Chap 4- Fiercest Feline
{ 𝐏𝐨𝐯 𝐆𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐇𝐮𝐞𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐨 }
Quite a bit of time passed. Hueco Mundo was a place of constant night so I had no way to track the days. The moon never changed. Always looking like a crescent, as if it too, had a hollow's hole.
While I can't say how much time has passed, I can clearly remember my days with Harribel as we wandered around. We both talked, a lot. Delving into our past and feelings we could remember. We figured out how one becomes a Vasto Lorde after a long time. Harribel turned first.
Her human-looking form was still covered in armor though I could see her face that now had the addition of beautiful emerald green eyes and short blonde hair that would flow with the calm winds this place had.
⚪⚪⚪ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐥 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 ⚪⚪⚪
A while after, I changed too.
After so long I finally got into a humanoid shape once more. My body changed a lot from being just a white Hollow tiger. Now I had ash-white hair, it had a bit of blondeness to it too. My tough skin or armor also morphed drastically, many changes came with my new form, too many to name even....
⚪⚪⚪ 𝐆𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 ⚪⚪⚪
Both becoming Vasto Lordes, we wandered the endless desert and encountered quite a few Hollows.
There was one area in which we met a bat Hollow. He was a Vasto Lorde too. Strong but he seemed to lack the understanding Harribel and I had. We gave each other a wide berth after our tense meeting and carried on our ways.
The closer we are to our humanity, the stronger we are as Hollows. Though training certainly helps. Thankfully, I remembered my family's fighting style. It proved quite useful when sparring with Harribel, who had some kind of blade for a hand. Lucky her..
Of course, Harribel also trained some Adjuchas girls we encountered. She was quite soft on female Hollows.
"Haah!" - One of the Adjuchas named Apacci swung at my head with her claws.
I ducked it and blocked a Cero that was shot my way with my palm. Sun-Sung having shot it at me while I was dealing with Apacci.
Mila Rose was next, trying to bite into my hard armor. Sidestepping out of the way quickly and moving my right leg to quickly throw a swift kick to her stomach before I grabbed onto her face and spun around and threw her into the lunging snake, Sun-Sung.
Apacci tried to claw me as my guard was down at that second, relying on her Hollow instincts.
"That won't work, Apacci.." - I said before her claws struck my armor, not even denting it, only sending some sparkles around it, but now a scratch done.
"Aw fuc-" - She didn't finish her sentence before taking a fast and powerful punch to the stomach from me, joining the heap on top of Sun-Sung and Mila Rose.
"So, what did you learn?" - I ask, seeing them writhe in pain but very much still alive and conscious.
"That Vasto Lordes are really strong..?" - Apacci said, rubbing her single-horned head.
"That is true but I think you missed the main point." - I said, feeling Harribel walk behind me as I fold my arms.
"You're fighting like beasts. To use your instincts is good. But you must hone your skills like a human or Shinigami would. To use your claws, tails, horns, and teeth wisely. To use your cero sparingly. To strategize on how to fight a powerful enemy. Remember this." - Harribel said, earning a respectful nod from the three.
"Understood, Lady Harribel, Lady Ghislaine!" - All three said at once.
"So, the usual?" - Harribel asked, preparing her arm blade.
Simply nodding, and pointing my clawed fingers out while taking my stance. Though before we could start, a stray Ceros was fired somewhat near us. I couldn't help but twitch in annoyance as I split a red Cero in half while moving my right arm in a vertical slash with my finger claws and looking over to where the disturbance came from.
"It seems Barragan is trying to expand. We're not near his claimed territory but his army is here nonetheless." - Harribel spat out scornfully.
"There's quite a few but they're hunting. Some strong Adjuchas with special abilities?" - I ask myself as my senses expand.
Ahead, I see three groups of Hollows. All of them are Adjuchas. They seemed to be hunting down other groups but not killing them as they usually did. It seems he was trying to create a Vasto Lorde subordinate.
So he didn't realize how he even became one huh..?
"Let's thin the herd."- Harribel heard me say, while the three girls started shaking for some reason.
I let loose my Reiatsu and unclenched my claws. They weren't like Harribel's blade but they would do just fine.
"I see you're eager. I'll take these three to get some practice against one group while you handle the others. Just don't get too invested in it. It's hard to calm you down afterwards." - Harribel said with what I think was a slight hint of concern.
I wasn't a beast who would lose myself in slaughter. I was just eager to test my skills against a challenge. A few dozen Adjuchas may not be that challenging but I opted to stick to my use of the UsaTora fighting style, my family style.
*𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐌!* - The ground shook and exploded under the force in which I took off.
My feet striding across the sands as large leaps were made. Seeing more Ceros firing at four Adjuchas fleeing. Soon enough, I land on top of one of Barragan's Adjuchas right as they detect my higher Reiatsu.
Crushing his Bull skull plate beneath my heel before continuing my rush, I reel my claw back and pierce through the stomach of the next Hollow, a snake Adjuchas with red fur on it. I feel more Ceros firing right at me as they start shouting that someone has appeared, quickly moving away with Sonido before spinning in the air and punching the next Hollow's skull in half.
A tail tries to wrap around me as a tusked boar Hollow runs at me, a Cero created between the tusks.
So I stabbed my claws into the tail and grabbed the charging boar with my thick-plated arm. The Cero does next to nothing as it explodes, so I smash the boar's head into the lizard Hollow who had tried to trap me, shattering their masks and destroying them.
"DAMNIT!! IT'S A VASTO LORDE!" - One of the Commanders shouts, all of them creating a good distance from me as soon as hearing that.
My senses covered the area, and I already felt the energy gathering in them all. They were all going to fire a combined Cero at me. I felt myself smile. What a familiar situation... I died in a scenario such as this. Multiple people ganging up on me...
𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒈𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆...
*𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐎𝐌!!* - The Ceros were all unleashed at once.
A pillar of flames that could be seen for quite a distance erupted. The Hollows started cheering, some seeming a little sad they didn't get to eat my body. They were so busy, they didn't even feel I had survived. Not until I drove my elbow into the Commander's head and shattered his skull and mask in full view of everyone.
"Hmhm.." - I chuckled, seeing the fear on their faces.
"Don't make those expressions. You were perfectly content with ganging up on four Hollows. Keep that same energy."- Saying that rapidly before starting to dismantle the group.
It was hardly even called a fight at all. They had started running as soon as they lost the advantage they thought they held. It was more than a little disappointing, to be honest. I hoped the next group would fare better.
Taking off again with Sonido, I noticed something. That familiar Reiatsu.
"Barragan.. and he fired a Cero too. Why..? Over two Adjuchas he couldn't reel in?"- Standing on a dune as I asked, I saw a small rabbit Hollow take the hit as the large red Cero was shot from Barragan himself, only seeing the small one because the Cero had torn apart a curtain of dust that was that a second before.
The Rabbit cursed loudly for a second before she was engulfed by the blast, as it stretched for hundreds of meters in no end....
There was still another Hollow, a Panther, who continued to struggle as he mocked those around him, he was certainly impressive for an Adjunchas. I was about to interfere and join in the fight when I noticed.
The Rabbit's Reiatsu. Injured but alive.
"She's resilient.. Hm.. come to think of it.. I haven't really seen many non-predatory animal Hollows...." - I mused to myself before noticing that far away, at the end of the trench that was created by that Cero, some Adjuchas had sunk their teeth into the struggling Rabbit.
"𝑪𝒆𝒓𝒐." - Firing my Cero at the scavenger, obliterating half of the Hollow before using Sonido and stopping in front of the Rabbit.
She's clearly injured, more than a little confused, and definitely apprehensive. I gently lifted her up, making sure not to touch her open wounds. Leveling her face with my own.
My mask was a little open on one side due to an intense spar with Harribel that by accident ripped a part of it, and now it showed my true face. I wanted to put the Rabbit at ease so I got her closer to my face for a closer look.
She looked pitiful in her current state and it looked like it really annoyed her, both my pity and her condition..... So, to alleviate that, I spoke.
"You did very well. Come, we'll help you"
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis