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23.07% Arius' Adventures in DC / Chapter 3: Drugs & Cages don't mix well with Saiyans!

Chapitre 3: Drugs & Cages don't mix well with Saiyans!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works. All other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. If you recognize something it isn't mine.

Arius' Adventures

Chapter 03: Drugs & Cages don't mix well with Saiyans!


"Saint Nicholas I know you can see me right now and know that what I do is to prove you right. I'll see you soon." Darkseid said as he looked into the air above his throne knowing that the man known as Santa Claus who constantly invaded Apokolips to give him coal was going to regret the moronic decision he made by continuing to insult him.

First the Anti-life equations he had always been searching for was on the planet Earth. Second would be revenge on those ants known as the Justice League with he addition of destroying that world to make the jolly fucker pay.

However he felt he needed one last bit of preparation, so Darkseid's cold, unyielding turned and his gaze settled on the holographic image of a wild, untamed planet—the new target: Planet Vyragos. It was rich in resources, a world teeming with life and raw, latent energy, the perfect feeding ground for his vast and endless war machine. The creatures that roamed its surface, he calculated, could easily be twisted into new ranks of Parademons, mindless soldiers engineered solely for his bidding.

It would be the perfect planet to siphon and terraform to finish building up his legion more before attacking Earth, especially considering the last time he attacked as a barely decades old New God, he was defeated by the combined forces of the Old Gods on Earth, the humans and the Green Lanterns.

He extended one hand, issuing the silent command. In seconds, one of his lieutenants from an elite group known as the furies stepped forward, awaiting her orders, the barest hint of fear in her eyes that was present within all who stood before him. Darkseid was a god among gods, a conqueror that sent chills through even the most stalwart of his followers.

"Granny Goodness, prepare the legion," Darkseid's voice, a low rumble, resonated through the hall. "Send the Planetary Siphoners and Parademon Transformers. Planet Vyragos' resources will be harvested—its creatures, reshaped."

The leader of the Female Furies bowed, quick to obey. She knew better than to question Darkseid's commands, especially now, as the forces of Apokolips grew restless in the anticipation of a greater target. Earth. The Justice League. The planet's champions would inevitably fight, as they always did, but they were a mere distraction in Darkseid's grand design. While he personally needed the Anti-Life Equation, his empire needed fuel. Weapons. And creatures capable of tearing down worlds in his name.

As he issued the last orders, a new division of his troops took formation. Warships, jagged and dark as a spreading plague, surged forth, descending toward the distant speck that was Planet Vyragos. They descended through its atmosphere like falling stars, blazes of infernal light cutting through the sky as they broke the planet's stratosphere with planet-shattering noise.

-Granny Goodness-

After departing and traveling to the planet which took mere days it was time for the assault which she assumed wouldn't even take an entire day. She would just need to set up the Planetary Siphoners and the Parademon Transformers and lead the legion of Parademons.

She only wished one of the other female furies was currently there so she could torture them for entertainment.

'Barda always squeals the best' thought Granny Goodness gazing at the young planet that was teeming with vitality and life that would be hard to match throughout the universe. The perfect target.

"This won't take long." She said with a sadistic smile on her face hoping to move onto Earth as soon as possible to get the Anti-Life Equation, along with revenge on those false gods and pesky earthlings.

The Planetary shiphoners landed on opposite sides of the planet as they began to anchor themselves to start the process. With the Parademon transformers hovering in the air menacingly scanning the planet to get the locations of all living creatures capable of being used as Parademon material.

As the machines were starting up and preparing a scanner showed something odd. An object flying towards her ship at a speed far beyond anything that should be on this planet and before she could look closer the proximity sensor on the command ship she was currently on sounded indicating that someone or something was near.

Switching to look at the camera on the center console the holographic display switched from an image of the planet to the image of a tall humanoid creature which looked eerily similar to humans.

He was tall with muscular physique around the same height as Big Barda if she had to stimate, and stood confidently with an untamed, wild aura. His hair is long, dark, hair going down past his waist in thick waves, which seemed to add to his imposing presence. Along with sharp eyes that seem to hold years of hard-won experience and a primal survival instinct.

His clothes suggested something similar, he was dressed in a caveman-style outfit, wearing simple, rough animal skins and furs, fashioned into a primitive loincloth and chest covering, held together with sturdy leather straps. His arms and legs are largely bare, showing off battle scars and the toned musculature of a warrior accustomed to wild.


"Hey! I come in peace—sort of," he called out. "But, uh, a little help wouldn't hurt either way my name is Arius!" the man spoke, having a somewhat awkward look on his face that contrasted his whole aura with the smile that was so wide it was nearly splitting his face.


Arius squinted up at the sky, catching sight of the fleet of ships gliding in formation, their metal hulls gleaming under the light of this foreign sun. A couple of smaller vessels flanked the larger, central ship, its design sleek and intimidating—like some kind of command ship. That was hard to miss. It pulsed with power, like a signal calling to him.

His fingers twitched with anticipation. Maybe these ships had the answers he was looking for. Maybe someone on board knew where he was or could at least point him in the right direction. He'd wandered this strange planet long enough, and if there was one thing Saiyan instincts didn't do, it was to stay stagnant. Sure he'd like to stay on this planet for a few more years and enjoy its atmosphere, but having the option to leave at any time would be a huge relief.

With a tug of his Ki, Arius dropped the fruit he initially picked up and gave a warning for the others to not venture out of the village until he returned and launched himself into the sky, wind tearing past him as he closed the distance between himself and the fleet. Seeing an even larger ship that was weirdly shaped land on the planet and start anchoring itself, yet he knew that the one floating above was still the commandship.

As he drew closer, he noticed the massive turrets and weaponry lining the ship's hull, all pointed outwards, aimed at who knew what threat. He chuckled to himself. Hopefully, they wouldn't mistake him for one.

Arius touched down gently on the outer shell of the command ship, his boots clinking against the metal as he steadied himself. His eyes roamed over the surface, and with a quick glance down the length of the ship, he located what looked like a docking bay, or maybe an entry point. Perfect.

Raising a fist, he gave the hull a few solid knocks, the echoing bang-bang-bang resounding down the length of the ship. 

He wasn't exactly quiet—no point in sneaking around and with scouters and Arius not being able to conceal his power level it was useless to sneak around in the first place. If they were going to help him, they'd know he was here soon enough. He knocked a second time, harder this round, making sure they could hear him over whatever background noise filled a ship this size.

Arius took a step back, waiting. He ran a hand through his unruly black hair and straightened, a hint of hope in his expression. Maybe they'd welcome him. Maybe he'd finally get some clarity in this strange universe he'd landed in. Perhaps he landed in Universe 6 instead of Universe 7 and he'd have a chance to hit on Caulifla and Vados.

After a moment, he noticed a flurry of movement on the other side of the entry door. A few blasters, glowing hot with energy, pressed up against the viewport, all directed squarely at him. Arius just grinned, raising his hands slowly in a show of good intentions.

"Hey! I come in peace—sort of," he called out. "But, uh, a little help wouldn't hurt either way my name is Arius!" He could feel their hesitation as they deliberated letting him in or simply trying to blast him into dust from what he assumed was laser weaponry. All he could do was wait, his overwhelming hope roaring over his Saiyan pride, a strange blend of longing and resolve.

-Granny Goodness-

"Motherbox report!" Granny Goodness ordered looking at the man who had the gall to knock on the ship or Darkseid. It was practically an offense of the greatest proportions.

[Start of Report

Name: ARIUS 

Age: UNKNOWN (Estimates to be between 18-30 years old)


Height: 2.133 Meters (7ft tall)

Weight: 158 KG (350 lbs)


Threat level: OMEGA

Summary: An unknown race with speed superior to a majority of the universe, capable of flight, with muscles fibers multiple times denser than the average New God and energy level on par with fusion reactors.

Recommended Action: Recruit or eliminate with extreme prejudice. 

Projected force for Elimination: 3 legions of Parademons, Combined forces of the Female Furies and General Steppenwolf or Darkseid.

End of Report.]

Taking a deep breath that was accompanied by a cold sweat she shuddered. Very few times in life has Granny Goodness been thankful she didn't punch first and ask questions later. This is one of them and she was already coming up with a plan to see where his mindset lies because bringing such a specimen under Darkseid would grant her immense rewards.

"Hello my name is Syrak." Granny Goodness lied straight through her teeth hoping whatever race he was didn't recognize the ships of Darkseid or the fact that she was one the leader of the Female Furies.

Considering the orders she was given Darkseid wouldn't accept failure so there were only the two options. Less would she want to be either punished by Darkseid or mocked or her fellow generals.

One: Recruit Arius of an Unknown Race, Siphon the planet of its natural resources and transform its wildlife into Parademons.

Two: Eliminate Arius of an Unknown Race, Siphon the planet of its natural resources and transform its wildlife into Parademons while also using Arius as a blueprint for future parademon production.

The outfit conveying a life lived on the edge of survival was rather interesting to Granny Goodness. Because it meant he had a modicum of intelligence especially if he knew how to speak in a language the motherbox could translate.


"Apologies for the delay, but I had to do some preliminary scans to ensure that it was safe for you to board the ship." 'Syrak' said with an apologetic smile that seemed to make her more approachable.

"That's fine, it's nice to meet someone from a civilized species." He said with a smile at the very humanlike appearance of 'Syrak' which gave him hope of going to Earth soon or at least getting into contact with someone that could get him there.

"Come right in and please hold your breath while we get sanitized." She motioned for Arius to enter the ship, which he did so with slight caution. Floating in Arius through entry port before being sanitized by some quick burst type of spray

"Hello there." Arius said as he finally took a good look at 'Syrak' the first alien he's meeting besides the ones native to the planet.

"Hello to you as well, please follow me this way to the conference room." She said as she walked in the directions he assumed lead to the room.

"So what were you doing coming to this planet? I thought I would be stuck here a lot longer." He asked as soon as they arrived and sat down wanting information.

"Ahh well initially this planet was marked as ownerless, so I came from the Galactic Federation to do a deep scan of the natural resources, lifeforms and atmosphere to list it for sale, but since it's clearly occupied I'll list it as such, though I'll need some information about you as the owner to do so." 'Syrak' explained in a kind voice that made him think that he really lucked out on who came to the planet.

"Yeah I wouldn't appreciate people just coming and sucking this place dry cause it's kind of grown to be my home for the past few years." Arius explained enjoying how understanding other aliens were and considering they could travel the universe and sell other uninhabited planets it made sense they wouldn't be too greedy unlike humans.

"That's perfectly understandable. Now onto the questions and do feel free to ask any more questions you may have at the end." She explained pushing a button on her gauntlet as a hologram of text and symbols he couldn't understand appeared. 

"So first your name, age, race and how long you've been on this planet." She asked getting the most basic questions out of the way

"Well my name is Arius and for my age I don't know the exact date, but somewhere between 18-19. And my race…" Arius explained however he hesitated at the end thinking that the Saiyan race wasn't very liked under Frieza and Cooler. Not to mention they should be extinct to the greater Universe.

"Do you not know your race?" 'Syrak' asked with an understanding smile and Arius decided that it was better to not hold anything basic back as simply knowing his race wasn't a major deal and even if Freiza himself came he could be dealt with.

"I'm a Saiyan." Arius stated with a proud smile on his face.

"Hmm, that race isn't in any of our systems. Can you tell me where it's located so I can fill in this information gap?" 'Syrak' asked with a confused look on her face at an unknown race existing for this long.

"Well we're originally from Planet Vegeta, but the planet exploded a couple years ago killing the majority of us. From what I know only I escaped the planet's destruction. I'm the last of my kind." Arius said lying like a thief not wanting to sell out Goku and throw him into the universe at large before he had the power to defend himself.

[A/N: He still thinks he's in the dragonball universe.]

"Oh my Goodness! That's terrible, can you tell me why the planet exploded?" she asked with a horrified look on her face.

"Well all I really know is a tiny space lizard named Freiza didn't want us to exist anymore so he recalled everyone to the Planet Vegeta and blew it up with everyone on it. Only my father sent me off the planet at the last second and I escaped." Arius not going into much detail as him landing on a planet different from the Original Broly clued him in that there might be slight difference in this universe, so stating wrong information would simply make him seem like an idiot.

"I see, well no information on this space lizard named Freiza, but we can get into that later, please continue." She explained, which confused Arius for a second at Freiza potentially not existing in this universe. So it was likely he existed in one of the alternate ones or was simply in a different part of the universe far from Freiza.

"Alright and well for the last part. I've been inhabiting this world for around 6-7 years." He said with a fond smile at the memories he's made on this world from riding dinosaur-like creatures to swimming in volcanoes.

'Syrak' tapped on the tablet in a foreign language that Arius didn't seem to know, but if he could read what it said his anger would soar right then and there.

"I see. That's good, but you seem rather well adapted to life living on this world. This isn't required, only a personal question, but did you learn how to survive all by yourself?" She asked with a thoughtful look on her face which seemed genuine.

"Hmm? When I first crash landed here I was nearly attacked by some wild animals before being saved by my mom Kara, a giant monkey. She must've seen my small size and decided to adopt me." He answered, seeing no harm in telling some basic information.

'Anything would have to be huge to consider you small.' She thought in sarcasm, "I see well that's nice of her." 'Syrak' said with a smile on her face that twitched slightly for a moment before continuing to type on the holographic tablet.

[World Scan Complete. Please Input Next Orders.]

'Look for a race of giant ape-like creatures triangulated from his flight path that he used to arrive at the ship and capture them.' She imputed before turning back to Arius ready to ask the final questions that would be able to determine whether it was possible to recruit him or not.

"Alright, some last questions before we finish this off." 'Syrak' explained with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, governments and documentation are always a hassle. I could only imagine one on a Universal Scale, so shoot." Arius waved her off with an understanding look remembering all the hassle that is government paperwork.

"Would you be willing to host foreign species here on this world?" She asked with a curious look on her face as her hand hovered over the keyboard ready to type in the answer.

"Like if I want other aliens to come visit?" He asked, making sure he understood the question fully.

"Yes." She calmly said a cool smile making its way onto her face.

'Hmm would I want other aliens coming here? I mean it would probably be cool and as long as they don't cause trouble it would be alright.' He thought before deciding on an answer.

"Well I wouldn't mind, but I don't want anyone staying here long term especially not if they're gonna ruin the fauna and vibe of the planet." Arius stated confidently that if anyone overstayed their welcome he would send them packing.

'What are the odds now?' 'Syrax' typed in a language Arius couldn't understand

[Calculating… Chance of recruitment: 0%. Reinforcements requested. Time estimated until arrival: 30 minutes.] The screen showed a slight blinking icon and a countdown from thirty minutes.

'What a shame. Let's see if we can do this the easy way.' She hoped this didn't turn into a headache. "Well, one last question." 'Syrak' said before being interrupted by the sound of the door opening.


The sound of the door opening echoed through the room as dozens of robots hovered in carrying food, something that caught Arius' attention immediately, especially with its delicious smell that made his mouth water.

"Ahh it seems the food is here, go ahead and dig in." 'Syrak' said with a kind smile on her face that honestly reminded him a bit of those kind old ladies from shows and movies in his past life on Earth.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Arius said with a smile before digging into the multiple foreign dishes not worrying about disease as he cooked the majority of the food even further with Ki in the esophagus as he swallowed enjoying the foreign and slightly bitter tastes.

"Would you be willing to join the Galactic Federation?" 'Syrak' inquired.

"Well what does joining entail?" He questioned biting into a particularly succulent piece of meat that reminded him of alligator meat though he knew not what species it was, only that it would all go to the same place, his stomach.

"Let's start with the fact that all of the races by joining the galactic Federation you would need to convert your local currency into out unionized currency to help promote trade." She explained and honestly it made sense because if there were millions or billions of currencies in circulation it would be a mess.

"Ahh well that's not too big of a deal I don't exactly have a government set up." Arius explained while motioning to his rather barbaric clothes.

"Yes, though since you centralized government and currency the Federation will likely request something small whether it be animals to study and log from this planet or even raw materials." She explained the alternate options that he would likely face and it seemed like a really good deal. Maybe he could order a ship or a translator so he could understand the language from his space pod while paying with the lives of those annoying fish that taste bitter beyond belief.

"As long as it isn't muchhhh… I don mndd…" Arius said before passing out straight onto the table in front of him, sending the food flying everywhere.


Kara paced along the edge of the village clearing, her gaze fixed in the direction Arius had flown off to just thirty minutes prior. She'd seen the flash of determination in his eyes, that fierce light that always came right before he pushed himself into danger. This time it was for something new, something unknown—the ships he'd spotted overhead, cold and gleaming against the sky. 

She knew he had an unknown power that was godlike even to her, but she'd still debated on telling him to wait, to let her scout it first, but Arius… Arius was never one to wait or to let her put herself at risk.

The quiet in the village felt unnaturally heavy. A strange tension buzzed in the air, one she couldn't shake as she scanned the treetops and the horizon, half-expecting him to burst back through them at any moment, all cocky grins and wild stories. But he didn't return, and her chest tightened with every passing minute.

She knew he was strong, stronger than even the mightiest of the tribe's warriors. Still, there was only so much strength could do against something unfamiliar, against creatures whose motives and power were completely unknown. Her fingers curled tightly around her spear, one of the weapons Arius had made for the tribe.

The faint hum came first, a low, eerie sound drifting over the trees. It wasn't a natural noise, not like the songs of the forest or the calls of the wild animals they'd lived beside for years. This was something alien. Kara's ears twitched, and she took a step back, eyes narrowing as she caught sight of dark shapes descending from above, moving with the precision of predators closing in on their prey.

She turned, signaling to the other members of her tribe, her voice urgent as she called them to take shelter. But the creatures were fast, ruthless as they descended from above. They moved as one mindless swarm, clawing and biting, each creature set to capture and claim them like trophies.

One by one, the creatures landed in the village, their eyes glowing with an unnatural red light, their metal claws glinting with the unmistakable promise of violence. They moved without hesitation, sweeping through the clearing and grabbing anyone in their path from children to the elderly. 

The villagers cried out in alarm, scrambling to protect their young, to reach for their weapons. But it was futile—there were too many of them, and these creatures were nothing like the beasts they'd fought before. They were mindless without fear of death.

Kara swung her spear up, instincts kicking in as a parademon lunged toward her. She dodged to the side, swiping out in a fierce arc that sent it stumbling back, but another one was already closing in. She fought, every movement precise, her muscles coiled with strength, but for every one she took down, two more were ready to take its place. They were like a swarm of locusts that overwhelmed and conquered.

It didn't take long before they'd overwhelmed Kara, a heavy force pressing her arms down, forcing her to her knees. Metal shackles clamped around her wrists, biting into her skin as she struggled, a growl low in her throat. She could see her tribe scattered around her, forced into cages, their faces etched with terror and confusion.

The parademons dragged her toward a cage of her own, their talons sharp and unyielding as they shoved her inside. The door slammed shut, the echo reverberating through the village, sealing her in a cold, metallic prison. Kara hurridley threw herself against the bars, teeth bared in fury as she scanned the crowd, desperately looking for any sign of her people, for any sign that someone had escaped.

Seeing no chance of escape, only one thought popped into her mind, 'where was Arius?'

The thought burned through her as she stared out at the sky, hoping against all odds that he hadn't been caught in this nightmare. He was out there, somewhere, facing these creatures alone, and the idea twisted in her gut, a mix of fear and anger warring within her. The only hope that she had was that she hadn't seen any of those glowing lights that he used when angry, so he was probably still safe.

"Arius," she whispered, fingers curling around the bars. "Get back here. They've come for all of us." She just prayed that he'd return before it was too late.

-Granny Goodness-

"Finally he's knocked out. That bumbling oaf ate enough sedatives to put down 100 New Gods." Granny Goodness said with a sneer or her face looking down at the primitive Saiyan who was currently unconscious.

"Hurry up and put him into Omega Level Confinement and attach an IV drip of sedatives to keep him under until the other Furies arrive. Also clean this mess up and give this room a Level 5 deep sanitization. I can only imagine the diseases this oaf has tainted this room with." She ordered as the robots quickly followed her instructions.

With two robots struggling to pick up Arius before hovering out of the room while the rest got to cleaning.

Getting a ping from the tablet she was holding she clicked the button to power it on once more as it showed a few dozen ape-like creatures in cages being held in the Parademon Transformers.

Zooming in, she paused, seeing that a majority of the ape-like creatures were looking towards one the largest female they captured from the tribe that Arius grew up in for the last couple years.

'Jackpot.' She thought with a smile on her face and clicking a few buttons. She paused their transformation into parademon material as they could be used as leverage or entertainment.

Ten minutes later she arrived at the holding cells where both Arius and his monkey tribesman were being held though the constraints on him were made of the hardest metal they had available to them, capable of holding even the Krypotonian on Earth, to add on top of that with the amount of sedatives Arius was currently being injected with it wasn't looking like he would be going anywhere anytime soon.

Seeing the monkeys also quieted down as she walked in brought a smile to her face as she could smell and almost taste the fear radiating off them all save the large female who seemed to be the leader who was looking at Arius with both affection and worry. It seemed like her assumptions were correct.

"Can you understand me, you disgusting creatures?" She asked with a sneer on her face looking at the animals who she considered beneath her. Hell she debuted with how ugly they were that she would even eat them.

"OoooOoh Ahhhhhhhh!" The large female who she assumed was 'Kara' roared in defiance.

"Shut up bitch!" Granny goodness shouted as she tapped a button on her gauntlet causing Kara to be electrocuted.

"AGGGHHHHHHH!!!! ARIUS!" The one she assumed was Kara yelled, speaking the only word Granny Goodness would likely understand

"Bwahahahaha! Listen here you stupid ape! Arius is under my lock and key now. So he isn't going anywhere anytime soon and when I do decide to wake him up it'll be to make him submit under Darkseid or to beg for mercy as I torture all of you!" The Leader of the Female Furies shouted with glee.

"ARIUS!!!" Kara shouted once more after catching her breath like the stubborn animal she was,

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! He isn't waking up now, hell he might not even wake up for weeks as long as I keep pumping him full of sedatives." Granny Goodness said with a smile full of sadistic pleasure as she poked Arius in the face while looking at the leader of the apes; however a sound quickly made it vanish and transform into one of shock and dread.







Slowly turning her neck she looks at the face of an angry Saiyan who looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and she realized that she was still poking his cheek, so she slowly retracted her hand as if any sudden movement could set him off.

"Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!" Sounded behind her and Granny goodness already knew which of the monkeys sounded like it was currently laughing at her.


The first thing Arius noticed as he came to was the pounding headache, sharp and unrelenting, pulsing at the back of his skull. His eyelids felt heavy, the weight of sleep and something darker clinging to him trying to lull him back into blissful unconsciousness, but something seemed off. He tried to blink slowly as if to force himself awake, the world around him blurry and gradually.

Groggy thoughts stumbled over each other as he tried to remember what happened. The last thing he recalled was sitting around a table, watching 'Syrak' as she explained what the Galactic Federation would request for a ship off the planet while that little robot handed him a portion of meat—mmmm meat… Wait, was it the meat? But he'd been hungry, too hungry to question it. He hadn't even questioned the slight bitterness in the taste, passing it off as just slightly alien meat.

Gritting his teeth, Arius attempted to stretch, but his arms were bound in an X pattern across his chest, completely encased up to his triceps by something incredibly hard and cold, so he tried once more feeling the pull of sore muscles, as if he'd been bound and constrained. He also noticed that there seemed to be a needle digging into his flesh within the cuffs that wrapped around his arms, constantly pumping a viscous fluid into his body that made him feel extremely lethargic.

However despite the constant influx of what he assumed were sedatives his senses still began to sharpen, instinct kicking in as he tried to piece together his surroundings through the smells, sound and blurry vision that was clearing by the second. 

He was in some kind of holding room, the cool metal pressing against his back, and the air smelled of chemicals that he couldn't identify were a dead giveaway. Whoever put him here hadn't been subtle, though he had a feeling he knew who the culprit was as she was currently poking his cheek.

Arius clenched his fists within the cuffs, feeling a spark of anger burn away the lingering fog in his mind, his vision clearing up. He wasn't one to be so easily subdued. She thought she could drug him, lock him up, and he'd just stay down?

The Saiyan blood in him surged at the challenge, and he focused, centering himself, as his heartbeat each more powerful than the last, clearly the narcotics from his system.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! He isn't waking up now, hell he might not even wake up for weeks as long as I keep pumping him full of sedatives." 'Syrak' said with a smile full of sadistic pleasure as she poked him in the face while mocking someone.







His heart beat and slowly turning her neck she looked at his face that likely resembled the pissed off expression Yujiro Hanma often shows. She also seemed to realize that she was still poking his cheek, so she slowly retracted her hand as if any sudden movement could set him off.

"Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!" Sounded behind her and Arius knew the exact pitch of those hoots that sounded like laughter, it belonged to someone who was with him through the past six years of being stranded on this planet.


Finally taking in the surroundings his guess was damn near spot on, but what he didn't assume was that Kara and the villagers would be bound in cages. He was tired and angry and while fighting sounded good fighting an entire alien species by himself did not, so he offered a proposal.

"Release us and let us out now and leave the planet. Never return and hope that I don't come looking for you." Arius stated, feeling his blood pressure rise as liquid magma pumped through his veins.

"How are you even awake right now? You ate enough to keep 100 New Gods unconscious for at least a day and you're still being pumped with sedatives." 'Syrak' said hysterically as if he had grown a second head or well a third if he were to consider the second head on his third leg. 

"Syrak. If you make me repeat myself I'm going to rip these cuffs off and shove them so far up your ass you'll be using them as braces." He said feeling that he really was too naive, in trusting the first aliens that came to the planet.

"MY NAME ISN'T SYRAK YOU DUMB APE! It's Granny Goodness, Lieutenant of Darkseid and leader of the Female Furies and if you think you can escape those cuffs then you're dumber than you look. They're designed and forged to be able to withstand the strength of a Kryptonian!" The now revealed Female Fury shouted in frustration.

'Hold on. Wait a minute. Something ain't right.' He thought about what she just said.

"Did you say Darkseid and Kryptonian?" Arius asked, shocked and bamboozled at the information hoping he simply misheard or was hallucinating from the drugs that were just pumping through him.

"Huh, so even a savage creature like you has heard about the 'Might of Darkseid'. It truly shows how magnificent his Lord Evilness truly is. Yes I said both Darkseid and Krypotnian though with the grandness of Darkseid-" Granny Goodness said while going on a tangent about the greatness that was the gray thumb.

Meanwhile Arius was currently having an anxiety attack at the shocking news. He for the past six years continuously kept trying to remember whatever he could from Dragonball and wrote it down in stone so he wouldn't forget, but it all seemed for naught.

'God never told me I was going to Dragonball. Only that it was an interesting Universe. God damn it. Think, think. What was so important about the DC universe?' Arius racked his brain trying to think of any relevant information that could be useful in the current situation before coming to a conclusion.

'Shit! I never watched anything besides the Batman Beyond animated series and that one Batman vs Superman movie where the entire point was because of someone named Martha! Damn I wished I watched all those Comicstorian videos now, but no! I had to keep procrastinating on youtube with those indian guys building houses with pools and waterslides.' Arius yelled in his mind while criticizing his past-self before realizing how dumb it was to be having these thoughts in the current situation.

Arius knew the gist of what his situation was and he was currently being held captive by a lieutenant of 'The' Big Bad in the DC Universe. One of the only people that to his knowledge was able to make the entire Justice League shiver their timbers.

But he was a Saiyan, no, not just 'a' Saiyan. 'The Legendary Super Saiyan' whose power is ever growing, whose might is ever expanding, whose mere presence was absolutely suffocating to anyone who he deemed an enemy. He was going to escape and wipe that smile off that old bitches face. 

So he purged all other thoughts out of his mind and ignored Granny Goodness' rambling about Darkesid looking like a burnt thumb or something like that and gritted his teeth, muscles straining as he tugged at the heavy metal cuffs encasing his arms, locking them tight against his chest. 

These restraints were no joke—reinforced, layered with some unknown metal, almost like they were designed specifically to contain someone who's casual feats are moving planets. The edges pressed into his skin, cutting into him just enough to keep him grounded, to remind him that the Female Fury really thought that these could keep him contained.

She had no idea who she was dealing with.

His breath came in slow, but powerful as he drew air into his lungs in controlled bursts as he channeled his energy, gathering it deep within. His aura simmered beneath the surface, aching to be released. He let it build, feeding the heat from the core to his very being, feeling it coil and pulse through his veins.

"You think you can hold me in this?" he muttered, half to himself, half to the Granny Goodness who was now looking at him with a smug smile, who'd thought a few pieces of metal could tame a Saiyan. A wicked smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he felt the energy start to crackle through his muscles, almost like electricity.

With a sharp inhale, Arius began to pull harder, letting his power bleed into his body, his frame growing slightly as his eyes turned golden. He tapped into the dormant reserves of strength buried deep within him, one that he never needed on this planet where everyone and everything were fragile. His muscles expanded enough to feel the cold metal straining, the groaning of the cuffs as his wrists and arms widened against the unyielding metal.

The cuffs didn't stand a chance. With a surge of energy, his body bulked up, his chest and arms straining against the restraints until a sharp, metallic crack echoed through the room. Arius could feel the metal begin to give way, breaking under the pressure of his 'Legendary' strength as if it were nothing more than brittle glass. 

One last pull and the metal fractured apart in pieces flying at hypersonic speeds and lodging themselves in the walls of the containment room they were currently in as he finally ripped his arms free. The needles that had broken off in his arms were ejected by his muscles unconsciously. He ripped apart the other bindings with even more ease before finally being freed.

Arius stood, breathing hard trying to control his emotions after tapping into a power he rarely needed, fists clenched, remnants of the broken restraints scattered around him. He flexed his wrists and heard the bone crack into place, feeling the rush of freedom surge through him. 

She had tried to bind him, so she would regret this. Granny Goodness had tried to cage a Saiyan, and in return, she was about to learn that he was a man of his word.

He rolled his shoulders, feeling his power settling, waiting. "You better hope your piss lubes up your ass because I'm a man of my word," Arius growled, a low rumble coming from his chest punctuating his words as he stepped forward, his green aura blazing brighter with each step he took closer to the Female Fury.

"Mercy?" She asked with a slight quiver to her voice as everyone in the room smelled urine with the source being obvious.

Arius simply responded with a sadistic smile that mirrored the one Granny Goodness had prior as he gripped her head within his palm.

"Pray that your oh so wonderful god Darkseid has a good dental plan because after today I'm going to be considered a dentist and I'm sending him the bill." Arius said with a chuckle.

AN: Soooo that was something. I was planning on skimming past some of this, but I found it hilarious to write some of these scenes knowing that with the power of plot Arius would always get his lick back. Also the fact that Santa is canon in DC, constantly delivers coal to Darkseid every year is absolutely hilarious.

Again a Rather Shameless plug, but if you like the story and want to read advanced chapter consider going my patron to support me. There's some other stories that I haven't released yet and with the P site being wonky I also made a subscribe star as a backup.

Patreon: ChineseChung

SS: ChineseChung

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