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16.27% Betrayal By My First Love / Chapter 7: Her Past

Chapitre 7: Her Past

5 years old

Cute little Advika was playing in garden of their house wearing white frock with some mud stains at the edge of her dress. Its quite a scene to watch.

In an attempt to kick her small football with her equally small feet, she tripped on a small pebble causing her a scratched knee with blood oozing from it.

Her eyes glistened and lips puckered in pain.

Her Papa came running towards her in attempt to calm his princess. He instantly took her in his arms, rocking her back and forth, murmuuring sweet things to her.

"You are so strong my little girl. Don't cry. I will hit that pebble. It won't be able to hurt you anymore" Little Advika giggle at that.

"It pain me,my little, whenever I see your big fat tears."

Her Maa also came running to her with a first aid box in her hand.

Her papa took the aid box and started aiding her knees and ended it bandaging her knee with a blue colour bandage with cartoons on it.

"Papa will always love you ,girl. No one can love you more than me." Her papa said to her with pure love in his eyes.

And little Advika was looking her father with undivided attention as she took in her father words and giggled slightly.

"No. I disagree. Someday her prince Charming will come and he will love her the most,even more than you" Mrs. Suryavanshi teased her husband.

Advika head snapped towards her Maa.

"What is Prince Charming, Maa? " Advika asked with her cute little voice.

Hearing this, Mr. Suryavanshi glared at his wife because now his daughter attention is diverted from her papa to her Prince.

"Accept it. She is once gonna get married and her husband will love her the most." Her Maa told .

Advika noticed her father glared turned into a sad frown and then he suddenly started grinning as an idea came in his mind.

"Oh, I am not worried at all. My Advika will marry at the age of 40. I will prepare everything for her."

Mrs. Suryavanshi rolled her eyes on that and replied.

"Will you prepare for her marriage or fill her application form for Old Age home."

Having no idea about what's going on, Advika who is now sitting on her father's lap, tugged at his father shirt to get his attention and said.

"No matter who this prince is, papa. No matter how much he love me, I will always love you the most. Not some prince."

Her father eyes glistened with teats and he hugged his daughter afraid to let go as he knew his wife words are true. One day they have to let her go but not now, with that he hugged her more tightly.

12 years old

It was a Sunday morning,rainy season. Sun is playing hide and seek with clouds and then after sometime,whole sky covered with grey clouds who now completely dominated the sun.

Advika was planting a flower in garden with her small hands, completely focused on her work.

Suddenly it started raining. Advika stood up in a hurry to run inside to prevent herself from getting wet. But stopped when she saw a large truck carrying household furniture's,stopped in her neighborhood.

Someone is shifting here,she thought.

Following that truck,a car came in view. Car door opened and a couple with their boy came out...each holding umbrella except the boy.

He must be around 15 years old. A sad frown was plastered on his face.

Maybe because of shifting.

Then the boy looked around and his eyes landed on her standing there in rain.

His eyes suddenly light up. No longer sad frown on her face.

Advika eyes met his and she diverted her gaze to her feet.

The boy waved a little, Advika eyes widened and she ran inside her house.

The boy has now an angry expression on his face but watched in fascination at her little figure running away from him.

Reyaansh smirked.

16 years old.

Suryavanshi and Singhanias have became friends now.

Like,no matter what the occasion either one organise, other one is ought to be present there.

Advika is still shy around Reyaansh.

She couldn't figure out her feelings towards him.

Surely, she like him but doesn't know in what way.

And Reyaansh, being him, never misses as chance to tease her about how shy she is.

Reyaansh usually comes to her house to ask her about her studies. She is talented, no doubt but except biology.

So,one day, Reyaansh offered to help her in her biology subject as he was three years senior than her.

Hearing this great news,this girl shifted to cloud nine in a matter of seconds.

She tried to push herself to please Reyaansh or to get some appreciation from him.

And it worked. She improved her scores in biology subject and every time she did, he had a pride glint on his eyes and Advika did everything to see that glint,but only for her.

Except Reyaansh, she has someone else more important in her life.

Her best friend. Her Shruti.

Shruti and Advika are like partners in crime.

If you call Advika clumsy, Shruti is clumsiest. She can literally trip on a flat surface,leading her to the bead of ICU.

No doubt, Shruti is Advika's best friend but she is not blink like her friend. She can clearly see that Reyaansh feel something for her friend.

When Reyaansh and Advika were in same school,he made sure that no boys can come near her let alone talk.

It when Reyaansh joined college,he asked Shruti to help him and Shruti was more than ready to do the favour. She wanted nothing but happiness and love for her best friend.

One day, Advika noticed a book in her room that belongs to Reyaansh, which he forgot to take it back from her.

So she went to his house to return him but his mother informed that he was currently in college. So , she made her way to his college,not only to return his book but also to meet him.

The moment she reached college,she was panting heavily. But then she noticed Reyaansh talking to his friends besides his locker in hallway.

She took a step ahead towards him but stopped when she noticed a girl around Reyaansh age,wearing much more revealing clothes she ever saw,wraps her perfectly manicured fingers around Reyaansh biceps.

Maybe this girl is his girlfriend,she thought.

Something didn't settled in her chest.

There, she felt it.

She felt one strange emotion,burning in her chest,a type of ache in her heart and instantly a tear rolled down her cheeks.

She didn't even realised that why she was crying.

Little did she know, this is what they call Jealously.

She couldn't watch anymore. She turned her back to him so that Reyaansh couldn't see her but it was too late. He already saw the hurt in her eyes. He roughly pushed that girl away from him but again,it was too late. Advika already left.

The whole day, Advika didn't came out her room. She spend the whole day crying to herself. And funny thing is that she didn't even know why.

Later that evening, Reyaansh came running towards her house to clear all her misunderstandings.

He knocked on her door but when he didn't get any reply, he slightly opened her door, only to find the scene which he never ever wanted to see.

There she was,sitting on her bed,hugging her knees. Eyes puffy, red nose. It won't take a rocket scientist to guess that she was crying.

He sat beside her,attempt to wipe her tears but stopped his hand in midway.

"Why are you crying, Precious ?" He asked already knowing the answer but still wanted to hear from her.

Her heart skipped a bit at the nickname but her anger got the best of her.

"Why do you care ?" She yelled giving him an icy glare to him.

Reyaansh was taken aback by the coldness in her eyes,especially when it was directed towards him.

F**k the control,he thought.

He took her face in both if his hands cradling her and forced her to look her in his eyes.

"Why do I care ? Huh ? I care ore than you can ever think and you ask me why. You really don't know Advi ? Or are you just pretending ? Huh ?" He asked with angry tone of his.

Advika was still confused about what's happening.

"Tell me !!!" He barked at her when he didn't get his reply. He was already angry that how could she think that he didn't care.

With that, Advika started crying more like a baby.

She was scared after looking this side of him. He was always gentle with her. This is the first time she noticed him this angry.

Reyaansh eyes softened noticing more tears in her eyes. It was already breaking his heart seeing her like this.

"I do care, Precious. Trust me. Now tell me what happened." He asked in a calm voice now.

But flashbacks of incidents from morning came in front of her face.

"y are you here ? With me ? Don't you have a girlfriend to attend ?" She jerked his hand away from her face.

Reyaansh expression turned from calm to shock then,to realisation and then finally he started grinning.

"No. No. I don't have any girlfriend,precious.

But, were you jealous ?" He asked still having that stupid grin on his face.

Advika's eyes widened. She started shaking her head not knowing how to agree for this.

She was jealous all this time,she thought.

But wait,why is he grinning. She turned to glare at him.

Noticing her cute glare,Reyaansh started laughing now.

"I hate you !" She told him giving him the best glare she could.

Reyaansh whole demeanour changed. His already black eyes darkened more giving her a signal that she crossed a line.

She trued to crawl back away from him, but he put his left hand at the back of the nape of her neck pulling her towards him. He put his forehead on hers looking deep in her eyes. She whimpered sensing how close they were.

Where Reyaansh eyes are full of rage,Advika eyes are full of fear.

"You. Don't. Hate. Me.

You. Can. Never. Hate. Me.

You say that line one more time and I swear,I will punish you myself. Do you understand ?" He roared.

She was not scared now. No.

She was terrified but she chose to keep her mouth shut in attempt to not anger him more.

18 years old.

Today is Advika last day of high school. She ranked third in her class. And she was now more than excited to inform this to him.

From that day at her house, Reyaansh started acting all Alpha male on her. He was always by her side,except college time. Not that their parents were complained. They were much more happy for their friendship.

They were not boyfriend - girlfriend thing but Advika knew that,they were more than that.

Atleast that what she thought.

A week before, Reyaansh asked her to come to his house at evening on the last day of her high school. He told her that he was going to give her a surprise.

But she couldn't wait for evening, so,she dashed towards Reyaansh college to inform him good news. She was eager to see that pride glint on his face.

Reaching his college,she asked a girl about Reyaansh presence and that girl directed her towards Canteen.

With any other words,she ran towards the given direction and stopped there putting her hands on her knees to stable her breathe.

The door was slightly ajar,she noticed that Canteen was almost empty but she can hear whispers from a corner table to the door left side.

She was almost about to open the door completely but halted once she heard her name. She couldn't help but listen.

"Hey Reyaansh, I heard that, this beautiful girl Advika who was in our school,lives in your neighborhood. Is that true?" An unfamiliar asked Reyaansh.

Advika was curious now for Reyaansh reply.

She expected him to tell his friends about their friendship.

But comes the bored tone of Reyaansh next "Yeah, She lives there. It hardly matter."

She frowned but didn't react as she still couldn't understand,why Reyaansh is talking like,she is a stranger to him.

"We are just asking. You don't have feelings for her,right ?" Another unfamiliar voice asked him.

Now,Advika's heart started beating fast and this is has nothing to do with her running.

"Naa. She is not my type,you know."

Thus reply of him,crusher her heart. She wanted to run but her feet didn't let her.

"So if you don't have any,maybe one of us can date her and after we once get what we want from her,we will dump her."

Advika was screaming internally to stop. She couldn't believe that how can someone use those cruel words. And why in the world, Reyaansh is their friends.

She knew that, now Reyaansh will say something in favour of her or get angry on his friend.

After all she is his Precious,right ?

But her whole world shatters the instant came his Reply.

"Oh,Come on guys. I thought you all were better than that.

She is a pathetic loser and a cry baby,man.

Not that I care if you date her or dumb

her,but let me tell you one thing.

She is not that innocent,she portray herself.

She changes her boyfriend like changing handkerchiefs.

She is just a nuisance to me. Always getting clingy.

I just hate her.

Don't bother to waste your time for her."

After a pause,he again replied.

"Even, Kendra is better than her."

Its like someone pulled the floor from under her feet. Now,tears started flowing non - stop.

She peaked a little inside,only to see that Reyaansh is facing back towards her and his hand is signalling to a girl next to his table.

What crushed her more that,this was the same girl she saw that day,when she discovered the feeling,jealousy.

That girl was now smiling seductively towards him. But she couldnt figure out his expression,she could care less.

His words were enough to tore her,expressions doesn't matter.

All this time,he was dating that girl and,still claimed me as his,she thought.

Suddenly she was accidentally pushed forward,inside the Canteen,by a boy who was trying to enter inside.

That commotion now got everyone attention.

That boy apologized to her and ran away.

Then her eyes drifted towards those bunch of disgusting bas****s who were already staring at her with wide eyes.

With the tears running down her face,anyone can guess that she heard everything.

Her eyes wandered towards Reyaansh silently asking,why ?

But she noticed,a female hand made its way to his hand,intertwining their fingers and noticed that girl "kendra " is smirking towards me as if claiming Reyaansh as her.

You can take him as yours, I don't care now, she wanted to yell but she couldn't.

She cared.

She didn't want to see anymore.

Was I really that blind,until now ?

Is this same person I ever loved ?

Am I really pathetic,crybaby ?

All this time,was I a nuisance to him ?

All these thoughts were runnings in her mind.

She noticed that,now all his friends heads were hung down in shame and some were looking her in pity.

But why ? Why there is no guilt ? Of course,there will be no guilt. They are shameless people. She thought.

She couldn't find in her to look at him,again. Not only him but also his girlfriend, "who is much better than her."

He must be laughing at my state now,that how I am really pathetic loser.

She wanted to scream at them,to ask how could they talk about a girl like this,to question their upbringing,but she couldn't say a word.

Her throat was burning. She felt that someone was squeezing her heart. She couldn't breathe anymore.

So,she did one thind she was good at.

She ran.

She ran without any thoughts..

She didn't know,where she was going but she didn't care.

She just wanted to go far too far,away from him.

After running for 15minutes, she stopped at middle if the road,not caring if she will meet an accident.

Her knees buckle,she couldn't handle herself and she fell on ground in a bending position.

She started wailing loudly.not bothering if people will take her as a mental patient.

She started screaming only one word,

Why ?

Why Reyaansh ?

Why ?

Wiping her tears,she noticed her cell ringing.

Reyaansh calling.

Why is he calling ? Wan

She ignored it. But the ring didn't stop. So she thought of greeting him a proper goodbye.

She answered the call,but before Reyaansh can say anything,she replied "It was a mistake. You were the biggest mistake of my life Mr. Singhania. Goodbye." With that,she cut the call.

His words were echoing in her head like a broken record.

It started raining suddenly. She chuckled at the irony,how they met first time in rain,and now the last time in rain too.

People started opening their umbrellas to protect themselves from rain.

She didn't. She couldn't protect herself.

Neither from rain,nor from pain.

next chapter
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