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93.44% Apprehension: Part Two / Chapter 57: We Need to Talk

Chapitre 57: We Need to Talk

They walked into his house, and she turned to him.

"I just wanted to thank you for that. It was such an awesome night; it could not have been more perfect. I never could have imagined that you had such an awesome voice. You said you couldn't sing."

"Well, a few things left for you to learn about me. And I never said I couldn't sing. I said I didn't sing. And your singing is wonderful," he said.

"Well, thank you again; the dinner was amazing, and taking me to karaoke was something I know you did not want to do, but you did it for me, and I appreciate that."

"Allie, I would do anything for you. I hope you know that. I am going to take care of you regardless of what the future holds. You are my Princess Buttercup."

"And you are my Cowboy. You know you have absolutely no idea how fucking hot it was to see you take that guy out. I have never seen you physical before. I knew you were perfectly capable of kicking someone's ass, but to see it live was something else."

"Normally, people are not stupid enough to start shit with me. I haven't fought anyone since I was in college," he said.

"You and I should go at it one day. I would love to see you take me on."

"Oh really? I might take you up on that. There is nothing more I enjoy than rolling around with you. So exactly how hot did it make you?" he asked.

She hopped up and sat on the stainless-steel island, pulled him into her, and kissed him deeply. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself forward. She unbuttoned his shirt, never taking her mouth away from his, put her hands under it, and slid it off.

"Is your sister going to be home any time soon?"

"No. She is out with Makayla this evening, and I don't expect her to be back soon," he said.

"Well then."

She took her top off and unbuttoned his pants. They fell to the floor. He removed his shoes and slipped out of his pants, kicking them off.

She lay back onto the counter, the stainless steel was cold on her body. Her shoes fell off and clomped on the floor. He slid her pants down, taking hold of her panties on the way, and pulled them both off.

Fuck I love her natural scent. How? I'm not cut out for this.

She sat up, and he pulled her back into him. He could feel her warmth on his stomach.

"Hold on just one thing," he said.

He reached down and grabbed her heels. He gently put them back on her feet like a prince looking for his princess. He backed up and looked at her. She had her long legs dangling down, swinging them back and forth.

"Holy mother of God in heaven, that has got to be the most sensual thing I have ever seen."

"Is that why you said the shoes were actually for you? She crossed her long legs.

"You have no clue how sexy you are and what you do to me when you look at me like you are right now."

He ran this tongue up her leg from her ankle, over her knee, up her thigh to her pelvis. He slowly parted her legs and gently put them over his shoulders. He buried his face in between her perfectly toned thighs. He flicked his tongue over her hard clit, flicking and sucking.

She moaned. "Dean, put your tongue inside of me, please," she begged.

He plunged it as far as he could and then flicked it around her slick inner walls. He nuzzled his face as far as her body would let him go. He made noises of enjoyment and satisfaction. The louder the noise, the more it turned her on.

Her back, no longer cold, was beginning to sweat. She slowly started rocking herself back and forth, going in the opposite rhythm of his tongue, pushing him deeper inside her with each pass.

"How can you possibly be this good at this? Fuck babe," she said. "You may not have had a lot of experience in the sex department, but you have pleasured me since the first night we were together."

She became lightheaded, and her toes began curling inside her heels. She burst into his mouth, and he tasted her sweetness.

He would have to give this up for what he assumed would be a long time. Then again, any time away from her is too long. The thought made him want to cry.

"I will never forget the way you taste Allie."

He kissed her on her stomach. "Why would you, Cowboy? You can taste me anytime your big heart desires."

"Will you always love me, Allie?" he asked.

She sat up. "Of course I will. Babe, what is going on with you?"

"No. I just get overtaken by my love for you sometimes. I am so unbelievably lucky to have your love and trust unequivocally."

She put her forehead on his. "To quote your New Kids, 'I'll be loving you forever. Just as long as you want it to be. I'll be loving you forever. All this love's for you and me.' Now, I need to feel you inside me. Which is also something else you can do anytime you want to," she whispered to him.

He slid her off the counter, and she began to walk towards the stairs, her new Louboutin clicking on the ceramic tile.

He grabbed her by the arm. "And where the hell do you think you're going?"

He aggressively pulled her back over to him.

"I was going to go to our room so we could—"

He kissed her aggressively and hard. "I can't wait that long. I'm going to bend you over this counter, and you're going to take every inch of me and every drip of my seed."

He touched her neck, lifting her chin and pulling her head back. He whispered into her ear.

"Every… fucking… inch."

"Oh, Cowboy, do what you will with me."

He bent her over, grasped her shoulder, and put his other hand on her hip. He pushed himself into her. It was so zealous that it jolted her forward, and her pelvis made hard contact with the counter. "Princess, you are so wet for me. Have you craved all day? Because I crave you every second of every day." He pounded into her. He was relentless. She felt amazing. With her slick walls and the sweat that makes her skin glow.

Allie was so turned on by him taking control of her. He had never spoken like that. She once mentioned how she liked it now and then, but he never did. Swearing wasn't really in his nature. Watching him tonight, now this. She relinquished herself to him.

"Oh my God, Dean," she said with passion.

He thrusted himself hard. It felt so good. He put both hands on her hips, vigorously rocking her back and forth. He gently bit her shoulder. He fucked her like his life, their lives depending on it.

"Harder. Bite me like you mean it."

He increased the pressure of his bite.

"More," she said.

He clamped down on her shoulder. She screamed, not in pain, not in fright, but in pure ecstasy.

It made him increase his pace. He was hard, and she could tell he was on the brink. She held herself firmly in place. The sound of their skin slick, slapping, making contact with places she didn't know existed. How did he know about this?

He absolutely enjoyed taking charge and being assertive. He was relentless and completely dominated her. He had never been this way before. He wanted her to know how much he craved her. He felt so free at that moment he couldn't contain himself any longer, neither could she.

He pulled her hair, bringing her head back. Her face to his. He kissed her aggressively. His hand went around her throat, and he squeezed. Not to hard but it did the job.

His hand wrapped around my neck is a new thing he seems to be introducing to our relationship. No, to our marriage, and fuck, it makes me so wet he slides his cock with ease.

"You like that, don't you? It makes our sex a little more adventurous. Not that it wasn't good before."

Tighter Farmboy. He squeezed her throat and his grip grew tighter on her hair. "As you wish."

The look on her face was pure sin and sex. It was a look he hadn't seen in a while.

"Come for me, my beautiful, sexy wife-to-be. I can your pussy quivering." He took the hand that was pulling her hair and started to make the infinity sign. ♾️

Sexy wife-to-be was all she needed to hear. Her walls spasmed. She leaned over and put her forearms on the counter. She opened her mouth, and her scream of pleasure echoed through every square foot of the house.

"Yes, please fill my pussy."

He gripped her hips almost painfully. He pounded into her.

"Come in my cunt Dean."

With that, he filled her. She felt him throbbing. She felt him grow harder and larger. He rolled his hips, and the feeling was magical.

"I'm coming, Allie. I am going to blow my load right into your cunt, just like you wished."

His legs locked; his glutes seized. He threw his head back and stopped moving, pressing himself into her as hard and far as he possibly could.

"OH MY GOD! Alexsandra!"

They stood there for a minute, coming down from their high, not moving. She stood straight up and craned her neck around, and they kissed softly this time. He moved his hands up her stomach over her ribs and grabbed her breasts, those perfect breasts.

"I love you. You know that, right?" he asked.

"Of course I do, Cowboy."

"Never forget you said that." For the love of all that is holy please never forget that.

They decided to take a shower since they were both naked. They washed each other slowly, making sure they reached every inch of skin. He washed her hair. To him, it was an endearing, deeply personal thing to do, as he loved taking care of her. They stayed in the shower until the hot water ran out, just kissing each other tenderly. They climbed into their bed underneath the soft sheets when they dried off.

She took her favorite position, her head on his chest like a pillow. He cradled her in his arms. He kissed the top of her hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. Allie didn't wear perfume, so he loved smelling the shampoo she used that day. The smell sparks some beautiful memories. Now, when he smells certain scents, I think of things we did in the past. Today, it was coconut.

This is the memory. "Do you remember when we went to that BBQ place?" he asked.

"Oh yeah.," she laughed. "The one we drove for like two hours to get there."

"Yeah, we joked that we should have taken the plane. You ate a full slab of ribs and never wiped your face till you were done."

"In the Corps you can't waste time on frivolous things like cleaning your face."

"Most women would have been on their best behavior ordering a salad and a water."

"What are you talking about? I was on my best behavior. I could have ordered two slabs."

They both laughed. He kissed her on her head. "Do you know what I loved most about that date?"

"Well, we were both ways too full to do anything afterward. So no, I don't think I do."

"You were so genuine. You were just you. You didn't care about what anyone thought. You were the Allie I met the day we had our first date. The one who helped me fix my shooting stance. By the way, (I scored a hundred percent on my qualification, so thank you very much.)"

"Accuracy and precision, and I never care what anyone else thinks," she said.

"And that is definitely one of the things I love the most about you. We have made some perfect memories, haven't we? What is your favorite memory?"

"You're going to think it's weird."

"Why would I think that your favorite memory would be weird?" he asked.

"Because it is. Can I tell you my second favorite?"

"Come on. I won't think it's weird. I want to hear it. Evidently, it means a lot to you."

"OK, remember when we were at the lake with your parents?"

"Yeah, that was a wonderful day."

"I had dove off the boat and got that horrible leg cramp. Do you remember that?"

"Yes, I do," he said. "How could I forget that? You had on that bathing suit you had made with your exact measurements. Where did that go, by the way? Could you wear it on the honeymoon? Then I want to take it off you and drop it on the floor."

"I know where it is and will wear it on the honeymoon. Especially if it's going to end up on the floor." She smiled up at him. "Carrying on. I suddenly couldn't swim, I locked up. I ended up going underwater, and I took in this huge gulp. Before I was able to even react, you had grabbed me and pulled me up. You jumped in after me so fast. I thought I was going to drown. I think my life started to flash in front of my eyes."

"OK, you're right. I do think this is actually bizarre; it's the best memory. I take back what I said about it being a wonderful day."

"Well, I had to tell you that part to get to this part," she said.

"When I surfaced, I was coughing hard, trying to get the water out of my lungs. I heard you say don't worry. I've got you. I'll always be there to get you. Nothing's going to happen while I'm around. You swam me back to the boat like a Coast Guard rescue swimmer. I sat down, and you held a towel around me. For a moment, underwater, I was scared. I was scared because I never really had anyone to pull me back up and keep my head above water. That showed me what kind of person you truly are."

"Wow. Your memory is so much better than mine."

"Well, normally, when you say what's your best memory, almost dying really doesn't come to mind."

Again, he squeezed her tight and kissed her forehead.

"Why are we discussing this? Are you dying? Holy shit am I dying?" she asked.

"No, I think it's good to talk about your memories. That way, they're reinforced and burned into your mind, and you don't forget the good times... then maybe the less tough times you'll remember."

"Damn, baby. That was profound. You've been watching Doctor Phil or something?"

"No, just reading up on some of those things to expect when you're getting married. How to be a better husband. That kind of stuff," he said.

"Oh, honey, you can read all the books in the world. You should write one because I don't think there is going to be anyone who makes a better husband than you."

"Buttercup, what do you think life will be like when we are married?"

"I hope it's not as different as it is now. I look at your parents and how much they are still so very much in love with each other. How much they still long for each other."

"I know what you mean. We would be blessed to have a marriage like my parents. It is exceedingly rare to see a couple who have been married as long as they are still pining over each other after all these years," he said.

"Well, if we follow a few rules, we can keep the relationship in decent shape."

"Rules? What would those be?" he asked.

She rolled over, rested her chin on his chest, and looked up at him. She was so in love that it hurt sometimes.

"Well, rule number one, never stop slow dancing with me. No matter the place or the time, with or without music, hold me close and dance with me."

"I can do that with ease. I love holding you close. What number two?"

"Cook with me. I loved cooking with you the first time I came over. It was fun and different. I really loved it when we danced in your kitchen."

"You just liked using my knives," he said with a laugh.

"Yes, true. But what yours is mine, and if I actually had anything, it would be yours."

"As long as you are mine, I will be just fine. Number three?"

"Always sleep in the same bed and tell me I love you no matter what has happened that day, even if you have an argument or something."

"So far, I am all for these rules. Number four?" he asked.

"Make love to me often but fuck me now and then. What happened in the kitchen tonight was an excellent example of the latter."

"Oh, my God, you will be the best wife ever! Is there anything else? At this rate, I really hope there is more."

She climbed on top of him and looked down into his eyes. She bent over and gave him a passionate kiss. He took his hands and held her face. He kissed her back, their tongues fencing each other.

"Wow, what was that?" he asked.

"That was number five. Promise to kiss me like that at least once a day. I never want us to lose our passion."

"Yes, Ma'am. Anything else?"

"This is the most important."

"Okay, I'm listening," he said.

"Promise me something. You can skip all the others, but you must do this one."

"Anything Buttercup. I promise."

"Never, and I mean never, ever leave me. Don't die first. Don't get kidnapped. Don't get abducted by aliens. Just be by my side every day and every night till death do us part. I couldn't take being abandoned by love again. SO, promise me, Dean. Tell me as you wish."

Oh fuck. Did she really just say that?

"So, these are your terms and conditions?"

"Yes, this is the fine print, and I will say them in our vows so that it becomes a binding contract. As long as you never leave my side, you can go on a trip with your buddies if you want to, like go on a golf trip or something. I'm not going to hold you prisoner. A few days is not an issue. But, do not run off and join the circus and become their strongman or something."

He smiled and laughed. "I promise that will never happen."

"Just don't leave me," she begged. "I don't know how much more my heart can take."

She was waiting for him to say, "I promise that will never happen either," but he didn't, so she continued.

"I am unsure if I would authorize a trip to Vegas with the guys. That whole what happens in Vegas thing. I don't think I would like you and your buddies to—. Wait! I have a great idea. Let's go to Vegas for our bachelor and bachelorette parties. I mean, we can afford it. Well, you can afford it. Somebody can afford it. We can take everyone there, can't we? I think it would be a lot of fun. I mean we don't have to stay with each other the entire time. At least I know I'm getting laid when I'm there by a hot guy. Who's going to be your best man? I don't remember you telling me. Is it going to be David? I'm going to have Makayla and your sister, and I was going to ask Shelly and I'm going to ask Bruss to walk me down the aisle."

"Allie, slow down."

"But it's coming up fast, and we haven't talked much this past month," she said.

"Alexsandra, stop!"

He put his fingers to her lips. "We need to talk."

Those are the four worst words to make a sentence out of.

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