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50% ADAM & THE ONE / Chapter 1: 1


Auteur: Cr0Wn3r

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: 1

In the void at the end of time and space, two beings met. In appearance, one of them is a cluster of galaxies in human form.

The second being is a man about two meters tall. He wears only pants, worn, torn, and discolored. The man looks healthy and muscular, his black hair with a shine of red in between down to his lower back in disarray and untidy, as if birds had built a nest in there. A face that is still handsome even under all that filth, sharp facial lines and eyebrows like swords, chapped and dry lips as if he hadn't drunk water for weeks, with an unkempt beard. His brown almost black eyes are deep but murky, and cloudy, covered in the fog of memory, when focused they are like an abyss, or black hole drawing you in. With no feeling no color, or even life.

The sound of a small child is heard and everything pauses "Daaddy But he looks like a beggav!"

Then, the small chuckle of a grown man is heard.

"Sweetheart he looks like that because he is tired and worn out."

The voice of a little girl says and counts on her fingers "Buut, he has no šult. He's all duvti, and His panties ave all tovn. When his pavents see him, he will be in biiig tvable, and what if he...has no money? No money to buy move? panties and sult If he has no money what will he eat?"

"No honey, he's rich very very rich! But that man doesn't see any reason why he should buy other pants. Plus, he doesn't need it. Just like, you when you run around, through the house." A grown man tries to explain with warmth in his voice with a gentle tone.

"Nnn, Okeey Daddy you can continue!" The child's voice answers.

And the grown man continues the story where he left off.

His gaze is empty as if he's looking at you, but through you. Not at someone, but into something else, something more or far away, with a dreamy look that tells you, he's seen and been through everything low and high, good and bad.

A childish voice is heard again

"Daddy, did it hult him if he bvoke something and how can he see evlithing? Is he?...one of those, Biig bad uncels? Did he see me?!" She first looked around and then patted her chest "Fuuu, I'm in the house! I have my Daddy heve with me, big badis won't come neav me! You won't look at me!"

The child's laughter can be heard in the background, like bells.

The grown man answered, with a smile that could not be seen but felt.

"Pumpkin, that man didn't break anything he is hurting here, inside." And he pointed at the place where the heart is "And he hasn't seen you or knows about you, yet."

The last word quietly, so that only he could hear it.

Another voice is heard, but this one is from a slightly older child.

"Anna, let Dad continue with a story. I haven't heard this one yet, maybe there will be some good action, or knights and dragons!"

A little girl now named Anna says "aaand pvincesses! ooo unicolnss and holses with wingss?"

She says with a smile and raises her arms like wings trying to fly.

The little boy replied, rolling his eyes at his little sister's antics "Pegasus Anna, their name is Pegasus."

Man a little amused that the children started their bickering "Guys, can I? Continue the story, please?" Soft and gentle, so that the children don't realize that he is, a little angry.

Both children answer "Yes Daddy!"

They talked and started to catch up, they talked about the old times.

About the strange creatures that the man met on the road, about the strange and interesting events, he saw through travel, about anything and everything.

"It's been a long time since we met, Adam. About 6 billion years?" The creature vocalizes, even if it doesn't have a mouth.

Still, with a dreamy look and forced smile, Adam says "Yeah, Source...looong time no see."

"Do you know, you are the last living being in this verse?"

"Wha?? Ohh I see, last, being...ha haha I see... So, that's why? I can't find anyone, anywhere! There's no way I'll find, them then haah." He exhales deeply with disappointment and loss

"Still searching for them?" The creature now named Source says.

"Yepp buddy, I always did. But now, there is no need anymore I think?" Adam was uncertain and lost, not knowing what to do now.

"At the end of everything you give up! Wow! Well, I can tell you that, my friend, you are the only one who has searched through all of creation for the ones he loves!" A source says impressed and in admiration.

"Uuu pvincess I can feel it!" Anna's voice can be heard in the background with excitement.

"I really don't know what to call you for something like that, a madman? A lunatic? I will tell you this, you are the only one, who has done something like that in my entire existence!" Source continued his speech looking at Adam

Adam answered, with a lost and dreamy look that watches into the past, with a forced smile, and of sadness.

"You can call me whatever you want. I've already heard them all, it doesn't bother me.

"Source you know before the world around me had, colors, taste, and smell."

"With her, the world was shining! With them, it was warmer, just better!" He smiled a little, at the memory

"The day I lost her I lost, everything, my soul, my feelings, my colors...I live like a husk, just waiting for my time, for death to take me in her embrace, to join my loved ones."

"Only the hope that I will find her, or form of them, keeps me going."

"If I can't find them, then what's the point in living? Is this? Even called, living?"

"You know, I exist only because of this hope, which is dying day in and day out, hope, that one day I'll find her or them, but now even that glimmer of hope has gone out."

Adam speaks quietly, with a forced and ugly smile, remembering the good times, wishing he could see his family, his sweetheart again, as the last light in his eyes goes out.

"I often think, whether to end this miserable existence or not, didn't want to self-destruct, because of that hope, where I will find some of them... To some kind of reunion, to embrace them, melt her into me. And well, the energy that I will produce, to destroy every life...I didn't want, to risk it, that some of them might be out there, somewhere, but now..." Adam pauses in his speech, looking at his empty and rough hands, blankly without any goal or knowing where to go now

"Now...there is nothing to stop you and nothing to destroy." The source continued Adam's thought with a deep and meaningful voice.

Adam begins his self-destruction sequence.

Woow man, what the fu*k slow down! Give me a moment, For Verses' sake, you didn't even hesitate for a second. Before you go, all out on your, suicidally eksplosion road. Let me explain some things to you." While Adam's wild energy turns into a cluster of white suns and holes in the void begin to appear.

"First is that I, can't reset this verse as long as you exist or decide to travel to another verse. I'm all ready billions of years, in your sense late with this reset, so a couple of minutes won't harm you!" Source starts talking a little in panic

"ADAM, buddy, Take it easy man, if you self-destruct, it won't do you anything good. Your soul will have to go through thousands of reincarnations. C'mon man, I don't even want to think, about how much time it would take just for your soul to be cleansed of memories."

Anna asks with curious eyes "Daddy, what is weeivaaation?"

The man chuckles a little at her attempt to say a big word and says "Reincarnation honey, that's too big a word for you. Reincarnation is when you are born, with or you wake up memories from a past life."

She didn't understand the meaning, but she didn't like that, she didn't want memories without her family "I don't want those memovies, Daddy, I just want my memovies of Daddy and Mommy! and big blo!" For her, memories are when she plays with mommy, daddy, and big brother and she is happy then, which means that memories are happiness, and she is always happy with her parents.

The man looks at his daughter with playful interest. Her face is serious, but more cute than serious with her big eyes and baby fat on the cheeks "You don't have to worry your little head about it, honey."

"And this verse no longer has any lives! So, it's impossible to go through reincarnation!" The voice of the Source is heard again.

"If you do that, you'll end up, in emptiness forever! Your soul is too strong to be destroyed! It will be corroded and all you can do is step in and out of the madness!

To cleanse your soul from the memories in preparation for reincarnation, it will take, I don't know about 3 billion years and that's just because, all the power of the system would work only, on you!" The Source tries to explain to Adam, in a hurry, hoping to stop self-destruction

"And that's just, for one life!!" The source continues to speak in a hurry. It can feel it, those living sun next to it, if it explodes, it will die. Muttering to itself "Oh c'mon man, this is sooo not fair!

"That's why, my friend I, We have an offer for you, since, you are the last living being in this verse Great Me, and my Big Boss! of course, we are giving you the chance to travel to another verse!"

"It's not like you can't do it yourself." mutters this to itself quietly so that Adam, can barely hear it. "Of your choice orrr!" The source pauses dramatically and notices that the heat in the living sun is getting less and less. It sighs in relief and wipes off the sweat that is barely noticeable except on its eyebrows which are nothing but pure skin or the universe matter.

Adam regaining control over the wild energy within him with a shocked face says "Huu, You know if I don't know you better, I would think you're afraid of big kabooms, maybe you don't wanna get rid of me?" with a little humor in his voice.

Source surprised with Adam's time of humor and the situation in which it found itself replied "Because that's exactly what I want! To get rid of you! I cannot fulfill my purpose until you are gone! And if you're doing, Your kabooms? I need to put the whole system online, again!"

"You see my purpose is only the beginning and the end. I spend the time in between observing, but without interacting. Well, most of the time!" With a raised voice.

It gave Adam a look out of the corner of their eye to see how he would react and if he might do something or if he had calmed down.

"You are the first mortal, to know of my existence. The first mortal I consider...a friend, and only because of that, Big Boss allows my...our's idea."

"Otherwise, I would be erased, just because I communicate with you!" The source continues still observing Adam, wondering if he might know what the verse really is and what lies beyond.

"You consider me a friend? Haaa! I know it, you were actually soft, somewhere deep like very very, veery deeeep down!" Adam replied still humorous, he noticed that Source observed him and found it a little strange but he didn't care.

"Ooooy!"A source gave him half angry and frowning look out of the corner of the eye or black hole, emptiness? as if Adam had offended it but Adam just ignored it. Source sighs at that.

"I see that your sense of humor is still alive, bearly!" The source says a little humorously with a snicker "Aheem, let me continue. This verse has come to an end, and I should reset it. Let the cycle repeat itself, however, I'm not able to do that, because of you! We can be friends, but, my purpose is forcing me to reset this verse, which is impossible, for now."

"That's why, We, came up with two offers for you! Move to another verse orrrr! (drums music in the background) send you back to the past!"

Source looked at Adam and saw exactly what it hoped for, how his brain started clicking and buzzing, connecting things, as if the hamster on the wheel started turning faster and faster. And Source actually sees an old and fat hamster, that sighs, how turns off the TV, gets up from the couch, and gradually starts to run on a spinning wheel, in Adam's head.

Adam freezes first and needs some time to connect the dots, then starts to shake, shaking from excitement, from anger, but most of all from the hope, that he has lost.

His eyes, begin to shine like two suns, two lights in the dark from excitement, it would have blinded Source, if the Galaxy creature had eyes.

"You can do, that??! Wait! Why? Just, why? Didn't you tell me before!!?? You know I'm searching for everyone!! You know that I went through everywhere and everything!!! I turned every stone and every mountain!! Every living and non-living creature! And I didn't find them!! and after soo many times, you are telling me that you...! he gasps hard


While Adam yelled all angry and frantic, he somehow, formed himself next to the Source and started shaking it, like a doll, breathing, like he was an angry bull. With a red face and smoke coming out from his ears and nose.

Source barely able to speak from all that shaking "It wasn't posiIiiible befooOrre, but noOoOw it IiiIs. While youUUu were looking foOOoor her through the whoOOoOOle creatiooOn, I absorbed the exceeEEEess energy! and wIIith the heeEEelp of the BiiiIiIiIg Boss! we found a possible soOOoOolution for almost all ours proOOoblems."

"CAAan you, please stooOop shaking meEEee!? It's uncOoOOomfortable!"

Adam stopped shaking it, to hear properly. In concentration and attention, followed his every word carefully like a child, before Christmas presents, with a sparkle, in his eyes.

Source coming to its senses continued "We, made a plan, after you go all kamikaze on yourself, We would use some of that energy, to return you to the past."

"And the rest, for some benefits and maybeee some other things that will benefit both, you and me, and Big Boss! Your soul will be badly cracked, after being torn to pieces, but nothing dangerous, well for you!"

"It will heal after a couple of years and you will lose your memory, for some time."

Adam remembered that Source had mentioned its Big Boss on a couple of occasions and asked a little curiously.

"Your boss? You mean, this verse? What's in it for it?" He asks with a small frown.

Source figures that Adam knows a little more than he lets on, but it also notices that Adam simply doesn't care and answers "A lot, if you help with our, problems, we would have more energy and manpower for, other things."

"Which means my, kind? would have more free...I mean time, for more important things. Yes, very, important things. The Big Boss would thus save a lot more of Its energy, and if it is possible to save enough of that energy to create a new omniverse!"

"And so, a circle is created, where the Big Boss gets more energy, becomes bigger, and stronger. Then we, his creatures, get more energy, etc etc."

Source stops its rambling remembering why it wanted to find Adam "And offer that..." PrrrrFffFfFFffttt

The scene paused, and now the man, who has not been heard from for a long time, turns his eyes to his children and sees that they are both sleeping.

And that strange sound was produced by his son's, active metabolism. Looking at his son, who is in the land of dreams, without a care in the world, the man's eyebrow twitched twice, and inhaled deeply only to quickly exhale he didn't know, what to laugh or cry at his son poisonous deadly attack but decides to shed a tear cause of that deadly gas that has released into the world of the living!

In the end, he just exhales and chuckles quietly, so as not to wake up the children.

He gets up from the bed where his daughter is sleeping, kisses them on the foreheads, and walks out of the room, muttering how his little troublemakers, are a biohazard to this world with a smile on his face.

At the door, he sees his wife leaning on a corner, looking at him and the children with her clear big blue eyes, and gentle smile on her lips.

"They already fell asleep? That was, fast. Now, either you are a real storyteller, or that story is too boring." The woman says with a little laugh and teasing looking at the stuffy face of her husband.

"A storyteller, for sure. At least, I hope so?" The man answers a little uncertainly and exhales.

"I found out that little daredevils like stories and fairytales, while I was reading them, how excited the little ones were to hear what is happening next."

"So I was thinking like Hey! I have one of the best stories. I thought, I'd tell them, how I met you, what and where I went through, as a story."

He says with his shoulders slumped as if, he has a big burden on his back, a little disappointed and powerless. "I was looking forward to telling them that as a story." With a pout on the lips.

"But those..."sigh "they fell asleep too quickly, and they want to hear only action and adventure or princesses! Little, rascals? Grr, You see! That's how affected I am, I can't even think of an insult for my own kids."

He says a little displeased but still with warmth in his voice.

She smiles sweetly and says "You know, they're only 3 and 7 years old. They, won't understand... like half of that."

"Don't get me started on, how much blood, gore, and ugly...things there were in your life."

"I'll let you tell them until, the end of the first world, others are not for them. It can give them nightmares, and leave scars on their psyche." That sweet smile turned into a serious and thinking face. She entered lecturing mode.

However, his wife doesn't understand that her serious face is fatal to his heart. Especially now, that she's wearing glasses and an apron over her dress.

He looked at her, with half-closed eyes in which a dangerous light passed, with a dangerous idea.

"Don't worry, I know. You act like, a mama bear. Plus, I didn't mean to tell them about ugly things. I would add some, loony things, you know from cartoons and anime logic to minimize and make the violent and bloody scenes more, comical and funny."

He says in a slightly deeper and quieter voice than usual, still with half-closed eyes as he processes the idea of another possible addition to the family. His gaze passed through her body, slowing down slightly, on her curves, hardening his...thought, yes thought!

Still, unaware of the hungry beast, looking at her, like a piece of meat, she continued "Okay, I know you love them, and you care for them and all, but your common sense, it's a little off!"

"That's why before you start telling them any of those stories I want you to consult... Why are you looking at me, like that?" She turned to him in the middle of talking and noticed that he was looking at her strangely, so she asked a little curiously

"Hmm the children are sleeping, and it is still quite early. Should I make a move? Maybe make another one tonight? Naah let nature take its course. So if she doesn't want one more... still it can be practice for the future!" He answered unconsciously, still thinking, about how to tell his wife, that he would really like, some action tonight.

But he won't force it, if, happens happens.

She hears him and freezes on the spot, then she starts turning red, from her neck to her ears, little by little redder and redder, like a ripe tomato.

"ADAM!!" She whimpers quietly, so as not to wake up the children in embarrassment. Stomping on the floor.

(Even after two children, she is still still so hot, Verse, this woman, Is going to drive me crazy!) His eyes start to pulsate red, with tiny veins around the pupil. His heart beats faster, and his breathing is rough and quick, but his body stands hard and unmoving, barely preventing himself not to jumping on her now and here.

She, sees his...reaction, squeals, like a small frightened animal, and starts running away, from the beast that is her husband. After two steps, she was caught in a strong and gentle grip. The strong one seems to protect her, from the world, as the strongest shield, and the gentle one, holds her gently like a snowflake, that will melt at any moment. She squeals again but this time, out of a little fear and a lot of excitement. She hears, a deep, male chuckle, but quiet enough, just to reach her ears, with warm air passing through her skin. The next moment, she caught the scent of her beloved and leaned against his chest.

A deep voice, behind her whispers, with so much warmth and conviction that, she melts in his arms. "Love, between you and all life in this universe, I choose you...always you."

She knows it's true because he did much worse things for her, one universe is insignificant!

He, destroyed the multiverses, just to come to her. As he carries her in his arms, towards the room, He turns, and looks into the void, with red eyes and whispers something, that no one heard and understood.

In an unknown location, we have a man writing something on his phone, as the wind blows, it brings an unknown voice and words to which the man freezes and looks around, like a madman.

Adam doesn't allow it and disagrees with writing R18+! between him and his wife! He heard that, and the man thought must be the wind. He thought, looks like I'm starting to hallucinate a little, maybe (I shouldn't have eaten that last cookie. yeeah, I must heard wrong) he wanted to continue writing this chapter...then he saw, that same sentence in his phone. He freezes then looks again, but now brings the phone closer wipes his eyes, and looks again. Ooh, I see this is some Deadpool bullshit! He laughed, nervously looking around, and closed this chapter. "Bullshit breaking fourth wall characters..."slap "Auch what was that?!?!"

Cr0Wn3r Cr0Wn3r

English is not my first language. I started writing this out of pure boredom that, turned into a hobby. To get ideas out of my head. If you like it great, if not, I don't care

I noticed that I messed up the story because I didn't put ?,! and a lot of it was lost in meaning, I'm going to fix that!

I fixed it! enjoy!

I fixed the grammar again this time

I think I'm done with this, I won't change anything anymore

next chapter
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