When Luna opened her eyes, she was lying underneath the covers in her bedroom at the base.
As soon as she took her first conscious breath of air, she felt different.
For starters, she didn't actually need the air.
She had merely breathed in out of instinct, and not because her body was dependent upon oxygen.
It was definitely a strange feeling, but it was far from uncomfortable or tiresome.
Another thing was her hearing.
It was such a drastic improvement over that of her old body that it wasn't even funny.
Despite the top notch sound-proofing in their home, she knew just by listening that she was entirely alone, Anna had left her music playing in her art room, and the fridge was currently producing more ice.
Suddenly, the sound of the elevator opening could be heard and she listened to the excited running of footsteps.
I’m back! sorry for my little two day hiatus I was just a little under the weather but I’m good now