Aly's Pov ...
I got out of bed and headed for the door. But Stace stopped me.
"Not. So. Fast !!" She called out.
I turned and gave her a quizzical look.
She smiled wildly with a mischievous look on her face.
" What did my brother tell you yesterday? " She asked, her voice laced with excitement.
"No, the wall, you silly, what did he say to you?" She asked.
" I don't know why you bothered to ask, he said nothing to me.
Not even when I thanked him for walking me."
Ooh okay, she said a little disappointed.
Then she turned suddenly and asked me. "Did he touch you?" She asked hopefully.
"No..why would he?" I asked her.
"Uuhmm nothing forget it, I-I I just thought he liked you." She said.
After that I hurried out for my check up with doctor Alba.
The pack doctor came back the next day for another check and passed me fit enough and recovered.
After my check up the next day, Mr and Mrs Haller went out, they told Stace and I they won't be back till very late.
So Stace and I watched queen of the south all day and Stace ordered pizza for dinner.
I just love the female lead, Teresa Mendoza.
We slept off mid way through the third season.
When I woke up, Stace was tucked under a blanket sipping coffee and scrolling through her phone.
While, I was covered up by a separate blanket. Her parents must have checked in on us when they got back last night.
But then that wake up bliss I was feeling disappeared.
A strong keening headache flashed through me and the next thing I knew I was screaming in pain.
But then just like it came, it disappeared, and I heard a voice I have been pining for, for a while now.
"Aly !!! I'm so glad to be back."
Reign stated in her usual deep voice.
"Reignnnnn !!" I screamed in my head in excitement.
"I missed you like the angels miss their wings." I said to her, my only friend and companion is back.
"Aly, there's no time to explain, but we need to go for a run now.!"
"Aaaah uuhmm okay." I said.
"Stace my wolf is back, and about to force a change, I need to go for a run , I'll be back soon !!." I hurriedly threw the words at Stace.
I got no response, but I couldn't wait for one.
My claws were out and my body was already sprouting furs.
I jumped out the front door just in time and hit the ground on all fours.
The shift was fast but not as fast as we used to be.
"That's because this is almost like shifting for the first time again." Reign explained
" And that's why neither of us could control the change immediately you woke up."
Reign howled loudly, shook out her furs and took off like a bullet into the forest opposite the house.
Only to screech to a stop at the forest line. There were two grey wolves right behind us.
I instantly recognized Mr Haller and Stacey's scent.
Stacey's wolf was grey and white, she had white paws and a white line from her fore head to her snout, that made her look really cute.
But her dad's was a huge all intense grey male. He was almost as tall as reign.
He was really bulky.
Even if we were as bulky as we were before my rejection, we still wouldn't be hefty enough to match Stacey's dad
" Don't worry Aly, you can go on we are just here to guide you, so you do not miss your way and to keep you company, plus the guards here will bring you down and ask questions later."
Mr. Haller said to me in mind link.
Wolves who have lived together , have what is called pre- bonding.
Pre- bonding allows said wolves who are not from the same pack to mind link in wolf form, then in human form, but only when in close proximity.
I took off again, into the thick dense forest, the wind flapping away at me.
Goddess I missed this so much, in the last few weeks before I found myself in trouble in my pack.
I didn't dare change for fear of being seen and discovered to be bigger than what an omega should be.
I would have continued to hide even in this pack but, this first change after such a long time disconnected from my wolf, was forced and couldn't be helped.
I jumped over fallen trees, gliding through the spaces in-between trees, I clawed at some of them just for fun, chased almost thirty squirrels, rabbits and roared loudly.
The feeling here was entirely different from the fear and cagey feeling of my pack.
It felt great not to hide my wolf. stacey and her dad followed at a distance, but never interfered.
They let reign do whatever she wanted and we ran for hours.
Stacey got tired at some point and rested but Mr. Haller didn't, he reminded me of my dad.
That single thought distracted me and made me falter, I scratched my self against the sharp end of a broken branch, but that didn't stop me. Nothing could, I brushed it off like nothing happened and continued on my jolly way.
I stopped at the top of a cliff and looked down to see a beautiful water fall.
It looked serene this morning.
The scent of the stream mixing up with that of the forest and fresh due from the rocks around made it insanely nice to me.
I flopped down on my soft underbelly and watched the water fall for almost an hour.
Before I decided it was time to head back.
Stacey had finally caught up with us.
We walked back to the Haller residence, leisurely on all fours.
Mr. Haller led the way.
We stopped at the tree line before reaching the boundary of the house.
I could see the kitchen door, from where reign was standing.
"Aly we would change here before we go inside."
Mr Haller went behind a tree and returned in a pair of black mens loose gym shorts.
Stacey did likewise and returned in a blue shift dress.
" I laid out a green one for you she said to reign.
Who cocked her massive head to the side, before disappearing behind the tree to change.
I quickly put on the shift dress, tied the rope tightly around my thin waist and re-emerged from behind the tree.
" Welcome back, how was your run, Aly?" Mrs Haller asked, beaming excitedly at me as we entered the kitchen through the back door.
" It was really good, thank you."
" Congrats on getting your wolf back. This calls for celebration."
Mr. Haller said, before chuckling at Stacey's over enthusiastic response.
" Hell yeah, woo hoo!" She shouted while pumping her fist.
Then our bellies growled loudly in unison.
We looked at the table that had been set, but Stacey's mom ordered us to go take a shower before breakfast.
So we raced up stairs to do as we were told.
" Come on Aly, we need to be done and seated before dad's done." She stated loudly in excitement as she ran ahead of me.
"Come on, Aly I'm done let's go."
Stacey called out to me impatiently from outside my bedroom door.
I pulled on my jeans and hurried out the door, Buttoning it as I sped down the stairs behind Stacey.
But to our utmost disappointment, Mr. Haller was already seated and waiting for us.
There was no need to argue ,we could see and basically scent the soap on him.
His hair was still very damp.
Breakfast was made up of croissants, traditional french toast, French toast roll up, cruller donuts with some steak, coffee and hot chocolate.
After we had eaten, Mr Haller decided to plan a party.
But I wanted to know when all these welcome would end. I knew they would be nice employers, and I need a job so I can earn some money. Just because the Haller's are extremely nice people, doesn't mean I should take advantage of their kindness.
Stacey and her dad were paying a visit to the pack house as part of preparations for a small celebration.
So I decided to ask Mrs Haller about work in the house.
"Mom?!" I called out to her, cringing mentally, as I did that.
" Yes Aly." she answered looking up from the fashion magazine on her lap.
" I want to know if it's time and you need me to do chores in the house. I am fine, fit and ready to start my chores. I can start today if you like." I offered.
Her brows furrowed in confusion.
"What chores are you talking about dear?" she asked me in a confused tone.
"I-I am supposed to resume my job as an omega servant from my previous pack. I was wondering when you would like me to start?"
I said trying to explain what I meant to her.
" Oh my goddess Aly !! " she exclaimed while, raising her hand to her head.
" That life is over for you, you will no longer need to work and you stopped being an omega, when you became a part of this family." She explained, while beaming up at me.
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