Once the cyborg saw Malachi sitting on top of the tank, it immediately engaged a special protocol designed just for him.
The edges of his blades began to glow a strange dark purple color; making Malachi raise a brow behind his glasses.
He, Arias, and Morgan all were being targeted by specially designed cybernetic beings designed to counter their specific sets of abilities.
If the trio of primordial blessed were hailed as the Three Living Gods, then their antithesis would be Three Living Weapons.
This was actually the first time that Malachi had actually run into his, but he remembered the story Morgan told when he came back from a mission with his unit one day.
He was cleaning fire retardant out of places that no man should ever find it.
But he also explained that the worst part of the battle was that if you didn't beat the robots quickly, then you ran the risk of creating a bigger problem for yourself later.
I’ve had family at my house since Friday and I’m ready for them to leave now because I need to be able to eat my girl ass wherever I want in my house just like god intended