"You want to be Gogeta?" ROB asked the soul in front of him.
"Not just Gogeta, I wanna be Super Saiyan god Gogeta as my base form. This way, I can be a deity right from birth giving me a very long to night incalculable lifespan as a by product," the soul answered. The ROB just looked at the soul in a deadpan stare.
"You realize you are skipping a chance of a lifetime here, right?" the ROB tried to instill some sense into the soul but the little orb of light would not hear it.
"You want me to be original, I can understand that because then the abilities I'ld be chosing would be mine alone. There would be no contradictions or anything of that matter and while it would have been the perfect choice for any body else, it is not for me," the soul said.
"Oh? Why so?" the ROB asked intrigued. He wanted to know why this mortal would not take the chance to be original and make an overpowered character sheet. He himself had already given him to go ahead nod but was surprised when the mortal chose Gogeta as his new vessel.
"I'ld probably make a very powerful character but that's just in the writing. To get to the point I am thinking, I would have gone through hell and back to be that powerful. I might even forget some skills or lose some of them on the way. So, why risk it?
"Plagiarism works just fine when the work been plagiarized is a masterpiece. Gogeta is a perfectly overpowered character in my opinion. Goku and Vegeta fought against Broly and lost so bad they had to flee and regroup. Even Frieza could not throw his mouth when he was getting his ass handed to him, which just shows just how savagely powerful Broly is.
"When Gogeta came into play, even the fabric of reality was nothing but easily breakable glass when faced with their shockwaves. Gogeta blue is just out of the world, managing to overpower Broly and could have killed him if not for the wish that saved Broly. So, why make a character that I will have to fight tooth and nail so that they can reach the epitome of power in the verse when I can just chose an already made character and be safe in the long run?"
"So, shamelessness and laziness are your excuse?" ROB concluded, making the soul fall into a coughing fit at the rough conclusion the ROB had come into. He looked away so as not to dignify the ROB with an answer.
"Fine, your first wish is to have super saiyan god Gogeta as your vessel. Next wish,"
"Okay, the next wish is that I'ld like to have Broly's potential added to Gogeta's," the soul said. The ROB gave him a deadpan look.
"Broly's potential! Do you realize what you are asking me to give you?" the ROB asked him with a pained sigh.
"Well, seeing that Gogeta is Goku and Vegeta combined, two of the strongest and talented Saiyans in universe seven, it would make them pretty much unstoppable when they fuse. Both their talents added to their Saiyan potential would make them an nightmare to their enemies. Combining it all with Broly's potential or rather, the potential of a Legendary Super Saiyan, a mutant of the Saiyan race, so powerful that his power would lead him to implode if left unchecked; it would make me the perfect fighting machine. Zenkai boosts as I fight, adapting mid fight and overcoming enemies before they even realize what is going on...I'ld say, these two wishes are the best wishes I could come up with," the soul answered.
"Fuaah, fine, what's your third wish?" the ROB asked.
"I'ld like to have all three haki available to me," the soul said.
"Haki? You still want Haki even after all of that?" Th would could hear the tremor of anger in th ROB's voice and grew timid immediately.
"I mean, it's a cool power to have. Besides, I want to know just how powerful Conqueror haki would be with Gogeta's power level," the soul said. There was silence in the realm for a few minutes as the ROB look dbat the soul with an undecipherable look that made the soul tremble in trepidation.
"Will that be all?" the ROB asked neutrally. Even if he wanted more wishes, just the scary aura surrounding the ROB made the soul rethink his choice of words.
"Yes," he managed to say.
"This has been an eye opening experience, young soul and I have to thank you for that. I have heard from the others that your kind of souls are bratty, unoriginal, boring, self centered little shits who wanted everything on a silver platter once a ROB appears in front of you. I thought you would be different, somehow decide to chose your own adventure. But, you want to go to those universes to do one thing, sleep with those women; isn't that correct?" The soul could do nothing but nod.
"Just as you reversed my expectations, so will I. That's why I am cursing you now. You will be transported to the DC universe," the ROB started before grinning maliciously. "As for your background, you will be a slave to the true form of Darkseid pawning you over to one of his less powerful avatars in the many universes and that shall be your fate for the rest of your existence. Everything you do to try and remove the curse will come to bite you in the ass with it becoming stronger till you lose your mind!"
"Wait, what? You can't do that!" the soul cried out in terror. He just could not see how this turned from a wish granting moment to being cursed to becoming an eternal slave to the very embodiment of evil!
"Who says I can't? You? Please, you're as bland as slightly ripe pawpaw smoothie, you definitely have no right to say that to me. Take the rest of your life as a learning moment, an opportunity once lost cannot be retained. Worst of luck in your adventures," the ROB said before clapping once, sending the soul away.
"What an irritating little shit!" he said in disdain.
A/N: So, this is my first ever novel and it is in the testing phrase. The above chapters obviously have problems and plot holes and all those fancy words I don't know but I hope you can all keep an open mind. I might not have explained it the right way but the purpose of this chapter was to make fun of fanfic characters and authors who take this chance to make their characters have the powers of their favourite characters instead of been original and all. Any way, if you find mistakes in the book or have ideas on the way you'ld want the book to go then write it down on the chapter comment.
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