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84.41% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 65: Sha-Ru's Temple

Chapitre 65: Sha-Ru's Temple

Macai meets in the conference room of the Prompt Adjudicator with Kanna, Rosh, Aiya, Dade, Sonna, Hagenko, Irina, and Dengo. Macai leans on the table while everyone else takes their seats. Aiya comments, "Intelligence has discovered DOJ forces have encamped themselves around Sha-Ru's temple."

Rosh looks at Macai, "Sha-Ru's temple? Isn't that the ancient cult-like temple that was operated by some crazy cult of sandbenders?!"

Macai looks back at Rosh, "Yes, but many mysteries remain about that strange structure. It is located between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom deserts. The area is very remote but the temple sits in the middle of nowhere. If Zerrel's forces go out there, they'll be vulnerable and easy to target."

Kanna asks, "Why do you think Zerrel's troops would take the risk of going somewhere like that?"

Macai answers, "Zerrel is no fool, we know that much. It could easily be a trap, but I think he has a bigger objective. If I were to guess, Zerrel is in a rush. That temple has many ancient secrets, I believe a researcher named Zandelso believed that people who operated the city could hack into the sands of time and see into the future. I believe he also said there was something different about the area the temple is in."

Dade: "Where is the temple located?"

Macai: "The Sannagoggi Desert and Zandelso believe the area had a strong spiritual affinity. It is a very hot land, so it's going to be rough for nonbenders."

Dade asks, "Hotter than Ba Sing Se?"

Macai: "Ba Sing Se is often between 26 and 33 Celsius (80 and 90 Degrees) with low humidity while the Sannagoggi Desert is 32 and 55 Celsius (90 to 130 Degrees) with moderate humidity." Dade passes out from the revelation.

Kanna: "I'm honestly not hyped about this trip either."

Rosh looks at Macai, "It's only over 50 Celsius (122 degrees), during the middle of the summer. It'll probably be more around 43 Celsius (110 Degrees)."

Hagenko notes, "That is still ridiculously hot, but I've been through worse."

Irina: "I haven't..."

Hagenko: "Well, no one ever said the military life was glamorous."

Macai scratches his head, "Well, serving with some high nobles is a bit glamorous isn't it?"

Hagenko: "I kind of forget about it when people launch arrows at my head."

Rosh: "Point taken."

Macai cracks his knuckles, "I'm hyped for this next fight. We're going in fast and hard with three small teams. Aiya, I think we have a picture of that temple's layout can you check?" Aiya nods and briefly exits.

Kanna: "Soooo, Macai what do you think is inside of this temple?"

Dade: "Oh ooooohhh, let me guess. A bunch of death traps."

Rosh: "Check."

Dade: "And a bunch of deadly cultists."

Rosh: "Double check."

Dengo: "Some creepy walls with strange writing on them."

Rosh: "Triple check."

Kanna: "And some weird religious priests."

Rosh: "Quadruple check." Aiya returns with the picture.

Macai: "Alright shut up, Aiya is back."

Rosh: "Rude." Aiya prompts the picture on a stand and Macai picks up a long ruler.

Macai points his ruler at the lower center of the map, "I will take a team and go here. I'll hit the center of the map and look to get Zerrel's attention. I know he'll be expecting me."

Hagenko: "That sounds like a reckless idea, but you're the boss."

Macai shifts his ruler to the right side of the temple, " Kanna's team will hit the rear right flank of this temple while Rosh's hits the rear left of the facility.

Hagenko: "You're risking all the unit's best benders at once."

Macai nods, "We'll have to try and give it our all. We don't have much time to play around, Zerrel is ramping up his forces and he's planning something sinister. We need to be on it and we also don't know which other DOJ leaders will be around. I'm willing to bet he won't be there alone."

Aiya asks, "Wait, what is your plan Macai?"

Macai: "We break into the temple and tear everything apart before they get whatever information they are attempting to extract."

Aiya looks at Macai, "Maybe they're just trying to carry out a ritual. Maybe they want to cast some spell that will shake the balance."

Macai: "Then we've got to hit them before they have time to do that."

Dade: "My grandmother once told me, that if we do the right things spiritually their spells don't matter. They only matter if we aren't protected. I never fully understood those things as she did, but I don't think spotting spells before they happen ever really works."

Kanna: "Owww, I don't like these types of missions."

Rosh: "You made it this far."

Kanna: "Hmm, that's true."

Dade: "I'm getting tired of this flawed logic. Sooner or later, we might not pull through if we keep doing these suicidal missions."

Sonna: "Would you rather risk letting your family down? They'll be in danger if we do nothing."

Dade shakes his head, "I guess it is just one of those times. I'm in just as much danger if I stay home as I am if I go out. I'm a little shaken to go to the Capital because I always imagined that city as a safety zone then it got smacked by Zerrel's cult. On second thought, I want to give that old jerk my boot."

Rosh: "That's the spirit, Dade."

Macai: "Even if Zerrel finishes his, procedure, we'll make sure we take him out so he can't cause any more damage."

Aiya asks, "Do you think there is any chance we capture him?"

Macai: "Only if he surrenders on our terms, otherwise he's a dead man walking."

Kanna: "After Azula's escape from the Asylum a couple of years ago, Iroh's escape from prison, the prison break at Boiling Rock, and our rescue mission with the United Way, I'm starting to think capturing important people doesn't EVER work."

Rosh: "Hmm, you might be right. I know a lot of historical tales of legends escaping from prisons too."

Aiya: "Just remember, we can't lose our morality. Or maybe we'll end up the same place we started, lost."

Macai: "We'll be even more lost if we move without backbone and the mentality needed to win a war."


Macai meets in the armory with Rosh as he prepares for his attack. Rosh looks at Macai, "Looks like we're using small squads in this one."

Macai nods, "Five marines per squad, so that we can move quickly. I'll have three air balloons on standby if we need reinforcements. But we can't move in like that, it'll be too obvious and Zerrel will evacuate if we attack them like that. The air balloons will come during a certain time, but until then we'll deploy using some laplizards."

Rosh: "Alright, I'm down."

Macai: "I wouldn't expect anything different."

Rosh: "You look tense, it's going to be alright Macai. I'm telling you, you've got to relax."

Macai: "Yeah I know."

Rosh: "You'll need to have a stable mind to defeat Zerrel."

Macai: "It's not even Zerrel that's bothering me."

Rosh asks, "Then what is it? Don't tell me it's Azula!"

Macai shakes his head, "No, it's my father. When he left, he took several objects that our family revered. He took paintings, robes, documents, and a few other things. He never showed me most of it, but he promised me he would one day. He was planning to show me after the war was wrapped up before he basically disowned me."

Rosh: "I'm sorry."

Macai: "It's ok, it's not your fault. He also took Kairi's Bracelet."

Rosh: "What is that?"

Macai leans against the wall, "Long ago, my triple-great grandfather was set to marry a prestigious bride named Sedra. He was a Senator for the district Tuerri. Tuerri was a small village that was known for its balanced temperature. It was never too hot or cold there but sometimes they got heavy rainstorms."

Rosh raises an eyebrow, "Then what happened?"

Macai: "My ancestor, Fuyre, went on a political expedition to a rural village called Pulcani. The people in Pulcani couldn't relate to nor connect with the nobles. Fighting broke out between the Tuerri elites and Pulcani rebels. Fuyre wanted to broker peace between them but he didn't know how to and if he couldn't manage peace within three weeks his brother General Vitali was going to destroy the rebels."

Rosh: "Sounds like the way the Fire Nation made you deal with things."

Macai answers, "But THIS was a conflict among Fire Nation citizens. It would have been bloodshed within our own nation."

Rosh: "Was Fuyre able to figure things out?"

Macai: "He wasn't able to get anything done during the first week. During one meeting between the elites and locals; an assassin tried to kill one of the Tuerri political representatives. Fuyre was a politician, but he was also a well-trained firebender. Fuyre fought off his enemies but was also injured during the fight. After that, he was running out of options until he ran into a young woman named Kairi."

Rosh: "So Kairi was a poor girl?"

Macai nods, "She wasn't of noble origin but she was still willing to help Fuyre. She taught him about the local culture and about the motives behind both sides. On the Pulcanese side, there was a political chieftain named Huderren. Huderren was at the head of a local elder council in the town and a war chieftain named Durex who was also respected. Fuyre and Kairi met with the local chieftains as they looked to discuss a truce to end the bloodshed."

Macai continues, "The negotiations were working and Fuyre began to fall in love with Kairi."

Rosh: "I bet that was controversial."

Macai: "It was, especially back then. Elites have taken some poor women as wives back then. Sometimes by force like Firelord Ozai with Ursa. Other times because of true love. Fuyre slowly was proving that Kairi was a worthy partner and he got closer to solving the issues in her village until a group of warriors attempted to assassinate Durex. Durex survived the attack and blamed Fuyre for the event."

Rosh: "Oh no!"

Macai: "Fuyre was captured and placed in captivity by the rebels. It turned out Durex was the leader of the rebels and wanted to execute him. Kairi felt betrayed but Fuyre promised her he wasn't behind the attack. Then Kairi did her own investigation and discovered Sedra was behind the attack."

Rosh gasps, "Why would she do that?"

Macai: "Because Sedra believed that would drive a wedge between Fuyre and Kairi. This means Sedra would be able to marry him and her family would come up. It also meant that a furious Vitali would move in and destroy the locals with the full might of the Fire Nation army."

Rosh: "That witch!"

Macai: "But Kairi found evidence against Sedra then Sedra tried to kill Kairi with the help of some hired mercenaries. Kairi later defeated Sedra and exposed her to the nobles. After that, Sedra was arrested but the local chieftains were still going to kill Fuyre. Sedra ran down back to the village with Vitali."

Rosh: "Why would she take Vitali with her? That would only cause tensions."

Macai: "Vitali didn't give her a choice."

Rosh: "Aww."

Macai: "Still, Kairi got there in time and kept the two sides from fighting each other. She proved that Sedra was behind it and got Fuyre released. Peace broke out between the two sides and Fuyre proposed to Kairi without a ring."

Rosh replies, "Mad lad, Fuyre deserves better."

Macai: "Fuyre then had a special wedding ring made for her out of the finest platinum in Tuerri and rare violet diamonds. Kairi accepted the ring and marriage request. The duo lived happily ever after and the ring was passed on to each of their oldest sons after that for the next proposal. Eyre gave it to my mother Yosari, even though that was an arranged marriage. After she died, it turned out she forgot her ring and left it at her home during that event."

Rosh: "What a story that ring has."

Macai gets tear eyed, "It's one of the last memories that I have of my mother and family but Eyre has it and I have no idea where he is."

Rosh pats Macai on his back, "We'll find it one day, but first we need to deal with Zerrel."

Macai: "My loyalty to my people is my first mission and my greatest priority. I will do everything I can to take down Zerrel, even if it costs me my life. But if I survive this, then I'm looking for that ring next."

Rosh: "If you make it out of this alive, you'll deserve it. If I'm also alive, then I better see that happen."

Macai: "You know you will Rosh, I'll make sure of that." Rosh looks back at Macai and they dap each other up.

Rosh sighs, "Here we go again."

Macai adds, "Into the fire."

Rosh: "Not like we haven't done it before."

Macai: "You put everything on the line for me against Ozai, I'm honored to have you as a friend."

Rosh: "And you were everything I ever needed to be. You didn't always agree with me and sometimes you annoyed the heck out of me. Still, we had a lot of good memories and you never judged me harshly."

Macai: "Because I know you're the most genuine person I've ever met. We're brothers for life."

Rosh smiles, "Always." After the discussion, the Prompt Adjudicator docks on a seaport outside of the Sannagoggi Desert. Macai's team consists of himself, Hagenko, Sonna, a male firebender, and Jesha. Rosh's team includes Dengo, Arret, a male mace warrior, and a female firebender. Kanna's team comes with Irina, a male archer, a swordsman, and a male firebender.

The sand is butter yellow and the sky is light blue. The desert consists of nothing but sand and scattered kunana-bushes with small pointy dark green leaves. The laplizards are about seven feet long and three feet tall. They are study yet fast creatures with light green skin, long pink tongues, and orange eyes with black pupils.

Sonna asks Macai, "Are we taking these guys to battle?"

Macai responds, "We'll disembark from the laplizards once we get closer to the temple. If we ride them too slowly, we'll be noticed even sooner."

Jesha wipes sweat off her face, "You weren't lying Macai, it's incredibly hot here."

Sonna replies, "It's so hot that it makes Herrona seem cool."

Macai asks, "Does anyone feel they aren't up for this mission?!" No one answers. Macai: "Then stop complaining, Zerrel has caused enough damage as it is. We have to be strong, too many people are counting on us."

Sonna: "People are always counting on us Macai, it's just banter."

Macai: "I know, but the stakes are higher now than ever and I really am not in the mood for banter right now." Jesha looks at Sonna. Sonna knows Macai is stressed and doesn't take it personally.

Sonna: "Alright Macai, we're ready." Rosh talks with his team as they prepare for battle.

Dengo looks at a female firebender. The girl has dark brown hair with blond highlights, olive skin, hazel eyes, slender ears, relatively small lips, thin hooded eyes, medium-length curly dark brown hair, and a medium yet slightly pointy nose. Dengo looks at the girl, "What's your name?"

The female firebender looks back at him, "I'm Kavenda." Kavenda is twenty years old.

Dengo smirks, "Nice to meet you Kavenda, how long have you been fighting in the 31st?"

Kavenda: "For about six months."

Dengo: "Well, it's too bad I haven't worked with you much before. So you came after the end of the Hundred Year War."

Kavenda nods, "That's right, I avoided a lot of the craziness that your unit lived to see. But I've still fought some hard missions ever since Zerrel's forces came into play."

Dengo: "Well now you're going to be on a top-level covert ops mission with us. Congratulations..."

Kavenda asks, "Any advice?"

Dengo: "Stay sharp at all times, keep moving, and follow instructions immediately." Kanna and her team prepareto depart. Irina notices a male archer with amber brown hair, thin eyebrows, a nose with a thin top yet a wide bottom, medium ears, dark gold eyes, and beige skin.

Kanna smiles at the archer, "You look new, when did you transfer in?"

Archer: "Three months ago."

Kanna: "Oh, I see."

Archer: "You're Kanna right? It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Kanna: "The pleasure is all mine, Mr..."

Archer: "Pelante."

Kanna gasps, "Oh, nice to meet you Pelante."

Irina pats Kanna on her back, "Rosh's team is mounting up. Maybe we should do the same."

Kanna: "Right, let's sattle up team." Kanna's team mounts their laplizards and advances. The lizards moved relatively quickly, at 60 miles an hour. While the speed is less than some creatures, the large lizards are able to withstand the heat of the desert without growing weary or dying.

Demonstration of Fortitude 

After traveling for three hours Macai and his squad move within visual range of the temple. The squad is just 90 meters away from it. Macai puts his map in his pocket, "Here we are. Rosh's team should loop around just a few minutes after us, along with Kanna's."

Hagenko asks, "Are we going to wait for them?"

Macai: "Nope, they'll hit them shortly after. We can't afford to wait, Zerrel can't be allowed anymore time. Get off the laplizards, they'll head back to the ship while we deal Zerrel's grunts." The team walks toward the temple and notices that it is made up of macaroon-colored brick. The temple also is shaped a bit like a rectangular building but also has a somewhat triangular design. The structure is tall and is seven stories high.

Hagenko looks at a male firebender marine in the squad. The marine briefly takes off his helmet as he wipes what appears to be sweat off his hair. The man has a brown toupee, pale skin, long eyebrows, a wide nose, pale skin, and carob brown eyes. The firebender seems to be in his early thirties. The seasoned warrior looks at the firebender, "What's your name man?"

Firebender: "It's Pulgo."

Hagenko nods, "Alright Pulgo, why the toupee?"

Pulgo asks, "Don't you like it?"

Hagenko: "Emmm, it's alright. But I had to learn to be confident in my bald head."

Pulgo: "Nice, when did you start losing hair?"

Hagenko: "My hairline started receding when I was thirty-six. Went full bald at thirty-eight."

Pulgo: "I don't want to call you lucky, because no bald guy really is. But I started losing hair when I was twenty-five. I lost it all three years later."

Hagenko: "Being bald isn't a bad look ,especially when you're in shape."

Pulgo: "Well, I'd at least like to be able to pull of several looks. But when you're bald, you can only do one."

Hagenko: "So that's the reason for the toupee. There is always a hat or helmet."

Sonna readies her arrow as the five marines slowly advance toward the structure. The building has twelve steps that lead to the entrance. Two DOJ archers in light grey uniforms wait up the steps while three troopers wait down below. One is a swordsman, another is a spearman, and the third is a female earthbender with a scar on her face named Delana. Delana has short straight black hair, light brown skin, light green eyes, a small yet sharp nose, small lips, small ears, and a thin yet fit frame.

DOJ Swordsman: "Zerrel is nearly finished with his ritual. Soon, we will destroy the governments so that the cycle may start over again. No longer will the people stand under the unacceptable threat of an invincible state."

Delana: "After we have destroyed these governments our final target will be the avatar. We will find wherever he is hiding and attack him now before he wakes up from his spiritual battle. Right now he is vulnerable."

DOJ Spearman: "But we'll only find him assuming we are spiritually guided. No one seems to know where Aang is, not even most of his allies."

Delana: "I'm willing to bet his wife would and she might be a bit easier to find than him."

An archer points, "Look, it's Commander Macai and his team!!" Macai's team charges at their enemies, but they are still about 30 feet away from the DOJ team.

Delana commands, "Incenerate them!" One archer fires an explosive arrow between Hagenko and Sonna. Hagenko leaps right and Sonna dives backward as a large explosion erupts between them. Another archer shoots an arrow between Pulgo and Jesha. Jesha leaps left and Pulgo runs right. The arrow explodes and sand flies in the air.

Pulgo looks ahead at the archer and fires a beam of orange fire into his opponent. Sonna rises to her feet and fires an arrow into the other archer. Macai looks at Delana and Delana stares back at him intensely. The earthbender extends her arms and fires a barrage of stones from the structure at Macai. Macai rolls left and dodges the incoming stones.

Delana horizontally sways her hands and the stones look around before they fly back at Macai from behind. The 31st Commander backflips and enhances his jump with a gust of white fire. The white fire burns the stones then Macai lands and pumps a white flame at Delana's face. Delana weaves left and hurls a stone at Macai's forehead.

Macai spins right then extends both of his hands and pumps a blast of white fire at the earthbender. Delana leaps over the flame then extends her right hand; launching a stone sword at Macai's stomach. Macai leaps left and Delana lands beside him before generating dual wrist blades of stone on her arms.

Macai ignites his hands with white fire and taunts, "Bring it." Delana diagonally lunges at Macai and Macai leaps backward and slightly to the left. The commander extends his right hand and pumps a white fireball at Delana's face. The fireball breaks her right wrist blade in half but Delana ducks at the last minute to avoid the flame.

Delana extends her arms and shoots a wide gust of sand at Macai. Macai rolls right and fires a beam of white flames at her. The DOJ earthbender slides left with a steam of sand assisting her. Delana extends her left hand and fires a stream of sand at the older teen. Macai leaps right then extends his right hand and pumps a white flame into Delana's left shoulder.

Delana shouts, "Ugggghhhaaa!" The woman flies three feet backward into the front steps of the temple before passing out. Hagenko looks at the DOJ swordsman. The trooper charges at Hagenko and the marine lunges at the cultist. The man rolls right and pounces at the bald warrior a second time. Hagenko rotates his blade and thrusts his spear into the man's abdomen.

The terrorist gasps before Hagenko kicks him down. The DOJ spearman charges at Jesha and lunges at her vertically. Jesha swings her blades left, knocking the spear away from her. Then Jesha leaps forward and vertically cuts her opponent down with a downward strike. Macai looks at his allies, "Good work. Now let's get in there."

Macai advances with his marines closely behind him as they move into the temple. The temple halls are lit by several torches with orange fire and there are multiple strange light green paintings on the walls. Macai looks left and a man suddenly emerges with a sword to ambush him. The swordsman vertically swings at Macai.

The Commander leaps backward then Hagenko pumps his spear in the man's chest. Another swordsman leaps behind Pulgo and horizontally swings at his neck. Pulgo ducks and spins backward. The swordsman charges at Pulgo but Jesha thrusts her right sword into the cultist's gut. The man's stomach growls before he collapses.

Macai comments, "Keep pushing until we find Zerrel!"

A Genuine Fight

Rosh rides on his creature with Dengo, Arret, a mace warrior, and the female firebender Kavenda behind him. Rosh: "Dismount the laplizards, we're here."

Kavenda comments, "What a temple. I've never seen anything like it."

Rosh jokes, "You're going to see a whole lot more once we get inside."

Arret readies her arrow, "I bet. Let's give them a warm 31st welcome." Two archers with explosive arrows wait outside of the rear left door. The stairway isn't as wide at this part of the facility. Two swordsmen wait at the lower end of the facility along with a waterbender.

The waterbender looks ahead, "Enemy infantry incoming! Archers, take them out!" Arret immediately fires an arrow into the left archer's chest.

DOJ Archer: "Ugh!"

DOJ Waterbender: "Stay on your toes!!" The other archer fires an explosive arrow directly at Rosh. Rosh slides forward and enhances his movement with a gust of red-orange fire. A strong explosion occurs behind him and Rosh can feel the vibration. Rosh flips forward and kicks a red-orange fireball into the right swordsman. The waterbender frowns and enters his battle stance as Arret fires an arrow into the other archer's forehead.

The waterbender extends his rams and fires a gust of water at the 31st captain. Rosh rolls right and flicks a red-orange fireball into the man's face. The mace marines rolls forward and slams his weapon into the remaining terrorist swordsman's stomach. DOJ swordsman: "Ahhhh!"

Rosh looks at the marine, "That's how we do it." The squad advances into the structure. Meanwhile Kanna's team is lost in the desert.

Kanna: "Wait, this isn't right, we should be here by now."

31st Swordsman: "Let me see that map!" The marine snatches Kanna's the map.

Kanna: "Rude."

Swordsman: "Ugh, we are traveling in the wrong direction. We are way off course."

Irina grabs the map from him, "Let me see. Hmm, we're not way off. Kanna was going the right way." Kanna smiles. Irina continues, "But we deviated off course during our last turn, so we are just like maybe ten minutes away from where we should be. We should turn around and head east."

The Swordsman complains, "How did we even get lost?! We could see Macai's team in the distance from us for most of the trip."

Kanna responds, "We had to change course because he wanted us to get behind the building. I got confused somewhere. Probably because we had to travel up a hill about two hours into our voyage."

Irina: "It's not Kanna's fault."

Marine Swordsman: "It is her fault."

Pelante comments, "If it wasn't for Kanna, Macai would have been executed years ago. And she's done things that saved many trooper's lives in this unit. Kanna is an intelligent girl, though she is goofy. So what she made a minor mistake, we aren't way off course."

Marine Swordsman: "That's assuming that Irina is right."

Irina: "I was an expert in geography in school don't worry."

Marine Swordsman: "I'll believe it when I see it."

Irina groans, "What are you sexist?"

Marine Swordsman: "Ohhh, let's not go there. Pulling the gender card are we? It has nothing to do with that and you have no grounds for such a claim."

Pelante: "Let's just trust Irina. If it blows over, I'll take partial responsibility for this failure."

Marine Swordsman: "And if it blows over I better be getting promoted."

Kanna warns, "Don't act like that or I'll ensure you are DEMOTED if Irina is right." The male swordsman huffs. As the team changes their course Macai's squad advances through a temple hallway. Macai moves with Hagenko at his left, Pulgo at his right, Sonna on his rear left flank, and Jesha at his rear right flank.

The team notices two DOJ swordsmen and a male earthbender across them. DOJ swordsman: "It's over Macai!"

Macai: "It's over when I say it's over!" Macai kicks a white flame into the left swordsman's stomach.

Swordsman: "Ouuu!" Two DOJ swordsmen emerge behind Sonna and Jesha. Jesha rotates her body and horizontally slices the man's head off behind her. Sonna spins backward and kicks the swordsman in front of her in his right leg. The swordsman leans down and Sonna fires an arrow through the top of his head.

Pulgo extends his arms and shoots a beam of orange flames at the earthbender across him. The earhtbender slams him hands together and a wall of earth incepts the flames. The earth wall is made of stone and part of it breaks off from the fire but some of the wall is still intact. The earthbender launches the burning wall at the marine.

Pulgo leaps left and Jesha does the same. The flaming wall slams against the wall behind it. Macai Pulgo pumps another two flames at the earthbender. The earthbender raises his arms and two stones levitate before intercepting the shots. The other swordsman vertically lunges at Pulgo.

Pulgo moves right then Macai kicks the duelist in his nose with an enhanced right leg. A loud crack is heard as the man collapses. Pulgo extends his hands and blasts a beam of orange flames into the earthbender. The man's body violently flies into the wall behind him. Pulgo looks at Macai, "How'd I do?"

Macai: "Better than I could have hoped for, come on." Macai's team emerges in a twenty feet wide room. Macai notices Zerrel who has a book in his right hand. A warrior with dual swords, a spearman, two firebenders, and a waterbender wait around him.

Zerrel: "You're too late, the ritual has already been completed. It's only a matter of time now, before I reach the final stage of my plan. My spiritual allies are already stronger than you could possibly imagine."

Macai: "We'll see about that. My team is ready for anything you have to bring."

Zerrel laughs lightly, "You have no idea boy." Zerrel rotates his body and flicks a torpedo of bright yellow fire with a white core at Macai. The commander ducks and the flame hits the wall behind him.

Macai warns his team, "Spread out!" Zerrel lunges at Macai and blasts a blazing beam of yellow flames at his young rival. Macai dives right and pumps two white flames at his enemy. Zerrel sways his arms and pumps two yellow flames into Macai's white ones. Zerrel steps forward and pumps two yellow flames at Macai's left and right shoulders.

Macai rotates his arms side to side while also swaying his body, blocking both blows. Zerrel flicks a third flame at Macai's face and Macai ducks. The flame hits the wall behind him. Zerrel extends his hands again and fires a fast beam of yellow fire at Macai. The young man extends his arms but the flames explode on impact.

The young commander flies backward into another hallway and Zerrel pursues him; running into the hall. Hagenko looks at Macai as he flies into the hallway then looks at Sonna, "Looks like he might need some help."

Sonna looks at Hagenko, "I think my hands are full right now." A waterbender pumps a beam of cold water at her and the 31st archer rolls right. A cultist swordsman vertically lunges from behind at Hagenko's back. Hagenko rotates his body and horizontally blocks the strike. Hagenko pulls his arms up and causes his enemy to fall backward while dropping his sword.

Hagenko's opponent hits his head and loses consciousness. Pulgo notices a warrior with dual swords charge at his right and a firebender advance on his left. The marine extends his right hand and pumps an orange fireball at the duelist. The swordsman blocks the flame with his blades.

Pulgo: "What?! He can do that?!" The firebender kicks a rod of orange fire at Pulgo. The marine backpedals and blocks the flame but takes mild damage from the attack.

DOJ firebender: "You're out of your league."

Pulgo responds, "We'll see about that." Pulgo slightly raises his right leg and pumps a flame into his enemy's left leg. The swordsman rapidly sprints at the marine but Pulgo rotates his body and fires a beam of orange fire into the duelist. Another firebender pumps two orange flames at Jesha. The female marine rolls left and Hagenko throws his spear into the man's chest.

The waterbender chucks two hunks of ice at Sonna. Sonna runs right as she avoids the first ice chunk, but the second one nails her. The ice shatters and Sonna falls. Jesha charges at the waterbender but he turns and fires a beam of hot water at her. Jesha slides forward then leaps back on her feet, the waterbender backpedals but hits his head against the wall behind him.

Jesha diaongally cuts her enemy down with her right sword. A spearman notices that Hagenko only has a dagger and lunges at him. Hagenko rolls left and the spearman prepares for another pass. Pulgo shoots a fireball into the spearman then looks at Hagenko, "We have a mission to finish, is everyone alright?"

Jesha helps Sonna up and Sonna nods, "I'm fine."

Jesha: "Let's help Macai."

The Best of Us

Rosh enters the temple with his squadmates. A swordsman leaps behind Dengo and vertically swings at his head. Dengo horizontally blocks the strike and knees his opponent in his stomach. Dengo then latches onto his enemy and slams the back of his head against the wall. Another duelist emerges behind the mace warrior and horizontally slashes the man's neck.

Mace-wielding marine: "Ahh!" Kavenda tackles the man and slams his head into the hard stone floor several times until his skull cracks.

Rosh comments, "This is a nasty business. I can't wait until this new war is over." Rosh, Dengo, Arret, the mace warrior, and Kavenda advance into another hallway. Rosh notices a swordsman, a long swordsman, and a firebender advancing toward his team. Rosh extends his arms and fires a massive surge of red-orange flames into the firebender.

Arret fires an arrow in the left swordman's gut while the long swordsman charges at Dengo. The long swordsman horizontally swings at the left side of Dengo's face. Dengo rotates his blade left and blocks the strike then rushes forward and vertically slashes his enemy with an upper strike. DOJ Longswordsman: "Uhh!"

Rosh's team moves into a chamber that is about twenty feet (similar to the one Macai fought in). Rosh notices Karanga waiting for him with a brute, a swordsman, a mace warrior, and two earthbenders. The brute (heavy trooper) is six feet and seven inches tall, has thick dark grey battle armor with orange markings, and weighs about two hundred and six pounds.

Karanga: "Rosh, I've been waiting to slice you apart. I can't think of anything else that will break Macai's heart more."

Rosh: "Macai and I both knew the risks when we came here. We are not afraid and you will not stop our mission."

Karanga: "Why so serious Rosh? I heard you are a jokester. Maybe the jokester gets serious when he's scared."

Rosh responds, "And maybe the jokester becomes more dangerous when he's serious. Maybe you should watch out and leave before you figure out how powerful a serious me really is."

Karanga yawns, "We'll see about that. Your team is outnumbered and outmatched. Be honest, the 31st never fought a force this strong before. Not even when you fought each other during the end of this war. It's not too late to turn back."

Rosh: "Do we look fazed." The marines defiantly look at their enemies.

Karanga: "I hoped you all would act that way. After all, I prefer when my prey put up a fight."

Rosh: "Then let's fight!" Rosh lunges at Karanga and extends his right leg; kicking a red-orange rod of fire at his enemy. Karanga rolls left and Rosh's team sprints into action as they lunge at their enemies. Karanga's forces do the same. Kavenda kicks a flame into the swordsman right of her and an earthbender left of her fires a barrage of bricks at the marine.

Kavenda raises her arms and a wall of orange fire intercepts the shots. Then Kavenda flicks her right hand forward and shoots a fireball into her enemy's neck. Arret notices the brute charging at her and she quickly fires two arrows into her opponent. The projectiles bounce right off the man's armor and he dives at Arret with a vertical slam.

Arret leaps left and rolls on the ground. A mace warrior swings diagonally right at Dengo shifts his swords left and blocks the strike. Dengo lunges his sword forward into the mace warrior's chest. Dengo kicks his enemy down then he looks left and sees the brute across him. As the brute prepares to crush Arret, Dengo shouts, "Hey, idiot, behind you."

The brute turns and growls, "Uurrrrrgggghhhhh!!!" The ground shakes as the large man charges toward Dengo. The heavy trooper horizontally swings left at the marine. Dengo ducks then lunges his sword into the man's stomach. The brute latches onto the marine's right arm and pulls the sword out of his gut. The heavy trooper tightens his grip, making Dengo drop his sword.

The brute backhands Dengo then grabs him with his left hand. The heavy trooper yanks the young marine forward and latches his right hand across Dengo's throat. Dengo gasps and start coughing as his opponent tightens his grip. The brute picks Dengo up off his feet and lifts him in the air. Brute: "You are a little shrimp compared to me."

Dengo pulls his left hand and grabs a concealed knife from his utility belt. Dengo thrusts his knife into the man's neck and the brute tosses the marine aside. The large man starts coughing and slowly reaches for the knife in his neck but he falls into his knees as blood flows down his body. The heavy trooper rips the blade out of his neck and dies as a gash of blood pours out of his it.

The remaining earthbender notices that Arret is about to get up. The earthbender creates several earth bars and wraps them around Arret to bound her to the ground. Arret shouts, "Ahhh, I sure could use some help over here!"

Kavenda pumps two orange flames at the earthbender and the man launches two earth stones into the flames. Kavenda rotates her right leg and kicks a flame at her enemy's abdomen. The earthbender crosses his arms and blocks the flame. The earthbender extends his arms and shoots several bricks at the firebender.

Kavenda leaps right and pumps a beam of orange fire at the terrorist. The earthbender leaps against the right wall. Kavenda points her hands up and pumps a beam of fire at the bender. The bender launches himself onto the wall across his position. Kavenda fires a second blaze of fire at her opponent and the earthbender launches himself directly in front of her.

A haze of dust flows in Kavenda's face. Kavenda looks down then extends her arms and aimlessly beams a surge of orange fire in front of her. The earthbender lays on the ground to avoid the shot then Kavenda tries to blink to get dust out of her eyes. The earthbender raises his right hand and a brick flies into Kavenda's stomach. Kavenda falls back against a wall and the earthbender leaps back on his feet.

Dengo charges at the earthbender from behind and lunges at his enemy with his sword. The earthbender creates a shield gauntlet around his left hand and swats the blade out of Dengo's hand. Dengo gasps then the earthbender leaps forward and uppercuts him. Dengo passes out and hits the deck.

Kavenda leaps back on her feet and pumps a gust of orange flames at the man. The earthbender raises a wall of earth which holds back the fire then launches his wall at Kavenda. Kavenda slides right and pumps a flame at the man's right side. The earthbender blocks the flame with his right arm then extends his left; hurling a stone at Kavenda's face. Kavenda slides forward and pumps an explosive brick of fire into the man's chest.

Karanga aims at Rosh and fires a volley of sharp projectiles at him. Rosh rolls left then extends his right hand; blasting a red-orange fireball at the assassin's face. Karanga rolls forward and Rosh fires a large beam of red-orange fire at her. Karanga slides left but struggles to avoid Rosh's flames due to how big they are.

Rosh rotates his body and pumps two fireballs at his opponent. Karanga rolls right, taking advantage of Rosh's slower movement. Karanga: "Your firebending skills are impressive, but you're too slow for me." Karanga fires a volley of wrist blades at the 31st captain. Rosh rolls right and blasts a massive beam of red-orange flames at the woman.

Karanga runs against the wall behind her then launches herself off it. Karanga spins in the air over her opponent. Rosh looks up and fires several fireballs at her while she glides toward the ground. Karanga rotates her body as she lands then extends her left hand and shoots several blades at Rosh's face. Rosh rolls left then Karanga readies her wrist blades.

Karanga horizontally lunges at Rosh with a spinning attack. The marine leaps backward then Karanga lunges at Rosh's neck with her left hand. Rosh rotates his head and neck right, quickly engulfs his left hand with red-orange fire, and hits Karanga in her stomach. Karanga backpedals then Rosh leaps forward and pounds his enhanced right hand into Karanga's mask, cracking it.

Pieces of Karanga's mask fall off and reveal some of her light yellow skin. The assassin shakes her head and Rosh smirks, "Not so tough now are you?" Karanga leaps forward and thrusts her left leg into Rosh's face. Rosh falls and rolls over.

Karanga comments, "Idiot." A loud explosion occurs is heard and the temple shakes. Karanga stumbles and part of the ceiling collapses. Several bricks fall toward Karanga and she leaps right. The bricks land a few feet ahead of Rosh's position, but he is unarmed. Karanga looks around and decides its time to leave.

Karanga looks at her wrists blades and decides to impale Rosh before she leaves. As this is happening, Kavenda fires orange flames into Arret's restraints, freeing her. Arret gets up and draws her bow. Dengo notices Karanga, "Hey, leave him alone!"

Karanga taunts, "You think you can stop me?" Arret launches an arrow at Karanga's face. Karanga notices it at the last second and knocks it away with her left wrist blade. Kevenda emerges in her battle stance.

Dengo: "You think you can stop us?"

Karanga groans, "You're lucky I don't have time for this." Dengo charges at Karanga and the assassin runs toward the door right of their position. Arret launches an arrow in the direction of where Karanga is running but she knocks it away with her wrist blade and leaps into the hallway. Dengo stops rather than risking running into an ambush.

Arret looks at Rosh to see if he's ok, "His pulse is fine. He should wake up shortly."

Kavenda comments, "We should wait for him, but this temple seems to be taking damage."

Arret: "I have a better idea, let's take Rosh and head out the way we came. This facility is taking a lot of damage, I have no idea what Macai's team has done but it's time to go."

Here We Go Again 

Macai gets back on his feet with smoke flowing from his armor. Zerrel looks at him with contempt, "I'm going to end this now." Zerrel extends his right hand and fires a beam yellow flame into the ceiling behind them. Debris fall and seal off Macai's squad from their position.

Macai: "You know they can just blast their way through that right?"

Zerrel: "If they do, they risk this whole place coming down on them. Even most of my members don't understand how this ritual works. I have done something to enhance my spiritual foresight into the enemies and predict the future. Now I know exactly how I will win this war."

Macai asks, "Are you sure about that?"

Zerrel: "Look at the structure of this facility. One side of the facility must be operated by a earthbender, another side is operated by a firebender, another side is run by a waterbender, and the last one is controlled by an airbender. Those who practice the ritual can see into the future when they use this facility, but only long enough to implement a specific plan."

Macai: "And what is your plan?"

Zerrel: "I won't tell you that but I already had benders operate other parts of the facility. A waterbender and earthbending priest have done the other two elemental practices. Only one part of the ritual can be done at a time, so we couldn't all perform at once. Each action must be performed a day after the last."

Macai: "The only airbender is Aang. You're missing part of it."

Zerrel: "Yes, normally 25% of my vision would be missing, but I have studied this practice for decades. I know about how these spiritual practices work and took extra precautions to make sure my vision is accurate."

Macai asks, "So wait a minute, each elemental practice gives you a fourth the vision you need. I'm guessing to succeed in dismantling the governments. So you got three fourths of the vision with three elements, but you also did some extra rituals to fill in the pieces that you're missing?"

Zerrel: "That's right and I've had decades to study this without detection. Even without the Avatar, I've finally figured out over 90% of the puzzle. With what I know, I have enough information to finish my plan."

Macai: "But you missed one very important percentage point."

Zerrel: "What's that?"

Macai: "Me."

Zerrel: "Did you practice that one?"

Macai: "No but I practiced this!" Macai extends his arms and fires a beam of white flames at Zerrel. The old firebending master leaps in the air and fires a ray of yellow fire at Macai's face. Macai twirls right and launches a brick of white fire at Zerrel. Zerrel crosses his arms and blocks the brick but it explodes on impact. Zerrel backpedals and smoke flows from his arms.

Zerrel pumps two rapid yellow flames at Macai. The commander slides left and Zerrel extends his left hand; shooting a beam of yellow fire at Macai's chest. Macai lowers his arms and blocks the shot. The fire causes Macai to slide two feet backward as he blocks the fire. Macai extends his left leg and kicks a flame at Zerrel's face. Zerrel ducks and slides forward then fires another a surge of yellow flames at Macai.

Macai leaps backward against the wall behind him then Zerrel pulls his arms back and generates a round yellow fireball. Zerrel spins forward and horizontally tosses the explosive fireball at Macai. The young prodigy rolls right and large chunks of the wall behind him crumble from the shot. Pieces of the ceiling falls toward the Commander and Macai charges at Zerrel.

Macai enhances his fists with white fire and lunges at his foe's face with a straight left jab. Zerrel bobs his head to the left then generates a yellow fire dagger with his left hand. Zerrel lunges at Macai's stomach and Macai leaps backward. Zerrel swiftly dissolves his fire dagger and shoots two yellow fireballs at Macai's midsection. Macai extends his arms and creates two white shield gauntlets; then Macai blocks the shots.

Zerrel suddenly points his arms up and shoots another beam of fire into the roof above the commander. Bricks fall on top of Macai, knocking him down. Zerrel thinks about finishing his enemy but the temple shakes again and he decides to leave instead. Zerrel runs past Macai's position through the hallway into another room.

Macai team continues to search for him and they notice the rubble that Zerrel created earlier to seal them off. Sonna: "Didn't Macai go this way?"

Hagenko: "Zerrel must have sealed them off or perhaps debris fell in the way."

Jesha: "What even caused this damage?"

Pulgo: "Maybe the ritual."

Jesha: "That doesn't make any sense, this temple has lasted for years."

Hagenko: "Who knows what madness Zerrel has been dabbling in. He may have done some new unheard of things that haven't been done in years. Perhaps the dark magics he's messing with are causing an unusual disturbance. Something so great that the temple couldn't withstand it."

Jesha defiantly says, "It won't be enough to stop us."

Pulgo: "Let me try to clear it."

Hagenko: "This place is already falling apart. If you blow that away you might not be helping him."

Pulgo: "We have to try."

Hagenko: "What would Macai want us to do? He'd want us to be smart and ensure our survival for the cause. Macai knew the risks."

Pulgo asks, "What do you think Sonna?"

Sonna: "I saw we risk it for Macai, look how far he's gotten us."

Pulgo: "And you Jesha?"

Jesha: "You're the firebender, I'll leave it up to you. Just make a decision before some rubble crushes us."

Pulgo: "The rest of you go, I'll look for him."

Hagenko replies, "Fair enough. If this goes arwy, won't forget your sacrifice." Sonna hugs Pulgo and Jesha pats him on the back. The marines flee and Pulgo fires a beam of orange fire into the debris. More debris fall in the place of the rubble.

Pulgo sighs, "Think Pulgo, think." Pulgo paces around as bricks fall near him. Pulgo: "Hmm, I've got it." The marine swirls his arms around, creating a gust of orange fire. Pulgo extends his arms and fires a beam of flames into the rubble then pulls his hands up to buy himself time (by blasting the rubble from the top). Pulgo leaps forward the turns his body and fires a beam of flames behind himself to launch himself away from incoming rubble.

The marine flies into the rubble that's over Macai. Pulgo's body is flies four feet back after he hits the stationary. Pulgo slowly stands up and realizes Macai is under the rubble. Pulgo: "Dang, I'm going to have to get you out of there." Pulgo notices Macai wake up and sigh.

Pulgo warns, "Sit tight buddy." Macai doesn't hear him and a flash of white light flows around him. Pulgo's eyes widen, "Wait, what is he doing?" An explosion of white fire blasts the debris off Macai's body and smoke flows around him. Pulgo: "You can do that? You're so COOL commander."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "When did you get here Pulgo?"

Pulgo: "I came to assist you, the rest of the team escaped. Man, if you're really that powerful then Zerrel must be..."

Macai: "Zerrel will be dealt with. In the meantime, we need to leave before this place comes crashing down on us."

Pulgo: "Point taken sir." Macai and Pulgo run out of the hallway and notice several pieces of rubble around them. The duo runs toward an exit door that is blocked by rubble. Macai and Pulgo both extend their arms. Macai shoots a beam of white flames out of his hands and Pulgo shoots a surge of orange fire from his. A combined blaze of white and orange flames blasts the exit clean open. The pair sprint out of the temple.

Wrapping It Up

Meanwhile, Kanna dodges an explosive arrow and fires her own beam of dark orange fire into an archer. The archer is engulfed by a ten meter explosion while the Pelante launches an arrow into the the other DOJ archer. Irina thrusts her spear into a swordman's neck and a marine firebender shoots a wave of orange fire at a DOJ waterbender across him.

The waterbender raises an ice wall which intercepts the shot then Kanna rapidly kicks a rod of dark orange fire into the waterbender. The man flies several feet into the air and crashes against the temple walls before he falls back down. A marine swordsman thrusts his sword into a spearman's stomach then looks up in the sunshine.

Kanna: "Good work guys, now let's get in there and..." The temple suddenly collapses.

Male Swordsman: "Looks like Macai and Rosh's team already finished the job. We were a risker too late."

A man comments, "Perhaps not too late." Kanna's team turns around and notices a man who appears to be in his early sixties. The man has dark brown skin, several wrinkles, black curly hair, a short frame, and yellow-green eyes.

Kanna asks, "Who are you?"

Man: "I am Cavindicus. I am the main priest of this facility and Zerrel is a good friend of mine. I noticed some unwanted visitors heading toward this facility. I wanted to kill your team earlier but you kept pacing around the desert like buffoons." Two swordsmen, a spearman, an earthbender, and a waterbender huddle behind Cavindicus.

Kanna: "Why would you maniacs want to bring about the end of the world?"

Cavindicus: "The end of this world, brings the beginning of a new one. What you fail to understand is that we are giving this world a chance to keep living on. Had we done nothing, the civilizations would have gotten too strong to the point citizens would not be able to overthrow them. Technology would lead to this. Our best way to avoid it is by destroying the governments now and destroying the technology. Then the people will have to wait several generations before humanity becomes powerful enough to destroy itself again and once they make it to that point; the process will begin all over again."

Irina comments, "The people have the right to choose!"

Cavindicus: "It's not a risk that the people deserve to have. It's that blind selfishness that is the very reason why humanity will end itself without watch guards like us."

Kanna: "But you're humans just like us. What makes you worthy of makings that decision?"

Cavindicus: "Our selflessness and disdain for the human arrogance that you exhibit."

Pelante: "You're contradicting yourself. The Disciples of Justice are the most arrogant beings alive by thinking they can make decisions without the input of citizens, leaders, and governments alike."

Cavindicus: "Enough of this nonsense. You fools are too spiritually deaf to understand why we are right and we are the largest religious organization of doers. That's what makes us qualified. And I'm afraid you all have committed the crime of standing against humanity's greatest progress. For that reason, we must kill you."

Cavindicus raises his arms and creates two seven-foot-tall sand warriors, "Attack!" Kanna kicks a dark orange flame into the right sandwarrior then turns her body and pumps a brick of fire into the remaining sand warrior.

Kanna looks back at him, "What was the point of that useless practice?" Cavindicus generates several earth stones and launches them at the 31st lieutenant. Kanna leaps right and kicks a rod of dark orange fire at the priest. Cavindicus raises his arms and a wall of sand intercepts her shot. The sand erupts and fires several sharp earth daggers at Kanna.

Kanna fires a beam of dark orange flames through the earth daggers. Cavindicus holds his nose and descends into the sand below. Kanna looks down in confusion, "What? How did he?" Cavindicus emerges a few feet behind and left of Kanna's position. Cavindicus raises his hands and sand emerges around her body. Kanna leaps out of the sand trap and pumps two large dark orange explosive bricks of fire at the priest.

Cavindicus dives left then rolls back on his feet. Kanna lands a few feet across him and pumps a dark orange flame at him. Cavindicus raises his right hand and a sand wall blocks the shot. Kanna extends her left leg and fires a brick of dark orange fire into the priest's lower chest. Cavindicus coughs and falls hard in the sand.

A cultist swordsman charges at Irina and she thrusts her spear into the man's chest. A terrorist spearman moves on Irina's right flank and lunges at her neck. Irina rotates her spear horizontally and swats the spear away from her. Irina lunges forward and slams her spear into the man's stomach. A DOJ earthbender blasts the swordsman aside with a gust of sand.

Pelante shoots an arrow into the other swordman's chest. The DOJ waterbender pumps a water torpedo into the marine firebender's face, knocking him out. Pelante fires a arrow at the waterbender but the man blocks it with an ice wall then launches his ice wall at the archer. Pelante rolls right and fires an arrow into the waterbender's neck.

The earthbender turns and fires a massive beam of sand at Irina. Irina is knocked aside by the gust of sand. Kanna leaps behind the earthbender and kicks a dark orange flame into the man's stomach. The blast lifts the man three feet in the air and four feet backward. The earthbender lands on his head.

Pelante winces at the rough fall, "Wow Kanna, your fire is underrated."

Kanna: "Yeah, each shot really packs a punch." Kanna walks back and looks at a dying Cavindicus. The old man coughs heavily.

Cavindicus: "You are a skilled warrior, but it won't be enough. This battle is not just physical it's spiritual."

Kanna smiles, "We have spiritual friends fighting behind the scenes, otherwise we would have already lost. Your spells will make no difference, they won't stop destiny."

Cavindicus groans, "No the destiny is ours!!"

Kanna: "I guess we'll find out and you will find out a little sooner than us. But deep down I think you know the real answer." Cavindicus dies and his body sinks into the sand. Kanna: "Now that's weird, even for me."

Pelante steps behind Kanna, "Nice work, and everyone is alive. The others are just a little dazed, but they'll be alright."

Kanna: "I don't know how Macai and Rosh's mission went but I feel like we got a mild victory."

Pelante: "I have a feeling we didn't get anything out of this one. I have a feeling Zerrel already did whatever he was looking to do."

Kanna: "That may be true, but we have leveled the playing field and have proven that we can compete with these guys. Besides any mission where the Firelord isn't captured and we aren't taking many casualties feels like a win for me."

Pelante smiles, "I'm not sure if Macai would approve of those standards but I agree."

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