As Liam's hand wrapped around the imp's wrist, he immediately summoned a petal's worth of essence from the flower – making direct contact with the imp's thick skin.
The imp's face fell, and the others were too apprehensive of Liam to approach and save him.
He was on his own. To save himself, he let go of the spear, but he couldn't move a muscle.
When Liam's dark-red flame made contact with the imp's skin… nothing happened at all. No wound or damage, not even a scratch.
Liam scowled.
Just as the imp was about to lurch backwards and escape, Liam summoned his odachi and sent it flying through the imp's throat.
It pierced through, killing the imp instantly.
Letting the simp live was too kind. Too many of them.
A second later, he unsummoned the odachi, returning it to his ring.
The imps momentarily paused, unsure of what to do next against such a difficult enemy.
Final exams are still not over btw, so I might not upload for a while. I made this chapter extra long for that, though.