"Give your heart and soul to me. And life will always be la vie en rose." Blade ran her fingers through her hair, relishing in the feel of the warm water rolling over her skin. She closed her eyes, launching into another round of La Vie En Rose. "BLADE! YOU WANT WAFFLES OR PANCAKES?" Andy yelled up the stairs. The girl jumped, blushing at the thought of him hearing her sing. "PANCAKES PLEASE!" she answered. She quickly finished showering, pulling on a gray sundress and her socks. She put her hair in a high pony tail before going downstairs. She continued to hum a random melody as she dragged her hand along the rail. The place smelled of blueberry pancakes and maple syrup, making her mouth water. "HEY! PUT IT DOWN!" Andy yelled. Blade walked into the kitchen to see CC drinking the maple syrup, Jake sitting on the counter eating the container of blue berries, and Ashley playfully smacking Jinxx with the spatula. The 12-year-old couldn't help but smile at the sight of five grown men acting like children. Andy smiled at her, shaking his head as he held and arm out. She walked into his embrace, hugging his torso as he got another spatula and flipped the pancakes with one hand while hugging her with his free arm. "Where'd she come from?" CC asked when he finished trying to give himself diabetes. Blade tensed, bunching Andy's shirt up in her hands as all eyes turned to her. Andy let go of her, putting two pancakes on a plate and patting her head before motioning to the couch. She nodded, sitting down and turning on the TV. She heard the guys whispering from the kitchen, making her anxiety act up as she tried to focus on the episode of Spongebob that was playing. Andy came back a few minutes later, sitting down and wrapping an arm around her as she nibbled her breakfast. She finished just as the show went off, letting the singer take her hand and lead her back into the kitchen. "Blade, this is CC, Ashley, Jake and Jinxx." Andy said. All the members gave her bright smiles, making the girl blush as she waved shyly. "We heard you singing earlier. Your voice is really pretty." Ashley said. Blade blushed, hiding behind Andy as a smile spread across her features. "Aww, she's hiding!" CC exclaimed. Andy pulled the kid out from behind him, wrapping his arms around her and resting them just between her ribs. The girl leaned into him, putting her hands over his. "Whatcha wanna do today?" Jinxx asked. Blade's eyes widened, her pale face turning a dark shade of crimson. Andy smiled, trying not to tell Jinxx the girl had a crush on him. "You need clothes and a phone. You also need stuff to decorate your room with so how about we go shopping?" The vocalist said. Blade nodded, giggling as Andy picked her up and set her on the counter. He handed her another pancake, smiling as she shoved it in her mouth. "Is it good?" He asked. The girl nodded, taking a drink of water as she listened to the guys talk. "So, tell us about yourself." Jake said as he sat beside her. "Well, I love art, creative writing, runnning cross country, I could play guitar before I could read and one of the guys at the orphanage taught me some drums about a year ago." she said. "Oh, and I also love writing lyrics and baking." she said. The guys nodded, showing great interest in her hobbies. "What songs can you play?" Ashley asked. "Uh, the only BVB songs I can play are Carolyn and Perfect Weapon but I want to learn The Mortician's Daughter. I mostly write songs." she said. The guys nodded, Jinxx diappearing. He came back a minute later with his giutar and an amp. He plugged it in and handed it to her, turning the volume up. "Shred away, kid." he said. Blade nodded, closing her eyes as she began playing a foreign riff. It quite heavy, and catchy as well. A minute later she began singing.
We're all told that when we die
We leave to a better place
And all I know is what you left
A love I can't erase
All the same in love and war
Burn my name and ashes scorn
You left me with these broken lies
And I let you
Got no more time for your goodbyes
So god bless you
God bless you
Shed those faded memories
This is your curtain call
I've had enough of sympathy
It's time to watch you fall
All the same in love and war
You left me with these broken lies
And I let you
Got no more time for your goodbyes
So god bless you
So god bless you
God bless you
God bless you
God bless you
You left me with these broken lies
And I let you
Got no more time for your goodbyes
So god bless you
You left me with these broken lies
And I let you
Got no more time for your goodbyes
So god bless you
So god bless you
God bless you
God bless you
God bless you
The guys stood there, mouths open and eyes wide with surprise. "Holy shit," Jinxx said, astonished. "A-and y-you wrote that?"Andy asked, his usually smooth voice shaking. Blade nodded, blushing deeply as the guys smiled brightly. "Yeah, you're definitely gonna fit in with us," Ashley said. CC walked over to her, lifting her off of the counter and holding her by her ankles. "THIS SONG'S GOIN ON THE NEW ALBUM!" he screamed as he ran through the house with her hanging upside down. Blade shrieked with excitement, laughing as she screamed the lyrics to her song again. The guys laughed as CC began tickling the 12-year-old, making her giggle and shriek even louder. "ANDY SAVE ME!" she screamed between laughs. The vocalist laughed, running over and grabbing the drummer. Andy pulled him off of her, motioning for her to run upstairs. Blade nodded and sprinted up the stairs two at a time before slamming her door shut. She slipped into a pair of red skinny jeans, a Bring Me The Horizon t-shirt, and a Blink-182 jacket. She took her hair down and straightened it, before doing her makeup and spritzing herself with some cheap perfume she had gotten at the dollar store. She brushed her teeth and pulled her chucks on before running back downstairs. She found Andy standing by the door with his keys. "Ready? The guys already left so it's just me and you until this evening," he said. Blade nodded, following him out the door and to the car. "Watcha wanna listen too?" the singer asked. "You like Motley Crue?" she asked. Andy gasped, digging through his center console for his greatest hits CD. "Motley Crue rocks! I didn't know there were any kids who like Motley Crue anymore!" he exclaimed, seemingly turning into an excited five-year-old again. Blade giggled, singing along to Girls Girls Girls as they sped down the road.
Hey, my lovely emo kitties! It's Emerson, of course. I just wanted to thank you for reading my book! If you have any ideas please feel free to comment them and I'll try to integrate them into the book!
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