Hey, Shun here!
Did you know? My current dimension's Earth use Hydrogen and Thorium as its main source of energy?
My past life's Earth could also utilize Hydrogen and Thorium as a source of energy but, for some sort of reason, they were so fixated in using coal, fossil fuels, solar, wind, hydroelectric, and Uranium as their main source of energy.
No wonder Earth was dying. One of the first world countries like China are still stuck on using coal as their main source of energy, despite its obviously high carbon emissions.
(Shun's POV)
For the majority of the night, Kaede-san stayed sleeping on my lap. The only sounds that accompanied my quiet time in the forest was the soft sounds of the crickets from a far distance and the soft breathing of the person sleeping on my lap.
I gotta say though, staying in this position made me feel that sort of numbing sensation on my thighs, like, seriously. I quietly proceeded with busying myself, enjoying the quiet experience that I'm having all by myself.
Well, I'm technically not all alone but Kaede-san is asleep so I think this counts as me being alone? Sort of?
Well anyway, while Kaede-san was asleep, I did what any teenage guy would do when they have a cute girl sleeping on their lap…
Yes, I poked her… cheeks… a lot!
There was a few times when she was about to wake up due to that but I managed to somehow avoid the urge to poke her again to wake her up. Once I regained control of myself, I stopped and decided to distract myself with some other stuffs like checking out the places that we managed to map out yesterday.
Through that, I found out that north is mostly composed of mountainous terrains, presumably filled with ores and stuffs that our Guild's blacksmith, Magi-san, and probably, to a lower extent, Mutsuko-san, would like while the south mostly have lakes and rivers in it. We don't know much about the east and west side since we never really explored it that much yesterday.
Heck, we don't even know much about what monsters live in the locations that we briefly explored as we only did it for a few hours and with some other objective in mind. We sure need to scour our surroundings more.
An hour right before the sun was about to rise up from the horizon, someone from the girls' log house came out and, seeing only me doing the night watch at first glance, couldn't help but ask.
"Oh, did Kaede-san sleep early? Why are you the only one who's—" It was Magi-san who woke up early.
She approached me while I was busy looking through the things in my inventory and saw Kaede-san who's peacefully sleeping on my lap.
I was just about to greet her and reply to her but she suddenly gasped loudly.
Because of that loud gasp, Kaede-san who was probably having a pretty good sleep was woken up.
"Hmm~? What happened? Who's there, [Admin] Shun-san?"
She was still feeling sleepy and the things on her surroundings wasn't registering yet but she did hear some other person's voice earlier. She was sleepily rubbing her eyes and, that's when she suddenly noticed that something was wrong.
"Good morning Kaede-san. Did you sleep well?" Me greeting her while looking down at her probably didn't help either.
"Eh? Eeeeeeh—?"
In her confusion, she turned to her left and saw a patch of grass, along with my legs and feet.
What? You think I'd give her a lap pillow with my legs and feet folded, with my whole body weight crashing down on it? No way.
"Eh? Why am I in [Admin] Shun-san's lap!? Eeeeeh!?"
She was extremely confused. If I didn't throw my head backwards, our heads would've bumped due to her suddenly getting up.
"Hey, that was dangerous Kaede-san! Also, you were sleeping in my lap because your sleeping position earlier seems very uncomfortable to me. That's why I decided to let you sleep on my lap."
Hearing me calmly explain to her what and why this all happened, it seems like she finally calmed down.
"Also, good morning Magi-san. Why are you up so late?"
"Eh? Ah… I wanted to see if I could make Rikka a kitchen knife."
"Heeeh. A kitchen knife huh. Is that even a weapon?"
After that, the next hours before the sun came up was very awkward. Kaede-san would become very red up until her neck whenever I talk to her and, although I know that she was feeling embarrassed, I wouldn't even be upset if she starts ignoring me or something due to that for a few days, she still talked to me in a relatively normal manner.
It was like we three formed an unwritten agreement not to talk about what happened.
After almost everyone was awake, the girls insisted that they would be the ones who will make our breakfast, possibly because they wanted to impress the little animals who are still sleeping with their little owners. Rikka-san is already awake, yes, but Wafuryuuku is still fast asleep on his little crib, similar to the other three young beasts.
Speaking of sleeping inside the game, it wasn't much different than sleeping in real life, which I found really amazing. Even a little bit of sleep felt really refreshing.
Also, I don't know what I was expecting when I slept for a few hours yesterday in-game but, it felt rather anticlimactic to me…
With majority of the girls, namely; Kaede-san, Mutsuko-san, Satania-san, Lucato-san, and, surprisingly, Toutobi-san, busy cooking, there were only a few people left, gathered around the huge wooden table that Lyly made yesterday. Miu and Hino-san were too busy discussing about where they could go to encounter rare mobs while Magi-san and Cloude are immersed in their own crafting world.
Lyly, Tsuka, Fenny, Pochi and Tama were the ones who are still asleep in our group.
"Good morning Shun!"
"Morning Rokuko. Seems like you had a good sleep?"
Rokuko was at first in the makeshift kitchen but it seems like it was overcrowded and she voluntarily left so that there will be more space there.
"It was really good! This game world thing is really magical. It's just like when we're inside my Core Room, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is. The only difference was that your real body is still outside, sleeping."
At my remark, Rokuko nodded her head vigorously while smiling from ear to ear.
"Hey Shun. Do you think you could help me find a little animal too? I already have Fenny so I don't need any other rabbit."
"Of course. If I managed to find one again, then sure." Rokuko was so happy that she gave me a bear hug.
"Thank you Shun!"
"No problem. You could also probably befriend someone yourself though? Don't you have [Taming]?" When she heard me ask that question, she was like, "Eh? I do?"
"You… You forgot that you have [Taming]?"
"Ha-Hahaha… Yeah…"
We then both looked at each other silently before bursting out in laughter. Not long later, the others who heard our conversation also burst out in laughter.
Hey Cloude, trying to hide your laughter with a cough won't work. See, everyone knows that you're trying to suppress your laughter.
Since everyone was mysteriously all awake, the moment that the breakfast was cooked, I decided to start some kind of strategic meeting.
"By the way everyone…"
My first sentence gathered everyone's attention immediately, even the little beasts were looking at me attentively. Oh, why is it that everyone from my group seem so attentive today?
Was there something on our breakfast that made them like this?
"E-hem. First of all, you all should check out your menus. There's something important there that you all should see."
Everyone was like, "What was this about?" as they curiously looked at the menu. Aside from me though, it seems like Cloude have already noticed what I was talking about.
"Are you talking about the [Information Board]?" He asked while adjusting his spectacles.
"Yup. That's the one I'm talking about. I saw it earlier while I was in my nighttime watch with Kaede-san."
Kaede-san became red to her ears when I suddenly said that but she didn't say anything. She was just quietly looking at her own menu screen.
"It's just a speculation, but it seems like the appearance of this menu was either because of the death of many players or some player managing to open it up for us. The latter theory is rather unlikely since no one could possibly do so without completing a chain of quests, which was impossible during this short time frame."
I paused for a few seconds to let everyone take in the information before continuing.
"This [Information Board], like it's namesake, is filled with threads where we can glean some information with others."
Majority of its content is filled with the rant of incensed players but there's a minority who genuinely just want to help others with the information they found out so it's still a good idea to check it out.
"Through the sacrifice of those, let's just say, 'heroic' players, we finally have information about the East and West. There are ruins to the East and what seems to be underground caves and such at West. In the middle of each area there are high level enemies and materials, as well as a number of players who work on the peripheries of nearby safety areas."
I looked at everybody's faces and, while I didn't mean to create a tense atmosphere, I somehow did.
"Now, the real question is, which place do you guys want to go? Depending on where you want to go, we could divide our group accordingly…"
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read.
Author's Remarks:
※ Whew. Done, finally! I really hate it when people disturb me when I'm writing.
Special thanks to the patient members back on my ko-fi page and to you guys for waiting for the late updates xD.
Sam Morgan
Hey, Shun here!
I remember playing a virtual PvP fighting game as a kid in this world and it was pretty similar to the popular titles from my past life's Earth like King of Fighters, Street Fighters, Tekken, and etc. I still play that game from time to time but I don't visit it as much nowadays.
Don't get me wrong, the game was fun, but I got more immersed in training my body in real life.
I looked at everybody's faces and, while I didn't mean to create a tense atmosphere, I somehow did.
"Now, the real question is, which place do you guys want to go? Depending on where you want to go, we could divide our group accordingly…"
It didn't take long for everybody to answer my question. The first to decisively answer my question was the three top crafters, Lyly, Cloude, and Magi-san.
"I definitely want to go north~! Almost all the things we needed are there~."
"Lyly is right. Most of the things we needed are in the North."
"There's a mountain in the North so that's of course where most of the items I needed should be. What about you guys, Shun-kun?"
I looked at the remaining people on our group and waited for them to say something. After talking for some time, Miu raised her hand and, with a confident tone on her voice, said to me.
"Me and my party wants to go to the ruins to the East. There should be many unique monsters to encounter there."
"Sorry if we arbitrarily decided on this, Shun-san. Myu-san just wanted to go on an adventure…" Lucato-san said while giving Miu a sideways glance.
"Hey, Luca-chan!"
"Yep! She just said 'us' because she didn't want to get scolded by you for coming to a decision arbitrarily." Hino-san added.
"Even you Hino-chan!? I totally didn't say that just to not get scolded, right Tobi-chan!?" Toutobi-san was her only saving grace at this moment so she looked at her, thinking that she would support her claims but…
"No… Lucato was right…"
She was betrayed by her party members.
Instead of feeling angry that she wanted to go on her own adventure without taking our guild into account, I kinda felt pity for her. That said, I won't let her off too easy.
"Well, seems like we'll be eating some vegetarian dishes for a week…" I said with my eyes squinted.
When she heard what I said, Miu showed an unpleasant expression on her face. Tama and Pochi, the meat enthusiasts of our group, showed an even more unpleasant expression upon hearing this, to them, brutal punishment.
They both looked at Miu with expressions of sadness, seeming like they're giving their condolences on her.
"NOOOOOO! I don't like veggies and you know that!"
"Atleast you could enjoy meat dishes while this event is going on. You could also go on your adventures. However, after this, that will be your punishment. And you can't skip it because I will tell Mom and Dad that… You know their position in this game, right?"
Miu was silenced by what I said. Well, I don't really plan on making our meals into a vegetarian diet for a week though. Three days is enough.
That way, she should know that she should take other people surrounding her into account before doing something on an impulse.
"Alright. Myu and her team will be going on the East while the crafters wanted to go to the North. What about you girls?"
"Pochi wants to hunt more meat nodesu!"
"Tama, too~? More meat, more happy~!"
Pochi and Tama unsurprisingly want to go back to the southern parts of the map to catch more prey. Fenny, Tsuka, and Rokuko seems to be eager to go there as well.
As for the rest, Rikka, Mutsuko-san, Satania-san, and Kaede-san wanted to go to the south, east, east, and south respectively.
"Alright. Since it's like that, we will be dividing our group into three parties. Magi-san, Cloude, and Lyly will be going to the North, Me, Kaede-san, Rokuko, Rikka, Fenny, Tsuka, Pochi, and Tama to the South, Miu, Toutobi-san, Lucato-san, Hino-san, Mutsuko-san, and Satania-san to the East. No one wants to go to the West for now I see…"
Well, since no one wants to go there, I guess the information that we'll get there won't be coming from our first-hand experience. After knowing how we'll divide our group for today, everyone went there own way to prepare their things.
Some of the girls even went to prepare lunch boxes for everyone.
"Well, since there's many of us going to the South, how will we divide our group even further?" I asked to the seven girls who's still surrounding the table with me.
"To meat, or not to meat~?" Tama suggested. Uh… Good suggestion, I guess?
"Alright… It seems like we will be dividing our group according to those who want to meat and those who doesn't?"
Kaede-san and Rikka giggled in amusement at my cause but I chose to ignore them for now.
"So, those who wants to meat, raise your hands."
"Nyu~? Tama will~!"
"Oh, oh! Pochi wants to, nanodesu!"
"I will go with Pochi and Tama today, Shun!"
"Fenny will… go with, Master…"
"I'll also go with Pochi and Tama! I want to hunt more Unique Seasonings…" You mean Spice Spiders, Rikka?
I looked at the two who raise their hands, namely Tsuka and Kaede-san, and they just shook their heads stating that they will come with me. Alright, seems like I lost to the two beastkins in terms of charisma this time.
"Since it's like that, the three of us, Tsuka, Kaede-san, and I, will be going to the lake while the remaining five will be on the forest, is that right?"
"Don't forget your promise, okay Shun?",
After that, we all separated and went to our own destinations. The eight of us were together until we arrived at a crossroad where the way to the lake and the forest are separate.
Accompanied by Kaede-san and Tsuka who are traveling hand in hand, we managed to encounter more varieties of monsters and, in the middle of our journey to the lake, we encountered yet another Spice Spider. It was an easy fight with obviously no casualties.
By the way, Spice Spiders sounds like a tongue twister to me. A Spice Spider screeching and swinging at a willowy tree…
"Here Kaede-san, a set of Unique Seasonings." I gave the second Unique Seasonings that the Spice Spiders dropped to Kaede-san who could make use of it much more than me. If we could get more, I'll give them to Mutsuko-san, Rikka, and Rokuko.
During our journey, we eventually found the river.
Since I here was really nothing exciting around, I just swam towards the bottom of the river using my high leveled [Swimming] Sense to collect some rocks. Meanwhile, while I was doing that, Tsuka and Kaede-san was busy fighting some mobs that we encountered along the way.
Mind you, I was fighting my own battle underwater as well. There was some fishes who went to attack us but, even though I had a little bit of difficulty maneuvering underwater because I don't have much experience battling underwater, I still managed to defeat those fishes with ease.
It's all thanks to my [3D Restriction Release] Sense who helped me in to adapt in underwater battles fast. I was like the embodiment of a fish as I swam freely, outmaneuvering the fishes. That was quite the surreal experience, seriously.
As we went south along the river, the landscape that remained unchanging for hours saw some minor changes in its looks. The sight that was once filled with natural landscape that you find in majority of the rivers, to that filled with stacked stones on the riverside, and an artificial water canal that was obviously made by an amateur on the field.
The water canal seems to be directed towards the southeast. As we advanced to see what's ahead, Kaede-san suddenly let out a voice of admiration.
"Whoooooah! Look, [Admin] Shun-san, its a wheat field!"
Tracing her line of sight, my gaze landed on a vast wheat field.
The waterway that we were following ended at a reservoir on the hill. Right beside it there was a pasture. The vast, golden wheat fields spread over it.
At first glance, it seems like there's nothing wrong on the wheat field. However, when I looked at it closer, I saw many players who are waving their weapons like some kids who got their hands on a stick for the first time and started waving on the patches of grass that they encountered.
That was the sound of the players who are waving their weapons to harvest wheat. Deeper into the open area was the remnants of an old field. It seems like the players thoroughly removed any traces of wheat from that field.
"Wave your weapons faster! We need to gather as much wheat as we can! Don't slack off!" Shouted a player who seems to be the leader while crazily waving his own axe.
Looking at the players who had crazed expressions while swinging their weapons, you'd think that they're in some kind of intense battle. Tsuka seems to have the same opinion.
"Ugly, Bandits~?"
"Where did you learn that word, Tsuka-chan?"
"Heard from, tee-vee?" Tsuka answered while tilting her head, wondering why Kaede-san asked.
When Tsuka said that, Kaede-san looked at me with a stern gaze, something that I've never seen her do, and said.
"Why are you letting Tsuka-chan watch the TV, Shun? What if she learns some bad words from them?"
Whoah there, that's totally unexpected. The polite Kaede-san got angry. This is the very first time I'm seeing this.
However, before that, we need to join these guys in gathering wheat. We'll need the carbohydrates, I just know it.
What? You're saying that it's just a game?
Eating healthy food is still eating healthy food. You can't skip on it, even if it's a game.
"I'll explain later, Kaede-san. Also, you should keep on calling me without honorifics. It feels more informal and, we're already friends so I think that's just a given."
After saying my piece, I immediately made a beeline towards the wheat field, totally ignoring Kaede-san who was calling for me.
※~To be continued~※
Shameless Promotion:
Consider supporting me back on my ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/jadepanda0031! It's got up to 20 advanced chapters for you to read. I'm on my road to my next goal which is obtaining a stable income from this, which, I hope, would be reached by the end of this year(hopefully).
Author's Remarks:
※ Enjoy the chapter! It was a lot of hard work to finish this one due to the constant unpleasant voices that kept on reverberating throughout our neighborhood. I hate it when there are parties, people who can't really sing always thought that it would be a good idea to disturb their neighbors with their singing. *Sigh*😆
Credits to Amus_sama for giving me the idea to use this phrase over a hundred chapters back. You're awesome!
Thank you very much for the help that I've received from the members of my ko-fi page. Thank you thank you.
Sam Morgan
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