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89.44% Brocken Shackles / Chapter 144: End of Christmas

Chapitre 144: End of Christmas


I'm sorry for the very long delay that took to publish this chapter and thank you for sticking with me. I'm back with the Next Chapter of Broken Shackles.

You can read till Chapter 39 now on my patreon website. www . patreon . com / blackinfinity1289.

The story will be updates biweekly every Tuesday and Saturday.

Hope you share your feedback with me.

Thanks to Mughil for Beta reading the chapter.



"Familiar/ Ghosts /Goblins" talking.

'Familiar/ Ghosts/ Goblins' thinking.

'Parseltongue, will/memories'

"Spell" is being used.


Broken Shackles

Chapter 22

End of Christmas

"My gifts have been waiting for me for a long time. Let's see what I've got." Harry said, pulling the gifts one by one from the large pile under the Christmas tree.

First was a large wrapped cover which appears to be a broom and if his senses are to be trusted, this is going to be that broom. He excitedly opened it, revealing a polished, shining and one and only fastest broom in the world.

The Firebolt.

A small piece of paper fell from the cover and Harry took it to read.

'Hey Pup,

I know you don't know me or who I'm. But I can't help but send you a gift for the first Christmas I'm out. I'm safe here and didn't get to meet you when I tried.

I'll come soon and am proud of how good you have become, Harry. Your parents will be proud of you if they saw you like this. I can't explain more as anything more can be tracked back. Stay safe, pup.


Harry knew who sent the gift and the letter. By the looks of it, the Goblin nation also knew. But didn't report it to the Ministry as they knew Harry's relationship with Sirius or maybe there is something else they are hiding.

He was delighted to hear that Sirius is safe and his patience to wait for Sirius only grew after reading the letter. Seeing the new Firebolt, Harry got a vicious smirk.

"That's not good. Someone is in trouble when he has that smile." Tonks said from the side of the couch. Ted and Andromeda waited anxiously for Harry's response but the smirk vanished, replaced by a happy smile.

"Crises dodged." Tonks said in relief and Harry continued opening his gifts. Next one was neatly wrapped with a certain elegance to it and Harry got curious and opened it.

It has luxurious-looking packaging with the edges plated in dark green and a sweet smell enticing their nostrils on opening. There is a small bottle of perfume in the neatly packaged box.

'Allure' it read and there is a small neatly written note beside the perfume which Harry picked to read.

'A small belated welcome gift which is tested to your taste, Heir Potter. Merry Christmas and Welcome back to the Magical World.' It read with a sign of certain Greengrass beneath it.

On the other side of the perfume was a note explaining how the perfume was made and how it is one of the finest of the Potions House Greengrass makes and only sent to a select few.

"From Greengrass, eh? Looks like the old snake is up to his old tricks." Andromeda commented and Harry felt she knew the man at a personal level, but shrugged.

Harry put the perfume aside and took the next gift. It was from Cho which made him excited to open it and it is a Muggle suit which had H and C sewn into it in golden blue letters.

"C, hmm. Guess we are going to know a new person soon," Tonks said with a teasing smile and Harry looked at her defiantly and his look soon turned to a smug one which made the Tonks couple snicker.

"Yeah funny," Tonks hmphed as she started to cycle through different shades of colours as her emotions raged.

"There, there. You'll get one soon as well." Harry said, patting her head which she slapped away. With continued laughs and snickers, the opening continued.

Harry got many gifts ranging from wand holsters, books, and small ornaments to wizarding chess sets, and occasional and casual wear. All have Gringotts seal on them.

And lastly, there was only one large box left. It has a bigger G on the packaging with the Potter family crest on it which made Harry curious. He opened it and saw a note in front of what looked like an old book.

'Greetings, Heir Potter.

This is Bloodstain. This Christmas, the Goblin Nation has decided to send you your long-lost family tree retrieved from our records.

Though some things are not clear like the old connections and the ancestors before the Potter House founder, we are proud to present you the final copy of your long-standing Noble House Potter.

Presenting you the Potter Family tree.'

The note read and the clothes wrapping around the gift opened to see a moving paper with various names in the form of a big tree glowing with colours.

"Salutations, Heir Potter. I sadly admit that we are not as accurate as we thought we would be as we have maintained Potter family accounts for centuries. But here is the best we managed -

Ancient and Noble House Potter

Blood Status- Half-blood (formerly Pure-blood)

Notable Family Members-

Linfred of Stinchcombe † (Founder of the House)

Henry Potter I †

Iolanthe Potter (née Peverell) †

Hardwin Potter †

Ralston Potter †

Abraham Potter † (Moved to America)

Mrs Potter (née Fleamont) †

Henry Potter II †

Fleamont Potter † (Son of Abraham Potter)

Euphemia Potter † (W/o Fleamont Potter)

Charlus Potter †

Dorea Potter (née Black) †

James Potter I †

Lily Potter (née Evans) †

Harry James Potter

"Unfortunately, we don't have many records about your relatives in America and where they live. We managed to gather the names from what little we heard from our sources." The list ended.

Though the tree has more names than the 'Notable Members' list, it has a few Potters who are alive but they are not here. Harry sighed sadly.

He thought he could meet a living relative, but all his relatives were away from him when he needed them. Sirius is in Azkaban and now on the run, the other Potters are in America while his 'relatives' here made his life miserable.

Seeing the dark cloud form on the young Potter, Tonks chose to intervene and threw a baseball at Harry. Though he is down in the dumps, his Seeker reflexes felt something coming and caught the ball before it hit him.

Harry turned to her with a questioning look. "What happened, cutie? Feeling sad?" Tonks asked with a sweet smile, patting Harry, mimicking his pat earlier. His eyes twitched.

"Aww, you feel sad. Here, take this chocolate. I'm sure it will help." She said and gave a big wrapped cover to Harry. With a raised eyebrow, he opened the gift.

'Mysteries of Metamorphmagus' the title read.

Harry's mood immediately cheered, his eyes scanning for anything that he didn't know. "Didn't I say it would be a good gift for a bookworm like him?" Tonks wiggled her eyes at her parents in pride.

"Yes, dear." Her mother agreed and Tonks gave them a cat smile, partially changing her face into a cat.

"Thanks, Tonks!" Harry excitedly hugged the colour-changing girl whose hair colour started changing again with the sudden hug.

"Ok, ok. Don't kill me with your hug!" Tonks yelled as Harry's hug knocked the air out of her lungs.

"Sorry, hehe," Harry said sheepishly and moved back, looking at the book curiously.

"Where did you get this? It's not in Hogwarts or any other bookstores in Diagon Alley." Harry asked.

"As if. There is a whole 'restricted' section in Hogwarts library, you know." She wanted to sound smart but her desired effect didn't come as the other 3 present gave her unimpressed looks.

"Ok, it is one of the Auror training books. It was given to me as I have the ability. Now feel impressed, people. You don't know how to cheer a woman." She said with frustration.

Harry and Ted started clapping for Tonks as soon as she completed her rant while Andromeda gave her a thumbs up with a happy smile. Tonks only hmphed and sat quietly.

"Here is our gift, Harry." Andromeda gave a book to Harry. The book was worn out but still readable. He read the title and was impressed. 'The House of Dragons'.

"It has everything about Dragons and what they can do. Hope it will be useful to you."

"Thank you," Harry said with a happy smile. "How did you like my gifts?"

"They are good. We didn't expect to receive a full set of muggle fancy suits if anything."

"Hahaha. How did you like yours, Dora?" Harry asked the quiet Tonks with a smile.

"You thought a princess dress is a perfect fit for me?" She asked with exasperation.

"Now, now, Tonks. I thought you would look beautiful in that. Did you even try it?" Tonks turned her face, not wanting to answer that question.

"It's- it's quite a tale. I think we should eat." Andromeda interjected, saving the grace of her daughter. Harry nodded in amusement and they sat to eat. The mood was cheerful throughout as they shared all the fun memories they made.

Harry came out of his sad mood and they all laughed when Harry tried mimicking Tonks with face paint and expressions. The rest of the day went well and in the late afternoon, a new guest visited Tonks residence.

"Here Ted, keep this rat safe. Don't let him escape." Harry said, giving a half-dead rat to Ted. Ted looked at it curiously.

"This is Pettigrew?" Ted asked surprised by the malnourished condition of Pettigrew.

"Yes. I don't want him fed or watered. He won't eat even if you try to anyway." Harry said with a cheerful smile.

"I won't ask what you did to him to be like this," Ted said with a displeased face. He doesn't like when Harry is like this.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear. But please don't feed him. He is quite a rat literally. You give him the littlest of gaps, he escapes. I don't want that. That container has many charms in place and only I can open it. I am sure that I'll kill him if he is with me any longer. That's why I'm handing him over to you. Keep him trapped." Harry said with a disappointed sigh and Ted can understand why.

From his observation, Harry tortured Pettigrew very badly and though he can guess what made him afraid of eating, Ted doesn't want to picture that. Picturing Harry being cold and heartless is something that Ted don't like. Harry is a sweet and brave boy and Ted wants to view him like that only.

"What's this talk about?" Andromeda asked bringing some snacks.

"Nothing dear," Ted said hiding Pettigrew in one of his drawers. Though she knew they were hiding something, she didn't press.

"Look who is here," she said with a smile and moved aside, revealing a young witch who is perhaps Harry's most admiring fan.

"How are you doing Cristy? It's been some time." Harry asked with a warm smile. Cristy's eyes widened at being greeted by her Hero and she jumped onto Harry.

"I'm suuper weelll, Harry. Oh Merlin I didn't think you remember me. Oh Merlin!" She exclaimed in joy. Even though his reflexes are fast, Harry couldn't respond in time as it was too unexpected but managed to withstand the force.

Andromeda started trying to remove the woman from Harry while Ted tried to secure Pettigrew as Harry was close to stumbling into the desk. He quickly took the jar out and moved it to his 'most valuables' trunk which has way too many safety and security charms for anyone to try and take from it.

After some much-needed effort from Andromeda, Harry and the newly joined Tonks, they managed to remove Cristy from Harry. Seeing what happens if Harry said something impressive, the room set-up was changed.

Instead of Harry sitting beside Cristy, they sat opposite to each other with Ted and Andromeda sitting immediately to Harry and Cristy and Tonks acting as a balancer to catch her if Cristy jumped suddenly. The table size was enlarged just to be safe as well.

"Shall we start, Cristy?" Harry asked and the enthusiastic woman nodded vehemently.

"This took place immediately after Tom's demise. I was taken to my muggle relatives home-" Harry started and explained his tale. Tonks family is also very interested in Harry's life as he became a member of the family.

Sometime Later

As Harry went through his life, Cristy enthusiastically wrote everything, not missing even a single detail. The Tonks were surprised by Harry's tale. They didn't think the boy-who-lived had to grow up in such harsh conditions.

Tonks openly wept in many instances. She didn't imagine that the boy she had fun with had to endure all this and was at Harry's side as soon as he started explaining his 2nd year and how Hufflepuff reacted.

She only saw Harry as a strong and spoiled young boy as Harry has this commanding presence that demands respect and his combat skills did support her views as he single-handedly faced many adult wizards.

Ted and Andromeda wanted to tear Dumbledore and Snape limb to limb at how unjust the old Headmaster and the Potions Professor were to the young Potter Heir.

But they also noted how Harry's personality changed after the Slytherin incident and how he didn't actively put any effort to deny he is not Heir Slytherin after the Basilisk was defeated. They noted it as something unusual and want to ask Harry when the time was right.

"So that's how my 2nd year ended with me determining to not take shit from anyone and do what I wanted and we are here." Harry ended with a smirk at Cristy.

The poor woman fainted seeing her hero smirking at her which made everyone laugh. "Harry, you should stop teasing the poor girl," Andromeda said, patting Cristy as she woke up. Harry's reply was another smirk.

"So Cristy, how fast can you go through them and make them print-ready?" Harry asked after Cristy got back into her chair.

"By New Year?" Cristy replied in a doubtful tone. Harry stared at her in surprise.

"You can go through all that and make them print-ready in less than a week?" He asked in surprise. Cristy got a tearful face at that.

"You think it's too long? I can do it in 3 days if you want it quick!" She said in urgency. Now everyone stared at her in surprise. 'What is with this woman?' They thought in unison. Noticing how his question had the opposite effect, Harry hastily replied.

"No, no. I didn't mean it like that. Take a week and make them ready by the time Hogwarts opens up after the holidays. This is our new year gift for the Wizarding World." Harry said with a smirk and Cristy nodded vigorously.

After bidding her goodbye, all of them had some light talk after which the Tonks couple went to work on a case, leaving Harry and Tonks. Harry turned to the nervous Tonks.

"Hey Tonks-" she turned to him.

"Can you do me a favour?" He asked and Tonks gave him a blank look and prodded him to continue. Her heart was pounding faster at the suspense.

She heard about these things many times in Hogwarts and though she didn't have any experience, she had a bad case of a stalker and doesn't like to be put in a corner like this.

"Can you teach me more about your Metamorphmagus ability?" He asked and Tonks hair changed into pink then red then green then yellow at last.

Harry thought she was cycling through them to give him a closer look while it took a full minute for Tonks to get her emotions under control because of the suspense and maybe a bit of disappointment that what Harry asked is not what she thought.

"That's so cool, Tonks." Harry clapped while she blushed and sighed in relief that he didn't notice.

"Oh, what is that pink? Is Tonks thinking dirty?" Harry asked a second later in a sing-song voice and Tonks lunged at him trying to pinch his cheeks for being a cheeky brat. After some punishment in which she pinched his cheeks as hard as she can, she decided to explain more about her ability.

"As you might have already read in the book-" she stopped at Harry's 'Really? You think?' expression. "Um, I mean, as you will read in the book, Metamorphmagus is a unique ability that's found in a select few witches and wizards. How it came to be and who invented… I don't remember. But it's a cool ability." Tonks explained in her style.

"Does this only restrict to your hair or body as well?" Harry asked curiously.

"The extent of the ability varies from person to person, but in general, a Metamorphmagus can change their appearance in various ways, including their hair colour, eye colour, facial features, and even their height and weight. They can also change their voice and imitate different accents and dialects. Like this-" Tonks said and changed her face into a peacock then into a pig and then an eagle.

Harry noticed how only the shape of her face changed but how her other features like size didn't change.

"I heard that a skilled Metamorphmagus can change their appearance so drastically that they can appear as an entirely different person. However, there are limitations to the abilities. For example, I cannot change my mass, so I cannot appear to be larger or smaller than my actual size." She explained and Harry nodded as he saw it firsthand.

"I can also not change my genetic makeup or basic physical structure, so I cannot grow wings or extra limbs. The metamorphmagus process is not instantaneous and requires a certain level of concentration and effort.

"Metamorphmagi must be familiar with the features they want to change and maintain a mental image of the desired appearance. This can be physically and mentally exhausting, and inexperienced Metamorphmagi may struggle to maintain their appearance for extended periods."

"On the other hand, my hair is completely independent for some reason and does whatever it wants to." She said with a sigh.

"It's not all sunshine and rainbows, there are some limitations to this ability as well. For example, I cannot change my clothes or any other non-physical aspect of my appearance, such as age or gender. I may look younger, but the overall effect won't be drastic.

"Additionally, the ability to change appearance may be affected by strong emotions such as anger, fear, or stress. Overall, the Metamorphmagus ability is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including disguise, espionage, and even entertainment." Tonks said in her lecture mode and turned to Harry with a punchline only to see him dozing off.

"Damn you, Potter!" She yelled. "Yeah, you got a nice tail," Harry said clapping and Tonks's anger broke all barriers and she threw him into the paint bucket on the floor. Unfortunately for her, there is no paint in it which made Harry taunt her and run to his room.

Though she followed him, she couldn't catch him and Harry shut his door before she tried something funny. As he sat on his bed thinking about everything Tonks explained, a familiar voice spoke.

"Isn't she interesting?" Mira said in a teasing tone.

"She is. I can easily get a raise out of her. Entertaining to have around." Harry agreed.

"What did you understand?"

"That I need to learn so much more to get a good grasp on this and try," Harry said taking out the book Tonks gifted him and started reading. Mira left him in silence. She is satisfied with his progress and does not need to push him after all. Harry has enough determination to learn and grow.

2 Days Later

Andromeda sat across Harry in the living room, sipping tea and chatting about Wizarding culture and etiquette as she started her training on Harry's wizarding etiquette.

"First things first, Harry," Andromeda said, setting down her teacup. "You need to brush up on your Wizarding history. There are a lot of important events and figures that you'll need to know about, especially if you're going to be interacting with the Lords and Ladies of other houses."

Harry nodded, eager to learn more. Andromeda began to explain some of the key moments in Wizarding history, from the founding of Hogwarts to the defeat of Voldemort. She also explained more about the most famous wizard and witch, Merlin and Morgana le Fay.

"But it's not just history you need to know," she continued. "There are also important customs and traditions in the Wizarding world to be aware of. For example, it's considered impolite to refuse food or drink when offered, even if you're not hungry or thirsty."

Harry nodded again, taking mental notes. This only added to his knowledge as he already went through the Wizarding Etiquette book. It didn't go into details about each house as that's considered offensive to the house.

Andromeda went on to explain other customs, such as the importance of giving gifts on certain occasions, like birthdays or holidays, and the proper way to address people of different ranks and titles, which Harry was not fond of but chose to not disturb her. She was very scary when she wanted to be.

"As the Heir of the Potter family, you have a certain level of status in the Wizarding world," Andromeda started. "But it's important to remember that there are others who may outrank you, like members of the Ministry of Magic or certain pure-blood families. Always show respect to those who hold higher positions than you do."

Harry listened intently, realising that he had a lot to learn about his own culture. Andromeda also talked about social events, like the annual Hogwarts Yule Ball and the Ministry of Magic's annual gala.

"These events can be a great way to network and make important connections in the Wizarding world," Andromeda said. "But they can also be overwhelming if you're not prepared. Make sure you dress appropriately and know how to dance, for example." Harry noted to practise dancing as well.

As their conversation continued, Harry learned more and more about the intricacies of Wizarding culture and etiquette. Andromeda shared stories about her own experiences growing up as a pure-blood witch but didn't say her house name though. Harry didn't prod.

"Remember, Harry," she said as they finished their tea. "The Wizarding world can be a wonderful and exciting place, but it can also be unforgiving if you make a misstep. Always be respectful, be gracious, and be prepared."

Harry sat back in his chair, taking in all the information Andromeda had just shared with him. "There seems to be much to remember," he said. "I don't know how I'm going to keep it all straight."

Andromeda smiled kindly at him. "It can seem overwhelming at first, but with practice, it will become second nature. And remember, it's always better to ask questions and seek guidance than to make a mistake that could offend someone. It is particularly important in your case."

Harry nodded, feeling grateful for Andromeda's guidance. "Is there anything else I should know?" He asked.

"Well, there are certain things that are considered taboo in the Wizarding world," Andromeda replied. "For example, it's generally not polite to ask about someone's blood status or their family history, especially if you're meeting them for the first time. It's also considered impolite to ask about someone's financial situation or to discuss money in general."

"Really? Are you sure every Wizarding family teaches this? Cause Malfoy for one isn't aware of that." Harry laughed which managed to crack Andromeda's teaching persona.

After a minute of laughter, she continued. "There are certain magical creatures that are revered in the Wizarding world, like Unicorns and Dragons. It's important to treat these creatures with respect and reverence, and not to harm them in any way."

Harry thought back to his encounters with creatures like Norbert the dragon, the Basilisk Sona and Aragog the spider. That's when a unique creature entered his mind with its bony body.

"You got everything I explained, Harry?" Andromeda asked, pulling Harry out of his deep stupor. After a minute, she explained how to be a gentleman and what not to do. The list was significantly shortened to fit Harry's needs. It only said don't do anything that can be traced back to you.

Harry was very satisfied with the lessons and spent the rest of his holidays practising his magic and training with Mira and Tonks who acted as if nothing happened the next day. Harry also learned a nifty ability from Tonks as well.

As the holidays were completed, it was time to go back to Hogwarts and the Tonks family couldn't accompany him to the station as Harry was technically with his relatives.

"Hope you have enjoyed your time here, Harry," Andromeda said.

"I'm sure he did, Mum. Why wouldn't he be when I'm around?" Tonks said with boisterous laughter and Harry nodded in agreement.

"If there is anything, send me a letter," Tonks said and Harry nodded.

"This is like a family send-off. Cheer up people, I can take care of myself in Hogwarts." He said in a confident tone and they all nodded.

"I'll go to other countries and see if I can find anything with Doggos." Ted said with a handshake.

"Take care of yourself, Harry," Andromeda said and hugged Harry. He came so close to her heart in a short time, she couldn't help but be concerned about him.

"I will,"

"Take care of yourself, Dora. I don't want to defend you next time." Harry said and Tonks didn't blow the fuse but silently hugged him with a nod. She hadn't liked anyone in a long time as much as she liked the Potter Heir.

"Ok guys. Gotta go. See you when I see ya!" Harry said and vanished with a pop.

"Damn, he learnt it already?"

"Of course. You know who taught him!"

"Isn't that illegal?"

"You want to face us in court?" The Tonks couple asked and it shut Tonks' mouth.

With Harry

Harry walked leisurely into No.4 Privet Drive. He knew his relatives didn't go on holiday but instead worked their asses off to earn more in the holiday season and by the looks of it, they did earn quite an amount.

The door opened as soon as he reached it courtesy of his now thin cousin. "Dudley, what a pleasant surprise. How are you doing?" Harry asked and Dudley nodded 'alright' and closed the door behind Harry.

As Harry walked in, he noticed that there were no decorations of Christmas in the house or anything that hinted at a celebration except for a new sofa and other furniture. Harry sat on the single sofa and with a call from Dudley, Vernon and Petunia came into the lounge area.

"How long are you going to be here?" Petunia asked in a neutral tone. Not wanting to anger Harry. She looked like she got some muscle instead of all bones, her body fitting her clothes somewhat.

"I'll be leaving in an hour. Did the vacation go well?" He asked and all of them got a scared look at that.

"It went well. Here is your next 3 months' payment." Vernon said, pulling out £9000. "We thought of saving some money from the bonus I got from my promotion and paying this in advance." He said confidently. Though he lost some weight, there was not much difference in his appearance.

"I said monthly. Deposit them every month, Vernon." Harry said with narrowed eyes and Vernon's confidence shook at that. Seeing he is still under control Harry got a satisfied look.

"I'll be leaving for Hogwarts. Most probably would never return unless you prompt me to. Don't get cocky and change houses." Harry said with his wand coming into his hand and Dobby popping beside him.

"Of course not. Of course not." Vernon and Petunia said in denial.

"Good. Now let's have some snacks and I'll be on my way." Harry said and all of them had a 'family snack' after which Harry went to his room and tapped on his Slytherin Lord Ring and vanished from No.4 Privet Drive.


"Hogwarts delightfully welcomes Lord Slytherin," Hogwarts said in joy with a bell chiming as Harry appeared in the Chamber of Secrets.

"I'm happy to be back, Hogwarts."

"Dobby, did Hogwarts Express arrive?"

"Yes, Great Master Harry." Dobby popped and replied. Harry vanished again and joined his classmates on their way to the Great Hall.

"Harry?!" Terry and Padma said in surprise as Harry wasn't beside them a moment ago.

"Hello, guys," Harry said catching up with them. Before they could ask, he cut them off.

"How was your Christmas?"

"It was good," Terry replied, smiling at his best friend. "I spent most of it with my parents. How about you?"

"Same," Harry said, grinning. "I went to Tonks' place and had so much fun there."

Padma cut them as the 2 blocked her way to talk secrets. "It's good to see you, Padma. How was your trip?" Harry asked.

Padma returned his smile. "It was fine. The train was a bit crowded, but I managed to find a compartment."

As they walked into the castle, Harry felt a sense of relief wash over him seeing everything in one piece. Though he knew Dumbledore was a capable Headmaster, he was a wild card as well for Harry to leave everything to the man.

As they were entering the Great Hall, Harry's mind turned to Cho. He didn't find her with others as he entered, he saw Cho walking towards them. He felt a flutter in his stomach, seeing her after a long time.

"Hey, Cho," he greeted in a casual tone.

"Hi, Harry," she replied, giving him a warm smile. "How was your Christmas?"

"It was good," Harry said, noticing the necklace, his eyes sparked with joy.

Cho nodded, looking interested. "That sounds nice. I went home to visit my family, but it was a bit boring, to be honest until…" She didn't finish her sentence. Terry and Padma knew better than to interrupt as they also noticed the necklace.

"Aha. That sounds boring." Harry's reply was automatic as he got lost in his thoughts.

As Harry couldn't recollect himself, Terry cleared his throat to get his attention and it worked. "Yes, yes. It's dinner time. See you around, Cho!" Harry said cutting off Cho mid-sentence and the three of them went to sit, Cho sitting opposite Padma with her friends.

Dumbledore walked up to the Owl Lectern and cleared his throat to get attention.

"My dear students, welcome back to Hogwarts! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holiday break. The Christmas season always fills our hearts with joy and hope, and I trust that you have returned to us refreshed and ready to continue your studies.

"As we begin the new term, I would like to remind you all of the importance of hard work and dedication to your studies. You are all here to learn and grow, not only as wizards and witches but as individuals. I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities that Hogwarts has to offer and to strive for excellence in all that you do.

"This term promises to be a challenging one, but I have faith in every one of you. Remember to support and care for one another, and to always be kind and respectful to those around you. Together, we can create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

"Once again, welcome back to Hogwarts, and let us begin our journey together into the exciting possibilities of the new term." He said enthusiastically, his eyes twinkling in joy.

Harry knew what utter nonsense Dumbledore just spoke but hoped that he could find Sirius and have a peaceful time here. He had so many things planned for the semester after all. Soon everyone dispersed into their dorms to sleep.

And Cut.

That's it for this Chapter, folks. Hope you all liked it. Tell me, what you think of the chapter and story in general

Any suggestions are welcomed.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

next chapter
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