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86.66% BNHA/MHA: The Dark Hero / Chapter 26: Chapter 23: Sport's Festival Pt. 10 - Rashomon A Day, Makes The Doctor Stay

Chapitre 26: Chapter 23: Sport's Festival Pt. 10 - Rashomon A Day, Makes The Doctor Stay

Class 1-A rushed through the hallway towards Recovery Girl's temporary Nurse's Office. Going up first, Midoriya tried opening the door but it clicked, indicating it was locked from the inside. Knocking frantically, it wasn't long till Recovery Girl opened the door with a frown.

"Any more knocking and this door would need to be replaced! We were in a private call. What's wrong with you students?"

Midoriya yelped and hurriedly explained himself. "Ah, I'm sorry Recovery Girl, we were just really worried about Kacchan and Akutagawa. Can we see them, please?", he finished with a pleading gaze, the rest of the class humming and giving Recovery Girl the same look.

Sighing, she shook her head and opened the door wider for them to come in. Rushing into the room, they saw two beds with the curtains drawn. Natsuko and Iwao's figures were visible through the curtain on the right, seeming to be talking about something, their sighs and harsh whispers spreading through the room.

"Mister and Miss Akutagawa...", Mina called out softly, the two figures stopping their conversation before drawing the curtains and smiling, Natsuko's smile strained and Iwao's face was still stoic but his eyes looked tired.

"Ashido and...", Natsuko looked at the rest of the class. Midoriya was next to Bakugou's bed with Uraraka and Iida, the rest of the class slowly moving from bed to bed.

"You guys must want to spend some time here. We'll get out your hair, we've got some things to do."

Natsuko looked towards Kirishima and Ashido as they nodded their heads vigorously. "Yes, we'll watch over him, he's our friend".

"M-me too"

"Yeah, we will too"

The rest of the class spoke up one after another, bringing a genuine smile to Natsuko's face.

"Thank you, now if you'll excuse us...", bowing her head, she walked out the room with Iwao. The smile slowly left her face as she turned to her husband.

"Should we take Ryunosuke to the doctor once he's recovered here? I'm not sure if what he proposed is safe".

"Yes. He'll only encounter more and more danger as he continues his studies. And as the doctor said, he's been working on this with a colleague for a while now. Tests have been conducted. We should try".

"Yes, yes you're right. This is for Ryunosuke. If it works, he won't be on the backfoot amongst his peers anymore. He'll be happier"

Iwao wrapped his big arm around her shoulder and pulled her in, patting her back. He was like a stone at times, but he knew when he should act. "Speaking of calls, what was that other call about?"

"It was...my sister"


"Yes. She might be coming back to Japan for a while"

"I thought she was busy. She never took the initiative to contact before, unless..."

"Yes. It's for him"





Bakugou had just woken up thanks to Recovery Girl and instantly been assaulted by Midoriya. The rest of the class watched as the two bickered together before Kirishima turned to Recovery Girl.

"Recovery Girl, will Akutagawa be waking up soon too?"

The rest of the class turned to Recovery Girl for an answer as well. Currently, Akutagawa was laid out on the bed with his neck, torso, right arm, and right leg covered in bandages.

"Well from that fight he got some pretty heavy injuries, but thankfully most of them were surface level so I was able to heal them up good enough, but that's tired him out. He's also been running around all day today", she explained as she checked the drip in Akutagawa's arm.

"Oh, I see. Well, that's good then. Hey Bakugou! What gives man? Don't you think you went a little too overboard?"

"Tch! This isn't some game, we're all fighting to prove who's the best, who's superior! IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE HEAT, THEN DIE SPIKY HAIR BASTARD!", Bakugou gripped the sheets covering him, his teeth creaking from how hard he grit them. He'd lost! And in such a miserable state, just like that bastard Deku! This wasn't how it was supposed to go!

"Mind your language!"


The rest of the class just watched as Bakugou cursed at random in his bed while Midoriya sat beside him with a worried expression.

"That was a seriously intense match though. I was on the edge of my seat!", Sero tried to lighten the mood by talking about the fight.

"YOU GOT THAT RIGHT! At the start, Akutagawa was totally getting thrashed around, but the way he turned it around and beat Bakugou back was so...it was so...MANLY!", Kirishima yelled as he shed tears, the rest of the class laughing at his antics.

"They definitely got the attention of all those pros. Man, why couldn't it be me", Kaminari grumbled at the side before getting struck by Jiro.

"Stop your whining. You got cocky and tried to flirt in the middle of a fight"

"What? You jea- AGH!", Kaminari couldn't finish his words before Jiro stabbed him with her earphone jack, crumpling to the floor.

Right then the door swung open and Midnight walked into the room, her hips swaying naturally. Her sleeve was still torn from stopping the match earlier.

"OH, the whole class is here? How is Akutagawa doing?", she looked around the room for him. Kirishima moved out the way to show Akutagawa's bandaged and asleep form.

"Still out, he must've been extremely tired if he's still knocked out from my quirk. Well, I guess I'll go inform them that Akutagawa is unable to fight. You all should get up there soon too", Midnight said before strutting out again.

After a few words, they all left.


"It's time for the award ceremony!", Midnight enthusiastically announced.


"I thought he'd have calmed down a little but he just got even worse when they put him on the platform..."

"This is really embarrassing..."

On the third platform, Bakugou stood strapped to a chunk of cement made by Cementoss. He was practically feral as he jerked against his restraints, his muffled screams heard through the mask covering his mouth.







There was an awkward silence as both Midnight and All Might look at each other with embarrassed expressions. Quickly regaining himself, All Might stood before Bakugou with a medal in hand.


All Might flinched as Bakugou's howl reverberated in the stadium after taking off the mask.


"Uhm, well young Bakugou. You performed wonderfully and I am sure that you'll come back stronger than ever. You may not be first in the sport's festival, but you can be the first to improve and become a better hero! SO CARRY ON YOUNG BAKUGOU, WE'LL ALL CHEER YOU ON!"


Despite Bakugou's protests, the medal was still forced around his neck, now with additional bite marks on it's straps. Moving on, All Might came to a slightly haggard Akutagawa. He had roused from his sleep a few minutes ago. Kirishima stood next to him supporting him with an arm and a bright smile as if he had taken second place.

"Ah, young Akutagawa. I've been watching you throughout this festival and you have proven yourself to be a compassionate and caring person to your classmates. Your body might not be the best, BUT YOUR SPIRIT IS BURSTING OUT THE SEAMS!"

All Might paused and had a slight chuckle at his joke, everyone else deadpanning. Coughing, he continued.

"Don't be discouraged. I know you worked hard, and you've proven yourself to be an exemplary hero in training. You too young Kirishima! You may not have gotten a medal, but we all recognize you. Congratulations!", All Might wrapped his arms around Akutagawa in a hug, Kirishima tagging along and getting squashed as well.


"OH MY APOLOGIES YOUNG AKUTAGAWA", All Might quickly took away his arms moved on to Todoroki.

"Man this is awesome, looking at the crowd cheering. It really gets my blood boiling", Kirishima said, a toothy smile still on his face.

Chuckling, Akutagawa took the medal off his neck and hung it around Kirishima's. "Then why don't you have the full experience", he said with a small smile.

Kirishima looked at Akutagawa with his mouth wide before his face slowly crumpled and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Akutagawa...THAT WAS SO MANLY Y'KNOW!", and wrapped Akutagawa in a tight hug. Akutagawa tapped his back frantically as he struggled to breathe. The crowd watching chuckled at the scene.

"Young Todoroki, you must have had reasons for not using your left side till now, yes?"

"Yes. That fight with Midoriya... It really cleared some of the fog for me. To be a hero just like you, I'm still far off but, maybe with the help of others I can get there", Todoroki said and All Might sighed as he wrapped him in a hug as well.

"I won't ask about your circumstances but, I believe you'll reach your goal. I'll be cheering you on, as your teacher and as the number one hero!"







"All Might that was totally a Plus Ultra moment!"

"Way to ruin it..."

"Oh well, I thought you deserved to be commended on your hard work..."


"...And this is the fruits of our labor. This will allow Akutagawa to perform better during his hero studies", Doctor Kyudai said as he held up a vial for Iwao to take. Inspecting it, Iwao watched as the crimson liquid inside the vial sloshed around.

"How exactly does it work?", Natsuko asked.

It's the day after the U.A Sport's Festival. Iwao and Natsuko brought Akutagwa to Dr. Kyudai after he called yesterday to discuss the liquid inside the vial.

"Well, Ryunosuke was born with weak lungs and soon after contracted a mutated form of pleurisy, which unfortunately has left permanent effects, so his lungs are in a dire state. This liquid, aptly named O3-Red, or just O3-R, soothes the inflammation along the walls of his lungs and frees up the bronchus. This boosts his blood flow, much like adrenaline. So for a short time, he can perform at his peak!", Dr. Kyudai finished enthusiastically.

Iwao sat silently as he thought deeply while fiddling with the vial. Natsuko looked ready to burst from joy. This small vial was the key to helping her son. Looking at Akutagawa who sat beside her she held his hand.

"You hear that Ryu? It could really help you and then I won't have to worry so much about you pushing yourself. Isn't that great?"

Akutagawa stared at the vial for a long time with a vacant gaze before looking at the doctor in front of him. This portly man held the key to his advancement but, he was a bit hesitant. He hadn't watched all of the anime and had merely seen some threads about him working for All For One. Of course, it wasn't concrete and could've just been speculation but still, now that he was living in this world, he wasn't sure what to think of it.

From his previous self's memories, Dr. Kyudai has been a kind man who always encouraged him to never give up during their check-ups. He'd patiently watch and wait whenever Akutagawa had a tantrum after not being able to utilize his quirk properly during exercises. What should I do? Take this medicine from a suspected mad scientist or refuse him and be questioned and in turn be put under suspicion by him.

"Ryu? Ryu, did you hear me?"

"Ah! Yes, I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something..."

"So? You think we should give it a try?", Natsuko asked as she patted his hand. Looking at his mother who seemed to be practically shining, he nodded his head.

"Yes. I'll try it. Thank you, Dr. Kyudai", Akutagawa bowed his head along with his parents. The doctor merely chuckled and handed them some forms to fill out and advised on the proper dosage and what not to do. Packaging the vials in a box, he loaded one into an inhaler-looking device that had a small screen that measured the amount of O3-Red administered and kept track of how many times it was used.

"Well, I wish you luck in your studies Ryunosuke. I look forward to what you'll show us from here onward", Dr. Kyudai put out his hand for a handshake with a friendly smile on his lips.

Bending down slightly, Akutagawa shook his hand firmly and nodded. Walking out of the hospital, he looked at his mother's bright smile and sighed.

"Hm? Something wrong Ryu?"

"No, you just look really pretty when you're smiling"

Natsuko's smile grew even brighter as she pulled on his cheeks and gave him a tight hug.

"Then you better keep out of danger if you want your mother to stay this pretty". The sun slowly set as the family of three's laughter rang out in the parking lot. Kyudai watched them from an upper floor as the light reflected off his glasses, a small smile still on his lips.


Maerdy Note: Hey cuties! Been a while and I'm sorry for that. I've just been trying to get my life together since as yk from the previous authors note, it went to shit (kinda, there are people who r worse off but I'm not looking at things on a worldly scale or whatever). So for a while my beloved dog who's been with me since i was a baby got sick and we thought he would die. like you have no idea how sad i was about that, i cried for a while. BUT, he got better and rn he's living it up. kinda. he's still not well since he's an old fella now. he's more like a mute brother to me than anything, protected me from a lot of things so i rlly love him. he's a poodle btw, named him Spice. don't judge my name choices i was a child.

So for this chapter i was just trying to get things started on my grand plan so to speak. gonna introduce akutagawa's aunt very soon and just rlly get the ball rolling. some of yall prolly rolling in ur bed like "AAAAAAH RYU SO STUPID FOR TAKING THE EDGY INHALER, Y HE DO DAT. AUTHOR-SAN IM GONNA BEND U OVER AND-" and id just like to say, no. stop that. i like it gentle so no screaming pls. maybe later. Obv, he's not just gonna use the medicine without checking or something and i was gonna implement the O3-Red serum before but decided to use it to cover a plot hole i made bcoz of my, at the time, lack of in-depth knowledge of mha. I'm working around it tho, trying my best. first time writing, yall are taking my first time so don't expect me to know every position.

so some IRL NEWS! WELL SOME MORE SINCE I LOVE SPOUTING MY PERSONAL BUSINESS! My school had a valentines party today and like, people would do performances up on the stage, but i didn't attend since i don't rlly like being at school unless necessary, and i kinda wanna avoid some girls who asked me to be their valentine. ill elaborate on why i rejected them later but not now, I'm flowing.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, this dude a friend and i know decided to go up and perform but LITTLE DID WE KNOW THIS DUDE WENT UP TO BEATBOX LMFAOOOOOOOOO. so like, she sent me vids. he went up and was like "EVERYBODY STAND UP" and nobody besides some 8th graders stood up 😭. bro, and then he started beatboxing and he was doing some dance moves, waving his arms and the crowd was just laughing. but he kept going and i kinda respect it.

idk i hope he's alright tho, we may not be good friends or smth but i don't think anyone should be laughed at like that. even if he brought it on himself. what made him think that was a good idea? no offense to any master beatboxers among my readers. u can serenade me any day babe mwah <3

in other news, not sure if i told yall already but imma say it again anyways since why not? my friend made a BL novel of myself and a close friend of mine. she got inspiration since i always tease him and like, just get all up close on him, play fights, ear pulling, all that good shit. so she made me the bottom and its like, why bro. and its just all smut scenes and me getting pushed around. at least take me out to dinner first or smth jeez. just imagine it yall, you take me out to a nice fancy place, i order spaghetti since I'm a basic b#tch and its my favourite and u order smth, idk tell me ur favourite food. we go on a little walk and then u take me back to my place. i walk into my house but suddenly u grab my wrist and pin me to the wall. moving in closer i feel ur hot breath on my neck as ur lips part and u whisper "wheres the next chapter?"

LOL, ANYWAYS, have a great day or night yall. thanks for being patient with me. you guys are really nice and i appreciate every one of ur comments. see ya next time, love you <3 headpats as per usual.

also a quick lil more, sorry this note is rlly long. i dont know medical shit so if whatever i said was weird then know that I'm bullshitting my way through most of these. dont hate me, any would-be or actual doctors in the comments.

maerdyyyy maerdyyyy

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Love you cuties, headpats pls and thx, stay safe out there yeah?

next chapter
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