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24.74% Cambrian's Omniverse (A collection of short stories) / Chapter 122: The Right Path (Overlord)

Chapitre 122: The Right Path (Overlord)

A/N: The Right Path was a commissioned one-shot from back in December of 2018. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy.

Themes: Gentle Sex, Breeding, Duty


Arche Furt wasn't sure what to do. The situation was dire, to be frank, though not imminently so. However, with every passing moment, it felt like she got closer and closer to the abyss. The daughter of a fallen noble family, Arche Eeb Rile Furt was a beautiful young woman, and a genius besides. All good, right? Except, when the new Emperor, Emperor Jircniv had ascended to the throne, he'd stripped away her family's nobility.

Not exactly a bad thing on the face of itself perhaps, until one took into account the fact that her parents, who were still relatively well off even after losing their title, had continued to waste money as if they were still nobles. This had rapidly led the family into debt, and left Arche as the sole money maker for her parents and siblings.

To say she hated her parents for putting her in that position would be an understatement. The young woman utterly despised her parents. Even still, Arche loved her sisters, so, being the skilled sorceress that she was, she'd begun working as part of a group of adventurers. She'd joined up with something called Team Foresight, hoping to make money to support her family.

That task became more and more difficult though, as Arche's parents continued to put them further and further into debt. The situation was becoming bad enough that Arche was seriously considering taking her younger sisters, Kuuderika and Ureirika, and fleeing from her parents. However, several different things held her back.

For starters, Ache couldn't say for sure that she had enough money to support both herself and her younger siblings. On top of that though, while her parents were no longer nobles, they did still have some connections to those of influence within the Kingdom and could cause problems for Arche down the line if she attempted to abscond with her sisters against their will.

This left Arche stuck between a rock and a hard place. She needed not only money to take care of her sisters, but also a way to ensure that her parents couldn't interfere. And… the more she thought about it, the more the young sorceress realized this left her with only one true option, beyond what she was currently doing. Normally she wouldn't have even considered it, but things with Team Foresight were getting more and more dangerous by the job. She was beginning to fear that one of these missions, she wouldn't come back from. Then where would her sisters be without her? No, even if she'd never wanted to consider it, she had to now.


Maxwell wasn't a bad man. Blond of hair and green of eye, he had a slim build to him, while also being shorter than the average height. However, he, unlike Arche, was still a noble. They'd been childhood acquaintances, perhaps even friends if one stretched the definition. Cunning and quick-witted, Maxwell was a rising star within the Empire, at least partially because his family had not been stripped of their noble status like hers had.

Still, on top of that, she'd also heard tell that Maxwell was working on increasing both his family's wealth and their reputation. He was building on what they already had, something that her parents couldn't have been bothered to do even when they WERE nobles. Perhaps then, there was a good reason that Maxwell's family were still noble while hers was not.

Regardless, what mattered to Arche was Maxwell's feelings for her. She'd been aware of it since they were children, the fact that he had a crush on her. Even though the two of them had never openly spoken of it, she knew it was there… just like she knew she could take advantage of it now, if she so chose. But what other choice DID she have?

That was what found Arche here, at the gate of Maxwell's estate, all alone, neither her family nor Team Foresight to be seen.

"State yer business."

"I'm here to see Lord Maxwell. Tell him Arche Eeb Rile Furt begs an audience. Let him decide if he wishes to see me or not, please."

The gate guard eyes her, but Arche knows how to put on a pleading face, and how to use her beauty to her own advantage. She's not some ugly peasant looking for a handout, after all. At least, not to this man before her now. In truth, she very much is looking for a handout… though Arche is willing to sacrifice her freedom to earn it.

Regardless, the message is passed on and Arche is soon allowed onto the estate, escorted to a sitting room where Maxwell awaits her. He stands and smiles when she's led inside, and then they're left alone together, even as they meet in the middle and embrace. Arche is tense as she does so, but she's certainly not going to deny her old friend this much, not when she's going to ask from him a lot more.

Eventually the two end their embrace and Maxwell gestures to the table, where piping hot tea sits.

"Please, let's relax. It's very good to see you again, Arche. You look like you've done well for yourself, despite the circumstances surrounding your family's… dismissal. I was so glad to hear from you."

Arche smiles grimly, even as she sits, allowing Maxwell to pour tea for both of them. She then quickly takes a sip, finding it just the right side of hot, not scalding and perfectly warm as it runs down the back of her throat, clearing out the itch she had developing there. Only once she's swallowed does Arche set down the tea cup and speak, licking her lips.

"It's good to see you again too, Maxwell. I-!"

"Please, Arche… call me Max."

Blinking as he cuts her off, Arche bobs her head up and down, smiling hesitantly.

"Right… Max. I… how have you been, of late? Life has been treating you well?"

Maxwell chuckles slightly at that and glances around the opulent sitting room for a moment.

"Well enough, yes. But I have no desire to flaunt my wealth in your face, Arche."

And she believes him, too. He's always been fairly down to earth, Maxwell. Not the kind of man to lord of his status, power, or anything else over anyone else. In truth, Arche had probably been the spoiled brat of the two growing up, though she likes to think knowing Maxwell helped her transition into a more modest outlook on life, when she finally lost everything.

Even still, she's letting herself get distracted. Eyes flicking around, Arche licks her lips again.

"I appreciate that, Max. Um… any special lady in your life? You're at the marrying age now, are you not?"

Here, Maxwell sits back for a moment, considering the question with a bit more gravity. He smiles sadly, and then drinks from his own tea cup before answering her.

"I suppose I am, but no… there's no one at the moment. There was one beautiful young lady, once upon a time… but I feel our paths may have diverged too much for such an eventuality to take place."

It's immediately obvious that he's talking about the two of them. Arche can understand how he came to his conclusion as well. Dressed in adventurer's gear, she doesn't look anything like the young woman he once knew, that he once yearned for. And yet, as she looks into his eyes, because she has to be sure before she says another word, Arche can see that the desire for her is still there. He longs to make her his wife… which is just perfect for Arche's plans.

"What if… what if they haven't?"

That gets Maxwell's attention. He straightens up, and then leans forward a bit, his brow furrowing in confusion and curiosity.

"What does that mean, Arche? What are you saying?"

She realizes she's fiddling with the tea cup in her hand. Hastily putting it down, Arche places her palms on the top of her legs and begins her pre-prepared spiel.

"I'm saying… that I need your help, Maxwell. And I'm willing to make a deal with you for it. My parents are fools, and they've sent our family into debt that we will never recover from, not for a dozen generations. The only chance that I or my sister have at this point is escape. If we could renounce our name, our ties to our parents, then we could get out from under their costly mistakes."

Arche takes a breath, even as Maxwell sits silently, just listening. He always was a good listener.

"But my parents are vindictive and quick to anger at the best of times. If I simply leave with my little sisters, they will do everything in their power to stop me, to force me or the twins to return. I have to find a way to protect my siblings and myself from their… reprisals. S-So I would like to make a deal with you, Max. In return for the safety and care of my sisters… I will be your wife, if you'll have me. I'll… I'll be whatever you want me to be."

There. All her cards, laid out on the table before them. Maxwell is clearly somewhat flummoxed. Or perhaps just considering. However, as Arche watches him, she can see that he's torn on how to feel about her offer, and about the situation in general. She's not an idiot by any stretch of the imagination, so she can imagine what he's thinking.

While part of him is likely happy that the chance to be with the woman he longs for has essentially fallen into his lap, Arche can imagine he's also rather disappointed that she's only choosing to be with him in order to ensure the best possible future for her younger sisters. Truthfully, Arche feels more than a little guilty over all of this. Taking advantage of Maxwell's feelings was the last thing that she'd wanted to do. It was safe to say that this was her final option, truth be told.

Not that she was going to tell him that, Arche was fully aware that knowing he was her last resort would only make things worse, and possibly lead to him denying her altogether. She needed him to say yes. She needed him to agree to the deal. Arche was determined to see this all through, determined to become Maxwell's bride and save her sisters. It was better than the alternatives, she was sure of it.

"… You would be mine? For the sake of your sisters, you would become my bride, and then my loyal wife?"

Arche's spine straightens, even as she nods without hesitation.


Maxwell isn't done though, his tone still questioning.

"You would set aside the life of adventurer and once again take up that of a lady? You would bear my children, manage my household, and tend to my needs?"

If he thinks that getting out of the adventuring life is some sort of sticking point for her, he couldn't be more wrong. Arche is a skilled sorceress, and she's become a fairly capable adventurer as well… but that doesn't mean she enjoys endangering herself day in and day out. It was only for the coin, only for the sake of her sisters. If neither is a factor anymore, she has no issue ending her relationship with Team Foresight. However, there is one matter…

"Yes, to all those things. But, if it would be alright with you, I would like permission to peruse, organize, and add to your library here as well… husband."

A happy smile spreads across Maxwell's face, though it tinges with sadness after but a moment. Still, he nods his head as he looks at her, almost as if he's not sure whether to feel like he's winning or losing here.

"Of course, you were always a lover of learning, weren't you? I've always appreciated that about you, Arche."

For a moment, silence falls. She's not sure what to say to that, and Maxwell is clearly contemplating what stands between them. Finally, he lets out a low sigh and nods his head one last time.

"I accept the terms of your deal, Arche Eeb Rile Furt. You will renounce your name, and so will your sisters. You will become my wife, and I will adopt the twins into my family. They will want for nothing, nor shall you, for so long as I live."

It's said with a sense of finality, and when Maxwell reaches out, Arche offers up her hand, letting him pull it to his lips so he can kiss the back of it, sealing the deal. A certain weight settles in Arche's gut, but at the same time, she's never felt lighter. The juxtaposition is an odd one, but as Maxwell pulls back and gives her a soft smile that Arche returns, she can't help but feel she's made the right choice with this.


Of course, it's easy to look back on that moment and laugh a little at her slightly younger self. Not that Arche regretted the choice even now, on her wedding night. Still, to say the young woman was nervous would be an understatement. It was a month later, and everything had come to pass as planned. Arche hadn't even had to try and abscond with her sisters under the cover of dark or anything like that.

No, instead, Maxwell and some of his guards had gone with her back to her family's home. It had been explained to her parents what was happening, that she was to marry the young Lord and her sisters were to be adopted into his family. Maxwell had even gone so far as to pay them a dowry for her, though it was Arche who had argued that he need only pay the dowry for a peasant woman, not for a noblewoman. While she might have been noble by birth, her family had squandered that, and she was worth nothing.

Of course, that had been about leaving her parents with little, more than anything else. Maxwell had gone along with Arche's desires, while assuring her that he would never view or treat her like some peasant. She was a princess in his eyes, and always would be. Despite the reasons they were doing this, Arche couldn't help but feel a large burst of affection when he'd said that.

Regardless, the wedding ceremony itself had been relatively small. Her parents had not been invited, and much of Maxwell's family were 'busy' with other things. Meaning that they didn't think he should be sullying himself with a nameless ex-noble such as herself, but Maxwell had assured her he cared not what they thought, and from what Arche had seen so far, he had the power and influence within the Empire for it to not matter much.

Only her younger sisters had been in attendance as the priest wed Maxwell and her together. And that… that was fine. Afterwards, they'd had a small dinner, and then the twins had been sent off to bed. At which point, Maxwell had taken her by the hand and led her to THEIR bedroom. That's where they were now, with Arche standing in the middle of the room facing the bed, fidgeting nervously.

Maxwell sits shirtless on the end of the bed, watching her, clearly not wanting to spook her. Honestly, Arche almost wished he would. If he would just take her and… and fuck her like the broodmare she now was, at least she would know her place in this new setting. But he's unwilling to treat her as anything less than a lady, and it's up to Arche to show him her willingness.

Reaching up, the young woman slowly begins to shed her wedding dress. The most Maxwell had done for her was untie the back, which she couldn't have even begun to reach. Thanks to this, it's not hard at all for Arche to slip the dress off of her slight, pale shoulders. Its nothing too extravagant. Maxwell had left her with the decision of just how opulent a dress she wanted for 'the big day', and Arche had lived a life of efficiency for too long to splurge or anything like that.

The dress is white, and that's its most distinguishing quality as it falls off her body and pools in a circle on the floor at her feet. Stepping forward out of it, Arche next reaches behind herself and pulls apart her corset, letting it fall to the floor as well, releasing her small but still very feminine breasts from their confines, pushed up as they were.

Her panties go next, and then she's fully exposed to her new husband. Not that she's naked, far from it. With elbow-length gloves, thigh-high stockings, and a garter, Arche still has quite a lot on her body… but nothing to cover up the places that draw Maxwell's hungry eye. Honestly, it's nice, having a man admire her. She's never put much stock in it before, but now that the blond is her lord husband, it's important that he find value in her. For the sake of her sisters, if nothing else.

Arche has never, not once in her life, sought to be a seductive creature. She's a scholar first, adventurer second, and a woman third. But while she hopes to maintain some semblance of research and education in her new life, the identity of adventurer is officially behind her. It's time to let the woman out, to finally step into the shoes she's meant to fill.

Walking forward, Arche does her best to put as natural a sway into her hips as she can manage, even as she curls her lips up into something she hopes comes across as sultry. Luckily for her, she's playing to a very, very receptive audience, a man that has fantasized about this moment for half their lives at least. His eyes are filled with desire and his own smile is one of happiness as Arche approaches and climbs into his lap.

Maxwell's hands immediately close around her waist, gripping firmly but gently as Arche in turn wraps her arms around his neck, resting them on his shoulders and looking down into his gorgeous green eyes as he looks up at her in turn.

"… You're beautiful."

Arche's smile becomes that much more genuine at the honest, freely given compliment. Rather than answer and risk her voice cracking or failing her, the young woman leans down and gives Maxwell a kiss. It's nothing like the chaste kiss they shared at their wedding ceremony before the eyes of the priest and her younger sisters. No, this is… this is Arche fulfilling her duty and giving her new husband everything he's ever wanted.

Their lips move sloppily against one another, and the instant Arche feels Maxwell's tongue against her mouth, she opens up and lets him in. Their tongues intertwine with one another under his direction, and as they makeout, Arche is all too happy to give Maxwell the lead on this. She's certainly not going to try to control the direction of the night. This might be their wedding night, but more than anything else, this is the first night of the rest of their lives, the first night that she will be fulfilling her end of their little deal so that the safety of the twins remains a priority.

So, Arche gives herself over to Maxwell. She goes with the flow, following his lead. When Maxwell lifts them both up for a moment but just as quickly turns around, so he can lay her back on the bed, Arche lets him, spreading her legs wide and being as open and inviting as possible as they continue to kiss. He's leaning over her when his fingers first touch her naked quim, and while Arche freezes up briefly, she doesn't try to stop him from sliding his digits back and forth across her slit, causing her breath to hitch and her cunt to begin to moisten up.

However, she is admittedly surprised when his next act is to disengage from her lips and trail his tongue and mouth down her body. Arche squirms as he passes over her breasts, she trembles as he moves across her taut tummy… and she moans when he reaches her navel and then further still as his tongue slides across the tiny nub right above her pussy that is her clit.

Maxwell's green-eyed gaze slides up the length of Arche's body, and from her position on her back, she can see him looking at her if she lifts her head. Their eyes locked together, she simply can't look away as he begins to lick and finger her cunt at the same time, pleasuring her with his mouth as if he's the servant, as if it's her enjoyment that matters here rather than his.

Admittedly, Arche doesn't quite understand why. But she's already resigned herself to following Max's lead, even if it's utterly embarrassing how easily he's provoking certain… reactions from her. Every time she mewls or moans, a little more of Arche's pride slips away. Her face is hot red with arousal but also embarrassment, and she almost wants to cover it with her hands. Instead, she clutches at the blankets beneath her, gripping them tightly enough for her knuckles to go white as Maxwell's tongue elicits certain responses from her and her body that Arche was not prepared for.

Her hips begin to hump up into his face, and a sudden spasm of pleasure wracks her frame as Arche finds her line of sight broken for a moment, her head tilting back and a very throaty moan indeed leaving her throat and lips and heading for the ceiling. But that's just the beginning, and as if he senses weakness, Maxwell redoubles his efforts. His tongue wiggles against her clit before diving into the top half of her cunt, while he continues to saw one of his middle fingers in and out of the bottom half without fail, without pause.

Its too much. It's far too much. Arche's eyes go crossed and her mouth forms into a small o as she suddenly climaxes, the orgasm coming too fast and too furiously for the young woman to even have a chance to try to hold it back. Her hands DO come up to cover her face then as the blush grows even redder, even hotter. She can't stop her pussy juices from squirting out onto Maxwell's tongue and finger, and to say she's mortified by her lack of self-control would be an understatement.

Maxwell's tongue leaves her clit and his finger leaves her pussy as she feels him shifting above her. Arche is fully expecting to be admonished for her lack of propriety, but no such admonishment ever comes. Instead, as she lays there, her legs twitching, her body trembling, and her hands covering her face, she feels familiar fingers slide around her wrists, and then Maxwell draws them both back as he looks down into her eyes with a wide smile.

"You're beautiful, Arche. You're so, so beautiful."

There's a deep lust in his voice that makes the words more than just a repeat of what he'd said earlier. Arche's breath hitches, and then she looks down the length of her body as Maxwell lays his cock across her slit. He's… he's of good size, she's pretty sure. She really only has the few accidental glimpses she got while adventuring with Team Foresight to go off of but based on those all too intimate moments while on the road, Arche feels inclined to say that Maxwell is of very good size indeed.

It's much too big, is her next thought. Surely that thing won't fit inside of her. But as Maxwell lifts her arms over her head by the wrists, as he slides his cock back and forth across her very wet slit, Arche doesn't say anything. She knows better than to deny him. If it doesn't fit, if he has to hurt her to get his pleasure… then that's alright. She can take it. She knew what she was getting into when she proposed this deal, and she's ready for the consequences.

Of course, being a virgin, Maxwell's first thrust into her cunt, which comes a few moments later, does indeed hurt as he tears through her hymen. Arche cries out softly, even as Maxwell thrusts in but immediately stops, burying more than half of his cock inside of her before freezing up and waiting. This surprises the young woman, and she looks up into Maxwell's eyes to find him concerned.

"K-Keep going…"

The concern morphs into a knowing smile and Maxwell chuckles as he reaches for her and caresses her cheek.

"No… not yet, my love."

That reignites Arche's embarrassed blush all over again, and she turns her head aside, looking away as she bites her lower lip. Luckily, Maxwell doesn't seem to take offense. He waits, and as he waits, the throb of pain in her cunt fades surprisingly quickly. When he DOES finally begin to move, pushing in just a tad deeper before pulling back for another thrust, Arche is surprised by how… pleasant it feels. There's no pain as Maxwell's cock starts to travel back and forth along her oh-so-slick insides.

He thrusts in and out of her, and in fact, in contrast to her expectations, Arche finds herself dealing with building pleasure rather than growing agony. Another climax, perhaps not quite as swift as the first one, quickly encroaches on her thoughts all the same, and it's not long before Arche is once again crying out in ecstasy beneath her new husband as Maxwell finally takes her, making love to her and pleasuring her in a way Arche never knew to expect, didn't dare to dream of.

He treated her like the princess he'd said she was to him. He treated her like the woman who would be his wife and not just bear his children, but rule by his side. He treated her… like an equal. It's sad that that was all that was needed to stoke the flames burning in Arche's belly, but as Maxwell continues to thrust in and out of her, as he continues to take her in their bed for the first time, she finds herself enjoying it more and more.

When he suddenly lets go of her wrists and moves his hands to her legs, sliding them up off the bed and placing them on his shoulders minutes later, Arche doesn't think anything of it. It lifts her hips off the bed of course to keep them joined together at the crotch, but she's already half out of her mind with pleasure. She's certainly not going to fight him now.

With her pale legs slung over Maxwell's shoulders, Arche can feel him pushing in deeper. This new position gives him a better angle with which to thrust, and the young woman's eyes go crossed as he hits new and exciting spots deep inside of her cunt, the pleasure washing over her in increasingly massive waves as she moans out, her chest heaving and her face flushed with euphoria.

She cums at least twice more around his cock before she feels it and hears it as well. Maxwell lets out a sudden grunt followed by a loud groan as his pulsating member throbs repeatedly, and then a hot, thick liquid fills her. The angle means that his seed splatters across her insides and then slides right down into her womb, filling her until he's finished, until he's spent. Then, Maxwell pulls back, panting heavily, the exertion leaving him just as exhausted as Arche is already beginning to feel.

He falls to the side of her, laid out on his back as well as he recovers his breath, staring up at the ceiling in silence. Arche watches him for a moment, and then turns onto her side, rolling into his and curling up against her new husband. For a beat, Maxwell seems surprised. Then he reacts, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and holding her close, even as his seed leaks out a tad between her clenched thighs, much of it staying right where it was left, deep inside of her.

The first of many seedings, Arche imagines. But… the thought does not fill her with the same apprehensive dread it might have just a day before. As she lets Maxwell hold her, the two of them drifting off to sleep together, there's a soft, very real smile on Arche's face. In the aftermath of their first bout of lovemaking, the young woman thinks she just might be able to learn to love Maxwell.

To care for her husband the same way he obviously cares for her… she hadn't dared hope for that kind of romance. And yet… and yet, now there was a burgeoning seed of affection growing in Arche's heart. It was not fake, it was not an act like she'd assumed she'd have to keep up. No, this very well might be the beginnings of love…


The next morning, Arche wakes up first. Realizing this, the young woman finds herself staring at the peaceful sleeping face of her new husband. Maxwell's words from the night before come to her in that moment. Beautiful. As he sleeps, Maxwell looks… so beautiful. His actions also come to her in that moment, and Arche blushes at the way he so easily pleasured her, making sure her enjoyment was as great if not greater than this.

Remembering the feel of his tongue on her clit, Arche finds herself squirming carefully out of Maxwell's grasp. She's not trying to avoid waking him to be fair, and by the time she lips under the blankets that cover them both, he's already starting to stir. That's alright. It just means that by the time Maxwell wakes up, there's a pair of lips suctioned around his cock as an enthusiastic tongue and mouth go to work on his member, slurping and sucking to the best of their ability.

The young Lord will pull back his blankets and find his lady wife looking up at him with hopeful and eager-to-please eyes, even as she bobs up and down on his morning wood until finally, Maxwell lets out a groan and fills Arche's mouth with his cum. Finding it salty, but not all that bad tasting, the young woman swallows her husband's load and then pulls back, letting the blanket fall away as well, revealing both of their naked bodies.

Maxwell smiles happily up at his new wife, and while Arche's own smile is a little hesitant and a little unsure even now, it's no less sincere. Perhaps this will work after all. Only time will tell, and Arche knows that the two of them have a lot of time together laid out before them. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. They'll face them all, together.

But, no matter how bad it gets, somewhere deep in Arche's soul, she feels this certainty that the alternative was so, so much worse.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

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