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92.2% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 71: Web of Deception

Chapitre 71: Web of Deception

After Macai and Azula's reunion, Kanna and Kett continue their perilous journey toward the Earth Kingdom region Zerexo. Zerexo has historically been used as a trade and diplomatic area between the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes. Zerexo contains several small villages and a medium-sized port city near its coast.

Unlike many of the past missions, this one is not as much of an investigation. The United Way has already discovered that the Earth Kingdom Colonel Hugen has actively been working against the organization and working against a United Way traitor named Atin. Like our heroes, Atin is of Fire Nation origin, but he has served as a United Way spy hub for several years. Unfortunately, sources seem to indicate that he has also been working with the Disciples of Justice during the later years of the war.

Kanna looks at Kett as they ride across a grassy and hilly region. The sky is cyan blue and the sun is bright yellow. Kanna: "What is our mission again?"

Kett answers, "Our mission is to capture and take in Hugen and Atin. We need to find out why they betrayed the United Way and their nations."

Kanna: "If they are traitors there is a good chance several of their subordinates also are."

Kett: "I'm counting on it, but hopefully Atin and Hugen will come in nice and quietly. Then we can go on to an investigation. I think there is a good chance they'll have a team of lawyers to protect them, and they will act as if they are being wrongly convicted."

Kanna: "There is also a chance they'll just attack us."

Kett: "Given there are only two of us moving in to investigate them that is possible. But I wanted to move in quickly and see if we could find any evidence against them. If we brought a big team, there is a much higher chance of us being detected."

Kanna: "Whatever happens, this is a highly sensitive matter. I wouldn't want to get in trouble and be bogged down in an investigation."

Kett answers, "I'm just trying to see what I can find out. If we can't find anything, we'll just have to wait another day. I have a feeling this base might give us some leads on Zerrel." Kett and Kanna ride through the hills until they notice two troopers in the distance. There is one earth kingdom swordsman and an earthbender waiting in the distance.

Kanna holds a pair of binoculars, "What do we do now?"

Kett looks at his map, "Let's go west. We can loop around and should be able to see their shipment area. If we go there, we might find some useful information." Kett and Kanna take a detour until they notice an area that is full of several crates. The crates are being transported and made ready for pick up in case any important visitors come. Three men patrol the area.

One waterbender, an Earth Kingdom swordsman, and a WaterTribe spearman stroll the area. Kanna: "There is no water near here, how do people transport supplies from here?"

Kett: "Technology is steadily improving, some people bring new transport vehicles to pick things up. Think of the transports Zerrel's forces used that have tracks and carry troops. They can also be used to carry supplies instead. Some large animals have also been used to move things in the past."

Kanna: "Wow, that's cool."

Kett analyzes, "Those guards are all over the place, but maybe we can sneak around them."

Kanna: "I think I'm more agile than you, I have a better shot of pulling that off."

Kett: "I'm going with you, I'm not leaving you alone. We came in together and that's how we'll leave this place."

Kanna smirks, "Alright, try to keep up." Kanna and Kett slowly advance while staying out of sight. Kanna easily leaps behind several creates and looks around. Kett notices a trooper look in his direction and dives behind cover. The trooper slowly walks toward Kett, and the Vindicated Avenger leaps left. Kett immediately dives in front of the team's waterbender.

Waterbender: "What the?"

Kett embarrassingly smirks and thinks, "WOW, I suck at stealth." The young man pulls out his United Way badge, "I'm here to investigate some suspicious activity with Major Atin of the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom Colonel Hugen."

Earth Kingdom swordsman: "Colonel Hugen's affairs are out of your jurisdiction firebender!"

Kett: "I'm sorry but I'm part of the United Way, our jurisdiction goes beyond that."

Waterbender: "That is incorrect, the United Way has no authority besides what the nations allow. The Earth Kingdom wouldn't allow such an investigation if they would then come back with an Earth Kingdom representative. Until then, get lost."

Kett sighs knowing he would have brought Tyson if he was available. Kett answers, "I still have the authority to call in Atin on behalf of the Fire Nation."

Waterbender: "You don't work for them anymore."

Kett: "But I have a letter from both 31st Commander Macai and Firelord Zuko." Kett pulls out his letter, "It is officially signed and stamped with a Fire Nation military seal."

Earth Kingdom swordsman: "People can fake those, how do we know it's real?"

Kett commands, "Bring him now."

The waterbender looks at the Earth Kingdom swordsman, "Have someone inform Atin and see what he says." The Earth Kingdom swordsman steps away while Kett waits. Kanna stays hidden under cover and continues to look around the crates to see if she finds any useful information. That same swordsman tells an earthbender further away from his position and the earthbender sinks himself in the ground.

The earthbender reemerges hundreds of meters away from his last position. The man runs toward a cave where a Water Tribe spearman salutes him. Several torches illuminate the cave which has a dark grey interior, and the man runs until he notices Atin and Hugen. Earthbender: "Firelord Zuko has authorized the Vindicated Avenger to bring you in (to Atin) for an investigation."

Atin looks at Hugen, "I should have enough resources and people in office to bail me out. But I don't think that's the best move, not now."

Hugen: "I don't think so, Zerrel is planning something big. Soon, all our troubles will be over, and our enemies will be dealt with. We can better delay unnecessary attention by taking him out then evacuating this base after."

Atin: "I agree, but I doubt he came alone. He likely brought a team or partner. Tell the men to be on high alert and look out for any stragglers."

Getting Your Hands Dirty

Halo 3: ODST Complete Soundtrack 12- NMPD HQ [Youtube] (Music Starts)

The waterbender looks at Kett. Kett: "So, how's the weather been lately?"

Waterbender: "Usually sunny, but we get a bit of rain and humidity every now and then." The waterbender looks behind Kett and notices the Earth Kingdom swordsman crawling behind several crates as he tries to sneak behind Kett. The swordsman eventually moves past the crates and is just a few feet away from the Vindicated Avenger.

The waterbender lightly nods. Kett notices but acts like he doesn't see anything, "Humidity huh, I can kind of tell. Things are kind of heating up." The swordsman enters his battle stance and leaps toward Kett. The gifted firebender rotates his body and shoots two beams of light orange fire into his opponent. The swordsman flies five feet backward.

The waterbender extends his hands and smacks Kett back with two water tentacles. Kett tumbles four feet backward and the waterbender scoffs, "You're an insignificant imbecile. Do you really think this will end well?" Kett gets back up.

Kett coldly replies, "Not for you." The waterbender shoots a barrage of six ice knives at the older teen. Kett leaps in the air and enhances his jump with a spinning gust of bright orange fire. The flames absorb the ice knives and Kett lands three feet behind the waterbender. The bender turns around and shoots two beams of water at him.

Kett leaps right and behind some crates. The waterbender pulls his hands up and creates a surge of water then rotates his hands right and launches a wave of water over the crates. Kett looks left before he is knocked sideways by the surge of water. The waterbender clasps his hands and the water starts to freeze. Kett backflips onto a wet crape and shoots a barrage of four light orange flames at his opponent.

The waterbender raises a wall of ice but the wall is shattered by the first two flames. The next two flames pound the waterbender and neutralize him. The Water Tribe spearman emerges from cover and throws his weapon at Kett. Kett notices the spear then runs forward and dives over a create as he moves closer toward his foe. Kett extends his right hand and shoots a light orange and yellow fireball into the man's upper chest.

Kanna flips behind Kett. Kett teases, "Well, you were of much help."

Kanna looks sideways, "Oh I knew you could handle yourself, but I found some useful information. This was in one of the crates, I'm guessing it was misplaced." Kanna hands Kett a paper map of the facility. The map includes information about shipments and it shows the shipments of several weapons.

Kett looks in surprise, "Some of these weapons include tanks, guns, and explosive arrows. I've not seen explosive arrows used in mass by anyone other than Zerrel's forces. In fact, I don't think the nations would be allowed to use them with the new global conventions that we've had. They'd ban such destructive weapons from the use of common infantry."

Kanna replies, "It also mentions smoke grenades, like the ones Zerrel's troopers have used before."

Kett gulps, "Normally this still wouldn't be enough proof but it would make me confident in an investigation. Fortunately for us, these idiots are just mindlessly attacking."

Kanna answers, "I think Zerrel is going to put everything on the line for some big attack soon. So I'm guessing the guys that work for him know they will be exposed sooner or later if he fails again. Because of this, they're going to do whatever it takes to shut us up. If they kill us right now, they might escape to some unknown hideout and stay out of sight for a long time."

Kett: "That's assuming Zerrel lets them and won't require them to go on some suicide mission."

Kanna: "Then it will come down to how fanatical they are. Some of these guys are nuts but some of Zerrel's extended allies only helped because of corruption. I see some of them bailing once this really goes south."

Kett: "With all the leaders they've lost at this point, we just have to take out Zerrel. Kill the head and the body will die. That's not true for the Fire Nation with how our administration works but it is true for Zerrel's cult. As long as he lives, this will continue."

A water tribe swordsman, earth kingdom spearman, and earthbender arrive. Kanna looks at Kett, "What do we do now?"

Kett looks back at Kanna, "We fight our way through these guys until we find the suspects!"

Kanna smiles, "I was hoping you'd say that because it looks like they think they can take us which will make the search much easier."

Kett nods, "Exactly, we won't have to search if they'll come to us." The swordsman charges at Kanna and she kicks an explosive dark orange flame into his face. The man's body flies seven feet backward and spins as it does. Kett shoots a beam of light orange flames into the spearman. The earthbender extends his hands and launches a volley of stones at the Vindicated Avenger.

Kett leaps right and punches two light orange fireballs into his opponent's stomach and chest. The earthbender falls on his back and a loud crunch can be heard as the man collapses. The duo advances up a hill until they notice another team of enemies. A waterbender emerges with an Earth Kingdom mace warrior on his left and a Water Tribe longax man on his right.

The mace warrior charges at Kanna and the waterbender shoots two water torpedoes at Kett. The Vindicated Avenger ducks his head and blocks an incoming water torpedo by crossing his arms. The longax warrior closes the distance as he charges from Kett's right flank. The trooper raises as he prepares to vertically slash Kett. The young man extends his right hand and shoots a light orange flame into his foe's forehead.

The mace warrior swings horizontally at Kanna. The scout ducks and kicks the man in his chest. Kanna turns and looks at the waterbender. The waterbender extends his left hand and shoots a beam of water at her. Kanna rolls forward and Kett shoots two fireballs at the man's chest. The waterbender does a front flip, dodging Kett's attack.

The waterbender rotates his body and shoots a wide block of ice into Kett. Kett flies three feet back and the ice shatters on impact. Kanna rotates her body and lunges toward her opponent. As Kanna lunges forward she generates a dark orange ball of fire between her legs and tosses in into the waterbender's chest. The ball explodes on impact and blows the man into pieces.

Kett gets up and shakes himself off. Kanna looks at her friend, "Are you alright?"

Kett gives her a thumbs up, "I'm fine." Kett looks forward and sees the remains of the waterbender, "Goodness, relax Kanna. You did a number on that guy." Kanna looks in his direction and sees nothing but a black crater in the ground.

Kanna: "I did what I had to."

Kett: "I know, I'm just teasing you."

Kanna: "Now is not the time for that."

Kett nods, "Let's continue then." The duo runs across the grassy plain ahead of them. Kett: "Did you notice a tunnel or any other way around? They must have offices and somewhere to sleep."

Kanna: "I remember reading that most of them use tents in a report. Do you think they have been hiding something from the United Way?"

Kett: "Well obviously they've been hiding a lot from us, since this base is working with Zerrel. But outside of that, maybe." As the duo advances, they notice another three enemies move in to engage them. The team consists of an Earth Kingdom warrior with dual short axes, an earthbender, and a Water Tribe warrior with a longsword. About twenty feet behind and fifteen feet above the team's position are two archers on a natural incline.

The man with dual axes diagonally lunges at Kanna. The 31st scout leaps left and the earthbender launches a large door of stone at Kett. Kett rolls right and the water tribe swordsman lunges at him with a vertical spinning attack. Kett spins left and the earthbender launches two stones at Kett. One stone hits Kett's left ear and the other hits his left side. Kett briefly bends in pain and the swordsman lunges at him.

Kett moves left as he barely moves away from the blade. Meanwhile, Kanna kicks a dark orange flame into the dual axman's abdomen. The axman falls and his left ax flies into the side of the earthbender's head. Kanna frowns at the gruesome sight and the swordsman swings again vertically at Kett. The Vindicated Avenger spins backward.

Kett prepares to finish his opponent when an archer aims at him from behind. Kanna howls, "Look out Kett!"

Kett glances behind and two arrows are launched at him. The Vindicated Avenger rolls forward and beside the swordsman. The swordsman swings vertically at Kett. Kett rolls left then extends both of his hands and swiftly pumps a brick of light orange fire into the man's chest. Kanna sprints ahead and the left archer shoots an arrow at her upper body.

The young woman slides forward while the other archer fires at Kett again. Kett rotates his body and spins left. Then Kett raises his arms and shoots a beam of light orange flames into the archer. The left archer shoots another arrow at Kanna and she leaps right. Then Kett shoots a beam of light orange fire into the remaining archer.

Kanna smiles at Kett. Kett comments, "Just like old times." Kett walks beside his companion.

Kanna: "You know I'm not good at rocket propulsion like you."

Kett: "Maybe I'll have to teach you one day."

Kanna rolls her eyes, "Until then, get me up there big guy."

Kett: "With pleasure." Kett grabs Kanna and launches them both over the incline with a stream of light orange and yellow flames. Kanna grins and Kett smirks as they land. The sunlight shines over them along with a nice breeze. Kanna's hair sways from the air. Kett looks at Kanna again.

Kanna points right, "Come on." The duo moves down the incline along a pathway that takes them to flatter ground. As they move toward the bottom of the platform a water tribe warrior with a spear and an earth kingdom swordsman run-up toward them. Kanna kicks a dark orange flame into the swordsman and the spearman lunges at Kett. Kett spins backward and shoots a beam of light orange flames into his foe; the man slides downward with smoke flowing from his corpse.

The older teens sprint to the bottom of the incline and continue their run. The next wave consists of a man with a circular shield and a sword from the Earth Kingdom, a waterbender, an earthbender, and an Earth Kingdom trooper with a sickle-shaped machete. The earthbender extends his arms and fires a barrage of stones at Kett.

Kett rolls right then extends his right hand, firing a bright orange flame into the machete trooper's face. The earthbender pulls his hands down and launches a ten-foot-tall mound of earth to fly toward Kett. Kett dives right and fires a light orange brick of fire into his enemy. The waterbender punches two water balls at Kanna.

The 31st lieutenant hops left then right as she dodges the shots. Kanna extends her right leg and kicks a dark orange flame into her enemy's stomach. The waterbender flies three feet back from the ensuing explosion. The man with the circular shield and sword rushes toward Kanna. The young scout shifts her body and pumps a dark orange brick of fire at her enemy.

The trooper holds his shield forward and blocks the shot. The explosion causes the earth warrior to slide two feet backward while leaving a mark on the ground. Kanna pumps another four dark orange flames into the man's shield. The warrior takes several feet back as the shots start to drain him.

Kanna pulls her right hand down and in the left direction. The young lady suddenly generates a dark orange fire whip and swings her hand right. The firewhip slashes the man's legs and blows them off.

Kett looks at Kanna in respect, "Wow, all of this fighting sure gets tiring when only two people are doing it."

Kanna nods, "Even when it was just me, Macai, and Rosh making a push on a mountain fortress we got more of a break than now. But it's ok, we've got to almost be finished. I know we're breaking their spirit."

A corrupt Earth Kingdom captain emerges with two warriors beside him. One earth bender has a war hammer but he is not like Zerrel's brutes. The man is an average size and his hammer is much thinner than the ones the DOJ heavy troopers use. Despite this difference, the weapon has a greater range than most swords. The other warrior is from the water tribe and has dual swords.

Earth Kingdom Captain: "You both have made it far, but this ends here."

Kett: "You wish."

Earth Kingdom Captain: "Make them bleed!!" The man with the war hammer dives at Kanna with a vertical jump attack. Kanna rolls left and attempts to get behind her opponent. The man rotates his body and lunges at Kanna with a spinning horizontal attack. Kanna ducks then nails the man in his stomach with a fiery left knee. Kanna then punches the man in the back of his neck with her right fist.

The warrior falls forward into the ground. The earth captain slams the ground and a shockwave of earth soars toward Kett. The Vindicated Avenger leaps right and the dual swordsman hops toward him with a horizontal spinning strike. Kett leaps backward in the air and extends his hands. As Kett is soaring backward he extends his hands and shoots a beam of light orange flames into the swordsman.

The swordsman's body spirals five feet backward as the earth captain changes his focus and looks at Kanna. The earth captain raises his hands and pulls two columns of earth from the ground. The man lowers his left hand and the left stone flies at the female lieutenant. Kanna leaps left as the object violently hits and shakes the ground.

The captain throws the other stone column horizontally at Kanna. The young officer leaps over the stone and two feet in front of her opponent. The captain generates a stone dagger in his left hand and swings at Kanna's face. Kanna rotates her head right then raises her left leg in an instant and pops the captain in his chin with an enhanced upper left kick. The captain's jaw snaps and his body drops.

Kett looks up and notices five dangerous cheetah hounds coming. These creatures have dark brown fur with grey stripes. Kett: "They look similar to the animals in Nyarri that we faced all those years ago." The animals run at 80 miles an hour toward them and are just 30 feet away. The animals are traveling even faster than normal because they are running down a hill.

Kanna: "And they move similarly too."

Kett: "Wait until they get ready to pounce at us. Then when I say go, light them up and be ready to move. You move left and I'll go right so we don't run into each other." The creatures quickly move until they are just 12 feet away from the duo. Kanna waits on the left and Kett waits on the right. Kett yells, "Now!!"

Kanna opens her mouth and breaths a long dark orange and gold burst of flames into the creature in front of her. Kett extends his hands and shoots two beams of light orange fire into two hounds ahead of him. Another hound dives in the air toward Kanna and she immediately slides forward. The hound lunges past the young woman's position while another predator runs at Kett.

Kett extends his right hand and pumps a light orange flame into the hound in front of him. The other hound lunges at Kett from another angle. The Vindicated Avenger rotates his body and shoots a beam of fire into the creature. Kanna looks at Kett again and salutes him.

Dark clouds start to soar over the sky as the pair get closer to their destination. It suddenly becomes colder and winder. The pair advance until they notice a turret gunner. The man is on an arrow shooting mounted turret that can fire metal arrows at up to 90 miles an hour. The man has a Fire Nation swordsman standing at his right, a fire spearman in the center of the formation, and a firebender on his left.

Kanna takes cover behind a tree and Kett ducks behind a large rock as they are just twenty feet from their enemies. Kanna looks at Kett, "Those must be Atin's men."

Kett: "I'll take that turret no problem, then the rest are easy work. Just cover me as I initiate the attack."

Kanna nods, "Will do." Kett exits cover and shoots a powerful beam of light orange fire into the turret.

The firebender shouts, "We're under attack! It's Kett and Kanna, take them down!" Kett leaps forward and shoots two light orange flames into the swordsman and spearman. The firebender punches a rod of orange fire at Kett. Kett extends his left hand and fires his own rod of light orange fire into the man's. Kanna leaps forward and hurls her own dark orange fireball into the man's upper chest.

Atin emerges with Water Tribe Captain Tushad and Hugen beside him. Captain Tushad has black wavy hair, a long nose, thin attached ears, cobalt blue eyes, and dark yellow skin. Tusahd seems to be in his early thirties. Colonel Hugen has dark brown wavy hair, olive skin, light green eyes, a thick nose, medium ears, and broad shoulders. Hugen appears to be in his early fifties.

Atin is in his late forties and has black curly hair. Atin also has light yellow skin, caramel brown eyes, a thin nose, veins that pop out, larger than normal calf muscles, and thin eyebrows. Kett looks back at Atin, "Why man why? Why would you help destroy civilization?"

Atin: "I joined the United Way years ago because I knew that the Fire Nation order I grew up in was wrong. Spending more time in the Earth Kingdom only taught me that they were just as bad. I later learned about other problems with the Northern Water Tribe that were brewing and realized they would only worsen if the state got bigger. Even in the other Water Tribe territories, I've heard of bad stories every time one of them becomes more affluent."

Atin continues, "I realized the risk of these civilizations getting stronger isn't worth it. Then one day, I ran into the right man. Colonel Hugen taught me about the Disciples of Justice during one of my undercover missions where I worked with him. I realized that taking down the Fire Nation alone wouldn't be enough."

Kett: "Then you'll go down just like the other crazies."

Kanna: "You deal with Atin, I'll take care of the other two grumpy guys."

Kett: "I think Atin will need all the help he can get, you just want this to be an easy mission for me."

Atin: "You ignorant buffoon, you'll find that I'm more than capable of defending myself. After all, I was trained personally by Iroh."

Kanna sighs in relief, "Well at least I'm getting the break."

Captain Tushad responds, "Don't be so sure, I trained with Pakku in the past."

Kanna: "Was he your personal trainer?"

Tushad: "Well no, but we sparred together and he taught me some lessons."

Kanna: "I guess because I'm fighting you both two vs one it means a bit of something."

Hugen: "Enough!!" The colonel launches a five-foot-wide rectangle of earth at Kanna. The 31st lieutenant leaps right and Tushad shoots two water bullets at her. Kanna rotates her arms left to right as she blocks the shots. Kanna shoves a beam of dark orange flames at the man. Tushad raises his arms and elevates his body with a gust of water.

Kanna briefly looks up and Hugen hurls a stone sword at her. Kanna dives on the ground and Hugen stomps his right foot; a shockwave of earth flows toward the young woman. Kanna rolls right then leaps back on her feet. Tushad launches his body toward Kanna like a water comet. Kanna leaps left as Tushad slams the ground and creates a water explosion around himself.

Kanna leaps away again and pumps two dark orange fireballs at Hugen. The earth colonel hurls a stone from his left hand into one of the flames then raises his right hand and generates a rectangular shield gauntlet. The shield absorbs the second flame then Hugen horizontally hurls his shield at Kanna.

The young woman leaps over the shield and kicks a beam of dark orange fire from both of her legs at Hugen's neck. Hugen spins left. As Kanna lands, Hugen raises his arms and attempts to pull Kanna down with several long vines. The lieutenant spins her body and rips the vines apart with a whirlwind of dark orange fire.

Kanna then extends her hands and shoots a surge of dark orange flames at the Earth Kingdom officer. Hugen rolls right then extends his hands and launches a brick of earth at her. Kanna leaps left as Tushad blasts a surge of freezing water at Kanna. Kanna leaps forward toward Hugen who braces himself and covers his arms with stone guards as she comes forward.

As this is happening, Atin takes on Kett. Atin pulls right hand back, generating a spark of orange flames around it. Atin shifts his hand forward and pumps an overhand flame at Kett's face. The Vindicated Avenger shifts his head left and Atin extends his right hand, punching another flame at Kett's right rib. The United Way enforcer extends his right arm as he blocks the shot.

Atin's flames have a normal orange interior and a dark yellow exterior making them slightly less hot than that of most firebenders and a touch more explosive. Atin spins forward and shoots a beam of orange flames at Kett. Kett slides forward and right. The young adult rises beside his opponent. Atin amps his left hand and throws a straight jab at Kett's nose.

Kett ducks then pops Atin in his nose with an enhanced lefthand punch. Atin hops forward and punches Kett's abs with two fiery hooks. Kett counters with two straight punches but Atin leaps back left to right as he evades the hits. Atin leaps forward and nails Kett with a heated right overhand right hook.

Kett stumbles two feet back then Atin extends his hands and shoots a brick of orange fire at his opponent. Kett intentionally dives on the ground to avoid being blasted. Atin taunts, "I'm not impressed so far." Kett launches himself off the ground and toward Atin. Kett latches his hands onto Atin's and Atin tries to break free but Kett tightens his hold.

Atin gasps, "What are you doing?! Let go of me and fight with honor!!" Atin braces himself and grounds his feet in a way that Kett can't gain leverage over him. Atin: "I learned a bit of grappling with Iroh. He told me it was a rare skill that I likely wouldn't need to use much, but maybe it would come in handy one day. He was right about that at least."

Kett knees Atin in his stomach and pounds him with a straight righthand. Atin groans, "Ouuu, ugh!" Kett attempts to slam Atin by wrapping his right arm around Atin's neck and his left around his foe's left shoulder. Atin rotates his arms and grabs a hold of Kett's then Atin shoves Kett off him. Kett stumbles two feet back and Atin swiftly punches two orange flames at Kett's midsection.

The Vindicated Avenger swiftly blocks the shots with his arms. Kett extends his left hand and punches a flame at Atin's face. Atin shifts his head left then Kett punches another flame at Atin's face again. The rogue firebending master moves his head right. Atin kicks a flame from his right leg at the upper portion of Kett's stomach.

The young man raises his left knee and blocks the shot. Kett pulls his right hand up then hurls it down diagonally as he flings a light orange fireball at Atin's upper right leg. Atin attempts to raise his knee to block the shot, but the flame comes in too fast because of the angle that Kett threw it from. Atin's upper right thigh. Atin falls and hits his head.

Kett dives on Atin in an instant and pounds Atin in his face; knocking him out. Meanwhile, Hugen lunges at Kanna with a horizontal strike toward her face. Kanna ducks but is left vulnerable from the maneuver. Kanna immediately rises and thrusts her right leg into Hugen's chest. Kanna amps her kick with explosive dark orange fire, knocking the colonel six feet back.

Tushad shoots a barrage of ice knives at Kanna while her back is turned. Kanna hurls her body left then turns and shoots a beam of orange flames at her opponent. Tushad launches himself seven feet in the air over the attack with a gust of water and shoots another barrage of ice projectiles at Kanna. Kanna rolls right then turns and punches two dark orange flames at Tushad.

The waterbending master raises a wall of water which absorbs Kanna's shots. Tushad extends a water tentacle from his right hand, the tentacle travels through the water shield toward Kanna. The lieutenant rolls left then Tushad extends his left hand and another tentacle hits Kanna in her chest. Kanna glides three feet backward and lands face-first into the ground.

Kanna spits out dirt and Tushad pulls his right hand down. A surge of hot water flows toward her. Kanna briefly looks up and widens her eyes then she immediately rolls left. Kanna also dives to get herself further away from the attack. Tushad maintains his water shield and swings another water tentacle at her. Kanna breathes a spout of dark orange and gold fire from her mouth which vaporizes the tentacle.

Kett fires a beam of light orange flames into the waterbender's shield, collapsing it. Then Kanna leaps in the air and pulls her right hand back; Kanna's hand is engulfed with dark orange fire. A speckle of sunlight shines as Kanna pulls her right hand down and throws an explosive ball of fire into Tushad's chest.

(Music Stops)

Tushad screams, "Awwwwaaaaahaaaaaaaah!!" The waterbending master is blown to oblivion.

Kett looks at Kanna and smiles, "We did it."

Kanna replies, "We did it." Kanna raises her right hand for a high-five and Kett pulls his hand in then suddenly rotates it in another direction. Kanna mises the high five, "Aww, you suck."

Kett: "Just kidding, try again. This time I'm serious." Kett moves his hand in for a high-five and Kanna rotates her body. Kett: "Ok, come on now."

Kanna cheeses, "Ok, for real this time." The duo high-fives each other. United Way reinforcements eventually arrive and investigate the area. Two prisoners are found underground in a cave from an Earth Kingdom investigation unit. King Keui requests to get Kett and Kanna medals in the future for their noble actions. It is later discovered that the base was a key hub for the Disciples of Justice, this is another victory crippling the terrorist group.

Kett looks at Kanna while the two sit outside as the sun begins to set, "They're not the ghosts they used to be. They're still very dangerous but I definitely don't think the DOJ seem invincible anymore. I mean, they lost a bunch of their key leaders recently and they keep losing ground. We are definitely forcing them to the point where they either just go into hiding or fight us during a final confrontation. But Zerrel is so crazy that I think they'd prefer to go out in flames."

Kanna's gold eyes shine in the sunlight, "I can't help but wonder what that last move will be. Remember how they almost won with one move when they used the weather thermometer."

Kett: "Yeah I remember, I was there fighting Zerrel. And I remember when we won. Everything was on the line but it seems we're supposed to be the victors. Spiritually all those spells can't change destiny. Time and time again, it's been shown that light will triumph over darkness. We've got this Kanna."

Kanna becomes teary-eyed, "But at what cost? I'm afraid I might lose another good friend. I've already lost too many from this conflict and the last. Yosari, Rosier, Samira, Hakato, and Hagenko just to name a few."

Kett hugs Kanna, "Don't worry Kanna, it will be ok. Whatever happens, this has to end. We might lose some people, but it will be for the best. We will lose so many more if we don't fight."

Kanna begins to cheer up, "Yeah, you're right."

Kett: "But let me ask you another question."

Kanna look at Kett, "Yes?"

Kett: "Do you fear losing me?"

Kanna looks at Kett, "Of course, just like my other friends."

Kett asks, "What are you afraid of?"

Kanna: "Nothing."

Kett: "Are you sure? We've been very cool for a long time, but I get the feeling we're a bit more than friends."

Kanna becomes uneasy, "And if we aren't then will you respect that?"

Kett nods sorrowfully, "Yes, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted things."

Kanna continues, "I always saw you as a good friend and every time I thought about more than that I told myself I would wait until the right time. Still, I never found a perfect time later on decided we would never be together and we would just be friends. That way I'd avoid the pain of it not lasting or falling through. Then one day you disappeared and I never felt right when you went missing."

Kett listens and becomes silent. Kanna: "Once you returned, I didn't know how to take it. I knew it wasn't about me, it was about bigger things than just me and you. That's why I let it go. You are the Vindicated Avenger, look at all the people you've led and inspired."

Kett: "I did a lot of that for you and you've inspired thousands of people Kanna. People from all the nations asked me about you. People from all over know you as a fierce scout who stood beside Macai when he was right and his nation abandoned him. That's what I love about you Kanna. You are loyal, kind, patient, persistent, wiser than you look, and incredibly strong. You are one of the strongest people I know and you always keep going with a smile on your face no matter how bad things are."

Kanna: "Thank you."

Kett: "And I can't imagine what it would be like to live without you, I don't want to. I don't know how great the costs will be in this war but imagine if one of us dies Kanna. Would you then think it's worth it? You want to save yourself from the pain, but that pain might come anyway. I'd much rather know how you really feel than waste that feeling on some circumstances. Like is always full of circumstances. Things are never ideal, but we make the best of them."

Kett continues, "If you say no to me this time I will honor it for the rest of my life. But if you do, don't let it be because of something you don't want to lose. The attraction I have for you is there, it always has been and I can't stand it any longer. I have to tell you how I feel. You'll either accept it or you won't. Life is too short to be too afraid to try Kanna, you should know that. If it doesn't work out, I'll always respect you as a friend."

Kanna: "But that makes friendships awkward after."

Kett: "Who cares? Things have been awkward ever since I disappeared and I know you didn't like it one bit. You got so worried when I left, so now you think you can avoid that worry by suppressing your feelings. Get real Kanna or one day you'll be looking back and wondering what if. You'll be wondering what would have happened if you just lived. You can always get another person in the future, but it might not be as special as we could be."

Kanna looks back at Kett in his eyes and sighs. Kett: "Give me an answer right now. Yes or no Kanna." Kanna looks back at Kett uneasily. Kett: "Please don't make me wait anymore. If you don't answer then it's a no and I won't try this again. I'll bury this whole thing completely. But I want to know what Kanna wants!"

Kanna looks Kett in his eyes and rubs her right hand through his dark brown wavy hair then closes in toward him. Kanna and Kett glide their lips into each other and Kett embraces her. Kett then looks Kanna in her eyes and holds her.

Several days later, Kett and Kanna walk together and enter the Prompt Adjudicator. Dade and Sonna look as they enter. Dade gasps, "Oh, it finally happened."

Sonna smiles, "I knew it."

Rosh enters the room with a smirk, "Oh, would you look at that."

Macai steps in with Azula at his side, "Well, that's impressive." Kanna's eyes widen and Kett raises his eyebrows.

They both say, "Azula." Kanna and Kett look at each other while making the statement.

Azula confidently declares, "That's right. Why are you so surprised? He's always had a thing for me. And can't a bad girl go good? Seriously, I've changed."

Kett: "I'll believe it when I see it."

Rosh: "To be fair, she did save General Mak's life."

Kett: "You know that means a lot coming from you, but everything she does is for some ulterior motive." Kett looks back at Macai, "And maybe you have the wrong motive here too." Kett storms out of the room.

Kanna follows Kett but looks back at Macai and Azula. Kanna cheeses at Azula, "I'm sure he'll come around if you're sincere Azula. But if you got Rosh to loosen his suspicion then it's certainly doable. He's just a little rough around the edges, but he's a nice guy inside."

Azula: "It's nothing I'm not used to Kanna. Don't worry, I have thick skin."

Rosh thinks, "Man if I was against Azula, I'd say not too thick to have a mental breakdown. Everyone has limits, but I know she's just talking. To be honest, she might be one of the most emotional ones here. She just is good at hiding it and I'm terrible at hiding any of my feelings."

Macai: "Honestly, with the way Azula assisted us last time, she can prove herself easily if she keeps doing what she's been doing. All it takes is time, my love." Macai rubs his fingers through Azula's hair.

Rosh adds, "Just don't betray us until then or after then or ever for that matter. And not because of the consequences but because betrayal isn't fun."

Azula puts her hands on her chest, "I honestly feel terrible about the things I've used to do. I had spiritual detox from my old self."

Dade: "I know that sounds nice, but you can't just say that and think it erases everything you did in the past."

Azula: "Nothing will erase what I did in the past. But I CAN'T GO BACK AND CHANGE IT. I just want some understanding."

Dade: "Yeah, I guess it comes with time."

Azula exhales and walks out of the room. Macai looks at Dade, "Don't make things too hard on her, just wait and see."

Dade replies, "I'm not, I'm just being honest."

Macai: "Every comment isn't necessary, even if it's true."

Dade: "Then she shouldn't have come along if she can't handle it." Sonna just listens and says nothing. Dade: "What do you think Sonna?"

Sonna: "As you said, time will tell where her heart is."

Macai: "Still she already risked her life for us. She already risked her safety to save Mak. In the past, she would have never done that even for her allies. I already noticed a change and I know her better than all of you."

Dade: "But you also have more reason to be biased than all of us."

Macai: "On the other hand, how do you feel about Kanna and Kett. They're actually together now."

Sonna: "It's nuts honestly. I think it had to happen someday."

Dade: "I still don't know what to think of it, but they make a great team."

Macai: "Well I'm sure you accept it more than Azula and I."

Dade plainly says, "Well, yeah that's a given dude."

Macai: "Fair enough, but we've done well so far."

Dade: "I'll admit that."

Sonna adds, "And hopefully, Kanna can convince Kett to treat Azula with dignity. We should treat her innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around."

Dade: "Hmm, I don't know. Because she's been guilty before. So now she's trying to become innocent after being guilty. It's more like someone who's trying to get out of jail for good behavior."

Macai: "Awww, that is an interesting point."

Dade confidently says, "You know I'm right."

Sonna laughs, "And that's why I adore you, Dade. But Azula is still human, relax. Maybe she is genuine but you might push her over the edge."

Dade: "Again, if she's that crazy then so be it, let's get back to fighting her."

Macai: "Dade I love you but I'll be one of the ones doing the most of that fighting because I'm a firebender."

Dade: "Ugh, that burns. Bender elitism, I thought we were closer than that."

Macai: "I admire the risks everyone takes, ok I take it back."

Dade: "Yep, good move."

Sonna: "On the bright side, I'm happy that we're all safe and together now. Even Azula..."

Macai smiles, "We've made more allies than I could have ever imagined. Did you ever think we'd be working with Sada, Jarue, Apenko, Toph, and Kett again? We were all trying to kill these people at one point. Heck, there was a time I never thought I'd work with people from the other nations outside of subjugation."

Dade: "It's more beautiful than I could have ever imagined."

Sonna: "If we can take down this cult, I think we can enter a new age of beautiful collaboration. Don't get me wrong, conflict will come. Villains people will rise, but if you at previous history you'll realize people had to work together from the nations to intervene during different major crises in the past. Now more people will just experience that beauty that brought heroes together time and time again."

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