*Inhales* "... LET'S FUCKING GOOOO!!!!"
The highers looking at the newest mortal to be blessed weren't really sure what to think.
This one clearly had a few screws loose, and that was really saying something when it came from those among them who were dubbed as mad themselves.
" She's ... interesting."
"She's a little touched."
"Bless her heart."
"Hey! I can hear you!" Serana yelled.
Honestly, how could these people bring her here and still proceed to be so rude?
They were treating her like she was slow!
Was it wrong of her to be excited that she was about to receive super powers??
When she showed up here a few seconds ago, she couldn't help but be so overjoyed that she yelled from the depths of her lungs.
Could anyone blame her?
"Apologies, daughter of man. Your personality is simply... rather surprising."
This might be controversial but I gotta say it… jump in was the best Disney channel original movie of all time.