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Chapitre 26: CHAPTER 26

He hears of his story and he doesn't need some probe to be the protagonist of this story and he is right. HE IS DARKSEID AND, DARKSEID IS, AND FOR HIM WE ARE NOT

I know it's hard to understand just imagine the sheer power behind something so massive that 

it doesn't even recognize our existence exists and not out of some cosmic misunderstanding 

or run-of-the-mill ignorance it knows exactly what you are and objectively speaking from its perspective you might as well not be real he actually exists while we and everything else we are surrounded don't with or at least not to where he's standing. 

a similar story pops up in Old Testament Exodus, in which God appears before Moses in the form of a burning bush that refuses to be consumed by its flames Moses basically asks 

I tell people about this encounter who should I say sent me and God responds with a I SURE AM or AM HE WHO IS" 

As she gave one final look at them.  And saw no one truly able to understand what she and she can't hope that they will understand this at such a young no matter how smart a kid is, he is still a kid. After looking at them she spoke again. 

So for short forget about fighting him we are not winning it without getting destroyed ourselves this is not a war it was never were a war because it fought between 2 equal parties most of the time it will be a slaughter where we all die without leaving a mark behind only to be remembered as stupid spices going against a power they can't hope to beat. 

It was never war nor was he interested in killing. If he was, we were not sitting here discussing this. We are here for damage control until he shows up again because we just had to give him a good reason for us to let him live. 


In the room we see some humans sitting in a meeting room in the center. A female was sitting. She looked extremely beautiful around her. Many people were sitting, some women, some men, all of them were famous people, they all looked fearful. While in background videos of the Shi'ar empire's home planet getting visited by Darkseid, he pulls the moon and breaks Blackhole. 

As Universe was in, Chaos, as it's not long since Devourer of Worlds had devoured Skrull throneworld killing millions and creating a rebellion in the whole Skrull Empire where they were running wild In the first few days, more Skrulls died at the hands of Skrulls in the civil war than died in the consumed Throneworld.

So Skrull civil war is at its peak of what could possibly be then their Kree/Skrull War in which most skulls are  

The Skrulls voyaged to the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud. In the latter cluster, they discovered the Kree homeworld of Hala. The Kree were at the dawn of their culture; at this point, they shared Hala with the plant race, the Cotati. The Skrulls decided to favor one of the races with their advanced technology and devised a test to determine which would be the favored race.

The Skrulls created the Blue Area of the Moon and transported bands of Kree and Cotati there. Both groups were left to accomplish what they could. The Skrulls judged the Cotati's works to be superior. This angered the Kree and led to a vicious attack in which the Kree band slew the Skrull judges and the Cotati. The Kree stole the Skrulls starship and technology. Because of the immense distances involved, decades passed before the Skrulls learned of the Kree's activities. 

By this time it was too late. The Kree had become advanced and audacious enough to attack the Skrulls in their home galaxy. During the millennia that followed, the Skrulls developed the vicious streak needed to conduct intergalactic war. Their entire culture was remade in the warrior image for the war. The Skrulls fought the Kree on a million worlds, in a war in which there was never a clear victor or loser. Due to the war, both the Skrulls and Kree prospered and grew stronger. 

Now Skrulls had known about earth Skrulls had long ago become aware of Earth when they discovered a space warp linking Earth and Throneworld. Later they had discovered that the Earth possessed an equidistant link to Hala. They see Earth as a world to conquer but they were content to hold off a full invasion, because of civil war and the Kree/Skrull War they had their empire shattered, the Skrull under the leadership of the religious extremist Queen Veranke, they long infiltrated Earth to pave the way for a major invasion in an attempt to turn it into their new throneworld.

But it is on stop become of Captain Mar-Vell of Kree as they did now they will face a 3-sided war on the planet because Kree believes the earth is theirs to rule because of Inhumans as they were the creators of Inhumans so it's not only a losing war but also the plant mostly be gone because of the War, like every other planet they fight on. 

And now seeing a man who had just popped out of nowhere creating a machine that can't be reverse-engineered breaking an unbreakable weapon wiping at least 50 percent of Shi'ar total power then coming back and giving someone power to create Blackholes then crushing it while Draining an Eternal that was strongest of 3rd generation killing him he did this all single-handedly. Then showing control over life and death that only a cosmic being could have. 

?:" So we are sure he knows about us as we all heard his voice in our heads like every being on this planet." Ask one or the male dressed in formal attire, 

As he looked around and everyone nodded, even the center of all sitting on a throne like a chair, the woman also nodded. All of them look afraid as if the videos remind them of someone so powerful that they were bugs in front of it. As they all started to whisper to each other. 

As the woman in the center was lost in thought for some time then she spoke up as everyone closed their mouths. 

?: "So what we do now as we are sure he knows our existence and maybe most of the Galactic Empires in the universe as he indicated to us that he had Comic Awareness means he also knows about our plan. He doesn't seem to be interested in conquest or killing for that matter. So now what options do we have? " she said while looking at her people and all of their heads were down just like hers no one knew the answer. 

Sigh. As she sighs and speaks again. 

?: So let us wait and watch what will happen as we already had faced a being like him and what it cost us is Incalculable so we can't have anger being like him as he will wipe us all out lets us just watch waht humans do and do not interfere into his matters nor any of you allowed to take part in any type of decision against him. If worst comes to worst we will just leave the planet behind. So spread this to everyone they are not able to engage against him at any cost.`` 

She said as everyone just nodded as they can't do much as they already try to face a forced universe and now they are like this. 


We see in a huge room with very advanced technologies around them there are many projectors around them in those holograms all of the people were kneeling all of them had humanoid shapes with an average height of 5:8 

But what is different about them is their skin color Some were Blue-skinned some were Pink-skinned only a little girl had looked like a human. 

As we see Captain Mar-Vell who was also kneeling he was in his home facility around him some blue skin people they all were kneeling in front of an enormous hologram that had a green head with no hair but Thick green tentacle-like fibers/coils for hair, two sets of yellow eyes. 

As the giant head spoke. 

?: "How can you lose that they are one of the great treasures of the Kree empire?"

Mar-Vell: "We aren't able to do anything he just said he will be taking them and Nega Bands open flew into his hands then disappear I try the best just the telekinetic hold on my body didn't budge in fact even thor hammer didn't return to him from his hold a 17+ level weapon with magical properties," said Mar-Vell who was devastated from the loss of Nega Bands. 

?: "Yes, we had seen what monstrosity cave dwellers had created, and now are still trying to fight a being of that power that is not able to hack all the world's systems but also your system. And he also nearly wiped out half the power of Shi'ar. And those cave dwellers hope to defeat him, they can see what we can see the reality literally bands and wraps around his very presence time and space do that too. Darkseid from a mortal's perspective even approaching him when he's giving off so much energy can seem like an acid trip.

They hope to defeat a being like him showing how primitive their minds truly are but what you could expect from species that have evolved primates, They had created a monster that is more dangerous than MAD Titan that had no regard for life, there is a  reason why some species have just given up and don't even bother calling for help when Galactus enters in their Star system he is the living embodiment of a no-win situation he doesn't fellow physics how do you even assess of someone that is far beyond us and those how tired it only got what Skrulls got even with first cosmic Cube they didn't stand a chance or now.

There is a reason why most advanced species have Galactus contingency plans in place but Skrulls were drunk in the power of the Cosmic Cube and they got 9 billion of population loss and unaccountable damages in just the next few days and with it now we are on winning strike your mission is to keep an eye on the power not to engage in a fight against it so why did you go there" Said the giant head. 

Mar-Vell: I was forced to do it Intelligence Supreme as I wanted to investigate the new source of energy never seen before and I wanted to see what it was I never thought it was alive" Said Mar-Vell hiding the fact that he had also gone there to save lives as virus name humanity has taken hold of him when he sees them saving each other he always looks back to see how rotten person he is so to keep his mentality from going down he does his hero work. 

Hearing this giant greenhead start to calculate after doing millions of calculations in mere seconds the Intelligence Supreme spoke again. 

Intelligence Supreme: "I see if did it for the betterment of Kree then it's an acceptable loss but now you had to work even harder as now that being is living on this planet of cave dwellers to see his next steps as now the whole universe knows about this so it's an unlikely chance of someone coming to conquer it but we don't know in this universe there are some foolish people who don't know there limits will come here to challenge him to in hopes of making a name of themselves. 

So now you will keep an eye on them and see if any of them are worthwhile. I can feel it now that the power balance is changed now a cosmic being was born from a Race of Mutants. Celestials will come when they know one of their creations is dead so now it's. Your responsibility to keep us updated. Also, it's strictly prohibited to engage in any type of conflict that is even slightly related to him or the Mutant race of homo sapiens. 

"We must begin again, as we did on the moon, to master what is now ours--so that someday we can destroy all the craven Skrulls and reign as undisputed masters of the stars! It is a great task for great people! For the great Kree Empire".  Spoke Intelligence Supreme as everyone's fellow after his they started to enchant after him. 

"For the great Kree Empire". 

"For the great Kree Empire". 

"For the great Kree Empire". 

"For the great Kree Empire". 

Mar-Vell doesn't want to do it but he was forced to do it if he wants to remain on the planet or even alive as Supreme Intelligence doesn't take any form of disloyalty even from its own people ready to kill them if the need arises. And he knew this very well as he himself had executed many of his friends and people alike 


In-depth of Space, we see a colossus skull just floating, head eroded and decayed over the millennia showing how cruel space could be even on the head of Celestials. A city was built inside the head; this place was neutral. Far too many people need a place to unwind.In this place no one accepts cape bullshit around here.

a neutral territory for members of the different races of the universe . They are frequented by many hitmen and high-end criminals or Cops alike Good Bad Evil Pure Cop Thief Conquer. Everyone is the same here. It's the safest place in the universe if you have the money to get in. 

serving as a scientific station for various races seeking to study events at the edge of the universe. Served by a council made up of representatives of each race.  

This is a haven for anyone or any occupation from Science to Genetics, Mechanics, Doctors, Thieves Cops, or anyone. This is the place where you can find anything and discover the largest information place in the universe.  

Now it was on a burning fire as now people Nova corps Guardians of Galaxy space pirates criminals and most if not all the highly evolved species in the universe were on this pace looking for the information of someone who had just popped up and forced Shi'ar to their knees but no one knew about him which was most shocking.  

As in this place if you pay enough you can get information about Cosmic Beings so not knowing about the sudden holder of so much power is a great deal. So the topic became hotter as now even those information brokers wanted to know this and they were ready to pay any price possible so now people about the universe are looking for him without knowing he lives on a planet that they don't even count as level one species. 

Here if we go inside we can see a point betting board that had numbers in septillions and the biggest bet was about the Fate of Shi'ar will they survive, will they be wiped out, what reason will they give, will they fight, will any cosmic being interfere with it. Who could possibly beat him or what powers does he got Who could be next and so on and all the gambles combined goes to the biggest bet on the place known as Knowhere. 


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So give me some good names to add in Harem names that I don't know off not the famous ones everyone know like Red Sonja, Jessica Drew, Carol Danvers, Jessica Jones, Angelica Jones, na give me names like Selene Gallio, Morgan le Fay, Jane Foster, Karla Sofen, Victoria Montesi, Faiza Hussain, Betsy Braddock, Cecilia Reyes,

and so on

Lots have gone down and all I want to say is nothing until the next chapter. 

Please leave a comment with your thoughts, I enjoy those because they help me understand how people view the story as a whole. Also please think about leaving a nice rating.



Baby Groot's dance number took two years to conceptualize. 

The dance that Baby Groot executes to Electric Light Orchestra's hit Mr. Blue Sky took two years to plan and create. This large project that took two years for the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 team to make with James Gunn paid off in the end as it was one of the most well-received scenes in the movie. 


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

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✌️ Peace ✌️

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

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So give me some good names to add in Harem names that I don't know off not the famous ones everyone know like Red Sonja, Jessica Drew, Carol Danvers, Jessica Jones, Angelica Jones, na give me names like Selene Gallio, Morgan le Fay, Jane Foster, Karla Sofen, Victoria Montesi, Faiza Hussain, Betsy Braddock, Cecilia Reyes,

and so on

next chapter
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