Undisclosed Location,
??? POV,
In the bustling streets of Tokyo, a single young man could be seen walking down the road with a small relaxed smile on his face. He had silver hair that reached his chin, dark blue eyes and a tall imposing figure, he had a more broader build perhaps the result of exercise. His skin was somewhat pale and he didn't quite appear as a soft person, rather he appeared as the sort of person you wouldn't wish to mess with normally.
He wore blue jeans, and a black jacket with a grey shirt underneath. He wore black gloves on both hands but that wasn't really for appearance, the act had quite a bit of history behind it. Running a hand through his hair as the cold breeze brushed past him, he smiled again, this time though, it was a bit self deprecating.
He had had a tendency to be violent ever since he was first born and that ..tendency, had managed to mess up his life quite a bit again and he literally had no one to blame but himself for it.
His name was Samuel Hayes, and as his face might suggest already, he was from being someone of Japanese descent though his actual place of Origin wasn't quite as important when you consider that this was in fact, his second go at life.
Unlike the usual happy stories with cheats, his 'new' life hadn't been something that special. He had been born in this country yet still by some miracle possessed his old name for which he was thankful. His parents, while not as loving as usually described in such stories weren't people who hated or abused him, it was a fairly formal relationship and he was thankful for that, maybe it was his fault for growing distant as he grew up but he really had no way of knowing that.
All he got as his 'cheat' was a naturally gifted body that was quick to build muscles, muscle memory, enhanced reflexes as well as a somewhat enhanced memory and learning rate. This world...for all he knew so far, was just like his old one. The Map of the world was the same, the currencies were the same, the history too was the same.
Nonetheless, wishing to make the most of this new body and having been fascinated with martial arts in his last life as well, he had enrolled in one of the most dangerous martial schools he could access and that was the school which taught the Uechi Style Karate. Of course, getting permission from his parents was no easy task and only after promising amazing grades did he finally get it, guess they were just worried for his future. Here he came across the first enigma he met in this world 'KiruKiru Amou', Samuel he felt he recognized her from somewhere but couldn't quite place his finger around it.
Now it needs to be made clear that he was no otaku in his last life as most would presume, true he watched his fair share of anime and read his fair share of manga as well but nothing too obsessive, hell he forgot most of them by now to be completely honest.
So there started his hellish days of training, the girl who was at the time around his own age maybe one year younger was someone who he got well acquainted with and if he were to describe her in a few words, they would be 'not normal', she was just not normal. Having far more talent and endurance than her peers, she stuck along with Samuel as they trained.
Another thing to be noted was that for some reason the girl was quite the outcast even though Samuel himself couldn't understand why that was so, perhaps it was just her uncaring and reserved personality that drove away the kids. Samuel himself wasn't a kid though, having been in his 20s before his unfortunate demise so he actually welcomed her quiet presence.
As time went on, their training became more and more hellish to the point where Samuel thought it was legally questionable. His skin was hard, a strange pale colour and he alongside the black haired girl had developed a... or rather, been forced to develop an ability Amou had promptly named "Auto Counter", where their bodies would instantly react to any form of attack, countering them with precise, swift and violent strikes which came from the Uechi style of karate before the opponent could react.
With time the power behind these strikes increased, reaching the point where it could break through metal and concrete like nothing and tear through flesh even more easily. Samuel already possessed a body superior to most possessed even greater strength than Amou in this regard. As a fruit of their training, they were imparted the ability to fully control their bodies, hardening any part of it at will as well as perfect control over it.
The fact that something like this was actually possible confirmed for him the fact that while this world may look normal, it might not be completely so.
It is to be noted that what Samuel forgot to account for was that he and the girl had been subjected to a different training regime than the other students. Initially, Kirukiru Amou was the only one seen with the talent for it but a few days of rapid improvement and superior strength more than proved that he was indeed qualified for it. The Master seeing this had secretly somewhat changed things by himself.
Naturally, his parents would be fairly concerned about what he was being subjected to but there was no way they would know of it, Samuel himself refused to utter a single word. It was a fairly exciting and exhilarating activity after all, furthermore, call it a gut feeling but he was pretty sure he wouldn't have the chance at something like it again if he left then.
Quickly he had become one of the best students the school had ever had, followed by Amou who was somewhat intrigued by the mysterious senior at that point, having viewed everything in her life as boring up until then. It was shocking for her when someone outdid her in nearly all aspects while still managing to see the world in 'colour' as she liked to call it, this naturally intrigued her more.
True, these thoughts couldn't belong to a 10 to 11 years old child but Kirukiru was one of the people who unlike Samuel, someone who was to some extent abnormal by birth, be called 'Natural Geniuses'.
Then, it happened, he was 12 when in one of the sparring matches....
Appearance in chapter comments.
Tokyo, Japan,
Samuel POV,
Samuel raised his hands rubbing them together, this city was fairly cold at this time to be honest. "What the hell am I even doing here?" he questioned no one in particular, ignoring the few people that were for some strange reason looking at him now. Even if he didn't credit it much, his appearance attracted a fair bit of attention, and in this day and age where people were much more relaxed and peaceful, that 'fair bit of attention' meant they would often stop in place simply to stare at him.
Anyway back to the point, at the age of 12, in one of the sparring sessions there was an 'accident'. Samuel had forgotten to consciously limit his strength and his opponent had mocked him quite a bit, in their next bout, Samuel had only moved his hand once only to widen his eyes in a mix of shock, horror, disgust as well as pleasure?
His opponent was fairly older than him and now that opponent had a good chunk of his neck quite literally missing as blood sprayed all over the place and the teenager gagged, trying to stop it but miserably failing.
In a matter of seconds, screams from the children who had just registered what had happened could be heard from the Dojo as the teachers present hurried to stop Samuel as well as check up on the kid. He at the time had in a burst of anger born from confusion had attacked his own teacher, cleanly tearing away an arm from the elbow down much to the horror of the teacher.
Truly, it was testament that his skill had indeed surpassed that of his teacher as the older man failed to even react. At that moment though, the reality of the matter set in as he fell to his knees mumbling incoherently, it wasn't quite his fault and could be somewhat described as a child's outburst but Samuel himself, who was a fully grown adult, was torn up about the fact that he had killed a boy no older than 16 on accident.
But as soon as the panic came, it settled down. It wasn't the first time someone had died at his hands, such outbursts were common to his last life as well and innocent people too had died. He was long beyond the point of regret, it was uncontrollable and for that purpose, he had had to leave behind his life in proper society taking to more 'morally questionable' ways of supporting himself.
Not this time though, this time he was arrested and taken to court for his actions where he had admitted that he had in fact killed a child and attacked his own teacher, his parents had hired the best lawyer they could afford but in the end, it was a waste of money and time. There were far too many witnesses.
With that, he was sent to juvenile prison for 'rehabilitation' for 8 years. The sentence wasn't that long considering as an adult it could be a life sentence or the death penalty. His parents had tried parole after two years and a formal apology but his conduct while in there hadn't quite been 'nice' wounding and injuring fellow inmates when they tried to do something to him.
Hell, being in there reminded him of his old ways, using his two hands and influence to get what he wanted for himself and he had taken to those again, often lashing out at someone just because they had been rude or disrespectful.
A complete sociopath if not a literal psychopath.
Like that he had lived there for 5 years and 4 months, getting out on parole with promise of 'good behaviour' even though those were just empty words and platitudes, this amount of time was usually what people sent to juvenile prison would be let out after.
In there he had met a number of fairly interesting individuals, some kids playing at gangster who had tried to fight him but ended up traumatised instead. They called themselves the S-62 generation or something and were apparently formidable or something...but then again, their opponent could blow through concrete casually so they didn't quite stand a chance now did they? "Those kids should ....be out too." Samuel remarked looking at the sky with a slight grin, he had somewhat taken to them to be honest.... after he beat the ever living shit out of them that is.
Today was the day he had finally been discharged, at the age of 17. He had informed his parents that he would like the fresh air and would walk home by himself and they had complied, seeing no real problem with his request.
Now back to present time, Samuel shuffled around in his pockets looking for some cigarettes or lighters but instead only found his wallet and so, with a dejected sigh, he started moving towards the convenience store in the distance, reaching it a few minutes later due to his somewhat relaxed pace of walking.
A slight ring emanated through the empty store as the doors opened for Samuel to walk in. He made a small wave at the fat kid standing behind the counter to which the person in question only clicked his tongue, making Samuel tilt his head in confusion as he had done nothing to warrant it.
The store itself was nothing to write home about, a few rows of the typical shelves filled to the brim with certain items of daily use, a few refrigeration units with a variety of drinks. Walking to one of them, he opened the door and took out a can of beer, placing it at the counter and going back to grab a bag of chips. He wanted to relax a bit seeing as he was finally out of that shithole.
Only he hadn't gone quite far before the doors were abruptly thrown open and a panicking man in a black hoodie and shorts with a baseball bat in his hands started threatening the cashier, "H-Hand over all you got fattie!" he threatened making the kid squeal in panic.
Samuel let out a somewhat dejected sigh before walking over to the would be robber who wasn't quite paying attention to him and calmly put one of his hands around his shoulder, "What you doin there bud?" he asked with a small smile only the robber looked at him in genuine terror, trying to escape his grasp to no avail, the tall man wasn't even budging.
"L-Let me go!" He shouted swinging his bat blindly, he was already afraid as it is and this literally was the last straw for him to go haywire. Samuel, like any person with self regard, simply grabbed the bat and threw it away, completely shocking both the robber and the cashier....humans couldn't normally do something like that right?
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