The boundaries of each subsea area are represented by line segments with diameters of just a few millimeters. Boundary lines of different subsea areas will have different colors.
The location where Noland Lee was currently situated was precisely the intersection zone of four subsea areas.
Displayed on the Magic Nautical Instrument, it appeared as a two-centimeter-diameter dot, situated on the boundary lines of four differently colored subsea areas.
Noland Lee himself could be regarded as a cylindrical body about two meters tall and with a diameter of half a meter.
Here comes the question!
If his cylindrical body were exactly stuck on the boundary lines of the four subsea areas, with different parts of his body located in each of the four areas,
then when he triggered Passive Deconstruction, could he simultaneously raise the degree of deconstruction of all four subsea areas?
Noland Lee figured that the success rate of this operation was over 90%.
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