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65.98% A True Beginning / Chapter 130: Ch.15

Chapitre 130: Ch.15

The fourth school year was hectic for most and me included as I'd had to sign a bunch of papers for the ministry to use my dragons from the preservation in Romania for the triwizard tournament. It was a huge business deal but when they pushed for dragon eggs I shut them down saying they could use protean charmed transfigurations or find some other cheaper equivalent.

I was trying to keep my dragons alive and further their species not end entire blood lines in mistakes. They'd begrudgingly agreed and made the eggs themselves. The nesting mother dragons wouldn't be able to tell the difference, not that they'd care if they could.

To a nesting mother dragon an egg was an egg and it made no difference what creature came out of it. They saw it as theirs and that was enough for them to fight for it to the death if necessary. Charlie had come back when they brought the dragons and was staying with me in the tents in the forbidden forest.

I had to be there as even though the handlers spoke draconic, they were still dealing with nesting mothers who were agitated. The dragons answered to me however as I was the biggest threat around to their senses and they felt my presence could squash them like bugs.

My assurances that none of their babies would be harmed was good enough for them to curl up around the nests and go to sleep. The scarred and injured handlers practically weeped at how easy it was for me to tame them.

Speaking their language and getting them to do as you say are two entirely different achievements. We joined the beginning of the gathering and nodded to Dumbledore as he announced the arrival of the separate schools for the tournament.

As Bagman was MIA, Crouch had to go into details after the schools did their flashy entrances. Fake Mad Eye got his scene as well, quelling the rumbling ceiling. When all was said and done, Charlie and I returned back outside to the forest.

The real pain in the ass was doing classes while keeping the dragons who had taken over the troll's territory, forcing them into the vampire territory they'd found empty, calm.

Classes were still held as usual and the French and Bulgarian students had elected to join in. We had pretty solid teachers this year and I didn't slack one bit. I was however happy to see Harry and Hermione holding hands and leaning against each other.

Charlie had made himself scarce during classes but he was around enough to hang out with. I'd even bought a house in Hogsmeade and set up a floo for Nym and I to move in together to. She had the floo for work and I'd secured it all under my family's wards. Charlie stayed with us mostly and with the dragons only when they got a bit restless.

When the champions had been announced and Harry was in fact one of them, only Hermione and my sisters stood by him as even Ron wore the Potter stinks badges. That is until I'd changed the to say 'I bum Draco Malfoy' and 'Malfoy bums me as well'.

The whole school laughed their asses off at those that still wore them and Draco had become a laughing stock even in Slytherin. Both my sisters whom didn't wear them had pressed hard on that one, discrediting him big time in the eyes of the Slytherin's.

Ron hadn't noticed anything had changed until Snape gave him a month's worth of detentions. I'd added another changed that had Snape turning red with anger as it only effected Ron's. It read: Snape is a long nose git with grease for hair.

Ron ended up with the entire school year serving detentions and cleaning cauldron cakes out the bottoms of the nasty cauldrons Snape could find. He even loaned Ron to me a few times to clean up the stables of unicorn dung with a bucket and scrub brush and no wand.

I'd kept him late in the night to Snape's satisfaction as he was able to stack on more homework and detentions for all Ron's efforts. As for the tournament I didn't cheat necessarily. I just didn't stop Hagrid from showing Harry and the Beauxbatons academy headmistress from seeing the dragons.

Harry of course was confident and knew my strategies and how to calm the dragons. Hell, he even knew draconic so when the first task at hand had been easy for him to win even with the Hungarian Horntail as his opponent, I wasn't even surprised.

He'd led it on a chase using his wand to summon his broom and creating a life like transfiguration of himself before cloaking himself, it'd worked. Once the dragon was far enough away he'd gotten the egg and I'd ordered the dragon to come back with draconic and a sound enhancing charm.

It had returned and I had it and the false eggs moved out. It was as calm as a kitten under my gaze while it had tried to tear Harry apart before. The crowd was amazed and while Harry had gotten all but full marks thanks to Igor Karkaroff, the headmaster of the drumstrang academy.

After an incident where Krum's dragon had crushed the fake eggs and went on a rampage, nearly killing the lad, I had to interfere or as per regulation rules they'd kill the dragon. I roared in it's face as I'd apparated within the arena and sent the dragon reeling back.

It went back to it's now broken nest and I summoned the golden egg before tossing it to the boy growling. "If I ever see you try that spell on another dragon, I'll bind your magic and feed you to it, am I clear boy?!!"

He saw I was pissed and wasn't kidding. He did his best in broken English to say yes but ended up pissing himself. I snorted and left him there to tend to the dragon. He'd used a powerful curse to temporarily blind the dragon but the worst part is if I didn't know the counter curse and use it soon then the dragon would stay partially blind.

It mourned it's nest and I told it I'd protected it's nest and let the fake one which was just rocks be crushed. It looked at me with hope and I'd nodded. It rubbed up against me in thanks before following the tamers out after I cured it's eyes.

I scowled and left the arena before the final contest and her dragon could come out. Fleur Delacour used a tactic I hadn't seen coming. She'd summoned a bunch of dragon grass which was like catnip to them and had her dragon sleeping soundly after being rubbed down with it.

While a jet of fire from it's nostrils had caught her by surprise, the rest was beautifully done. I even clapped for her to the judge's surprise. When Dumbledore spoke on her score he commented. "For getting the approval of my care of magical creatures Professor I can only give you a ten. If there were higher points to give I would do so as he's rarely surprised these days and was once the personal student of Newt Scamander the world renowned MagiZoologist."

I grunted at his showing off as young Flyer blushed and curtsied. I told her. "With thinking like that if you're ever interested I'd like to contact Newt myself to recommend you for his teachings. It's rare to find someone who'd think to make magical beasts happy would be the solution to taking them instead of using force. If I do say so myself, you've Newt's way with magical beasts and if these young boys are anything to go by, the none magical beasts as well."

She'd smiled and thanked me as it really was a compliment and an insult to the males drooling over her. The rest of the judges were next as Crouch only took of one point for the nostril fire that almost got her and her headmistress agreed with Dumbledore.

Igor gave her a three as he was really biased. Since she was the last, I showed her how to wake the dragon and introduce herself to it as an extra reward while the crowd watched. The dragon, a common welsh, had went back to it's fake nest after basically saying to keep the golden egg if I wanted it so badly but to leave the rest.

She'd been transported back with the rest the next day and I'd had to say goodbye to Charlie. Luckily only the last task actually required my participation as the Sphinx that was shipped over was one of mine from the Egyptian preservation. It would go into my realm afterwards so there was little cleanup there.

I focused on teaching students and stayed out of the rest of the drama. As Cedric had been helped by Harry he'd been the one to clue him in so there simply wasn't a need for my help.

Ron and he hadn't in fact made up but instead seemed to be drifting further apart, not that they were close to begin with. Neville however had been there to cheer Harry on and clapped when Harry had snogged Hermione in their common room at the party.

When the ball was announced, I'd gotten Nym to take the day off and we'd danced the night away. Astoria hadn't been there but my sister Daphne had. Nym had to leave early so I wondered back to the castle grounds until I heard a scuffle.

I followed the sound and found Gregor Yaxley, the death eater's seventh year son about to rape my baby sister Astoria. The horror in my eyes turned to pure rage. With a flick of my wrist, I sent the bastard and his three accomplices flying into the walls.

I helped Astoria up and covered her before calling Nym, Harry and Daphne to take care of my sister. The three students however wouldn't have such a quiet evening. When they'd arrived to take my sister away, I hadn't waited any longer and began torturing the students with simple cutting curses and bludgeoning hexes until the rest of the staff came along with the ministry officials, then I applied a bone breaking hex, killing all three of them as Dumbledore had arrived as well.

I gave them a cold look and told them. "They we're trying to rape my little sister. If I hadn't arrived they'd have succeeded. I don't regret a single moment of their torture or deaths."

The toad faced woman that was representing the minister of magic here today smiled. "You killed three promising young purebloods-"

I waved her off. "If it meant protecting my family, I'd kill every pureblood and even you halfbloods as well."

She didn't like my words one bit and summoned the Auror's to take me in. When Nym went to act, I stopped her with a shake of my head. They bound me and took me away to await trial at the ministry. My father came to see me and I didn't hesitate. "They tried to rape Astoria. They deserved their deaths and far worse."

He nodded and sighed. "I'll get you out of here-"

I stopped him. "Don't. Only help to prevent the kiss if you can, as for the rest, I accept it."

I passed him the head of house ring saying. "I've named Harry my heir and as I'm no longer fit to lead our family, I ask that you be the head until he comes of age. I'm sorry father, but if we're to hold to our values, we must be unwavering in our resolve."

He looked to have aged twenty years in that moment but agreed as I sighed. "I love you father, protect our family and if you can, ensure nothing like today happens again. If you have to, move Astoria and Daphne to France to study at Beauxbatons."

He agreed and left solemnly after saying goodbye. The next I saw him I was in a small box chained to the chair. Even still I passed all my physical belongings to my father and the rest couldn't be stopped or blocked.

I stared at the ministry officials as looked down on me and passed judgement. In their eyes I'd killed three promising students and in mine I'd killed three insects. Only my father for all his efforts, looked indifferent. The light side under Dumbledore has argued for forgiveness while the dark wanted me to have the kiss.

In the end my father abstained and without a swing vote I was sentenced to life In Azkaban in the high security wing. I was whisked away and the only thing I'd said during the whole case was that I don't regret my actions and that I'd do it again if I could.

My time in Azkaban wasn't pleasant as I'd had to hide my vast life force under Selene's cloak. When the dementors passed me by, the fed on what was on the surface but couldn't reach deeper without a kiss. My cell was right next to Bellatrix Lestrange's and every night I had to listen to her cackle on about her dark lord this and her dark lord that.

It was all so life suckingly morbid. For a whole year it lasted like that and I'd found myself retreating into my Phoenix form to preserve my sanity. One dreary rainy evening the prison shook and my cell was blasted open.

Half the roof caved in and I shifted back into my human form as shit stopped falling. Bellatrix came into what was left of my cell looking at the sky and laughing. I looked up and found Voldemort himself flying without a broom and a group of death eaters on brooms.

I looked up at him coldly and he noticed my cold indifferent look. "You're the young Greengrass heir are you not?"

I shook my head. "I gave up my titles when I tortured and killed the three students who tried to rape my sister."

Bellatrix looked over to me and scowled. "You're the one who would presume to be the Lestrange family head?"

I shook my head. "I disbanded the Lestrange family and stored all the crap in the back of my personal vault. If you want your money back you're out of luck as the goblins get it upon my death."

She screamed and railed at me while Voldemort asked. "And what happens to the contents of you don't die?"

I frowned. "What's it to you? I never figured the dark lord was after money and old crap."

He looked irritated so I sighed. "It says there indefinitely or until I go and claim it. Unlike the wizards, the goblins actually like me as I'm Damn good with money."

I heard a sneer and smirked. "Is that you Malfoy? I got billions off of you without lifting a finger didn't I? Sneer all you'd like, you're not getting your money back anyway. It'll go to the goblins before I give it to you."

Voldemort yelled. "Enough! Heir Greengrass, will you join us or not?"

I shook my head. "Not interested. But I will take the escape."

I shifted into my Phoenix form and burst into flames as I traveled by fire apparation for the first time. I landed in my apartment where Nym was waiting for me. She'd expected me a few days ago and had made arrangements with Harry to have Grimmauld place places under the Fidelius charm.

We apparated there and she told me it's location so that the room would stop spinning. Newt was busy tending to the beasts with his wife, Nicolas was studying the apples and the philosophers stones. Each of them were ready to leave this place. Tina has retired in Harry's third year so they'd backed off from the world.

When we arrived there the Order of the Phoenix was in full swing as well. Molly and the rest gasped at my haunted and frail looking form until I morphed back into myself. Dumbledore looked at me and asked. "How did you get out?"

I grimaced. "Voldemort. He blew up the cell I was in and is freeing his loyal death eaters as we speak. While I can't say for certain if I can beat him, I can say I wouldn't stand a chance with the half dozen death eaters helping him on his side."

Dumbledore, ever the master strategist sent various quick commands before asking. "How did you get away?"

I rolled my eyes. "Phoenix travel, not that those shoddy wards could hold me anyway. The only reason I left was because I figured a life on the run was better than dead then and there. Bellatrix wasn't happy at all that I emptied our family vault. I'd found a horcrux in there and thought it was hers so I destroyed it but now with Voldemort's need to know where all the stuff inside went, I'm guessing it was his."

Molly Weasley asked. "Horcrux?"

I snorted at Dumbledore's lack of answer and told her. "It's old greek magic. Herpo the Foul created the spell. An act of murder with the intent to split the soul plus an object to put it in and you have a horcrux. It's a way to pseudo immortality. The owner can't be killed for good until the Horcrux is destroyed. Bill does it on a daily bases with all the old bastards from ancient Egypt trying to use the living room revive themselves."

Dumbledore's frown deepened. "How many ways do you know of to destroy them?"

I held up my hand. "Three. Cursed fire, basilisk's venom, and overcoming the soul inside. If you're mentally strong enough and your will is solid, you can temporarily take the soul fragment inside yourself before ejecting it through sheer will power and your own mental strength. Once it's ejected, so long as you're not touching the original object, it will be destroyed or pass on, however you view death."

Dumbledore's eyes didn't betray much but he did sigh. "I suspected he would make such a thing when I heard about the ritual he performed."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. It's destroyed so it's no longer important."

Dumbledore shook his head before asking. "What was the object it was in?"

I smiled. "Helga Hufflepuff's cup."

He frowned but nodded and I sighed. "I might as well tell you now then. I've since found Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem and Salazar Slytherin's necklace. The Diadem was in the school and the locket was here in this house. Both were horcrux's but I dismissed it bad luck."

I waved a hand and took out all three objects. They all had a small lightning bolt crack on them. With another wave I summoned Riddles diary. "That's the last horcrux I came across and Burke sold it to me while back when he was buying up all the pureblood's things because of Arthur's raids."

I sat down now and asked. "If they're all Voldemort's then I gotta ask, how many of these things did he make? Because it's supposed to be excruciating to make a single one. But to do it four times, either he's tougher than any man I've met or-"

Dumbledore finished. "He's numb time the pain."

I nodded. "Neither answer is a good one."

Nym sat beside me worried and looking over the objects. "Why aren't they destroyed? You said it was cursed flames or basilisk venom."

I smirked. "I went with option three. As a Phoenix Animagi my life force is potent. It's why I had to use Selene to keep the dementors from taking to much of me. It also helps in destroying horcrux's as the souls inside seek those with the strongest life force to have better odds of coming back. I didn't wait for whomever they were to fully form when I kicked them out so there was no real risk to me. Not that a mere fragment of a broken man could possess me even if he wanted to."

Dumbledore grunted. "You should never underestimate Voldemort."

I rolled my eyes. "If this is his big plan for immortality I'm not impressed. Hell, both the Black and my family's library have books on horcrux's. The reason the purebloods never put it into common practice is the fact that spitting your soul also makes you mentally unstable. The more you do it as proven by Voldemort now, it clearly makes you insane to the point of stupidity."

Dumbledore looked to Sirius who nodded. "It's required reading in certain circles on how not to go about trying for immortality. But then, so is the philosopher's stone as it didn't give the Flamel's eternal youth, all it did was act like a less frequently used dose of unicorn's blood."

Dumbledore sighed. "It seems keeping it a secret was never an option anyway."

I shrugged. "Perhaps that's why he didn't know better, someone kept it a secret and when he found what little information he could without the warning labels he tried it and went mad."

Dumbledore paled by my words and I sighed. "This is why the grey families don't prescribe to the light or dark factions. You both see magic as evil or meant for power. When in fact it's neither. Magic is a sentient force that flows through all living things including muggles. None of you have realized no part of magic is good or evil, it just is. It's like alchemy, it comes with a cost, an equivalent exchange. Sometimes it's big and sometimes it's small but when some idiot uses it for personal gain you all cry foul and label the magic evil."

Molly spoke up. "But these things, these horcrux's are clearly evil!"

I shrugged. "Not really. The magic it's based off of is the conscious portraits that are able to remember their pasts. It may have been twisted into something different, but it's not evil. The person who does the magic however is. But then under different circumstances all magic would be evil in your eyes just like if I believed like you then love potions are tantamount to rape and the reason I killed those three idiots I should be killing you right now for actually pulling it off and calling it love."

She paled and Arthur looked to her with a questioning look. Dumbledore spoke up. "I believe that's quite enough for tonight."

I shrugged. "I'm heading up to bed then, which one is my room?"

Sirius spoke up. "The master bedroom. No one else is actually staying here at the moment."

I nodded and waved a hand putting all but Riddles diary away. I slid it in front of Dumbledore. "Keep it, it's harmless now and I'm sure you'd like a reminder."

I took Nym's hand and we headed to bed, leaving them all to talk. I grabbed a shower with her before doing what all men need to do after a year in lockup. The next morning Nym was back at work and the order was gone. Nym only asked that I not leave the house so I entered my realm and played with the growing basilisks and went to see Selene who was eating at the moment, poor bear.

The basilisks has grown to half Sashi's original size and their look could kill now. It seems the extra space and large amounts of food help them mature faster than normal. It would make sense as they were originally bread for war so they'd need to grow fast. Even Sashi had grown considerably.

Her size wasn't to much bigger than a Ukrainian ironbelly dragon, the largest dragon breed there is in this world. For the next year or so I stayed quiet until I heard of the attack on the ministry and Voldemort being revealed to be on the loose.

As a supposed and assumed supporter I was a bit irked. Harry had been by to see me and while Nym had stayed with me on her days off she wasn't getting very many of them. As it turns out Sirius had avoided the veil of death but Lucius Malfoy wasn't so lucky.

Harry and Sirius working together had sent him to the great beyond. I'd laughed my ass off at that as both the Lestrange brothers had died in the attack as well, leaving Voldemort with Snape and Bellatrix as his big supporters and most of the other death eaters that had gotten caught were in prison now.

Dumbledore and Voldemort had gotten their big battle but were equally matched. On the other hand I was fairly certain that without the elder wand neither of them were my match now as I'd been meditating all year and my core had grown considerably.

Now the size of a crystal ball, I was now confident in taking on anyone without the deathly hallows. So long as they didn't posses them as well that is. I had to wait though as Dumbledore made his move on the resurrection stone and one of the horcrux's.

When Harry's sixth year began and he'd told me about the prophecy, I warned him that prophecy's were for fools. I told him something that held true for all. Free will, the ability to choose, dictated that prophecy's played second fiddle to man's decisions. Only a true fool believes in some destiny as we always had a choice and there was always other options for those wise enough to look and seek guidance.

It seemed he took my words to heart as he was much more cheerful when he left. When the battle over the clocktower happened I'd felt it and entered Hogwarts to help one of the ways available only to me, Phoenix travel.

I appeared as Snape and the others fled and Harry cried out over Dumbledore's death. When he sought revenge, I helped, sending the Carrows over the side of the tower with a wave. When he saw me, he said. "Dumbledore's dead."

I nodded. "I felt it. Come on, let's go."

I led him below and blasted all the death eaters and the remainder of Greyback's pack that had joined them back. I saw Bill on the floor and sent a healing spell his way while the death eaters fled.

When Bill wasn't in danger any more I roared and flame traveled without shifting into my Animagi form as I'd learned to do over my nearly two years of mild isolation.

I appeared as Harry caught up to Snape and tried to hit him with his own curse. When Snape declares himself the half-blood prince and saw me, I told him and the death eaters coldly. "Leave while you can. Come dawn I will officially join this war and hunt down all those foolish enough to call themselves his followers!"

Snape paled but swept Draco away while Bellatrix cackled. "We'll be seeing you soon!"

I held Harry as he cried and soothes him before saying. "Little brother, for all his faults, Dumbledore had one thing right, you are not alone. He left you the order of the Phoenix, use them. If you need my help as well, you can always contact me and I'll be there to help, no matter what it is."

After he finished crying, I put out the fires with a wave and carried his tired form to the school. I laid him to bed in the great hall that had been turned into a make shift infirmary. As Yaxley had been ousted as a death eater, things were a bit awkward with the Auror's there as I began helping the healing efforts.

The captured death eaters had been transported out and Dumbledore's body collected along with his wand. The Auror's didn't seem to want to pay attention to me as I'd killed what was revealed to be the sons of known death eaters and with Harry's insistence, they'd all been told the circumstances of my case.

When I finished healing the dark magic around Bill's face, I'd been apprehended again by the Auror's that arrived with the new minister. I hadn't even resisted when I so clearly could. Harry tried to stop them from taking me but I stopped him even magically bound with a blast that shook the bindings on my core and bound his body.

Scrimgeour, the new minister, was freaked out that I was powerful enough to do so even bound. He demanded to know then and there. "Why haven't you tried to flee? For that matter why did you allow yourself to be caught in the first place if you were this powerful?"

I shrugged. "Principles. The honor of a dying society I was raised in. Take your pick. Honor dictated I killed my sisters would be rapists and honor dictated I allow myself to be punished for my blatant crime."

He frowned. "Then why escape Azkaban?"

I shrugged. "Voldemort destroyed my cell as the point of his contact to free the others. The wards were destroyed in that area and Bellatrix wanted payback for my disbanding of the Lestrange family and emptying the family vaults. When I refused to join them as per Voldemort's offer, he made to attack with the rest. It was leave or die and if I turned myself in willingly I'd be given the kiss as Fudge declared all escapees would receive. It was death no matter where I turned."

The auror holding my bindings in place sweated as he was barely containing my magic and I wasn't even resisting. Mad Eye spoke up. "Minister, just ask him the real question on everyone's mind."

Scrimgeour frowned but sighed. "Why did you come here and stay when you knew you'd get caught?"

I sighed. "I felt what was happening, as only those with my advanced magic's can. I came because I was needed and stayed because of the same reason. I wasn't about to let the innocent suffer when I could stop it."

The Auror's looked both perplexed and a bit saddened. Scrimgeour asked. "What will become of you if I pardon your crimes?"

I smiled. "I'll complete my promise to the death eaters and hunt them all down like dogs before slaughtering them. They attacked a school full of children, my family included and that I cannot abide. They will be given no mercy or quarter from me as I'll kill them all. All those who bare Voldemort's mark will be killed or I will."

My intense bloodlust set the Auror's on edge but it pleased Scrimgeour somehow as he smiled. "Damien Greengrass, I hereby absolve you of all crimes of which you've been convicted and give you the task of which you've so taken upon your shoulders. While I cannot say what will happen if I am replaced, what I can tell you is that while I am minister of magic you'll find no lawful actions taken against you for the murder of death eaters."

I nodded. "Good."

When I felt the bindings fall I waved a hand and two of the ministry workers as well as three Auror's caught flames, all but their left arms burned into ashes on the spot. The Auror's and the minister pointed their wands at me and I told them coldly. "Check their arms, use the revealio charm and you'll find out why I did it."

They did so and found all five to have dark marks. They lowered their wands and asked. "How could you tell?"

I shrugged. "Magic told me. It's like a gut feeling or a sixth sense once your core reaches the third stage."

Mad Eye muttered. "That's a damn lucky gift."

I ignored it and continued to help out where I was needed before repairing the school. When I asked. "Whom is the headmaster now?"

McGonagall answered. "I suppose I am."

Sighing I nodded. "Then I guess you should come with me to repair the school's wards. They've been in a state of disrepair for such a long time and it's time we fixed them."

She raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "You didn't really think that a bunch of death eaters could get into Hogwarts so easily if the wards were at their full strength did you? Much less the defense against the dark arts teacher's position curse. It's all tied back to the wards. Dumbledore was a brilliant man by all accounts but he wasn't a ward master like I am."

We spent the rest of the night in the ward stone room as I repaired the damaged wards and dissolved the curse as well as upgraded the ward and tune scheme to the point of adding several more ward stones the size of car engines in an array.

The new and improved wards were far more powerful and with them, all of the castle was being repaired automatically by them. Even the places that had long since been damaged were repaired and all none original charms on the castle, like my fireworks charm, were dissolved.

As McGonagall bonded with the ward stone scheme, I passed out map rings to the full castle to all the teachers. They accepted them easily and looked surprised by them. I left Harry to explain them and headed into the forbidden forest.

There I found the last of the acromantula's and took them in along with the webbing. The centaurs sent a young herd in case the next events ended their line but chose to stay and fight for Hogwarts if necessary.

I took in the trolls and Wampus cats and left the baby giant called Gwamp alone to wonder the forest. It's major threats were gone and that left only the giant tribe, dementors and whatever remained of Greyback's old pack that I hadn't managed to capture.

I warned the merpeople to be careful of anyone entering their waters and by daylight, it was time for Dumbledore's funeral. All in all only half a dozen students died while the rest had been healed.

Everyone attended the funeral, even Newt and the Flamel's. They looked sad but knew it was his time as he was preventing the advancement of society and perpetuating the cause for the wars thanks to his greater good.

The centaurs, merpeople and wizards mourned the loss of a great man. When Harry asked me if I meant what I'd said about helping, I'd nodded and he told me to meet him back at Grimmauld place this evening. I left the funeral and headed to Grimmauld place with Nym at my side.

Harry was cautious around her until he mentioned horcrux's. Sighing I told him we'd already destroyed four as Dumbledore well knew. He frowned. "Dumbledore said he'd taken care of five of them and showed me the results of the fifth one, a ring."

I nodded. "He wanted to keep our involvement hidden and separated in case one of us failed I'm sure. So it's seven then?"

He nodded and I sighed. "The snake Nagini, and himself makes seven but there's another here."

I pointed at his forehead and he frowned. "I'm a horcrux?"

I nodded. "I doubt it was intentional, but yes. If you'd like to do it my way, I can remove it with only a bit of pain on your part."

He nodded quickly. "Yes please."

I placed my hand on his scar and pulled out lifeforce into it and like a fish after worms, it got the hook. The moment it tried to posses me, I released him and destroyed it bore absorbing his memories. The things he knew then weren't very shocking but I know knew all his inner circle members and his spies in the ministry.

I left Harry to his own devices and told him to call me if needed. Then I headed to the ministry as chaos ensued. I killed hidden death eaters and outer circle members as well as over half the floo and transportation department.

The Auror's thought the ministry was under attack and showed up in force with the minister. When they saw all the arms and burnt remains the minister had the collected and tested while telling them I was a friendly cleaning out the death eater scum.

The Auror's department took a big hit as three senior Auror's wand most of their subordinates were killed as death eaters as well. Scrimgeour asked. "What am I supposed to do with all this?"

I shrugged. "Hire from the Greengrass training program to temporarily fill the work places in and announce the ministry has been purged of the death eaters. While there are still corrupt and willing individuals here who would and have sold out their fellows to death eaters, they themselves haven't officially joined the ranks so I let them be but I can make you a list."

Madam Bones who was listening agreed to see about finding proof so I made them a nice long list of who and what they've done. I left the ministry after that and Scrimgeour made the announcement.

Soon enough the ministry was in full swing and with my father's power in the political arena and Sirius and Longbottom leading the light factions, laws were being passed that made it illegal to be or support the death eaters.

The dark families even bothering to show up were severely outnumbered and thus the laws passed. Things started to get bad as the death eaters retaliated and attacked the families of those of the light and grey.

I was there as the wards started failing each time as I'd sent house elves to warn me. When the wards were about to be breached, I'd show up and blast the death eaters back killing a few. Then, If they were grey families I'd offer them protection under my family's wards.

That didn't stop the death eaters from trying on my family's manor or businesses either, on the contrary, I had to interfere as our wards were beyond their powers and the werewolves and newly trained curse breakers at each place had fought back from inside the protection of the wards as they'd forced the death eaters to retreat.

Voldemort started running low on death eaters so he'd been busy breaking out all his followers from Azkaban as the remaining death eaters made a distraction. The Bones family manor was attacked last as I'd been forced to intervene since they were in fact a grey family and she like the elder Longbottom was to Dumbledore, was my father's balance in the grey families.

An ally when needed but a pain when not. I saved her while her niece wasn't there, I'd barely made it in time and killed several werewolves and what appeared to be those that had turned on her from the auror ranks.

She'd been sousing out the list I'd given them and as it seems it was very accurate. I'd had to heal her before sending her to the ministry. When I got word of Azkaban, it was too late. Not even the dementors had remained except a few old ones that were simply to lazy for battles and wanted easy prey.

The Auror's that had been guarding the place were all kissed and soulless now. I simply took the next logical step and sent the remaining dementors into my realm where they were caged by Nicolas and Newt with their patronus's.

next chapter
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