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85.27% A True Beginning / Chapter 168: Ch.2

Chapitre 168: Ch.2

The big game happened and we won, to my relief and my bookies shame. I'd bet seven hundred on ten to one odds for the state championship for this season and with our win, I'd just won seven grand.

It was all my savings so it was nice to receive a return on my investments. With the spare cash, I tucked it away for future bets. The rest of my allowances and spare cash would be going to a truck fund from now on.

It'll be interesting to see which one fills up faster. A couple days later Clark mentioned something about flying or floating in his sleep as he called it and asked if I'd done something similar. I shook my head. "I can't say I have though it can't hurt to try."

I jumped off the loft rail and thought of the feeling of flying free. Of soaring through an endless sea of clouds and blue sky. I actually levitated for a moment before falling on my ass. "Ow, ok, that was interesting!"

Clark spoke excitedly. "You can do it too!"

I nodded. "Yeah, though for a second there I thought I was weightless. I guess I'll need to practice that sooner or later."

He asked. "What were you thinking of when you did it?"

I shrugged and brushed the straw off my pants. "I was thinking about what it would feel like to be free of all my burdens and just drift through the sky like a bird. That is until gravity set in and kicked my butt."

He nodded, thinking on my words but shook his head. "I can't stop thinking."

I sighed. "Maybe that's the trick? To clear your mind of all doubt."

He shook his head. "I hope it's not or k don't think I'll ever figure it out. Do, do you just ever want to know what it feels like to be normal?"

I chuckled. "Who says this isn't normal for you? I bet your biological parents flew all the time. Listen little brother, normal for humans is something I never want to experience. A normal average human is living a boring uneventful life with his hopes and dreams crushed by society's outlooks. No, it's the extraordinary humans I find myself being pulled to. The ones that build up the courage to do so something when others are too afraid to or something no one else has done before. They're what I envy and you, you're extraordinary even amongst them, not because you have speed or strength, even I have that. No, it's the way you look at people and automatically look for the good in them. The way you made friends with Pete in preschool and Chloe last year. Not by astounding them with some feat of power, but a show of kindness even when others were mean."

I patted his shoulder. "Strive to be ordinary all you want Clark, but it's the humanity in you that makes you special, not where you come from or what gifts you have."

He hugged me and and I patted his back and noticed dad and mom in the doorway listening. I sighed and dad spoke up. "I couldn't have said it better myself."

Clark released new and I patted his back before heading inside to grab a bite. My body seemed to require a lot more food after using powers as it seemed to burn through calories at a rapid pace.

A couple weeks later Lex was reported to have robbed a bank and made off with a hundred thousand dollars in cash. Clark had seen him and been knocked through a store window when he threw him. It was all rather dramatic until he mentioned seeing Lex's skeleton.

I nodded. "Sounds useful if you ever want to be a cop or a doctor."

Clark asked. "Can you do it?"

I frowned before squinting at him and seeing his heartbeat before sighing. "Huh, you really are basically human. From the looks of it your organs are all in the same position as humans. That must mean whatever differences are in us lay in your DNA structure. You're probably compatible with humans so you'll definitely need the safe sex talk when you're old enough."

He snorted and rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny!"

I chuckled. "Well, I couldn't resist, though seriously, I'd Lana ever gives you the time of day, be safe. I can watch your back but I ain't watching that. And uncle Jake doesn't do babysitting for little alien poop factories."

He snorted and asked. "Do you think-"

I shrugged. "I don't know Clark. It's a big possibility you can have kids. I wasn't lying about your physiology. As for the X-ray stuff, yeah, I just had to focus, like seeing through a microscope."

He tried again and backed away. "You-your blood! It's green and black. Why is it like that?"

I frowned and looked down at my skin before frowning and thinking about my Klyntar parts. (They're probably why Clark isn't effected by the Kryptonite in my blood.)

I turned back to him and shrugged. "It must be some weird mutation that gave me your abilities. As for why it's green, that would be the meteor rock effects."

He sighed. "That's what I saw in Lex I think, except it was his bones! Wait, why did he effect me and you don't?"

I shrugged again. "I don't know. Maybe it's they way it mutated in each of us meteor infected but so far I've seen a man that can shoot electricity from his hands, one that can make fire with a thought and another that had some kind of super bug powers. Each time I've met them, this happened."

I showed Clark and my parents the electricity in one hand and the fire in the other. They looked deeply concerned but I merely sighed. "I don't know what all abilities Clark has coming but each time he gets them, I seem to adapt and get them as well. So far I've tested the limits of them and found no weaknesses which I think worries me more than if I'd had all their weaknesses."

I looked at Clark. "Whatever you're going through, I seem to be getting all the power but none of the drawbacks. These meteor infected or meteor freaks as Chloe coined them, are turning rabid and I can't help wonder when it's my turn. So you'll understand if I'm not completely worried about you seeing things Clark. In the end, you're too good to go dark. I-I'm only human."

I stood and left them speechless as I headed to my own fortress of solitude, the back forty. There I had a fenced out area where the crops grow around it that I sit in meditation. Dad showed up a while later and tried to give me a pep talk but he had nothing to really encourage me, only leaving with a 'you're my son' speech so you must be good just like Clark.

I waved him off, letting him know we were good in my book as I'd done over the years. He took it as encouragement and gave me a hug before heading inside. Lex has shown up asking about what Clark saw and I let them be.

I bumped into Tina Greer the next day at school and ended up gaining her powers because she was pretending to be Lana. I heard Clark had knocked her out and the police had taken her in, only for her to escape custody and went on the run.

When Clark said it was taken care of, I shifted into him or a look alike anyway and grimaced. "Not quite, I bumped into her this morning sometime. It's the only way I can figure I ended up with this."

I shifted back and grunted. "Damn that hurts. It feels like every bone in my body is breaking and rearranging at super speed."

Clark grimaced as well and I snorted. "Relax, that's one power I won't be using again. Seriously not a fun one to have. But hey, at least there are drawbacks!"

He saw I was a bit happy about that and nodded. "It's something at least. Now if I could just be sure it was you."

I rolled my eyes. "X-ray me. My green and black stuff should be just in my blood still. Besides, I'm the only one I've seen with black goop in my own body. Dead give away."

He nodded and looked me over before saying. "Hey, I've been thinking. Maybe that black stuff is like some kind of antibody to your meteor powers. Like it takes away the bad side effects and your real powers are to mimic abilities or copy them."

I frowned before shrugging. "If that's the case, what happens if the black stuff is taken out someday by some lab coats running experiments on me?"

I shivered and he shook his head. "That won't happen, I won't let it happen."

I sighed. "I'm supposed to be the big brother Clark, not the other way around."

He smiled. "Then how about we compromise, you'll watch my back and I'll watch yours."

I nodded before smiling. "I can live with that. So super boy, how's your practice coming along? Can you use your powers at will?"

He shook his head. "Superboy? Look, Mimic-man, I can't even float like you can when I want to. It's always when I'm dreaming still. The rest of them take time I barely have to practice."

I slapped his shoulder. "Don't sweat it, and don't call me that. That's a horrible nickname. I think I can go by something like Primal. The basic genetic material that takes on all the advantageous DNA as it evolves into something more than it's parts."

He frowned but nodded. "I'm that case, call me Superman."

I snorted and shook my head. "Maybe someday, but not today Supes, now, lets get in some practice. I'll tell you what to use and you don't think, just react. Feel the powers, let them come to you."

We spent several hours running, X-raying and punching things. I showed off my abilities a few times and we did a light sparring in the back forty to test his and my reflexes. I was getting better as my body felt more natural then before. As if it were some kind of mood ring for adapting to it.

I mentioned always feeling stronger during the day and wondered out loud if we were solar powered. He'd taken that and run with the idea while showing me his alien spaceship motherboard.

I looked it over and said. "It's made of the same minerals as the meteor rocks. Next time you see one in the distance, x-ray it and focus your eyes on the particles. It's the same stuff only they give off some kind of radiation. That may be what you're allergic to, the radiation itself or some form of it mixed with the minerals."

He sighed. "It's things like that that make me wish I was normal."

I chuckled. "Having an allergy is normal. Even the fatal ones like yours seems to be. Some people are just unlucky I guess."

He grunted and said. "It is normal isn't it?"

I nodded and he seemed to take heart in that even if it sucked. I tossed the alien motherboard back to him saying. "As for what it says, your guess is as good as mine. For all I know it could be some alien hard drive your biological father sent with you as a last mission to wipe it so he's not remembered for his porn stash."

Clark rolled his eyes and shook his head. "That's messed you."

I shrugged. "So is alien tentacle porn but the Japanese seem to love it. Anyways, I'm beat. I'm gonna grab a shower and hit the hay."

He nodded and I left him there looking at his possible hard drive full of alien porn. A month later December brought with it a cold snap that froze crater lake so naturally those with connections were invited to the keg party by the ice.

Chloe, for instance, dragged me and Clark there to hang out. She ended up letting us off the hook while she mentioned being cold so I shrugged off my jacket and handed it to her.

She looked at me for a second and shrugged with a smile. "Thanks."

I nodded. "No problem. It actually doesn't feel that cold. I guess working on a farm all day in it, filling soil for next season can make you a bit thick skinned."

I looked from her to Clark and she rolled her eyes before saying. "I'm gonna go sit by the fire. Why don't you come keep me warm farm boy."

I chuckled and left Clark who went to try and speak to Lana who was alone at the moment. She dragged me by the fire and sat down while leaning against me. "This is nice."

I chuckled. "You'll have to do more than this to get his attention Chloe. Clark may be perceptive when it comes to work and playing, but he's a bit dense when it comes to matters of the heart."

She snorted. "Maybe tonight isn't about Clark."

I sighed. "We both know you don't mean that and as much as you may try, we both aren't attracted to each other. Besides, being some revenge rebound guy isn't my thing. I can't help you make Clark jealous."

She sighed as well now. "Then tell me he feels anything for me besides friendship."

I hummed. "I don't know his feelings Chloe, I doubt even he does at this point. You can only wait until he figures himself out if you want the real Clark. It's not fair to either of you to expect serious answers and feelings at this age."

She snorted. "And there's the wise sage acting like you've got life experience or something. I've seen the girls drooling over you all the time and yet you've never taken them up on it once. I'm starting to wonder whether you swing the other way."

I chuckled. "Not in this lifetime. No, I just look for more in a person then simple hormonal lust. I want a connection, something real and I'm willing to wait for it."

She sighed. "Touché. So, what are the odds-"

She was interrupted by a guy who came over asking if he could keep her warm with friction. Snorting, I told him. "Piss off Sean. The last girl you dated you slept around with her best friend on. Leave Chloe out of your belt notch mentality."

He grunted. "What are you gonna make me Kent?"

I growled as I stood up, towering over him. He backed off a bit and looked ready to try something until Chloe stood up, interrupting us. "That's it, Jake, take me home, I'm done for the night here."

I sighed. "Alright."

I turned to Sean and Whitney grabbed his shoulder. "Come on man, lets go play some ball down by the lake."

Chloe dragged me passed Sean and Whitney before I heard Whitney telling him in a hushed whisper. "Dude, you really don't want to pick that fight. The Kent's are untouchable in school. I'm not helping if you piss him off. Last time I lost two teeth and broke my nose and that was one hit from him. Back off unless you want the same."

They took off and I passed Clark saying. "I'll swing by after dropping Chloe off and pick you up in a couple hours unless you can get another ride."

He shook his head. "Nah, I'm good here, I'll see you at the home."

I nodded and drove Chloe home in the farm truck I'd used with dad's permission. She looked at me irritatedly. "Just because I have a thing for Clark doesn't mean I can't see other people and hope to make my own connections."

I chuckled. "Then next time if you prefer, I'll let you make your connections with the school horn dog with three STDs. I figured you for a girl who doesn't want the clap and a bad case of the crabs but if that's your thing then-"

She shook her head. "How do you know he has STDs?"

I smirked. "Gym class. He complains about having to put ointment on his junk because it makes the sweat he builds up burn his, well, bits and pieces. Though if you're interested in the forest fire feeling go for it, don't let me stand in your way."

She grimaced. "Yeah, I think I'll pass. But that doesn't mean you should push away everyone but Clark."

I nodded. "Don't worry about it. I've no more interest in pushing guys away now that you've made your stance clear. Scouts honor."

She rolled her eyes. "You're not even a Boy Scout!"

I chuckled. "True, but I do have a merit badge I found when I cleaned out the barn a couple years ago."

She snorted cutely before saying. "You know, if you're going to be pushing guys away, you might as well take responsibility."

I looked her over, smelling a bit of lust from her before sighing. "You don't mean that. I'm not the guy for you and we both know it. A fling isn't what you want."

She sighed and looked me in the eyes as I pulled up to her darkened house. "Maybe it's what I need right now though."

I felt my own body reacting to her, testing my control while I said. "It wouldn't be a proper relationship Chloe. No strings, no dates. Just lust and passion."

She looked at me seriously before nodding. "I think I can live with that."

I felt a sting in my eyes but I clamped down on my powers as she kissed me. I returned the kiss and let go of my lust for a while. I slid the truck seat back while she got on my lap and started pulling my shirt up.

The kisses got sweeter and I undid her bra while she slid my shirt up then off. Her Dad wasn't home so there was little worry of being stopped now. When she bit her lip, I ground myself into her with only clothes separating us. I smelled her lust and her wetness so I pulled her shirt off as well and she reached for my pants button.

I kissed her again while trailing kisses, licks and nips down to her perky be cup breasts. She gasped and moaned a bit as I expertly played. When she undid my pants button, I slid my pants and boxers down while the proof of my lust smack her in the thigh.

At first the lust cleared from her head and she looked at my length with worry. I murmured. "Don't worry, we'll go slow. You can set the pace."

She bit her lip and nodded while I pulled her pants and soaked panties down next. My length scolded her thigh while she brushed up against it and moaned. She ran her wet lips along it, gathering moisture before going up to her knees and sliding down on me, taking me into her while she bit my shoulder and held on.

I felt her barrier break and slid half way into her when she stilled and shivered. Her tightness was a challenge as even with her wet heat she was still just a virgin and now she was clamping down on me while her first inexperienced orgasm rushed through her.

I slid out a bit with some effort and slowly let her adjust until she was ready. Then she sat down more forcefully, taking me as far in as her body would let her. I felt the deepest parts of her while she moaned. "Oh god!"

I hummed while using a trick I learned while being a speedster in the marvel verse. My length vibrated a bit, sending pleasure to her sore inner muscles and making her eject more liquid, coating my length and making the next part easier.

When she finished her short orgasm, I helped her up and made a slow sensual pace she took over while trying to contain herself. She bit her lip while riding me and moaned as she slowly quickened the pace, the pain and the soreness easing away as she felt only pleasure.

I hadn't noticed until that moment but I'd been skimming her mind subconsciously and I stopped. I gripped her hips and urged her on as I helped quicken the pace. She came one last time in a gushing squirt while I pulled out and unleashed a load between our hips as I coated both our stomaches and felt myself start to bulge as the pre-cum finished and the real load realeased between us while she collapsed on my chest, panting.

I grabbed a rag and wiped up the mess as best I could but blood, squirting and semen were a bit hard to clean with a grease rag, especially in the amounts we released. After we caught our breath, I told her. "Now that the first time is out of the way. Let me know when you can't find a guy and you feel the need to scratch an itch. I'll be happy to oblige."

She nodded before sighing. "That was so much better then I imagined it happening, even if it wasn't in a bed with scented candles and-"

She went quiet and I sighed. "With Clark. You don't need to act shy about it Chloe. You're not going to hurt my feelings. We're both looking for something else and until we get it, I don't mind being your scratching post. I'm thick skinned remember?"

She nodded. "Thanks. Now where did my clothes go?"

I chuckled and pulled her back on top and re-entered her saying. "The itch isn't nearly scratched if your head is clear enough to ask those kinds of questions."

She moaned as I switched her places and took her up against the seat, switching to a doggy position for a better angle and leaving her numb, spasming and with a puddle of spunk on her lower back that I mopped up while she was dazed and a bit exhausted.

I cleaned us up and took her inside before setting her in a hot bubble bath and putting some music on before leaving her there while she nodded off. After heading home, I cleaned up the truck and got the smell of teenage lust and sex out before doing laundry and grabbing a shower.

By the time I got out, Clark was home. We passed each other in the hallway and he stopped and asked me. "What's different about you?"

I shrugged. "I grabbed a shower. Chloe and I stopped by the cafe for coffee and she ended up spilling it on me in the truck. I had to clean the seats out and grab a shower."

As if on cue a ding was heard and I sighed. "That'll be the laundry. Maybe you can help me install better cup holders in the truck sometime?"

He nodded and went about his business. I texted Chloe the cover story and headed to bed. The next day we were headed into the school with Pete and Chloe when Sean stopped us to ask Chloe our again. She turned him down but when he grabbed her arm, I grabbed his, yanking it away.

I felt the warmth being sucked out of me at first then my own power kicked in and I became immune while getting the ability to take in thermal energy as heat and leaving ice or cold in it's place.

He looked refreshed and I let him go saying. "Piss off Sean. Try something like that again and you'll be kissing pavement."

He brushed it off with a snort. "Whatever Kent."

After he left I turned to Chloe as I rolled up her sleeve. There was a bruised handprint on her arm that looked a bit like frostbite. I grunted while Clark and Pete asked if she was ok. She saw it and brushed it off. "Did you see him? It was like he was freezing one second and warm the next."

I sighed. "Yeah and he left a frostbite bruise on your arm. You need to see the nurse Chloe. If he's got some kind of meteor cold powers or something then you could end up seriously sick. Especially since I felt like he was drawing the heat from my own body when I grabbed him."

Clark asked. "Is that possible?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Crater lake is full of meteor rocks and frozen but if he fell in last night, it's possible they changed him somehow. Like a living Duracell battery that can't hold a charge. He sapped the warmth out of me and left a frostbite bruise where he was doing the same to Chloe."

Clark dragged her to the nurse while Pete went to keep an eye on Sean while he was in school. Later that evening Clark was encouraged by Lex to take Lana to the radio head concert in Metropolis. I told him. "Go for it, I got things covered here. If I need help you'll know it."

He nodded and gave in. I stayed with Chloe and we researched his condition at the Torch while Pete took off for his own date. When we knew what she could find out, we had a quickie on the desk before I heard someone coming. After getting dressed, I led the way to where I heard someone and she noticed the sign on the pool room door that said to come in.

He was there waiting and when he went to grab Chloe, I punched him then kicked him into the pool. It froze up around him, freezing him solid. Chloe asked. "How did you know to do that?"

I shook my head. "I didn't. It was either he go in the pool or we do and he freezes us. Personally I don't want to be a human popsicle."

She nodded and folded her arms. "Let's call the authorities and make sure he's found."

I grunted. "I don't think he's dead so that won't be a problem. I think he's frozen until until someone thaws him out again. If I'm right, he can't really die unless he's straight up killed. The heat will keep bringing him back otherwise."

She looked worried. "All the more reason to call the authorities."

I agreed and we spent the next several hours talking to cops and telling them about his weird meteor power. They brushed it off but clearly agreed as they were shipping the chunk of ice he was in to Belle Reve instead of the morgue.

I got a ride home from Chloe and her father and called it a day. Clark was happy the next morning having had a great time at the radio head concert with Lana and Whitney looked a bit pissed at Lana and Clark so I knew things were actually good.

As for the farm debts and the reason Lex gave Clark the tickets and free limo ride, dad insisted on a bank loan for now as I picked up the pace working well into the night even at super speeds to ensure the farm stayed afloat. The extra cash they'd needed wasn't more than twenty grand so the extra work I was doing would even if out, especially with the extra work I was taking on fixing cars, tractors and tillers for all the farms in town.

The bank loan would be paid off soon enough to be sure. A couple weeks later and well into the new year Clark decided community service would look good on a resume and the fact that Lana was doing it with him made no difference to the decision, not!

I stayed away especially when he mentioned a woman who had visions and showed him one of being alone while everyone was dead. I told him straight up. "That's one person I'll be avoiding like the plague. I don't want that kind of power, ever. I'm not a big fan of seeing things before they happen. Precognition doesn't sound fun at all. Besides, the future isn't set in stone, it's fluid and ever changing, influenced by each decision we make in the now."

Dad spoke up. "Listen to your brother Clark, this woman, even if she can see the future, it doesn't mean it won't change the moment you decide that's not what you want. Free will dictates that whatever you decide becomes the new future. Far be it for me to argue with free will."

Clark seemed to calm down a bit before agreeing that it was foolhardy to worry about something that will change. I even added. "Assuming her vision was right, there's still no possible way it's true. Whatever power, be it immortality or immunity to some plague that would keep you alive while everyone else died, odds are I have it too. So there's no chance you'd end up alone little brother, not ever!"

I patted his shoulder and he sighed, giving me a grateful look and I nodded before dropping the discussion in favor of him asking. "Immortality?"

I shrugged. "I figure if our powers come from the sun, then odds are we'll live as long as the sun is still there. So long as we're not killed or whatever. Relax though, if it were true immortality then odds are your people wouldn't have sent you here alone in a space ship built for one. Just think of it like an extended lifespan. If not then it's immunity to some plague or whatever and I'm sure I can pass on the cure or at least figure it out in time to save the rest of the population. Either way I'm cool with it. I roll with the punches, just like dad said."

The old man in question smiled at me and agreed. That evening Clark mentioned saving a hostess at the Talon and the attempted murderer being turned back into an old man from the nursing home. The next night I finished with the farm work while dad was in Metropolis getting parts for the tiller when a man showed up about a gas leak.

When he saw me though, he thought differently about his tactics and pulled out a knife. Mom screamed and I spartan kicked the man in the chest, sending him tumbling over and dropping his knife.

I stepped on his knee, cracking the bones at the joints so he'd never walk again or at least not quickly. He screamed and I backed away telling mom to call the police. When they got to the house, dad and Clark weren't far behind. The police took him into custody as they saw him revert back with their own eyes.

I gave my statement about kicking him and stomping on his knee so he couldn't get up and attack again and they took the knife and found his toolbox with a piano wire in it that was classified as a murder weapon from two nights before at someone else's house.

Oddly enough they were more worried about how he pulled his trick off rather than who he attempted to kill. Last thing I heard about the matter, LuthorCorp was buying up the retirement home property.

I didn't really care though as I'd snuck in and removed all the meteorite rocks that so they weren't able to replicate the process and ironically when they moved the old people out and put their own people in, the waters lost the last of their youthful effects on the old man as he simply electrocuted himself to death trying to show them how it was done.

A tragic accident I believe LuthorCorp stated it was. A couple weeks later I only heard about another meteor freak when Clark stopped a high school girl named Jodi Melville from sucking the fat out of Pete which was not a joke unfortunately.

Chloe was worried about that one as well and told me all about it while basking in the afterglow of our most recent bout of mind numbing, toe curling, sex. We'd been in her bed this time and I hadn't minded the pink frilly stuff one bit while she ended the conversation with a practice run at a blowjob.

I felt a bit odd about her swallowing my loads but they didn't seem to effect her any differently so when she wiped her mouth and swallowed the most recent one, I didn't complain. I merely went to enter her and she groaned. "No more. I can't feel much right now other then the numbness. I swear you're part jackhammer or something."

I chuckled and rolled off her while she went down for another mouthful. Almost a month later I was left in charge of the house while Clark mentioned a party at the house while mom and dad were away. It was too late for me to stop it but I did manage to keep it from getting out of control until Lex showed up with fireworks and all that jazz.

I spoke to mom and dad about sowing Clark's mouth shut next time they go out of town and promised I'd keep it handled while they had their own fun. Dad knew I was responsible enough to handle a small get together and promised to ground Clark when they got home in a couple days as they were spending the weekend in Metropolis.

I swore to make Clark do the cleaning and hung up to scowl after him. "If anything breaks they said it's coming out of your allowance. Now, make sure Lex and the rest stay away from the storm cellar and they keep out of the bedrooms upstairs. I find any condoms used or not on my bed and you'll be doing all the chores for the next month without the allowance."

He smiled, saluting me and frown when we heard glass breaking. I grunted. "You'd better hope that's not moms good China or you're screwed."

He zoomed away and I headed to the barn to get away from the people.

next chapter
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