well time to shimmy back up the tree.on his way up the tree Cal starts to feel hungry.
well i guess ill be making another detour ,i guess ill try my hand at hunting.
As he says this Cal looks to the sky and can see the sun straight up.
It's midday now so of course ill be hungry, what with all the healing and everything. hmmm now lets see what i can find Cal says as he cups his hand to his ear.
that sounds like a monster or something.Cal makes his way towards the sound leaping branch to branch high above the ground
hmm i. wonder what it's gonna be?
well as long as isn't a dragon or something then i should be fine.
as Cal gets closer he hears more rustling in the underbrush and out popped a short green creature with beady eyes,long ears and a crooked nose.
man thats definitely a Goblin. and it smells worse than its looks.! Thank Gaia it has a loincloth,
seeing that it's only weapon was a club and that it was the size of a small child Cal wondered what its stats were.
Race: Goblin
Age:1 year 5 months 23 days
Well damn this fuckers weak
how do they even survive?
well bye bye
you ugly fucker!
As Cal thought this he leaped upon his prey.
using his claws he slashed the Goblin from his face to his gut.Flinging the Goblin to the ground Spraying Blood and Gore everywhere!
And before Cal could appreciate his Victory he heard
falling to his knees Cal took note of the wooden spear
sticking out of his guts. Now covered in the Blood of his foe plus his own. Cals mind reeled in shock as he felt his life draining to nothing instinct took over.
As these noises sounded in his mind Cal came back to hisself.
Noticing the Blood stained Earth and the piles of bodys Cal quickly made sure there weren't anymore enemies around.Finding the area clear he noticed that all his wounds were gone and an unpleasant taste in his mouth.feeling a sense of disgust he checked the bodies hoping that he was wrong.
But alas he did the disgusting deed of which he disagreed! Never did he wish for his first meal to be a Goblin nor his last, or anywhere in between.
ugh i think im gonna be sick....
counting the bodies he found that he killed 11 Goblins total.After appraising all of them he realized the first was the youngest and weakest.
As Cal realized this he had an Epiphany!
Those cunning fucks baited me into a trap!
have a weakling running around making noise to attract pray then sneak attack. and overwhelm the enemy with numbers.
Cal definitely underestimated his enemies,
So Cal swore to himself that he would take this lesson to heart!
feeling that he was forgetting something he remembered those doorbell sounds he heard.
looking around he saw neither doors nor bells.
as a dawning suspicion came upon him he checked his Status:
Race:Vampire progenitor
HP Regen:2/s
Appraisal: lv .max
Blood Memories:lv. max
blood servant: rank 2
Blood Drain: rank 4
sunlight Immunity:lv.max
Retractable Claws:lv.5
I leveled not once but twice.
feeling elated he noticed that he has yet to try out Blood servant. looking around he realized that only one body wasn't ripped to shreds...his first victim
approaching it and seeing that it has 5 slashs leading from the face to the guts almost 4 inches deep he doubted this body would work either.
Oh well lets give it a shot.Saying that he extended a claw and slashed his palm watching the blood pool and the wound heal he poured the Blood into the Goblins mouth.
One Hour Later...
Not one fucking twitch!
nothing all it's doing is stinking more! im outta here.
normally all this blood and gore would attract predators by now but obviously they feel the same as I do about you stinky fuckers!
Getting up Cal looked through the Goblins weapons and grabbed a short sword with a bone handle.
musing to himself he decided he would rather stay naked than wear a loincloth.
Wishing to wash there stench off he went in search of water. avoiding slimes he finally found a small spring that feeds a stream. Clear water with small fish. sticking his toe in he learned that it was warm water.
jumping in he bathed and washed all the filth off himself.Floating in the water he felt glad to be alive and thankful to Gaia for bringing him to such an exciting world!
as it was getting late Cal sought out shelter.
searching for little more than an hour he discovered a hole in a tree. climbing fifteen feet up he looked in and noticed that he could comfortably fit inside and it wasn't occupied. So Cal gathered up some big leaves and made a bed. he then made a makeshift door with sticks tied together with some vines. feeling tired he called it a day.
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