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25% Blazing the Competition - Pokémon SI / Chapter 5: 15-17

Chapitre 5: 15-17

Chapter 15 – Treasure Hoax

 It has been a week since Lenora captured that Darmanitan. Only four more days to go until my gym battle with Burgh. My team and I have been spending most of our time practicing moves in the desert.Victini took to the training really well. She is learning moves twice as fast as the rest of my team and even came up with one on her own. By cloaking herself with her own flames and smashing into her target dealing moderate damage. After using that move, Victini becomes even speedier than she already is. Recognizing the move for what it was I shared the details of flame charge with the rest of my team. Rena and Numsy's feelings of competitiveness were stoked, and they are now trying to emulate Victini by trying to learn flame charge themselves. As her seniors in the team, they started working harder to try and keep up with her explosive growth rate.The items Aurea promised in return for our corporation came back with the camp's latest supply run. A bag of tamato berries for Numsy and a bag of Custap berries for Victini. In addition, Rena's tiara was now sporting actual rubies. She now goes prancing around wearing her tiara trying to show off to other trainers' Pokémon. Specifically, a liepard who she is in competition with for acting the most spoiled in camp. Their rivalry started when the Liepard's trainer kept showering Rena with attention. Since then, the Liepard has been successfully trying to get attention from me in order to make her own trainer jealous which in turn miffed Rena continuing the cycle."Nyaaaar!""Yes, you are a very pretty cat. How's about going back to your own trainer? She must be worried sick."That sentence did the trick the cat Pokémon giving me a small huff before returning from whence she came."Rena, can you come out now? The big bad Liepard is gone."Rena finally revealed herself she had been watching us two covertly from inside our tent. Liepard being the more experienced Pokémon wasn't above using underhanded means to intimidate my little vulpix into submission. Liepards aren't called the Cruel Pokémon for nothing.Liepard, the Cruel Pokémon. The evolved form of Purrloin. Well-known for its beauty, Liepard uses the element of surprise when battling opponents, attacking before they can react. Don't be fooled by its gorgeous fur and elegant figure. This is a moody and vicious Pokémon. "Vuuuul…""I know, but don't you think it's time to stop wearing that tiara everywhere? It is obviously starting to attract the wrong type of crowd. Thieving Pokémon would love stealing fancy accessories like that.""Pix Pix!"That last argument seemed to convince her. She handed her tiara over to me before proceeding to sit on my lap. Obviously trying to mark her territory. Rena wasn't the only one suffering for her poor choices. Both Numsy and Victini are now on a strict diet, as a responsible trainer I couldn't have them turning chunky from the extra bags of feed. So, I only allowed them one additional berry a day. Victini unable to keep control of her sweet tooth dived in the bag of custap berries while I was going to bed. She kept me up all night zipping around in our tent obviously on a sugar rush. It seems even mythical Pokémon can experience hangovers because this morning she was completely out of it."Num num?""Yes, you are a good boy. The only one that didn't walk the path of the asura."Waking up from sleeping in on account of the zippy rabbit Pokémon. I noticed my hand was stuck in a bowl of room temperature water. 'This is odd…? I am sure Victini isn't the type of Pokémon to play pranks like that.' A mysterious feeling of dread started to fill my stomach. Obviously the one playing that prank on my estimated that I would be asleep for a little while longer. He or She would not have been able to go beneath Victini's notice so the prankster must have come by early in the morning.I zipped open my tent and was greeted by a scene of total anarchy. Scientists and trainers running around in panic obviously all suffering from successful or unsuccessful attempts at pranking. Two of them walking around with stained underclothes. Three had kick me signs taped to their back ends, and five of the expedition members had expletives written on their forehead with black marker."She is here!"Numsy and Rena instinctually knew who I was talking about."Num num num!""Vuuuuuul!!"I wasn't the only one who suffered from these pranks. Numsy got his food stolen regularly and the ghosts liked frizzing Rena's hair up every chance they got by way of water bucket pranks. I followed the trail of destruction until it finally led me to foreman Hawes's tent. The heated conversation being held inside not being kept to minimum auditory levels. "Can't you do something about your Pokémon? They are causing mayhem everywhere!""We are sorry! It won't happen again I promise.""Dusk Dusk!"This was one of her classic plays. Let her Pokémon go all out at first and then scale the pranks down before moving to her next targets. Better to ask for forgiveness after the fact is one of her infamous lines. Resolving myself to face the brunt of her attentions I swept the tent flaps aside and walked in.Predictably my childhood friend/menace was standing there fake acting her apologies to Mr. Hawes. It has been a year and some change since we last saw Phoebe. She's been doing really well in the Hoenn ace circuit. People in the know predicted her career to go all the way to a vaunted elite four position. She was wearing her usual getup a blue dancer outfit with red mourning flowers in her hair. According to her the PR people working for Phoebe's sponsor company expressed the importance of staying recognizable. The bag lying on the floor next to her probably holding multiples of the same outfit.The people inside the tent turned around to face me Aurea Hawes and Lenora all recognizing me but having a bigger headache to concern themselves with keep their conversation going. Phoebe on the other hand immediately jumps me the moment she saw my weathered face."Egon!! Did ya miss me?""Like a growlithe missing his bone.""Aww you are so sweet!""Hello to you too dusclops.""Clops…"That same duskull and her oldest Pokémon long since evolved. He was the de facto leader of Phoebe's little group of misfits, and the most responsible one Phoebe included."Dusclops, the Beckon Pokémon. A Ghost type. No further information available.'Darn Unovan Pokédex.' "Ahh You finally received your own Pokédex! You've always wanted one of your own. Are you feeling like a bigshot now little guy?" "I am just ten years old! I'll grow up to be bigger than you just wait a couple more years. And yes, we've gotten a lot stronger since then. "Vuuuul!" "Num num." "Heya Numsy, and Rena nice to see you too. Your mother and her newest kit are doing fine on Mt. Pyre you should visit more often!" Rena looked up at me and asked me a silent question. "Fine… I'll put it on the list." After Phoebe was done with her meeting, she decided to hang with us for a while. Being a trainer who specializes in ghost types didn't leave her with a lot of friends. Not many people had skin thick enough to weather all the jump scares and practical jokes. The fact that I lasted this long is probably because of my more mature outlook. "So, you took the job after all. How did you get here so quickly?" "First class tickets to Mistralton city, and the expedition has a beheeyem on call for long distance teleportation." "First class… I had to spend three weeks on a cargo ship.""Don't worry about it Egon your time will come. I am a big deal even back in Hoenn you know?" "So, what are they getting you that you can't acquire by yourself? A stash of dusk stones, A reaper cloth perfectly sized for Dusky?" "Don't mention the reaper cloth you are going to jinx my chances of finding one the right size!" Over the years Phoebe has been trying to find a reaper cloth the correct size for her starter. A near impossible task given that her dusclops is almost two meters tall. Her family put in a lot of resources in finding out how to make one of their own. The artisan who originally made reaper cloths has sadly passed away. Death wasn't an impossible barrier for her family to cross though. Something about fishing out the right soul from the spirit world before it gets sent into the reincarnation cycle. It apparently was this whole complicated process. "They are letting me catch any ghost type Pokémon from the ruin since they can just classify that as me performing my duties. But see my awesome haggling skills got me a permit to capture one additional Pokémon from anywhere in Unova. After this is done, I am going to catch myself a litwick!" "I see so you have finally succumbed to the allure of training fire type Pokémon. I knew you would be the one to give in first." "No way! Litwick is a ghost type first and foremost. The deceased spirit preferring to inhabit candles has no relevance to our wager! Besides litwick is going to be my secret weapon against glacia. That ice queen won't know what hit her when I pull out a fire type." "What was that last word? A fire type you say. Well, if you want any tips on raising fire type Pokémon you can always call me for advice." Her stricken expression tells me that I won this argument. Phoebe's rivalry with Glacia finally culminating into catching a fire type for her team. 'Just as I predicted.'Being on the defensive she tries changing the subject of our conversation. "Egon how come you haven't caught any new Pokémon yet? Numsy and Rena won't be enough if you want to compete in the Ever Grande Conference." "I am working on it okay! My ship harbored in Nuvema there aren't a lot of wild fire types running around in winter time." "No excuses! When I am done with this job, I am taking you with me to catch a new Pokémon." "I'll be back in Castelia by then. Our appointment for a gym battle with their leader Burgh is in four days." Then I'll just have to finish this job early! Let me borrow your tent I have to change into my work apparel. Phoebe finally came out wearing her 'working clothes. Which have an awfully close resemblance to eastern shrine maiden outfits. Instead of her usual flashy ensemble she wore white robes with a red trouser skirt. Her hair flowers were replaced with fancy ornaments, and she was holding a wooden wand decorated with paper streamers. The only thing that seemed out of place to me is the trainer belt with her poké balls latched onto it. "Are you really planning to exorcise these wandering spirits?" By virtue of being family friends I learned a thing or two about the business her grandparents are running through my grandfather's ramblings. The fancy ornaments and the Gohei weren't just for show. Ghost Pokémon feel instinctually threatened just by coming near such items. "Probably not, but it always pays to come prepared. Some ghosts are too dangerous to live and let live." "Can I come with you? I am curious about these ruins myself." "Hmm do you still have that cleanse tag? If so, wear it on your clothes and promise you won't take it off until I say it's safe. Then you can come with me." The two of us made our way towards the ruins' entrance. There is a single trainer guarding the entrance to make sure no one went in without permission. Scientists are a curious lot and more often than not ignore their own well-being in an attempt to make new discoveries. I might have tried sneaking in myself if the entrance wasn't guarded 24/7. The guard in question is one of Lenora's gym trainers. A trainer named Satomi a college aged girl who works part time at the museum. Nothing gets past her herdier's sensitive nose. "Trying to sneak in Egon?" Phoebe cuts into the conversation before she can ask any more leading questions. "No actually, he's coming with me into the ruins. I need an experienced assistant and Egon meets all the criteria." "Whatever you say missy. Hawes told me to let you inside no questions asked. As long as you take responsibility for the kid, I can let him come in with you." 'Well, that was easy…' "Wait for me!" 'Tini you are still sick from your sugar crash. Are you sure that you are up for this?' "Just let me rest inside my poké ball. I want to see what's inside!" I felt something brush up against my pants leg. Followed by the distinct sound of a poké ball's return mechanics activating. Now that Victini was secure in her ball I felt a lot better about this. Victini is capable of sensing what's happening outside her ball a lot better than the rest of my Pokémon. Obviously, the perks of being a psychic type. She also uses her mind's eye to perceive her surroundings not just those in her eye sockets. Me and Phoebe proceeded to enter the ruins. As expected of an underground ruin our surroundings are wreathed in darkness luckily Phoebe seemed to have come prepared. "Go Sableye use flash!" Her Sableye popped out of his ball and continued to emit light from its gemstone-like eyes. The effect was even better than a regular flashlight somehow phoebe's Pokémon had the ability to light up our surroundings in a radius around itself. I resolved myself to teach one of my Pokémon flash it was a cheaper alternative to lighting a torch. The corridor we are currently residing in is so filled with sand you almost couldn't see the floor beneath. The walls are decorated with depictions of the day to day life of people and Pokémon. This floor mostly contained farmers working together with grass type Pokémon in the fields. "Okay now, Egon Sableye's flash should start drawing attention of the ghost types Pokémon inhabiting this floor I want you to let me do all the talking." "No problems I'll be quiet as a pichu." As soon as we finished our conversation a dark shadow fazed through the wall. It took a while for me to recognize this Pokémon until I spotted the distinct human masks their species are known to carry. Yamask, the Spirit Pokémon. A Ghost-type Pokémon, Yamask wanders the ruins of ancient civilizations. Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry.'Poor fellow. Judging by the size of the mask Yamask was still a child before he/she died.' Phoebe must have noticed this as well. Since she started speaking in the most tender voice I have ever heard. "Hello little one what are you doing out here all alone." "Ya Ya Maask" "I see… none of the others want to play with you. So, you come out when there are visitors inside this place." 'She can talk to ghosts straight off the bat without having to familiarize herself with their body language or tone of voice. No wonder she became a specialist.' There are rare cases like these where some humans of noted families become able to instinctively understand the 'hearts' of a specific type of Pokémon. Being able to communicate with perfect clarity based solely on a kind of shared feeling. I always suspected Phoebe to be one of these individuals, but to have it be confirmed was still a mild shock for me.'Her catching this Yamask is already a foregone conclusion. If the way she treats it is anything to go by.' "So, then there was this news reporter who started writing all this mean stuff about me, and Sableye here pranked him good by rearranging all the furniture in his house while I distracted him." "Sable Sable eye!" "Ya ya." 'Oh, Arceus she is creating another one. Well at least we know the ghosts in here aren't all that dangerous.' "What are you waiting for Egon? Yamask here is going to lead us all the way to his boss. I am pretty sure all this was some sort of misunderstanding from the part of the researchers." We proceeded to walk down this long corridor. A few yamask phased through the walls and observed us. More than a few of those obviously attempting to chase us away. Luckily, I was completely ignored since their attention was focused on Phoebe. Sableye got rid of some of the more aggressive ones with a few expert shadow sneaks. Turning the tables on who jump scared who. The more apprehensive ones seemed content with just observing us. As we came closer to the next descending stairway Phoebe's expression got grimmer. If whatever was down, there made Phoebe apprehensive than that would probably be why the researchers couldn't get any headway down these ruins. "What's wrong Phoebe?" "There is this strong miasma that's wafting out from downstairs. When that's the case it usually means a ghost that is extremely powerful resides there, and that it has a strong obsession inherited from his or her previous self when it was still alive." 'Well, I don't want to meet a ghost that Phoebe describes as extremely powerful. Darn my hankering for adventure.' "Do you think you can handle it? I don't mind turning around now." "Dealing with lone ghost types is my specialty. Only when ghosts conglomerate do I need the extra hands." We proceeded down the stairs. This corridor was filled with sand pits places where the flooring gave in, and the sediment kept building up from the upper floor. Which means the lower floors must be completely filled with sand. 'Strange it's not like I expected. Well at least I know that going deeper this way is impossible. Not without an entire crew of people helping me excavate at least.' There at the end of this hallway is a single room blocked off with what appears to be a gemstone encrusted stone door. The door wasn't completely closed a small gap was left ajar, but that was enough for us to guess what must lay behind that entryway. Sableye's flash bouncing off reflective surfaces inside that room. "Do you see that Egon? That must be the castle's treasury. I am so excited this is like those adventure books!" "Really? You haven't done any spelunking as a trainer since you earned your license four years ago?" "Well, there was this one time in granite cave. That's where I found an everstone, but the real treasure was this little guy here." "Sableeeeye!" We made our way towards the door Phoebe's Sableye pushing the door open for us. What awaited us inside was the most wealth I have ever seen gathered in one place. There are piles of ancient mintage stacked on top of each other. Copper Silver and Gold coins each had their own piles. Nuggets and Pearls littered the ground around these piles. The walls decorated with hooks and hanging on them rusty old relics. However, the most prevalent treasures appear to be sun stones the orange glow reflecting off them almost blinding. "Egon don't get distracted! All this stuff is cursed, taking any of it will lead to dire consequences." "I wasn't planning to! Obviously, this is all booby trapped like that movie File 3: Phantom Treasure." "Cofa Grig Grig!" One of the sarcophagi standing tall in the room started moving shadowy limbs stretching out from beneath it's golden lid. This Cofagrigus was easily as big as a stretched out arbok intimidating us merely by its sheer size. Cofagrigus, the Coffin Pokémon The evolved form of Yamask. It loves to eat gold. Grave robbers who mistake them for real coffins and get too close end up trapped inside their bodies. This Pokémon has a body of sparkling gold. People say it no longer remembers that it was once human."The sheer size of its coffin body… This guy must have been on a steady diet of gold for most of its existence!" "Egon stop gawking you are being rude!" 'Phoebe seems determined to hash things out with this Cofagrigus I better play along.' "Ah sorry for being rude. Uhmmm… Your treasure hoard is really shiny it must take a lot of effort to keep it all so clean." Phoebe gave me this look to telling me that I am terrible at this and should keep my mouth shut. Before proceeding to pander to Cofagrigus with her own brand of flattery. "You really are amazing Cofagrigus! Any would be graverobber will surely meet his demise trying to steal from you." 'Arceus! That's morbid is that how you compliment treasure hoarding specters?' After both of us appealed to its vanity Cofagrigus seemed more open to communicate now. The shadowy appendages no longer moving in to intercept us. "Cofa Cofa!" "Egon Cofagrigus wants us to rate each of his treasures in terms of appeal. Keep giving him your 'sincere observations'." I looked around the room noticing the sheer volume of valuables. 'Oh boy we'll be stuck here for a while.' These sunstones are quite valuable. In the open market they go for about 20.000. This being Unova and their historical value being part of this amazing treasure hoard I can confidently say that you could fetch about 30.000 a piece for each of them. "Cofa Gri?" "He asks how valuable other stones are in comparison." "Well…" Having Victini listen in on our conversation from her ball is a blessing. I might not have the natural affinity to communicate with ghost types like Phoebe does, but that doesn't matter if I can cheat like this. Cofagrigus was quite the generous host as long as you complimented him on his treasure. I fished out the firestone from my backpack for my show and tell. "This here is a firestone it helps certain fire types evolve. Now these are more common than your amazing sun stones. However, quite a few more Pokémon need them keeping their supply low and their prices relatively high. I would say this firestone on the open market outside Unova would go for around 20.000. Inside this region they are around 12.000 a piece." Phoebe gave me an exasperated sigh. "I've never seen a ghost type who would be concerned by the monetary value of their treasures. This Cofagrigus in life must have been a merchant by trade." With the tension gone and Cofagrigus suitably entertained the ghost type decided to show us his most valued treasure. This one was not on display like the rest of his hoard the sarcophagus that was it's body opened and one of his hands came out carrying some sort of plate. "Grig Cofa?""He also wants to know how valuable this item is." Phoebe had a strange reaction towards the plate as did her Sableye. The balls on her belt started shaking on their own. For some reason her ghost types felt intimately attracted by this object. "Do I have your permission to read the engraved text on this item?" Cofagrigus held the plate in front of my face. I immediately recognized the scripture for what it was. "This is unown scripture! this plate is the real deal.""Cofa?""He wants to you to read the text aloud for him.""Well, it says the following: The other side of this world was given by the Original One to its raging third."Phoebe snapped out her trance as I was reading the scripture off the plate."Egon you can read this!? Even archeologists have a hard time transcribing even a third of unown scripture they come across. Are you secretly some lab bozo?""I don't think so…?"'Unown scripture most closely resembles the lettering from my old world.'"What does it mean?"'The original one is most probably referring to Arceus. From that interpretation I can accurately guess what the rest of this plate says. It speaks of the reverse side of this world a place with natural laws alien to our own. The sole inhabitant a single Pokémon Giratina. That is the Pokémon the description the raging third must be alluding to. I am guessing or mostly hoping that this is a copy of one of Arceus' original plates. Even as a copy its power is not inconsiderable. This has the passive effect of empowering ghost types. Maybe that's the reason why this Cofagrigus is not forced to share its hoard with others of his kind.'Cofagrigus seemingly satisfied put the spooky plate back inside its sarcophagus body. Phoebe started addressing Cofagrigus on the original reason why we came here."We are part of a group of humans outside that would really like to study these ruins. Are they permitted to come inside without facing your followers in battle?""Grigus Cofa.""He says that they are allowed until one of them is invariably tempted to steal from his hoard."Looking over his relics I see he is making a good point. A couple of those archeologist would probably attempt to snatch some of the relics if only for their historical value. 'Well not my problem if they've been warned of the consequences.'With that we decided to call it a day backing out of the treasure room and walking upwards towards the exit. Phoebe however still has one thing left to do before making it towards the exit."Do you want to come with me? My friends and I will always want to play with you.""Ya ya mask!""Phoebe threw one of her poké balls at the Yamask who floated perfectly still to make it easier for her. The ball clicked shut after only a single wiggle. Showing there is little hesitancy in Yamask's decision to come with her."Phoebe looked at the poké ball in her hand for a second before clipping it to the side of her trainer's belt and following the pathway out of the ruins."Wait wait! Where is that.""What do you mean Egon?""You know the thing that needs to happen each time a trainer catches a new partner for his team.""Stop talking nonsense Egon! I am not doing one of your silly poses.""Just try it out please? Believe me you'll feel way better afterwards.""No!""Oh really? Says the same girl who on the same day menaced the entire expedition site with her legion of ne'er do wells.""A well-timed practical joke is a form of art utilized in the right hands Egon! This and that are completely different!"

Chapter 16 – Tower Secrets
It has been two days since our little adventure inside Relic Castle. The scientists were ecstatic to finally be able to venture inside the ruins, without being victimized by the ghosts inhabiting that place. I have also been spending a good amount of my time inside the ruins mostly hanging out with the Cofagrigus inside the treasure room. This Pokémon is the first ghost-type I could kind of get along with. Me translating what's written on his plate has endeared me to the Pokémon such that out of any of the expedition members I alone could come and go inside his treasure room. The expedition members are satisfied with studying and archiving all the mural paintings in the corridors for now, but I knew sooner or later they'd try their hand at acquiring some of those relics Cofagrigus kept inside his treasury.
"I am telling you the best way to keep those other humans off your back is by trading some of your less interesting items to them in exchange for something of equal or greater value."
'What did he say?'
"That humans cannot be trusted. He has dealt with intruders that tried to rob him of his treasure before."
I was clearly not getting through to him. Considering all my options I decided that a practical example would be my best bet.
"Let's say you decide to trade just one of your gold pieces in with the expedition. You could get as much as three times its raw value. These archeologists are more interested in its historical importance than the monetary value of your treasure. If you want, they'd probably pay you in gold bars. You'd have more than what you started with."
"Grii Gri…"
"He says he'll think about it."
'Okay that went better than expected now certain individuals inside the expedition have a better chance of not getting turned into mummies. Now to slowly ease into my second objective.'
"Say, could you help me for a more personal matter?"
"I have an objective I want to accomplish inside the lower levels of this place. Can you point me in the right direction?"
"Cofag gri."
"They have a tentative agreement with something he calls the sun not to venture in the lowest levels."
'This Sun figure is probably the Pokémon I am looking for, and if that is the case…'
"Can you share with me the general direction of the castle tower leading all the way to the lowest levels? I really want to meet this sun Pokémon."
"Cofa Cofa."
"If you go directly west from the entrance you will find the tower. However, the baltoy that make the tower their home have discovered an inventive use of mass hypnosis. Pokémon and people that encounter the tower can't focus directly on the structure. They can only perceive it within the edges of their vision."
"Awesome, that's just what I needed to hear. Thanks for the information, big guy."
"Grigus Gri."
"He says that you can consider this as a form of payment for your companionship. He hasn't talked to anyone as interesting as you for a long time."
"Well, you are quite the character too. The first ghost type that hasn't strung my shoelaces together or used cheap scare tactics while I am asleep."
After saying my goodbyes to Cofagrigus we made our way upwards back to the entrance. Unlike the first time I came here the halls are now riddled with PHD's and their interns. Relic Castle has become a lot safer now that the ghost types have backed off. They still had the occasional sandile or krokorok tunneling inside, but those Pokémon left well enough alone mostly using these ruins as a resting place.
Phoebe mostly kept to herself to avoid the harsh conversations she'll face when having to confront the pranking victims of her Pokémon. She didn't mind that though, having already gotten used to people's reaction regarding her team. Like me she also spent a lot of time inside that treasure room. Mostly trying to catch a glimpse of the spooky plate again. She was fascinated by the strange energy it put out and so were her Pokémon. The rest of her time was spent training the newly caught Yamask in how to pull off pranks and introducing the child ghost to the ways of Pokémon battling.
Aside from spending time at relic castle I also kept in touch with Aurea. She usually pays us a visit during breakfast and dinner time before and after she gets off from work. The future regional professor strangely enjoyed watching Victini eat. I have long since discovered her weakness to cute Pokémon. Aurea wasn't much of a trainer, but her team reflected her tastes pretty well. I have already met her Purrloin, Mincinno, Cottonee and Emolga. They sometimes joined us for our shared meals. The final two Pokémon she carried on her person are on loan from her father and some of the strongest ones he keeps inside his corral in Nuvema town. The older Professor Juniper refused to let her go on this expedition without some assurances concerning her protection.
"I did it, Egon! What do you think of this Pokédex entry?"
Victini the Victory Pokémon. A psychic and fire type. This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter. Please note that trainers of this Pokémon need to keep a watchful eye during mealtimes Victini is known to gorge on its food without chewing properly leading it to often choke on its food.
"Vi VI!" "No! That is not true!"
Victini, distressed, projected her thoughts on the entry outwards. Aurea was obviously teasing my Pokémon to lure out more cute reactions. I myself wasn't a stranger to some good-natured ribbing, so I let it pass this time. Since we were still in the middle of dinner, Victini started to consume her food at a slower pace trying to disprove her newest Pokédex entry.
"Aurea any updates on the whole Lenora situation? She still owes me a gym battle."
"I don't think it's possible to direct her attention somewhere that doesn't have anything to do with Relic Castle. At heart she is more of an archeologist than a battler. She will keep to her promise of battling you, but in her own free time. You'd have a good chance of getting a match out of her later in the season."
"Keeping to the words of our deal but not their spirit I see… Say If I try to catch another darmanitan she won't suddenly jump in like last time?"
Aurea gives me a solemn look before answering. "I would not advise another attempt at catching one of the darmanitan. If you are still inclined to do so, wait until she is inside the ruins. The rest of the expedition will not interfere with a second attempt. Since trainers catching wild Pokémon isn't breaking any laws."
Aurea's silent endorsement reawakened the ambitious side of my mind. 'I was planning to leave tomorrow morning and maybe come back for a darmanitan after my gym match with Burgh but If I time things right I could still walk away from this with one extra Pokémon in my team.'
"When are we going?"
'Tonight, when most of the camp is asleep. The tower should be less than an hour's walk away. If we time everything right, we can make it back before dawn.'
That night I was woken up by the alarm of my Xtransceiver going off. We decided to set the timer for 2 AM When most of the adults should be asleep.
"Come on, you guys, wake up!"
It was Rena's job to sleep with Victini tonight. Her multiple tails wrapped around the little Pokémon acting as a makeshift blanket. She pawed at my face letting me know she wasn't ready to wake up yet. Victini however was still good to go, so I decided to recall Rena into her ball letting her rest some more while the little rabbit Pokémon and I sneaked out of camp. Instead of having the hired trainers guard them, the people in charge made liberal use of repels to discourage wild Pokémon from entering the camp at night. We took our chances and made out like bandits into the night.
'Can you sense if anyone's awake and outside their tent Victini?'
"I don't know. Sleeping minds feel the same to me."
'No worries, sneaking out alone isn't illegal. I just don't want "you know who" stalking us.'
"There are two people inside Prof. Hawes' tent if that helps?"
'Great job Tini, you are the best.'
With renewed confidence we both sneaked our way outside the camp boundaries. Victini being nauseated as we crossed the repel coated borderlines. Repel is one of the more trusted tools in a trainer's arsenal. Pokémon dislike coming near anyone or thing doused with it. Most trainers just use it during nights so they can get a good night's rest without having to worry about any wild Pokémon stealing their supplies or attacking them in their sleep. Repels aren't full proof though if a trainer has antagonized a particular individual or group of Pokémon too much, they were apt to disregard the bad smell and attack anyways.
"We are beyond the border Tini, now to just head westwards. Thank Arceus the Xtransceiver comes with a compass application."
"And where do you think you are going, Egon?"
Startled, I turn around while Victini quickly turned invisible. Standing there obviously having tailed us all the way from camp is Phoebe, accompanied by one of her banette's. The blasted thing obviously has been spying on us, that creepy open zipper grin confirming my suspicions.
"Uhh nowhere Phoebe I couldn't sleep so I wanted to take a nice long walk to clear my head."
"Really? Mind if we join you then?"
"Well long walks in the desert are best done on your lonesome…"
"Quit the gibberish Egon. I know you are planning something big. My darling Banette told me all about it. She also told me you have another Pokémon on hand who you've been planning this all out with. Why did you lie to me about not having caught any more Pokémon?"
'Caught! How come you didn't sense that ghost spying on us?'
"Ghost and dark types are hard to notice, okay? I have never done this type of stuff before."
"Well Egon, are you going to explain yourself…?"
"I guess the jig is up. You can show yourself Victini."
My rabbit companion stopped refracting light making herself visible towards the newcomers.
"Oh my gosh! your new Pokémon is such a cutie!"
'Do we have to go through this every time Victini shows herself to a girl!?'
Composure forgotten Phoebe rushes towards our position and tries to pet my team member. Usually, Victini would shy away from such overly familiar behavior from strangers, but Victini has observed Phoebe hanging out with me for a couple of days now. So, she quickly relented in the face of this oncoming assault.
"These ears are so warm and fluffy! This Pokémon is a fire type, right?"
"Psychic and Fire type actually. Anyways, now that you know our secret, we should have a long discussion about this. You can keep following us as we talk."
"So, what you are saying is that this cupcake is some sort of very special Pokémon and if bad people hear about her, they'd try to forcefully take Victini away from you?"
"Yes, that's about right."
Phoebe insisted on holding onto Victini as we walked, not leaving the rabbit Pokémon out of her arms. Victini initially resisted her wanton ways, but quickly warmed up to her enough that she didn't resist being carried around like a stuffed doll.
'Maybe she likes being carried around like this?'
"Vi Vi!" "No!"
"For now, while I am still training up my team, I'd like to keep Victini's existence a secret."
"Hmm yes, I see your point. The only other trainer in a similar situation like you is the Pyramid King Brandon. He recently revealed that he captured the legendary Pokémon Registeel, Regirock and Regice. Brandon is a veteran trainer on equal footing with champions so no one is dumb enough to try and steal his Pokémon. A squirt like you on the other hand…"
"I told you that I am still growing! However, please don't tell anyone. The less people in the know the better. So far only Unova's regional professor and his daughter know about Victini."
"So that's why that uppity white coat keeps spending time with you alone! For a while there I thought she had convinced you to quit the life of a trainer and enroll into college early."
"You think I am smart?"
"Of course! My little Egon can do whatever he sets his mind to."
"I am not… never mind, I think we have arrived."
Suddenly it became really hard for me to focus straight ahead. This must be the mind-numbing effect from the tower.
"Tini, can you see the tower?"
"Yes, that distortion effect doesn't affect me."
"Can you lead us?"
It was at this moment that Phoebe interjected herself into our conversation.
"Hold up Egon, what are you guys talking about?"
"There's this tower right in front of us. Cofagrigus told me about this alternate entrance into the ruins below. The baltoy living here can alter the perception of passerby's, this entrance has remained undiscovered up until now."
"Is this true darling?"
Her banette gave an affirming nod in response to its trainer's enquiry. 'Good it seems her ghost types aren't affected either.'
"I think the best thing to do is to hold hands with our Pokémon so that they can lead us inside. The effect should probably disappear when we make it in."
"Hey, wait a minute Egon! How come you want to go inside anyway?"
"There's this fire type Pokémon living on the bottom level of these ruins that I desire to meet. I want the opportunity to catch one of their lineage."
"…Okay then, this also counts for my promise with helping you catch a new Pokémon."
Victini levitated out of Phoebe's arms and used her tiny paws to hold one of my fingers pulling me towards the entrance. Banette did the same for Phoebe, her shadowy claws holding onto her hands and leading her trainer into the entrance. Getting nearer to the tower I developed a mild headache nothing too painful, but still subconsciously encouraging me not to get closer.
'Interesting this must be another way of keeping the tower safe from intruders.'
As soon as our respective Pokémon pulled us beyond the gateway the banging in my head stopped. I could clearly perceive the tower's interior. The aesthetics were mostly similar to what we have already seen from the ruins. I turned around to observe the entrance we just came in from. It most resembled a tower window not something meant for people to pass through. If these ruins are really the remains of an ancient castle the geography of the land must have shifted majorly, since the time of its construction thousands of years ago, for so much of it to be buried in sand.
"The top floor is devoid of any wild Pokémon, but I reckon we'll spot a good many if we have to go down all the way to the bottom, lets keep our wits sharp."
"Ya don't have to worry Egon we are the strongest!"
As expected, the tower room was filled with sand. However, the staircase residing in the middle of the floor was spotless and oddly well maintained. For a staircase that's over a thousand years old you'd expect at least some amount of blemishes or cracks.
"The Pokémon living here must be maintaining this staircase; it's in too pristine of a condition."
"Well at least we know something is living here. Let us make haste Egon!"
Our group started to descend into the depths of the ruins. Unlike the main hall entrance back at camp this couldn't be more straightforward we just had to keep walking down this stairwell. Oddly enough we couldn't spot any Pokémon on the first three floors but on the fourth floor…
"Toy… Toy…"
This floor contained a quintuplet of Baltoy lazily spinning around without stopping. They don't seem to have reacted to our presence.
Baltoy, the Clay Doll Pokémon. Baltoy moves about while spinning like a top. It has been said that Baltoy coexisted with humans in ancient times. No further information available.
"Phoebe, can you? This Pokédex has very little information about nonnative species. Well… formerly nonnative species when people find out about these little guys."
"Ugh… you and your strange obsession with Pokédexes."
Baltoy, the Clay Doll Pokémon. It constantly spins even when asleep. It has been depicted in murals adorning the walls of a once-bustling city in an ancient age. When they find others of their kind, they cry out loudly and gather together. Large numbers of them can be found in old graveyards and ruins.
"Well, that information checks out. Should we wake them up? It is inevitable that we get spotted the further down we go. Might as well be polite intruders."
"I guess so, Baltoy aren't even dangerous anyway. I play pranks on my grandfather's Claydol all the time."
"Your grandpa has a claydol?! How come I haven't noticed before?"
"Because it sleeps most of the year. It can take months before it decides to wake up again."
I cautiously prod one of the sleeping baltoy
"Uhmm hello there, can you please wake up?"
The little guy reacts to my prodding, its spinning coming to a brief halt.
"Hello there, my name is Egon, and this is Phoebe, my friend, and these are our partners Victini and Banette. It's a pleasure to meet you Baltoy."
"Vi VI Tini!"
The commotion seems to have woken up the other four baltoy all equally as startled as the first one. The group all huddled up together switching from looking at us back to their heated discussion. Finally, the one I talked to first hopped forward and tried to start a conversation with us.
"Toy Toy?"
"Victini, can you translate for us?"
"Vi!" "Sure!"
"Baltoy wants to know why we have come here."
"Wait Victini can talk telepathically!? She could have shared her favorite petting spots with me the whole time."
"…not the time Phoebe, and Victini's still not used to people. She only let you hold her because you are my trusted friend."
Redirecting my attention back to the baltoy I proceed to start conversing with it.
"We have come here because I want to meet the Volcarona that's living downstairs. You might know her as the sun. Is it possible to arrange a meeting?"
The Baltoy huddles back into the group and they start conversing again. After a while the one I identified as the leader of the group spoke up again.
"Bal Toy."
"He says that we may follow him downstairs to meet with his elders. The decision if we are allowed to meet Sunny is up to them."
'Sunny? That's a strange form of endearment.'
Still spinning the Baltoy went further down the stairs. The way he did it was very amusing to watch making a mid-air twirl for every tread on the staircase. Like that we traversed another four stories of the castle. The lower we went the cleaner the place became. We came across more sleeping Baltoy, but our guide made no motions to wake them up. Letting his compatriots remain in deep slumber.
"There's almost no sand on the lower levels; these baltoy run a tight ship. Do you figure I could hire one of these little dudes to clean up all the clumps of shed fur you guys leave behind inside the center dorm?"
"VI!" "Hey!"
"Sorry, just teasing."
Eventually we made it to the bottom floor. Great pillars rose up from the ground preventing all of Relic Castle from sinking further into the ground. Baltoy guided us through this underground labyrinth. This maze was very confusing, but Baltoy was leading us south-east by my estimations taking the southern and eastern passages when available. Which eventually led us to a room with lots of ceramic pottery. Inside this room are two larger Pokemon sleeping. Considering their features it was pretty clear these two are claydolls.
Claydol, the Clay Doll Pokémon. Claydol is the evolved form of Baltoy. These ancient Pokémon are said to come alive when a mysterious light instilled life into clay creatures created in ancient times. Claydol can fly and are able to fire beams from both arms. If it gets wet, its body melts. When rain starts to fall, it wraps its whole body up with its psychic powers to protect itself.
"Thank you, Phoebe."
"Well, I figured you would ask me eventually."
The little Baltoy's eyes glowed blue for a while until the two slumbering Claydolls started moving.
Being asleep for so long has left a layer of dried sediment on them that isn't part of their bodies. So, when they first started moving again in such a long time the dried crusted up mud started falling off in patches.
The Baltoy and Claydolls started having some form of telepathic conversation. Baltoy might not be strong or proficient enough to project its mind outward, but I am betting that wasn't the case for these two claydol.
A mental probe sought entrance into my mind, one that wasn't Victini's. Me and her being linked she noticed the foreign intrusion too. My brainbox being one of the places she has laid claim to, Victini was understandably upset when someone else tried to get inside without asking her permission.
'It's alright they probably just want to communicate with me directly to avoid misunderstandings.'
"Okay… but don't let them in too deep."
Victini's presence retreated to make space for the Claydol. The thoughts of this Pokémon felt kind of alien, more machine-like. Most likely due to its non-biological nature.
"You seek an audience with Sunny? For what purpose?"
"Sunny? The Cofagrigus up above told me she was called The Sun."
"Her original ancestor was called by that title the specter up above has no concept of time and frequently confuses one for the other."
"Oh, thank you for the explanation that had been bugging me for a while. Ehem I've come down here to see such a fabled Pokémon up close, and also maybe to ask one of her offspring to be our partner."
"Your words hold no lies, we will converse amongst ourselves to decide. Does your other human companion have a similar purpose in coming here?"
"Phoebes, they're asking if you also want to catch a Pokémon here."
"No way I can only capture one more Pokémon in this region. As soon as we are done here, I am heading straight for the celestial tower."
Seemingly satisfied with her answer, the claydol's presence retreated out of my mind. No doubt in order to converse with others of its kind. The two inside this room are likely not the only ones living inside the relic castle.
It took them about half an hour to get back to us with their answer. I didn't mind the waiting, spending time playing cards with my Pokémon. Phoebe and her banette joined us for a couple of rounds.
"Vi VI!" "Uno!"
I had the sneaking suspicion that Victini was cheating using her psychic abilities. This was the fifth game she had won in a row. Before learning the rules of the game, she lost constantly. Now she keeps getting winning hands. Of course, Phoebe and Banette are more impressed than angry by her cheating ways.
"That was very well played, Victini."
"Nette Nette."
The two claydol inside the room watched us finish the game before letting us know they came to a resolution.
"We have come to a decision. You may enter the main chamber and observe Sunny as she rests. We will communicate with Sunny inside her dreams. If she finds you appealing you will be allowed to take one of her eggs with you."
"How come she can't judge me herself?"
"In order to preserve her lifespan, she only wakes during the summer and spring seasons. Otherwise, she will remain in hibernation."
"Wait, how old is she?"
"Sunny is currently four hundred and ninety-three cycles old. She is the third-generation child of our beloved sun."
Most bug types didn't live that long. Your standard beautifly or dustox will only last for about fifteen years with its trainer. Their average life expectancy is even shorter in the wild due to predation or poor nutrition. 'To think this species can live for that long, they are truly mystical creatures.'
"We have arrived."
The inner sanctum of this place was finely decorated. The depictions on the walls clearly showing scenes of a catastrophe that struck this place thousands of years ago. Black clouds covered the skies, scenes of crops dying out coupled with failed harvests. The next scenes showed the sun depicted as a Volcarona saving the people and Pokémon that were almost wiped out due to the absence of sunlight.
At the end of the room stood a huge silken nest with a single occupant. Propped upward by her silken throne the human sized moth Pokémon was resting.
Volcarona, the Sun Pokémon. A Bug and Fire type. Volcarona emerged from a flaming cocoon. It scatters burning scales from its six wings, bathing the area in a sea of fire. When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is said that Volcarona's fire provided a replacement for the sun. It appears during bitterly cold winters and saves Pokémon from freezing.
Our entire group was stunned by the majestic bearing of this Pokémon. The Pokédex entry fanning the flames of our admiration, even Victini was properly impressed by Volcarona.
"Not many visitors are allowed inside this room. You two are part of only a handful of humans that have been inside this sanctuary these past hundred cycles."
"Wait other humans have made it here before us?"
"Yes, some odd forty cycles ago a red-haired young human came here for the first time and left a lasting impression on Sunny. He is one of the few that she has deemed worthy enough to bestow one of her children onto."
"Red hair? Did this man go by the name of Alder per chance?"
"Yes, I believe that is what he called himself."
'So, this is the place he received his ace team member. Alder has been keeping the secret of this place to himself for all these years. Understandable if trainers knew about this location, they would come here in droves to get a larvesta for their own teams. The more dubious characters would aim to capture this enchanting creature by force.'
"How will Sunny determine if I am worthy or not?"
"She observes you in your natural state. We have been showing her images of you playing this 'card game' with your companions. If her impression of your character is a positive one, we will bestow onto you one of the children."
"Wait, that was a test!?"
Chapter 17 – Eggcellent Surprise
"So, you are saying this place is around twenty-five hundred years old? Fascinating, and you kept the tower above us away from scrutiny up until this point?"
"It was determined to be the most prudent decision to make. Our creators, the humans who first lived inside this castle, gave us this mission before moving away to escape the desertification."
"You two have been living here all this while, doesn't it get boring? Do you ever get to take days off, maybe travel the world to go sightseeing?"
"Being bored is not a concern. While sleeping our consciousness escapes these physical forms, and we partake in a journey of wonder and discovery amidst the stars."
"Wow, that's some heavy stuff. Well, I am glad you aren't just keeping watch all these years I'd have gone crazy."
"Would you and your group like to hear the history of this fallen kingdom, while your group waits?"
"Lay it on me. Phoebe also doesn't mind listening in on these types of old history lessons."
"Hey! Don't go making decisions for me, squirt, but yes I'd like to hear the story."
"This castle used to be surrounded by a vibrant city. The first city ever built in Unova. Before the forming of this kingdom Unova was divided between groups of warring tribes each trying to lay claim on this land until our founding princes found the Dragonstone. The princes having proven themselves worthy awakened the legendary Pokémon from its slumber. Together they unified the lands under one single kingdom and named this newfound region Unova. Having secured lasting peace the brothers had a disagreement on what virtue this new kingdom was to be founded on. The elder brother sought truth and the younger brother sought ideals. Mirroring their differing beliefs, the ancient dragon Pokémon split into two different entities. The white dragon sided with the elder prince seeking truth. While the black dragon followed the younger prince who sought ideals. The princes decided that a battle between dragons would prove which side was right. However, since both Pokémon were born of the same dragon neither side could defeat the other and the brothers declared that there was no right side. As all humans do the princes eventually passed on to the spirit world and their heirs took control of the kingdom. Recommencing the previous conflict. These princes, less wizened than their forebears, continued warring with each other until the Unova region was destroyed. The dragons disappeared shunning further human contact. This city which was founded by the elder prince had its blessings revoked by the forces of nature and sank deep into the sands."
"That's a depressing tale. Nowadays anything can be settled by having a Pokémon battle. Those who can guide their team to victory are ultimately appointed as the leaders of their respective home regions. Being able to bring out all of a Pokémon's hidden strength is seen as the hallmark of a great leader."
Phoebe also had her own two cents to add onto this topic.
"The two princes must have been real neglectful parents to not be able to instill some sense in their children's heads."
"That's typical Phoebe. I haven't seen my mom for more than five years. My grandparents are the best though, they took me and Zinnia in even though they didn't have to. That catastrophe could have been avoided if the rulers from that time were decided through battle."
"Egon, I always thought you were more of the democratic type…?"
"For the small-scale stuff yes. Local communities should be allowed to govern themselves. When we are talking region wide decisions, that would also affect the Pokémon living inside these areas the decision-making process can get hamstrung by the number of voices all with differing opinions. At that moment the best we can do is put our faith into people who share the strongest bonds with Pokémon. If a mistake is made at least there would be a singular person that can shoulder responsibility for the bad choice."
"Lighten up Egon! Let big sister Phoebe worry about all that when she makes it to the Elite Four. Tell you what. I'll let you work as my secretary advisor when I get there."
"Sorry for getting all serious Phoebes. I think the trick to good leadership is always being open to new ideas and not dismissing others who have differing opinions."
"She has made her decision."
One look at the previously unmoving body informed us that the Volcarona inside the room was no longer sleeping. Flaming scales started drifting around the room as this centennial Pokémon regarded our presence in her sanctuary. Even Phoebe, our ace trainer, seemed intimidated by this Pokémon.
"Before letting you hear her decision, we ask you Egon to clarify the relationship between you and trainer Alder. Sunny recognizes remarkable similarities between the two of you."
"Egon what is this…?"
"Can you keep another secret for me Phoebes?"
"Okay… but you will have to spend an entire month on Mt. Pyre."
"Can it be anything else please? No sleep for a month is kind of harsh…"
"I'll ask Misdreavus to take it easy on you during sleeping hours."
"Fine… but only after I have finished my business with certain dragon obsessed in-laws."
"That trainer who visited you all those years ago is my grandfather. Now I haven't ever met the guy, my familial situation is kind of complicated, but please don't feel obligated to make your decision based on my heritage."
"That would never have been the case. The downfall of old Unova has made it clear to us that blood doesn't always tell of sound character."
"Egon, you're the grandson of a champion!? Don't even think for a second that I am letting you off the hook for not sharing that with me!"
"Do I have to share every little thing with you? Being related to Alder doesn't even make it in the top five secrets you know about me!"
"What about that one time you took laxatives because you were convinced one of the ghosts put floor polish in your cereal bowl and…"
"Lalala! I can't hear you!"
"She approves you may pick one of her eggs to take with you."
"So, I just have to choose one of these?"
"Yes, whichever one you choose will become your partner Pokémon."
Before me five eggs are lined up for me to choose between. Sunny the Volcarona had the eggs placed inside the ceramics decorating her room to obscure them from view. On her orders one of the Claydol used telekinesis to line them up for me.
'Am I supposed to get some sort of special feeling for the egg that is most suited for me?'
These eggs looked like any other Pokémon eggs I've seen in the gym. Being no different except for the distinct red pattern on each of them. Two of the eggs are slightly bigger, while they all have varying shades of red going from coral all the way to crimson.
I get closer to observe the individual differences between each of the eggs. I noticed Victini making eyes at the one in the middle, a medium sized egg with scarlet red markings. I crouch down to touch the outer shell.
"I pick this one to be my future partner."
"A peculiar choice. This one's father impressed Sunny enough to be picked a second time for courtship. Its sibling is the one on the other end of the lineup."
"What happens when the eggs hatch on their own?"
"They live inside the castle with us for a spell before being sent out with a protector to ensure they find themselves a place to call home. Now… onto your obligations as a human picked to care for one of Sunny's progeny. Sunny has decided she would like to spend time with her offspring nearing the end of the warmer seasons. Schedule any planned visitations in that timeframe. The second more important thing is that we expect human partners to try and extend Sunny's lineage by helping female offspring find a worthy mate of their own once they have fully matured. If your egg hatches a male member of her bloodline this supposition is nullified of course."
'Please be a boy, please be a boy.'
I had no interest in hooking up any of my team members with the opposite gender now or in the future. Especially not for species that belonged to the bug egg groupings.
'How would they even determine another individual to be a worthy mate? The bite strength of their mandibles? or the color of their compound eyes?'
"Sunny has shared many such details with us for example…"
"No! I mean I am good! I'll let her heart decide if it turns out she's a girl."
The Claydol seemed willing to let it go as it was this moment that Sunny flew up to me and the egg. The egg levitated off the ground and the Volcarona proceeded to dust the eggshell with her three pairs of wings, tiny embers falling down as she did so. I was about to question the purpose of this procedure before Claydol helpfully explained this phenomenon.
"She is marking the egg with her scent. The child will smell this during the hatching process and know how to identify its mother when the two encounter each other again. It is also to let the child know that you were chosen by Sunny to nurture and protect it. Stick out your dominant appendage, you will need to be delineated as well."
Sunny now proceeded to mark my arm with her ember scales as well. She was surprisingly gentle and being slightly singed on my right arm didn't hurt nearly as bad as I expected it to.
"Water won't wipe away this particular marking. Do note to avoid wearing anything that smells strongly during the hatching process, so the child can properly identify you."
I made a mental note to avoid cleaning my right forearm with strong detergents for the foreseeable future. Sunny having completed her intended purpose for waking up, slowly turned away to return to the silk throne she used as her resting place.
"Thank you very much for choosing me! I'll take great care of your child!"
"She knows you will. Let us escort you outside the tower. It is the minimum we can do for one of Sunny's chosen humans."
We left Relic Castle through the same route we used to come inside. This time one of the Claydol came with us, together with the original Baltoy who guided us on our pathway in. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and we soon found ourselves outside the tower entrance once again. This time, immune to the distortion effects, I could see the castle tower for the first time from the outside. It had this ancient Victorian style aesthetic to it. Not what I would've expected from a castle that was built in a dry weather area like this.
"This is where we part ways. When visiting us in the future do keep in mind that we prefer visitors that come by during the spring or summer months. Waking up months early has already disrupted Sunny's remaining time with us."
"I am sorry…"
"Don't be, this was her choice. She was willing to give up a year or two of life just to send you off properly. Don't underestimate the value she sees in you. Let us meet again under more favorable circumstances."
With that the Claydol turned around and retreated back into the depths of the relic castle.
"Vi Vi Vi!" "This place is mine I am not sharing again!"
"That's fine Tini. I wasn't expecting any psychic types to act as middleman for the Volcarona living inside Relic Castle. The next time a psychic type asks for entry inside my mind you will be the one that decides the necessity of such a measure. Let's go Phoebe if we are quick the scientists won't have cause to question where we have been."
"Egon, you do know that I have missed about half the conversation that you've had with Claydol? You better fill in the blanks as we walk towards camp, no more secrets!"
"And that's about everything. Alder probably knows I exist thanks to blabby government officials, but he doesn't know where I am or that I have even entered Unova."
"Man, that's such a headache. Your mother sure knows how to pick 'em doesn't she."
"Yeah, her type is crazy obsessed men. It's whatever, at least this gave me the opportunity to meet these two cuties." I gestured towards the egg I was holding, and Victini who was currently being detained inside her prison arms. Do you think the expedition is going to act fussy about the egg once we reach camp?"
"If they know of its origins probably. You can just say you found the egg in the desert sands and are intending on raising it by yourself. Unless the expedition team has a licensed breeder on retinue, they won't figure out its species by the time we leave the expedition."
"Ehh I'd rather not risk it. Sunny placed her trust in me by giving me her egg. There's the off chance one of the expedition members minored in reproductive biology. In the morning I'll be leaving for Castelia. I am guessing you'll be heading for the celestial tower?"
"Yep! I've heard it's the place to be if you want to catch ghost Pokémon. They also run a graveyard for deceased Pokémon there, so I'll finally be among my own people. My team can go all out without us being reprimanded by stuck up normies."
"Won't those channelers and mediums have ways to deal with ghost types that become too rowdy?"
"It's all a matter of perspective, Egon! They know to save the real talismans for actual emergencies."
We arrived at camp just as the sun was coming up. Phoebe and I split up as soon as we crossed the repel line. She went back to her tent to freshen up while I quickly slipped inside my own tent making sure I wasn't spotted holding the egg. Victini, having already turned invisible, followed me quietly. As soon as I was in the safe confines of my tent, I decided to release my team from their balls so we could go over our plans together.
"Num num."
"Did you sleep well you lovable scamps? You missed out on a big adventure. We got to see ancient Pokémon, a sunken tower and the newest addition to our little group of misfits."
I presented to them the egg I received from Sunny. They both started hopping up and down excitedly, especially Rena seemed enthusiastic to be in the presence of a Pokémon egg.
"From now on I need you guys to act like responsible older siblings. And to take turns watching the egg when I am not around. Can you do that?"
"Pix pix!"
"After we have breakfast with Aurea, we are making a beeline for Castelia city to check in for our gym battle. We also have to find an egg incubator while there. I am guessing the body heat of a fire type will do for now, but it's best to get an expert's opinion on this. We can't afford to make any mistakes when it comes to the health and safety of a newborn Pokémon."
As if responding to my words Rena started wrapping her tails around the egg in a bid to help keep it warm. We sat down like that until it was time for Aurea to come visit us for her daily observation. It didn't take long until a familiar figure arrived in front of our tent tapping on the entrance and pulling down the zipper door to our tent.
"Good morning, Egon, have you slept well? Wait... what is that?"
The future professor pointed towards the corner of my tent where Rena was sitting, her tails still wrapped around the Pokémon egg.
"Well, the strangest thing happened while I was out for a morning stroll. I came across this egg in the desert. Based on the shell's temperature and coloration I figured this egg belongs to a fire type. So, I decided to hatch and raise it on my own."
"Oh really? Can you tell me where in the desert you found this egg perchance? And what are those burn marks on your right arm? Did you have a training incident while practicing fire type moves?"
'Darn! I didn't cover up my right arm.'
Aurea fired one salvo of questions after another until I couldn't take it anymore. Deciding to cut my losses I determined it was best to cut her out of the loop.
"Actually Aurea, me and my team decided it was best to leave for Castelia city this morning. Our match with Burgh is on the morrow, and it's best we get this miracle of nature, an incubator of its own."
Aurea, figuring out that I wasn't going to answer her questions, decided on a different approach to solve the mystery of the desert egg.
"That's a great idea I'll come with you!"
'This woman is relentless. I am scared.'
"Me too."
"Don't you have like obligations to fulfill here at the expedition site? I've heard they're planning on excavating more of the flooded lower tunnels. There could be a good number of fossils down there."
"It's going to take weeks before we can get the permits to dig any deeper. The ruins are still a protected cultural site. Egon why do I get the feeling you're trying to ditch me? I still haven't completed my observation journal and you're already talking about separating. Are you hiding something from me?"
"Yes, everybody has their own secrets to keep. I don't know anything about your personal life. Why should I be forced to share mine?"
This question momentarily stumped the future regional professor until she finally found her groove again.
"My name is Aurea Juniper. I am twenty-four years old. My favorite color is lime green. I graduated from Nimbasa tech with PHD's in both paleontology and Pokémon ethology. My dream is to one day revive a Pokémon fossil and at the same time prove the origins of all modern-day Pokémon."
The pain in my behind, that was the inquisitiveness of the junior professor, kept following me all the way on route to Castelia. Luckily the camp was due for a supply run so we could travel with one of the hired trainers to avoid any possible dangers of having to make the journey alone with a vulnerable egg in my arms. The specific trainer they sent with us was one that Rena is all too familiar with.
"Oh Arceus! Not this again I am terribly sorry trainer Egon."
"Pix pix pix!"
"It's fine they're working out their problems by themselves. So, what's it like working for a living as a trainer?"
The Liepard's trainer was a quirky girl named Becky who finished top sixtyfour at last year's Ventress conference. Instead of opting to make another run she decided to take a break from competing. Naturally she still needed living accommodations and food for her team, so she took the job offered to her by foreman Hawes.
"As a trainer you have multiple avenues for work. You could decide to join the ranger corps living out in nature and making sure the routes are safe for trainers to traverse. You could also freelance as hired help for third parties like I am doing currently, and thirdly you could keep on competing. As long as you make it to the top one hundred and twenty-eight every year and keep your sponsors happy, you can make enough money to afford living expenses and supplies. Of course, if you and your team are skilled enough you won't even have to find a job. The top sixteen trainers in the tournament get paid generously and any company that has battlers occupying the upper echelons generally try their best to keep them in luxury."
"What happens to the trainers that wash out?"
"If they kept up with their studies they could return to college and find work. To pay for the living expenses of a full team is usually a pretty major financial burden. In some cases parents can help out by pitching in some money ."
The other option was left unspoken. Nearly all trainers dreaded having to part with their Pokémon. To wash out in the preliminaries of the conference usually meant the end of a trainer's career. Most sponsors would not take a second chance on a failed investment. Luckily Becky didn't share that problem.
"So, an egg huh? Most breeders charge exorbitant prices for a Pokémon egg. Which daycare was generous enough to just give you one?"
"Well actually I found this one in the wild by its lonesome. After making sure the parents were out of the picture, I decided to take it with me. I am hoping to buy an incubator once we arrive in Castelia city."
"That's even luckier! I've always wanted to see a Pokémon being born. If it seems like the egg is hatching while we're still inside the city, please call me. I want to be there for that special moment."
Aurea, sitting on the inside of the backseat of the car, decided that this moment was the time to start harrying me again.
"Yes, that is an excellent idea let us all share in the moment while watching the wonder that is childbirth."
Aurea basically decided to start following me around coming to some weird conclusion that I would give in if she persisted long enough. I didn't have the heart to keep lying to her about the egg's origins. Which would also be pointless because she was as smart as a whip. How she decided that my secrets were interesting enough for her to keep up the stalking I didn't know. The SUV experienced an uncomfortable silence every time I didn't take each chance that I had to converse with our driver Becky.
"So, you like dark types?"
"Yes, I think they're just adorable. I started off with my dear Liepard when she was just a purrloin. Most people give dark types a bad rap, but once you get past their tough exterior, you'll learn that they're the most caring Pokémon around. Isn't that right, sweetums?"
'This is going to be a long ride.'
The last few hours have been nerve wrenching for me, but we finally made it to Castelia city somewhere in the afternoon. That left me plenty of time to go searching for an appropriate egg incubator. Fortunately, I managed to lose Aurea inside the Pokémon center while she was busy calling her father to assess him of the situation inside Relic Castle. I remembered seeing some being sold at the same hardware store I bought my Xtransceiver, so we headed to that place first.
"Welcome to Penny's Adventuring Gear Inc. How can we help you?"
"Yes, hello I was here last time, and I remembered seeing egg incubators for sale."
"Oh, I am sorry to inform you that incubators are only sold in the big multiplex stores. The ones we had on our shelves last time must have been secondhand products that we have rented out. You see most trainers only need egg incubators for the brief period that they are carrying an unhatched egg on them. The only people that need incubators on a permanent basis are professional breeders. However, seeing as you are a loyal customer, I can spare a few minutes helping reserve one online."
"That'll help out tremendously, thanks."
"Okay, is that the egg in question that needs to be incubated? The one that you are holding?"
"Yes, it is."
"Do you know the species of the Pokémon inside? If not, you will have to call for a professional breeder to identify the egg."
"Is that important for renting an incubator?"
"Yes, it is. For example, let's say that egg holds a Cubchoo. We would need an incubator capable of reaching freezing temperatures. Only specific incubators are made for ice types. Every species of Pokémon eggs has optimal temperatures that stimulate and expediate the hatching process. Even being a few degrees off can have a big impact on hatching times. That includes different species that happen to share the same typing."
"Uhm, can you promise not to tell anyone what's inside this egg? It's kind of a big deal."
"Sir if you are part of an illegal trafficking ring, snatching eggs from nesting mothers, I will have to report you to the authorities."
"No no it's nothing like that, just that…"
I look left and right before whispering the species name in her ear. The woman behind the desk is startled upon hearing the name.
"Well, I have never…"
"I know I know! Is there an incubator available which is up to the task?"
She readjusts her glasses before attempting to answer my question.
"Well typically for bug type eggs the incubator simulates the undergrowth of large forests like Pinwheel. Moist and a slightly acidic top-level sediment thanks to all the decomposing fallen leaves. In the case of fire types. It ranges from simulating volcano environments to those living on mountainous hills facing constant harsh sunlight. I cannot give you a recommendation. To really get help incubating this egg you would need to ask an expert."
"Do you know someone?"
"Aside from our champion? The closest thing to an expert you could find is the gym leader inside this city. Burgh is not known for having trained any of the species, but he is the foremost bug type expert, If anyone can help you it's him."
"I guess this is the best I can expect."
"Do remember not to tell anyone what you are carrying. Even good-natured trainers would be tempted to steal such a valuable Pokémon. Yes, even telling me was a mistake. You should've directly headed to the Castelia gym in order to ask Burgh for help."
Following the advice from the store clerk I headed towards the Castelia gym. Based on the reservation chart I looked at the last time I was here Burgh should be winding down on the challengers for today. Hopefully the gym personnel wouldn't question why an unknown ten-year-old needed to speak with their boss. I stopped carrying the egg openly in my arms, the store clerk helpfully providing me with a padded carton box.
"Excuse me, sir?"
"Can I speak with leader Burgh please?"
"If you are here to apply for the modeling job to promote our child size clothing, I am sorry to tell you hun, but you don't have the facial qualities to make it in the modeling business."
"No, I am not here for that, I just want to talk to Burgh for a minute."
'Wait did that lady just call me ugly? It's one thing hearing it from Flannery but to get called that by a professional in the modeling business.'
"Egon, focus!"
'You are right, I will have to face this existential crisis another time.'
"Leader Burgh is a busy man. Are you sure you can't find anyone else to help you with the contents of that box? We stopped adopting strays from bug catchers due to new league policy. You will have to find it a same species colony in Pinwheel, just like everybody else whose mother didn't let them keep their bug type Pokémon at home."
'This lady is making a lot of assumptions over here. I ought to…'
"No actually, what I have here is something that leader Burgh would really like to see in private. I promise you won't be wasting his time by letting me see him."
"Fine, I was about to get my manicure redone, but I guess I can spare the few extra minutes."
'Is everybody that works for Burgh as vain as this woman?'
She led me through the interior of the gym until reaching a door marked private.
"This is where leader Burgh gets most of his creative juices flowing. His private atelier, all of our most famous clothing lines started their inception from the insides of this room. I hope you were serious when claiming you aren't planning to waste his time."

next chapter
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