now reached the airspace above Subsea No.13.
"Gentlemen, do you see that dark cloud? That is 'Thundercloud Technique' created by Noland Lee Jarvis."
Tens of kilometers away from Subsea No.13, three figures cloaked in invisibility hung in midair, conversing in hushed tones.
Selena's older brother, Lonco Pomida, raised his hand and pointed at the dark clouds on sky's edge, asking the wizard wearing a lightning mask over his face:
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