Suddenly a dangerous feeling appeared, threading its way through Xaloc's skin. Xaloc could barely move, much less wake up.
He was sleeping and could only instinctively spread a net made of darkness and purple mist around himself. His divinity of night and sleep work hand in hand to camouflage him even tighter.
His action seemed to suck away his already worn-out Aether. Chaos raged around him but Xaloc gave no reaction, was still in deep sleep and felt nothing of the outside world.
Xaloc's mind was a completely blank expanse, and he heard nothing while everything before him was an expanse of darkness.
Another short period of time passed, his vision grew slightly brighter, yet it was still completely blurred, and the voices that entered into his ears seemed to have become slightly louder, yet they seemed to be extremely far away from him, causing him to be unable to hear it clearly.
Today is my Birthday!! Join me to celebrate.