==== WPC Chinese new year Participant ====
One step to go!
"Wandi!!!!" My mom yelled to me. And I just realized that I have worked hard for six months straight as a Webnovel writer.
I just realized that was the time...
Yes... it was the time...
Five days to go before the lunar new year!
"Are you trying to help? I'm going to smash your butt into the shredded meat if you didn't!"
Crap. I haven't tidy up anything yet!
Gotta tidy up everything before the date comes!
p.s: This story was based on the true story by Author Hartpeler
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Écrire un avisthis story' tittle 'bring me back to the my grandmother era .. i Miss her so much, [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update] continue reading first .. hopefully this wins, this article is very good ..
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Spoiler de révélationAuteur hartpeler
Frequently Asked Question Q: CN: 为什么将这本书命名为“作者的新年”? EN: Why do you named this book as "Author's New Year" Hart: CN: 它是根据我的现实故事写的。 这个故事是基于我设计《龙族物语》的故事的那天 EN: it was written based on my real story. The story that based on the day when I was designing Tales of the Dragon Mortal's story Q: EN: I'm currious with the accuracy of the reality with your life, can you explain for me? CN: 我对现实生活的准确性感到好奇,您能为我解释一下吗? Hart: En: 90% accuracy, 10% of them was because of the time. I was designed Tales of the Dragon Mortal at 2020, but I make it to be 2021 to make the story relevant like now CN: 90%的准确性,其中10%是由于时间。 我在2020年被设计为《龙族物语》,但我想在2021年使这个故事具有现实意义