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100% Beggar Become Dragon Slayer / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Beggar Become Dragon Slayer Beggar Become Dragon Slayer original

Beggar Become Dragon Slayer

Auteur: AmouxCreationsX

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1

In the heart of a medieval town, the street is alive with activity. Cobblestone paths echo with the clatter of hooves and the chatter of townsfolk. An exquisite horse-drawn carriage, polished wood glistening in the sun, rolls majestically through the street, its occupants peering out with mild interest at the bustling scene.

People hurry about, engaged in their daily business. Merchants hawk their wares from stalls packed with colourful goods, children dart between the adults, and tradesmen ply their crafts in open-fronted workshops. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafts from a nearby bakery, mixing with the earthy scent of the street.

At the side of the road, an old man sits on the ground, his appearance just opposite to the surrounding vitality. His long white hair falls in tangled locks around his gaunt face, and his beard, equally unkempt, spills onto his chest. His eyes, though clouded with age, hold a depth of despair. His teeth, what remains of them, are darkened and decayed. The tattered rags he wears barely provide warmth, their once vibrant colors now dulled and frayed.

He stares blankly at the sky, lost in thought. "Life is a b**ch," he mutters, his voice barely audible over the din. His mind reels with disbelief. Just yesterday, his life was full of promise and beauty. He had dreams of becoming a computer engineer, a young man with aspirations and hope. But now, those dreams feel like distant illusions, shattered by the harsh reality of his current existence. The transformation from a hopeful youth to a beggar on the verge of death seems incomprehensible, yet here he is, facing the bitter truth.

Then he glanced at the light blue-hued panel, visible to him only, with the words

[ Save the world! ]

written on it. He wanted to curse but didn't have the strength. Only a murmur escaped his lips: "Dog syst..." He hadn't eaten all day—perhaps this body hadn't eaten for days. The street was filled with chatter and people's smiles and laughter, but none of them paid him any mind, leaving him to his own despair.

At least Jay wished he could understand what they were saying, to laugh at the corner during every last moment he might have left. But the issue was, he couldn't understand anything they were saying. To him, it was just strange sounds, nothing more. Not being able to understand them made him feel like the worst beggar. His only hope was the universal language: sign language.

He had been trying it for so long. Many crossed over him while ignoring his plea. He didn't complain; if he were them, he would have done the same.

Jay raised a trembling hand, attempting a gesture that might convey his desperation, but it was met with blank stares or outright avoidance. He could see the world moving on without him, a bustling hive of activity from which he was irrevocably excluded. His throat was parched, his stomach a hollow pit of pain, but the worst ache was in his heart—a deep, abiding loneliness.

In his delirium, the light blue-hued panel seemed to mock him. "Save the world" it repeated, an impossible task for someone who couldn't even save himself.

In the end, what else could he do but continue begging? Whether he was doing something wrong or people just didn't want to help him, he didn't know.

The cold started getting stronger, though it didn't seem to affect him for now. But how things would be at night was another matter. He didn't even have proper clothes to cover his whole body. The weather seemed to grow colder with each passing moment as time flew. He looked around, glancing at every person walking in the street. His thoughts drifted as he watched people in various states of dress, some wearing armor while others donned shaggy outfits that matched the medieval era. Almost everyone carried either a sword or a knife on their hip, much like a more exaggerated version of people carrying guns. They seemed proud of the swords hanging by their sides.

Jay sighed and shivered, hugging himself tighter as he could. At that moment, he heard a noise—a cacophony of screams, filled with anger. He saw a young man running toward him, carrying a few apple-like fruits in his hands. The young man's face was covered with cloth that hadn't been washed for a long time. As he ran past Jay, he threw one of the fruits toward him in a desperate attempt to lighten his load and escape more quickly. The fruit landed in Jay's lap, and instinctively, driven by hunger, he covered it with his hands to hide it from the people chasing the young man.

He felt troubled by the thought of needing to eat something stolen. Just as he was about to take a bite, he noticed a pair of innocent eyes staring at him, or rather at the fruit in his hand. The girl, dressed in a sack with messy hair, stood across the street. Her gaze made Jay hesitate. He tore the fruit in half with his dusty hands, an act that didn't require much strength given the softness of the fruit. He extended one half toward the girl, who was standing in a side alley across the street.

But then, a shadow loomed over him. A fist connected with his face, and a voice cursed, "Varq'ta mashar!" Jay fell to the side, shaken his head with pain. The man who hit him, seemingly a grown man and perhaps a merchant, continued to kick him. The crowd, many of them mere onlookers, did nothing to intervene.

Jay crawled in pain, screaming, "I'm sorry, don't... Ahhh..."

The merchant's foot kicked Jay's ribs repeatedly, each blow hurt worse than the other.

He continued to kick Jay until a guard, who had witnessed the altercation, finally stepped forward to intervene. With a stern voice, he ordered the merchant to cease his assault, saying in a commanding tone, "Amschei! Genug!" The merchant, though begrudgingly, halted his attack, his face twisted in a mixture of anger and frustration. He muttered curses under his breath in his native tongue, "Tahq mojhar!"

By the time the guard had stopped the beating, Jay had lost consciousness from the relentless pain inflicted upon him. The merchant, scowling and muttering curses, left the scene hastily.

The guard, a sturdy figure in a armour, approached Jay cautiously. He knelt beside him, checking for signs of life. Gently, he placed a finger under Jay's nose to feel for breath. Feeling the faint but steady rhythm, the guard breathed a sigh of relief. "Alhkam'dulillah," he murmured quietly, expressing his gratitude that the old man was still alive.

Without hesitation, the guard carefully moved Jay to the side of the street, away from the main thoroughfare where he had been lying unconscious. He ensured that Jay was in a safer, less obstructive position for passersby. As he adjusted Jay's position, the guard glanced around, his gaze scanning the indifferent faces of the onlookers who had done nothing to help.

Satisfied that Jay was now in a more secure place, the guard stood up and glanced at his arm, which had been dirtied by helping the beggar. He walked away to wash his arms. Jay continued to lay on the street side as time passed by.

The sky rumbled with thunder, startling Jay awake. He was scared but still felt pain all over his body, making it hard to move. The street had started emptying, and night had fallen. A few lights flickered here and there, likely from inns or similar establishments.

He tried to get up, but the pain in his back caused many of his attempts to fail. He seemed to have some balance issues as well. After several painful tries, he finally managed to get to his feet. Slowly, rain began to fall, accompanied by light rumbles in the sky. The rain grew stronger, and Jay raised his head high, feeling the cool droplets on his face.

Desperate to quench his thirst, he cupped his hands to gather the rainwater. The cold liquid felt refreshing as it trickled down his throat. The rain continued to pour, soaking his tattered clothes and washing away some of the grime. Despite the discomfort, the rain brought a sense of temporary relief.

Jay leaned against the wall, his body still aching. He looked around, hoping to find shelter. His gaze fell upon an old, rundown stable at the end of the street. Summoning what little strength he had left, he hobbled toward it, each step a painful effort.

Reaching the stable, he pushed the creaky door open and slipped inside. The interior was musty, but it offered shelter from the rain. Jay found a corner with a pile of straw and collapsed onto it, grateful for even this minimal comfort. The straw was rough, but it was better than the cold, wet street.

As he lay there, listening to the rain drumming on the roof, Jay allowed himself to relax slightly. His body still throbbed with pain, but at least he was out of the storm. Exhaustion soon overtook him, and he drifted into a restless sleep again.

Then he found himself standing in front of a giant being. Its size was hard to measure with his eyes. Those golden eyes looked down at him with interest. When the being spread its wings, Jay almost felt his mind go blank before waking again in the same musty place.

He tried to rub his face, but ended up getting dirt in his eyes, making it worse. At last, he got up and walked outside with a rumbling stomach. He wondered how he was able to walk after all the kicks and having eaten nothing yesterday. He decided to walk towards the inn instead of just lying back. Maybe he could find something to eat.

The street wasn't crowded yet. He slowly walked towards the inn, noticing people eyeing him warily and moving away from him. When he reached the entrance of the inn, he saw a young woman cleaning the floor. She noticed his presence. Jay gestured by laying his hand on his stomach, indicating that he was hungry.

She thought for a moment before walking to the kitchen. After a while, she brought a piece of leavened bread for him. Jay wanted to smile but it hurt when he tried. He just bowed, taking the bread in his hand. She looked at him apologetically, perhaps having seen him getting beaten yesterday.

One thing Jay hated in his past life, and right now his life depended on others' pity. 

he walked back to the street again, sitting at the same place he had before. He eyed the bread in his hand, feeling a mixture of happiness and sadness.

Little by little, he decided to eat the bread, tearing off a piece with his hand. However, it was hard to chew. Most of his teeth were rotten or gone, and the hit to his face yesterday had only made things worse. The bread, already dull in taste, felt like chewing on rubber.

Each bite sent waves of pain through his jaw, but he persisted, knowing he needed the sustenance. The bread was dry and rough, but it was the only thing keeping his body from completely giving in. He chewed slowly, wincing with each movement, determined to get through it.

As he ate, he observed the street around him. The morning hustle was picking up, with vendors setting up their stalls and people beginning their daily routines. Everything was fine until a long bell rang from the distant walls of the city. The sound was ominous, echoing through the streets and causing a wave of panic among the people.

People on the street grew worried, making Jay's anxiety even worse. He could see people hurrying. Many started to hide inside the inn he had just come out of with his bread. Those setting up stalls abandoned their goods and ran to wherever they could find shelter. Jay got up, fear evident in his eyes, not knowing what was about to come or what had made these people so terrified.

He gathered his strength and moved towards the rundown stable where he had stayed the previous night, hoping to find safety. When he got there, he saw the same girl in sackcloth hiding in the corner. She looked as scared as he felt.

Jay approached her cautiously and asked, "Why are people hiding?" forgetting in his panic that she wouldn't understand him. The child remained silent, her eyes wide with fear.

At that moment, a piercing voice echoed through the air, making Jay's head throb with pain. He covered his ears in response to the head-splitting noise, dropping to his knees as he tried to block out the sound.

The voice, though unintelligible, carried a sense of authority and dread. Jay could feel the vibrations in his bones, and he looked at the girl, who was also covering her ears and trembling. The sound seemed to go on forever, a relentless assault on their senses.

When the noise finally subsided, Jay cautiously uncovered his ears, his head still ringing. He looked at the girl and saw tears streaming down her face. "We need to stay hidden," he said softly, though he knew she couldn't understand his words. He pointed to a corner of the stable and motioned for her to stay low.

Jay crawled over to a pile of straw and did his best to conceal himself. The stable provided minimal protection, but it was better than nothing. He peeked through a crack in the wooden wall, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening outside.

Jay crawled over to a pile of straw and did his best to conceal himself. The stable provided minimal protection, but it was better than nothing. He peeked through a crack in the wooden wall, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening outside.

His eyes widened as he saw a huge shadow flying in the sky. Even from a distance, Jay could tell how enormous the creature was. Its red scales glistened under the sun, and its wings cast a massive shadow over those below. There was something eerie about the creature; it didn't move like it was alive but rather like a puppet controlled by some malevolent force.

Its jaw was missing, and its tongue hung grotesquely from its head, swaying as it flew. With a single look, one word came to Jay's mind: "Dragon.".

Big BOOM! Fire rained down outside the stable, making Jay jump. The scared girl huddled in the corner. The whole place shook like a bad dog shaking off water.

Pure fear urged Jay to run, flee anywhere, everywhere, just not towards that inferno. But as he rose from the dusty floor, a holographic panel materialized before him, shimmering eerily in the dim light. It displayed a message in a pulsating blue.

[Threat Detected]

[Emergency Mode Activating]

[Activating Dragon Slayer Armour....]

Jay blinked, his mind reeling. Armour? This had to be some cruel joke, a twisted play on a starving beggar in a crumbling city.

But before he could dismiss it as a hallucination, he felt his posture straighten, and a strange sensation swept over him.

His once-white hair and beard turned blood-red, and his entire body began to transform. Starting from his fingertips and racing upwards, a cold yet strangely comforting sensation enveloped him. It felt like a thousand tiny needles weaving a protective barrier around him.

Suddenly, he was encased in a full-body armor, black as coal. His ragged clothes were gone, replaced by sleek, metallic armor that molded perfectly to his form. It was surprisingly light yet felt impossibly strong. As he looked down, intricate runes carved into the armor shimmered with a faint blue light.

A helmet materialized on his head, completing his imposing presence. The helmet, too, bore intricate runes that glowed softly. Jay could feel power coursing through him, a power he couldn't comprehend.

While the young girl, wide-eyed and witnessing Jay's metamorphosis, could only whisper a word in her language that meant "beautiful." Her voice broke the momentary silence that followed Jay's transformation.

Just as the moment of transformation began to sink in, disrupting the intense atmosphere, a message suddenly appeared before Jay:

[Time 1:00:00]

Jay blinked at the message, unsure of its meaning. Was it a countdown? A timer?

AmouxCreationsX AmouxCreationsX

Fellow internet folks, I hope everyone is doing well. This is my first fiction release. Updates might be slow since English isn't my first language, and it takes a lot of time to finish each chapter, with at least 2500 words. I appreciate everyone's support. Those interested in accessing my unedited content in the future can do so through my Patreon.

link: patreon.com/AmouxCreationX

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